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Thanks for the emails pointing

Eddie Mair | 16:19 UK time, Friday, 10 November 2006

out the broken comment link under Valery's postcards. The only way I know to get it to work (and I'm not REALLY sure) is to post another entry. So here it is.


  1. At 04:22 PM on 10 Nov 2006, Eddie Mair wrote:

    Well, that didn't work either. I should really be getting on with the programme.

  2. At 04:22 PM on 10 Nov 2006, OnTheLedge wrote:

    Such modesty.

    And, by the way, Sunday is Eddie's birthday.

    More modesty.

  3. At 04:25 PM on 10 Nov 2006, Eddie Unmair wrote:

    Thanks for the emails pointing out .....

    that Sunday is my birthday.

    But I'm not going to mention it to the Blog. So there!

  4. At 04:31 PM on 10 Nov 2006, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    O I just luv technology

  5. At 04:52 PM on 10 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Nice save, Mr Muir.


  6. At 05:05 PM on 10 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Don't worry, Eddie, we'll mention it for you :-)

  7. At 05:15 PM on 10 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    S'not broken. S'fixed

  8. At 05:28 PM on 10 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Don't get scared of the thought of ufos!
    Supposing there is a menevolent club out there just hanging around waiting for us to catch up!
    Why should they invade? As we get more civilised we realise it's so much better to enriched by others cultures

  9. At 06:08 PM on 10 Nov 2006, S. Tompson wrote:

    RE: 2 hour lectures

    This could be true of most top Universities.
    Remember they are Research based.
    As lectures we are really in universities
    to research.

    Has any one any views on this comment?

    Best wishes

  10. At 06:15 PM on 10 Nov 2006, P. Simpson wrote:

    RE University have 2 hour lectures

    I am a lecturer in a top university.
    We are employed to lecture, research, and
    carry out administration tasks.

    However, to research the level of Professor
    it is really your research funding ability
    that is judged.

    Lecturing 鈥 as one of my students pointed out 鈥
    is not the best way to transfer information.

    May be good orators [lectures] are born
    and those with Doctorates may not be
    naturally good orators.



  11. At 06:31 PM on 10 Nov 2006, Sheila Stafford wrote:

    With reference to lecture times 鈥 2 hours

    We have a number of different forms
    for interacting with the lectures.
    From lectures, to tutorials, to laboratories.

    Though some of the lectures are moderate
    - we still learn the theory behind the
    subject we are studying.

    Undertaking a degree is not easy
    - I guess it is the same for undertaking
    I would be interested in other people鈥檚 views.

    Thanks Sheila

  12. At 06:35 PM on 10 Nov 2006, Rosalind wrote:

    Firstly, happy birthday Eddie, November is an excellent month for a birthday, as I know.

    Re: research and universities.

    This is a really, really tricky one.

    On the one hand it is important to have the people on the cutting edge of research tell us what is going on, and exciting the undergraduates (and my subject has always been history. The Historical Association used to have excellent seminar weeks tapping into university expertise, I used their knowledge always when teaching).

    On the other hand what to do with the people who are excellent at research and can't teach. And believe me that is a real issue.

    In fact as I see it universities are being asked to do too much, and as such are losing out on talent.

    There are people who are excellent in research, but because they are dedicated to that, and maybe not socially competent, they have problems because
    a. they have trouble teaching
    they lose out when applying for grants.

    So I honestly think we lose out on those strange people who love to research but are not socially inclined.

    I do despair about the way that people who have these special skills are being pushed out of universities.

  13. At 06:37 PM on 10 Nov 2006, OnTheLedge wrote:

    Eddie (currently 1, soon to be 41 ) .......

    ................Sorry, I just couldn't resist the joke.

  14. At 07:39 PM on 10 Nov 2006, Rosalind wrote:

    Oh, Eddie, how young you are. RELISH IT ALL!

  15. At 07:40 PM on 10 Nov 2006, Belinda wrote:

    I used to work as a researcher in a UK academic environment and I found it impossible. I liked teaching and I liked doing the research but frankly, both of those factors paled into insignificance when faced with having to bring in the money through grant-writing or, indirectly, through publishing multiple papers in high-impact journals.
    Academia is now run like a profit-making business more-or-less, and the environment of discovering useful and interesting phenomena and teaching undergraduates is simply not as 'important' as making the researcher's position financially viable.
    As P. Simpson pointed out above, as a researcher your position is not judged on your teaching ability or even your direct research skills, it is all to do with how much money you bring into the university and nothing else. This is why so many are leaving the profession (low money bought in due to the few highly-competitive grants available and 12+ hour days) and why much of the teaching now has to be performed by post-graduate students.

