We're told this is the 麻豆社's BIGGEST blog!
News reaches us that your contribution to this blog makes it the biggest in the 麻豆社! The number of comments tops any other. You should pat yourself on the back. Or get someone else to do it for you. Perhaps slowly and sensually. Just clean up before the programme tonight, will you?
Ooh and indeed Err, Eddie! You realise what this'll make Appy think of :p
Very good Eddie,
Who told you this information and where are the figures?
Crack the champagne now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That should read
I'll just climb back on the slide.
Are you sure about this?
I've just been on Chris Evan's (Radio Two 5pm) blog. His recent blog entry attracted 211 comments, and his newsletter's arrive on time.
I wonder if it was Manveen or Lissa's job to go through all the other 麻豆社 Blogs and work out that PM's was the biggest.
Can't think the IT department could get their head around the statistics if they can't get a newsletter out :-)
You can pat my back if you like Eddie - and I'll pat yours... Goodness! I'm off for a cold shower!
BTW, You do realise that if you keep injecting seriousness all the regulars will get fed up and you'll be left with grumpy old gits like all the other "news" blogs? Yes you do. Good: It won't change then.
Pat me! Pat me! ;)
Well done Ed,
That's rilly gid.
Aw, shucks, Eddie - It's all down to you, really.
Was this why you were awake so early during the week? You knew we 'might' make it, but just couldn't tell?
Enjoy your weekend!
And a Walnut Whip to you.
No responsiblity is assumed for injuries sustained due to excessive laughter!
...now all we have to do is keep it up!...
Eddie, don't take my comments too much to heart, no one else does. Veils did get very serious, and I dared not even enter that thread. It's good for a change, but not all the time, please!
What's Aperitif up to... she seems to be commenting in all the old threads, according to the "Recent Comments"....better go check.
Now, does that mean that PM listeners are
1) a load of sad billy-no-mates
2) extremely intelligent people who are not scared of new developments in the world of mass communication
3) wasting time at their employers expense
4) people just returning hoping to see a picture of Lissa
5)all of the above
Congratulations to all the PM team and Blog officionados...
But you have to worry about Eddie's state of mind this Friday afternoon with a posting like that!
Definitely weekend-demob happy!
Or has he been to the pub at lunchtime liek (sic) the rest of us!
Mmm, Eddie, Can bloggers put YOU on the back too? Slowly and sensually?
Ha Ha! I see somebody's having a joke with Appy (See recent comments)! Can all regular bloggers be given a turn?
Aren't we all wonderful. fabby and amazing??!!
Mind you, Eric, now you're going to have to keep us loyal and I fear that one competition with the prize a book of Gordy Broon's words may not do it for everyone...
I still think we deserve a Sony nomination, at the very least.
Are you going to mention the frog's wonderfulness tonight?
Methinks there's another bloggage this afternoon. Postings pre 2.45 aren't appearing ...... It's a plot!
There is a special place on the interweb, known to some of us, that pronounce gnu thus :
GNU is a recursive acronym for 鈥淕NU's Not UNIX鈥; it is pronounced guh-noo, like canoe.. From
Other pronouciations are available, but that's my favourite!
How should Eddie announce this news on PM tonight.
Perhaps in the section before the news, where he details what's coming up, he should say
"We've only had it a couple of months, but now it's officially the biggest at the 麻豆社. More on this story later"
...a competition to come up with a better intro for Eddie to read out???
Hip, Hip, Hooray!
As long as the Blog isn't the Beeb's biggest tragedy, then all's well. Which reminds me, truth to tell, of a sort of joke...
Prime Minister Blair was visiting a primary school and he visited one of the classes. They were in the middle of a discussion related to words and their meanings. The teacher asked the Prime Minister if he would like to lead the
discussion on the word "tragedy".
So the illustrious leader asked the class for an example of a "tragedy". One little boy stood up and offered: "If my best friend, who lives on a farm, is playing in the field & a tractor runs over him and kills him, that would be a 'tragedy'"
"No," said Blair, "that would be an accident."
A little girl raised her hand: "If a school bus carrying fifty children drove over a cliff, killing everyone inside, that would be a tragedy."
"I'm afraid not," explained the Prime