  16. At 07:45 PM on 10 Nov 2006, Belinda wrote:

    Oh and Have a wonderful birthday Eddie! (Sorry, I meant to write that at the end of my last post and got caught up in the rememberence of my previous life - a life which has cost me a lot in therapy ever since escaping).

  17. At 08:11 PM on 10 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Belinda (14), I agree with pretty much all, but not quite on the "profit making business". True, in my day in Uni, a few professors might actually make a living in the real world. Many would be destitute, although that is more true of the old guard now.

    S Thompson, P Simpson and others, I wondered how after the tuition fees came in before undergraduates would demand rather more/better tuition & lecturing. What does that mean? A lot of hand holding, in the transition from school teaching for a start. I even had to tell third year undergraduates to pull their fingers out if they actually wanted to achieve what they planned to do, one of which later thanked me for giving him the perverbial kick up the a*se.

    But then I was in a subject where there were more than 2 hours of lectures a day (or in my undergrad days, more than 4).

  18. At 08:32 PM on 10 Nov 2006, Rosalind wrote:

    I honestly think the government hasn't a clue about universities; its a bit like everybody having gone to school so they know about education!

    Partly it arises because some lecturers seemed to to think the long vacations were about holidays and not research. But that has long gone. Now we are throwing baby out with the proverbial. And wasting real talent. And yes I know that is not a real sentence!

    Just opened the door for the puppy and our town's Guy Fawkes is in full swing. He has come in rapidly and is sitting on my feet. Cats are not really worried I am pleased to say. The noise will die down when I shut the door, thank goodness I have secondary glazing!

  19. At 09:02 PM on 10 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Happy Birthday

  20. At 09:39 PM on 10 Nov 2006, wrote:

    My posting (17),

    Obviously more tired than I thought, with all the typos and missing words in that post...but you get the flavour.

    Happy Birthday Eric! (Sunday).

  21. At 11:30 PM on 10 Nov 2006, marymary wrote:

    A very happy birthday for Sunday!


  22. At 12:11 AM on 11 Nov 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    No point me wishing him a happy birthday - he wouldn't even notice. Sniff.

  23. At 12:38 AM on 11 Nov 2006, gossipmistress wrote:

    Don't cry Aperitif...maybe he's saving a birthday surprise for you!


  24. At 12:46 AM on 11 Nov 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    It's was birthday last year and nobody sent me a card...........

  25. At 12:49 AM on 11 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Nite Froggers,

    Big Sis was suggesting that Eddie should come out and shout about his birthday (not in those words)

    I think he should keep quiet as now we've publicised it and (hopefully) deluged the PM desk with cards there will be some miffed faces from other programmes.

    I can see the likes of Mark Lawson from Front row, checking his Rajar figures and thinking 'Blimey' I don't get that many when it's MY birthday ?

    Nite nite to Big Sis --- (Fifi and Val) have had enough attention and as always special thoughts go out to Leaveitout.

  26. At 02:50 AM on 11 Nov 2006, Mr. I. Kew wrote:

    Straplines for weekend,
    Maintain our int'rest, but, new
    ones would do moreso.

  27. At 07:20 AM on 11 Nov 2006, Rosalind wrote:

    Good morning everyone.
    To continue the university theme: when I was at university, some 40 years ago now, we had tutorials (2 to a tutorial) and essays to write for each one. That meant a lot of research and reading and writing, and a lot of personal attention too. All gone with cuts and expansion but it was an excellent system in an ideal world. Each tutorial came round frighteningly fast so we did work. It also meant that we had to read out what we wrote, so I am sure our written style improved, not that you would know it now from my postings.
    Incidentally, looking at what I have written here, I would tell my students that putting in a colon or semi-colon would up you a grade in a written exam.

  28. At 09:31 AM on 11 Nov 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Here, Eddie, in case you drop in over the weekend -


    Beautiful Radio Presenter with the Silv'ry Voice!
    Hooray!! I am very glad to rejoice
    That froggers鈥 lives have been made more choice
    Because of the twelfth day of November,
    Which will be remember'd for as long as we manage to remember.

    'Twas about five o'clock at night,
    And the spokesman he blew with all his might,
    And the scorn came pouring down,
    And the minister seem'd to frown,
    And the Demons of the air seem'd to say-
    "I'll blow up the PM programme today."

    When they left work until tomorrow
    The listeners' hearts were light and felt no sorrow,
    But Lord Mair blew a terrific tale,
    Which made their hearts for to quail,
    And many of the listeners with fear did say-
    "I hope God will send us safe through the PM programme today."

    So PM sped on with all its might,
    And Bonnie Eddee soon hove in sight,
    And the listeners' hearts felt light,
    Thinking they would enjoy themselves on his Birth Day,
    With their friends at home they lov'd to stay
    And wish Lord Mair a happy Birth Day.

    It must have been a wonderful sight,
    To witness in the dusky moonlight,
    While the interviewee did laugh, and angry did bray,
    Along with the Radio Presenter with the Silv'ry Voice,
    Oh! well-fated Radio Presenter with the Silv'ry Voice,
    I must now conclude my opportunity to rejoice
    By telling the world fearlessly without the least dismay,
    That your central tenets will never give way,
    At least many sensible men do say,
    For they are supported on each side with producers,
    At least many sensible men deduces,
    For the stronger you your arguments have shored,
    The less chance we have of being bored.

  29. At 11:56 AM on 11 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    Frances O - well done girl, way to go! and McGonagall eat your (r.i.p.) heart out!

    Eddie, you MUST get that read out next week - let's start a campaign??

  30. At 12:35 PM on 11 Nov 2006, Rosalind wrote:

    I support the campaign.

    Why is the "Remember me?" not working? Surely I am worth remembering?

    And its 11.11

  31. At 12:40 PM on 11 Nov 2006, Mr. I. Kew wrote:

    Frances, O, I wish
    I had time to write long verse,
    And the talent, too.

  32. At 01:18 PM on 11 Nov 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Blush! But well-spotted, Valery, it's a parody of the great William Topaz

  33. At 01:32 PM on 11 Nov 2006, wrote:

    It must be read out, but could we have a Scots version?

    Who among us can to a good translation? Loads of Scots in the pond.
    Yours Aye

  34. At 02:30 PM on 11 Nov 2006, Frances O wrote:

    I've got an all-purpose cod-Scots verse which I can tailor to most needs. Here's the Eddie version:

    Ochon, ochon, ahint the brae
    The best-laid plans hae gaed agley
    An I, alane, maun sadly haver
    O tapsalterie clishmaclaver

    I ca'd the yowes untae the knowes
    But wha kens whaur the burnie rows
    Syne Bonnie Eddie's taen ma heirt
    An rowed ma plaid anent the airt

    Ochon, och, aye, an this ae nicht
    Lord Mair, ma ain hairt's delicht
    Is drinkin o the bluid-red wine,
    No trauchlit noo wi auld lang syne.

  35. At 02:55 PM on 11 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    O Frances, superb. I hope the Laird appreciates?
    Truly a woman o' mony pairts.

  36. At 03:54 PM on 11 Nov 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Blush again, Valery, thank you. It amuses me and keeps me out of mischief (a bit)

  37. At 05:06 PM on 11 Nov 2006, anne wrote:

    Rosalind I don't think the remember me thing has ever worked, certainly never on my machine. I wish it did though (hint, hint, when is Lissa back).

    Frances your Scots thing is just brilliant, where on earth did you find it? or is that lost in the mists of time?

  38. At 05:33 PM on 11 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    Anne, I believe it's Frances' own oeuvre. The first is a parody of one of McGonagall's most infamous odes, and the second is in the style of the Bard, Burns.

  39. At 05:48 PM on 11 Nov 2006, Frances O wrote:

    The second is a small thing but mine own, shamelessly recycling lines from Burns and from other Scots songs (which, after all, he himself did)

  40. At 06:45 PM on 11 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    A noble tradition!

  41. At 06:54 PM on 11 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Ann (37), you may need to accept "cookies" for this to work. (At least, that is how I understood it worked). It's a setting in your web browser. Different browsers have different ways of doing this.

    I might add, it forgets me the first time I visit the blog each day, but that may be *my* settings in my browser.

  42. At 07:42 PM on 11 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Ah well, just in case Lord Mair does log on tomorrow (his birthday, by the way), this is to let him know that he is wished well, if he hadn't already gathered as much.

    Hope you have a great day, whatever you do. Your virtual pals will be here on Monday - and will pretend nothing happened.

  43. At 10:01 PM on 11 Nov 2006, Anne P. wrote:

    And so say all of us, Big Sis (42).

  44. At 10:56 PM on 11 Nov 2006, anne wrote:

    well Frances I am indeed impressed. I recognised that the first one was a McGonagall parody, and they're harder to do then one would think aren't they? but the Burns thing really is very very good. We have such talented froggers round here.

    thank you deepthought. Sadly my other half takes a very dim view of enabled cookies, so it looks like I will just have to keep on typing my name and e-mail in.

    Incidentally I felt obliged to send a stern e-mail to Eddie's sister prog The World Tonight yesterday as they kept (mis)informing people that Lord Elgin had brought his marbles back to Victorian England for Queen Victoria. Let me see now, Elgin brings marbles home 1807ish, sells to British Government 1810/11, Queen Victoria ascends throne in 1837...

    Eddie, we know you would never make an ignorant mistake like that.

    I note that the automated e-mail that was returned to me stated that 'because of the volume of e-mail received by this program your e-mail may not be read or replied to'. So why would anyone bother to e-mail them then? At least we know that Eddie reads some of his, and Rupert used to read the PM ones, and Eddie even occasionally reads the blog. So it seems we are getting better served than the audience for the World Tonight.

  45. At 12:01 AM on 12 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Frances O

    May the Gods (generic) bless you! Sheer brilliance.

    Here's tae us!
    Whae's like us?
    Gai few an' they're a' died!

    Here's tae the Lassies!

    Yours Aye

    I canna resist a wee bit o Hesiod, praising the muses 2800 years or more ago:

    And they once taught Hesiod the art of singing verse,
    While he pastured his lambs on holy Helikon's slopes.
    And this was the very first thing they told me,
    The Olympian Muses, daughters of Zeus Aegisholder.

    "Hillbillies and bellies, poor excuses for shepherds:
    We know how to tell many believable lies,
    But also, when we want to, how to speak the plain truth."
    So spoke the daughters of great Zeus, mincing their words.
    And they gave me a staff, a branch of good sappy laurel,
    Plucking it off, spectacular. And they breathed into me
    A voice divine, so I might celebrate past and future.
    And they told me to hymn the generation of the eternal gods,
    But always to sing of themselves, the Muses, first and last.

    But why all this about oak tree or stone?

    Start from the Muses: when they sing for Zeus father
    They thrill the great mind deep in Olympos,
    Telling what is, what will be, and what has been,

  46. At 12:10 AM on 12 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Special day today I believe !

    Did we all remember ?

    Of course it's remembrance Sunday.

    And someone won't be seeing 40 anymore ;-(

  47. At 05:24 AM on 12 Nov 2006, Rosalind wrote:

    Good morning.

    A very happy birthday Ed, and many happy returns.

    And the 40s are much more fun than the media would have us believe (and so are the 50s and 60s, can't comment on the 70s yet).

  48. At 09:56 AM on 12 Nov 2006, OnTheLedge wrote:


    Issue has to be taken with your comment (currently at 44) that:
    "Eddie even occasionally reads the blog."

    Eddie, like every good 'parent', keeps a close eye on the blog, and we've often been caught out larking. I suspect he is far more observant than most of us realise - please replace "occasionally" in your mind with "regularly"!

    And in the spirit of"observance" - Happy Birthday, Eddie .....

  49. At 10:37 AM on 12 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    This one is for Jonnie:

    I've just been catching up on past postings (in a quiet moment) ...

    What a sweetheart you are! Thanks for your lovely comments to me, and my apologies for not acknowledging sooner - Just hadn't spotted them as I've been in a bit of a rush lately.

    Shall we both send a big hug to LeeVitout?
    And a big hug from me to you ...

  50. At 11:19 AM on 12 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    Happy Birthday Eric Muir!

  51. At 11:54 AM on 12 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Indeed, Happy Birthday Lord Eric! Will you be joining us on the beach later on, where we'll probably manage to breach the 1000 mark (and I think the honour goes to you, of course)?

  52. At 01:37 PM on 12 Nov 2006, gossipmistress wrote:

    I've just got back form singing at a service of remembrance at Liverpool cathedral. It's a grey, rainy day here and the service was a mixture of quiet thanks, appreciation and wonder at the sacrifice that so many people have made on our behalf.

    A lone bugler played the 'Last Post' and 'Reveille' form the nave bridge and the very seats we sat in were constructed around the time that so many were going off to fight in the First World War.

    I am not religious, but it was all very moving and it does make you think, most especially of how easy many of us have it today and how much we take for granted. Most wore (red) poppies and the big debate about the wearing of them all seemed a bit ridiculous in the enormity of what they represent. (I still believe it should be down to personal choice).

    It has, strangely, left me feeling calmer and as if somebody has reset all my 'default' values.

    But anyway....Happy Birthday Dr Muir and I hope you have a fantastic party with lots of jelly and ice cream. That's if you have managed to fight your way out from under your huge pile of birthday cards........

  53. At 02:06 PM on 12 Nov 2006, Dr Hackenbush wrote:

    Your present is to be stalked by the blog contributor of your choice for a week - and I can tell you there have been volunteers already. Perhaps it won鈥檛 be your choice after all.

  54. At 03:35 PM on 12 Nov 2006, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    Thank you gossipmistress, I listened to the radio service and cried, hands up all those who had to wipe away a tear?
    Any road up, I'd love to go to the beach to see if they hit the k, but this old modem is cranky enough on short threads so that would kill it stone dead. Good luck chaps. I shall stay here by the fire, make some toast later, listening to a old vinyl James Taylor, Eagles and other gentle nostalgia...

  55. At 03:54 PM on 12 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Auntie (and anyone else on steam modems).

    This just received via Beach hyper-mail alert system:
    The 麻豆社 today countered recent press reports that it was 鈥渆ncouraging and supporting anti-social behaviour鈥 on the quiet and tranquil Dayone Island. In a statement the 麻豆社 said that the Corporation was aware that there was concern about activities on the island鈥檚 beach and some local residents had been in touch over the past few weeks to express outrage at recent events.

    The statement continued 鈥淭he 麻豆社 joins with the local community in deploring the behaviour of some 鈥渧isitors鈥 to the beach on Dayone but it accepts no responsibility for the actions of people who have no connection with the Corporation. They are not employed by the British Broadcasting Corporation either directly or indirectly.鈥

    The statement was challenged by representatives of Dayone Island Council who claimed that there was incontrovertible evidence of links between the beach visitors and the 麻豆社. Council Press Officer Anna Noverpoint said 鈥淲e know that there is an association between those persons currently resident on the beach and the 麻豆社. Interception of email communications has shown that these 鈥渟quatters鈥 are in daily receipt of newsletters directly issued from 麻豆社 headquarters.鈥

    It is understood that there has been some conflict between the beach residents and the local police. Sources within the force report that they have visited the beach at least four times. On each occasion they have responded to reports of inappropriate behaviour, usually in the late evening. A statement issued by the Police Press Office this afternoon stated, 鈥淥fficers visited Dayone Beach in response to several complaints by local residents. Two men are currently helping police with their enquiries. We are not satisfied as to their true identities as they are unable to provide documentation to substantiate the names given. If any member of the public can given information on the men in custody, Mr Fearless Fred and Mr Deep Thought we would ask that they contact us.鈥 The statement went on to say that the police are also anxious to speak to the Big Sister of one of the men.

    The concerns for Dayone Beach go beyond the human activity. It is known that camels have been introduced to the island and are resident on the dunes that back Dayone beach. The impact on the island is being assessed by the Dayone Nature Conservancy Board. A spokesperson said: 鈥淭hese animals are not native to Dayone. They have arrived here without import licence and without regard to any impact they may have to the local wildlife and ecological balance. I have also heard that there are plans afoot to introduce grizzly bears. Such a development would wreak havoc on the delicate local environment.鈥

    The spokesperson went on to say, 鈥 Our field officers have also uncovered a substantial deposit of Oyster Bay Sauvignon Blanc bottles. These bottles were illegally dumped at the northern end of the bay. They provide a distinct obstacle and hazard to the loggerhead turtles that beach at this point to lay their eggs. The bottles have been deposited in almost industrial numbers. The investigating officers are pursing a definite line of inquiry and have made contact with the North Wales Constabulary who report a similar dump in their area.

    Other offices thought to be taking an interest in the activities at Dayone Beach include the Planning and Building Control Authorities. It is our understanding that that a 鈥渂ar鈥 has been constructed on the beach without the required planning permission. Other sources have confirmed that no licence has been granted for the dispensing of alcoholic beverages. Police are known to have seized substantial quantities of beer, malt Irish and Scottish whiskies, homemade sloe gin and other unidentified beverages. It is further understood that the beach occupants had plans to build an oven for the production of pizza.

    Ivor Grype speaking on behalf of the Save Our Dayone Inheritance Trust voiced other concerns. 鈥淪ODIT鈥, says Ivor, 鈥渨ill not countenance any continuation of the current circumstances. These people appear from nowhere. They have been racing Landrovers over the dunes. They sing to all hours of the morning, usually in the loudest Scottish accent, sleep rough on the beach and disappear again. We don鈥檛 know where they come from. We don鈥檛 know where they go. This has been going on since mid-October.鈥

    It is our understanding that talks are ongoing between the Dayone Council and the beach residents, who are represented by Mss Fifi and Aperitif, said to be an itinerant singing duet. The council chairman Sir Blustering Manner said, 鈥淚 don鈥檛 doubt that these gels are well intentioned but we can鈥檛 have such behaviour on our shores. 鈥

    Latest information suggests that the Dayone Council is seeking an eviction order for all the residents on Dayone Beach. The order, if successful, will proscribe all overnight stays on the beach and further seeks to arrange for the removal of all permanent structures on the beach including bar and barbecue areas. The application for eviction is likely to be heard within days.

    A support committee has been convened and celebrity sponsors are being sought.


  56. At 05:22 PM on 12 Nov 2006, Rosalind wrote:

    re Ed Iglehart's reporting of breaking news: there are those of us who will stage a lie in to prevent eviction. There will be a need for lilos, donkeys, picnic hampers and parasols (to use as weapons) to aid our protests.

    We are determined to assert our civic rights to peaceful occupation.

    NB round here 11.11 was marked yesterday by our Bonfire Night, the fireworks were awe inspiring, so beautiful, but the noise too much. I stayed with the pets and watched the sky from my bedroom window.

    Today, Remembrance Sunday was a gorgeous day, sunshine and lots of thoughts.

  57. At 05:57 PM on 12 Nov 2006, wrote:

    I've tried getting to the beach a few times in the past couple of hours ago and, whilst the oil spot from Ed's Land Rover has appeared there, everything that I put there (more sloe gin, bottle-o-phones to accompany Fifi's guitar, some freshly baked pumpernickel) has disappeared. Well, actually disappeared may not be quite correct as that implies that they appeared initially and, well, I just don't know where they've gone. What sort of a party is that?

    Where exactly does the money go to from the sale white poppies, anyone know?

  58. At 06:13 PM on 12 Nov 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Thank you, Anne and Ed (goes beetroot colour)

    I do it for fun.

    Sad creature...

  59. At 11:57 PM on 12 Nov 2006, wrote:

    I think I'm just in time to wish Eddie a happy birthday while it's still today! And what brilliant writing from Ed & Frances O. Ed I glanced at yours (only time to skim read the blog as a whole as have been away from it several days) & thought it was real at first, before realising that "Dayone" wasn't pronounce "day own", & understanding it. I laughed out loud.
    Congrats to Valery on finally achieving her postcard status - and becoming a blog headline on the same day.

  60. At 01:01 AM on 13 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Re: KitT (KIM) who sent in the three blind mice postcard on the Val P- thread said :-

    ------ Not half as quiet as on Sunday!
    Jonnie (18) no Gloy - a genuine card I picked up in Paris ' les souris rocking' and although it's incorrectly attributed that's because of my writing. And since no-one will ever read this as you've all moved on, I've had three cards published. Tee hee, I knew collecting weird p.c's would come in handy one day.Have a good Sunday all. ------

    Well, KitT (KIM) :- Froggers a breed which only frequent Radio 4 blogs leave no stones unturned!

  61. At 01:11 AM on 13 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Re: BigSis (49)

    I left a comment at 6:30 PM for you, only Ed's dayone beach post was there at that time.

    It was a very touching comment expressing my fond sentiments for you and my intimate feelings for Lee Vitout, however it never appeared.

    After catching tonights episode of the Archers I can't think it was censored,

    Oh well,

    Love and kisses to Big Sis anyway xxx

  62. At 09:58 AM on 13 Nov 2006, John H. wrote:

    Morning and best wishes for a new week. I can only imagine there's a blockage because I can't believe that nobody else has frogged this morning - perhaps I should drop by the beach.

    Anybody catch "Start the Week"? Most of it was quite interesting, but thought Susan Greenfield's bit was particularly so. Relevant to what we're doing here. I decided that it was the explanation for my declining ability to carry out abstract thinking! I'm thinking of exchanging my PM frog "John H." identity for something like "Pink Pig" on youtube - I can see all sorts of fun

  63. At 10:04 AM on 13 Nov 2006, Belinda wrote:

    Where has everyone hopped off to?

  64. At 10:04 AM on 13 Nov 2006, Vyle Hernia wrote:

    As postcard lovers, you may like to see some samples offered by .

    I especially liked the last one.

  65. At 10:05 AM on 13 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Steve (57): If I remember correctly, any profit from the sale of white poppies goes towards the work of the Peace Pledge Union, now a somewhat little known organisation, but which has its roots in the work of Ghandi and others in furthering the cause of non-violent conflict resolution.

    As I say, I believe this is the case, but am prepared to be corrected by anyone who has further knowledge.

    The PPU has its own website, for those who are not familiar with its work, which is largely educational.

  66. At 10:10 AM on 13 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:



    Am rushing now to the Beach to read your comment - hopefully now posted and uncensored??

  67. At 10:35 AM on 13 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    There appears to be a new thread, called "I didn't ...." but we can't get onto it.

    Can you fix, please?

  68. At 10:37 AM on 13 Nov 2006, Big Sister (again) wrote:

    Sorry, but Betsie was unable to find the page at /blogs/pm/2006/11/i_didnt.shtml.

    Who's Betsie?

  69. At 10:45 AM on 13 Nov 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Okay, so the new thread is still hanging loose, so perhaps Eddie wants us to guess how it ended.

    My suggestions:

    "I didn't .......... wake up with a hangover this morning"

    "I didn't ......... enjoy my birthday"

    "I didn't ........ want the froggers to send me cards"

    "I didn't ........ know my birthday was on Sunday (but thanks for telling me!)"

    "I didn't ....... expect to find this letter from the DG on my desk this morning"

    "I didn't ........ have time to look in on the DayOne Beach (sorry!)"

    "I didn't ......... I didn't ............. Honest, I didn't!"

  70. At 11:14 AM on 13 Nov 2006, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    Morning all.
    Was it someone's birthday then?
    If so, it may account for the posting of two threads, neither of which can be commented on. Or is it private now?
    What news from the beach EdI? Have you established a beachead? Has the beach been breached? or even breeched (in Leevitout's case.)

  71. At 11:35 AM on 13 Nov 2006, OnTheLedge wrote:

    Auntie, dear,

    The submissions seem to work now ...

  72. At 01:28 PM on 13 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Annasee and all (especially Breaking News)

    Mea culpa! :-(( It wasn't my writing, but came from Breaking News. I only forwarded it for the steam powered folk. I agree that it's brilliant, and there is another contribution and update on the crisis at the dayone beach. I shall forward it here as well, and try to more clearly give credit where it is truly due. :-( ed

    At 11:10 AM on 13 Nov 2006, BreakingNews wrote:

    There was uproar today at the weekly meeting of Dayone Island Council with Councillors being harangued from the public gallery. The unrest centred on the debate concerning the Council鈥檚 attempt to have an eviction order and notice of trespass served on the residents of Dayone Beach.

    The heated discussion saw many interruptions from the Public Gallery where beach residents and their supporters had gathered. They listened with increasing impatience as various councillors aired their concerns about recent activities on Dayone. Ivor Grype addressed Council on behalf of the Save Our Dayone Inheritance Trust. 鈥淪ODIT again鈥 said Ivor, 鈥渞eiterates our objection to the continuing presence of the itinerants on Dayone Beach. If Council wants support in furthering this eviction order then I say SODIT 鈥 we鈥檙e here for you!鈥

    The eviction order application was vociferously challenged by individuals from the Public Gallery. Mr Ed Iglehart and Ms MaryMary were invited onto the Council floor to put the case for the itinerant beach community. Mr Iglehart eloquently described a 鈥渃aring and sharing community of free-thinking individuals who frequented the beach to discuss current affairs topics in an honest, open and constructive manner abhorring the usual self-aggrandisement that obtains at other fora.鈥

    He was supported in this by MaryMary 鈥淨uite contrary to recent reports we are not a load of all-night partying beach bums. Some of us go to bed quite early.鈥

    The passionate debate continued for some 3 hours before Council Chairman, Sir Blustering Manner, put the motion to the vote. Councillors voted overwhelmingly to proceed with the eviction application.

    Matters then came to head when one of the protestors, later identified as a Ms Valery Pedant was bodily carried from the chamber by Council Ushers after she scaled down from the public gallery. Before eviction, the largely incoherent Ms Pedant launched a tirade of abuse at Sir Blustering Manner. Ms Pedant accused the Chairman of being a stupid and pompous old ****鈥

    Before she was wrestled to the ground, Ms Pedant showered the council chamber with postcards, shouting: 鈥淎ny chance of a reply within a fortnight you old s?鈥

    In a later development the 麻豆社 adjusted its stance in regard to the residents on Dayone Beach. It has retracted its earlier statement which held that it accepted 鈥渘o responsibility for the actions of people who have no connection with the Corporation."It now appears that there are strong links between the beach residents and the corporation.

    In a complete volte face the 麻豆社 now accepts that the Dayone residents are indeed in receipt of daily newsletters from the corporation but in a much more significant admission the 麻豆社 has accepted that at least one employee has visited the beach and provided encouragement to the residents. As late as 29th October this year a Mr Eddie Mair a full time employee of the Corporation visited the island beach and since then has been in daily correspondence with some of the residents.

    The latest statement from the 麻豆社 reads: 鈥淚n the face of evidence that has come to light since our previous statement of 12th November 2006 the 麻豆社 now accepts the fact that the itinerant community of Dayone Beach have connections with the Corporation. Moreover the Corporation gives its full backing to the community in their fight to continue their residence on the beach.鈥

    In a rather torturous explanation the Corporation detailed the processes that led to their change in stance. Our current understanding of the situation is that:

    -The beach and all lands within 1.5 k of the HTWM are vested to Mr Eddie Mair the presenter of their somewhat popular PM programme (5-6 weekdays, 5-5.30 Saturday - not repeated).

    -Mr Mair had in fact encouraged the residents to join him on Dayone as early as 17th August 2006.

    -Mr Mair will support and indeed fund any challenge to the eviction order facing the beach residents.

    Summarising the 麻豆社鈥檚 new stance spokesperson Helen Earth said, 鈥淭he stated mission of the 麻豆社 is to 鈥渋nform, educate and entertain.鈥 We believe that this is what the combined contribution of the PM programme and the blog supported by the Dayone Beach residents is attempting to achieve. 鈥

    Meanwhile it is understood that the Dayone Nature Conservancy Board has dropped their investigation into the 鈥淥yster Bay鈥 dump on Dayone Beach. Our sources intimate that negotiations with a Mrs Trellis have resulted in an agreement to remove the perceived hazard to the loggerhead turtles. The question of import duty on the said wine has been referred to Dayone Douane.

    Coincidentally the Conservancy Board has today launched an appeal for help in tracking down a rarely sighted visitor to the Dayone Island. Publicity Officer, Preston Firmlie, explained the Boards request: 鈥漌e have heard reports of the occasional sighting of a silver-fox. These reports suggest that the creature is timid and makes occasional but brief forays into the open. We would welcome advice of any sightings and especially any photographic evidence - still or video.鈥

  73. At 02:45 PM on 13 Nov 2006, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    Well, who ever it was, it made me laugh inordinately. And indulge in a little virtual schadenfraude..... being stuck here surrounded by steam and damp toast.

  74. At 04:34 PM on 13 Nov 2006, wrote:

    More from the North Glen backward compatibility forwarding service:
    At 02:34 PM on 13 Nov 2006, BreakingNews wrote:

    Reports are circulating of fresh developments in the Dayone Beach debacle. First news indicated that the beach residents were making preparations to decamp. The move was welcomed by Ivor Grype on behalf of the Save Our Dayone Inheritance Trust: 鈥淲e welcome these developments. We have worked hard to achieve this result. When the island community needs help what do they say 鈥 SODIT鈥

    However more recent reports indicate that SODIT鈥檚 optimism may be misplaced. It is our understanding that the Beach Residents may make only a short journey of some 75 metres to the wood that abuts the beach near Fido鈥檚 Run. The residents would not be drawn as to the definitive nature of their plans.

    Their spokesperson, who did not wish to be named said 鈥 Our plans cannot be finalised until all residents have their say 鈥搕hat is the way we work. The Wood however does have several positive points from the residents鈥 point of view.
    -It is still in August (22nd to be precise) where most residents would like to remain given the wonderful weather.
    -The buildings within the wood have full planning permission and the chalets have full guest facilities.
    -The owner Mr Mair is prepared to accommodate us for a peppercorn rent.
    -Most important of all it is less than a minutes stroll to the beach.

    This could be the best outcome for all parties concerned given the high anticipated cost of litigation in respect of the eviction application and possible appeal(s).

    The beach residents' spokeperson was however at pains to point out that any move would not be undertaken before the Millennium Blog Party.


  75. At 05:26 PM on 13 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Ed, you are a marvel.

    * mwah *

  76. At 06:09 PM on 13 Nov 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    I have my suspicions about the identity of "Breaking News" actually. See who I'm pointing at everyone? Anyone agree?

  77. At 06:38 AM on 14 Nov 2006, Valery P wrote:

    Indeed I do Apperry.

  78. At 07:14 PM on 29 Aug 2007, Luthando wrote:

    I'm a South African doctor who grew up in apartheid South Africa and has lived in England for some years now.I have just attended the unveiling of the Mandela statue and it was one of the memorable days of my life.The South Africans there were ecstatic, proud and also filled with a sense of gratitude to the UK, that Mandela's statue was rected in the heart of London in front of the seat of the oldest democracy in the world. How fitting for a man who sacrificed his life to fight for peace, equality and freedom for all. We danced and sang after the event in celebtration, remembering all who have fought against racism and oppression. It is fitting that Mandela's statue stands in parliament square as he has given to the world the values of fairness, reconciliation and freedom.He is an example for of us to follow in our lives.Those people who question its presence in London are selfish and myopic. Mandela has never been a terrorist. If one reads the history of the struggle for freedom in South Africa you will find that the ANC was involved in non-violent protest until the escalation of the genocide metered out by the apartheid government commencing with the ruthless murder of countless thousands upon thousands of blacks at the Sharpeville mascacre in 1960.Many more people subsequently died including Steve Biko.It remains for me to express my deepest gratitude to the people involved and to the British people for honouring South Africa and indeed Africa in this way.God bless Africa!

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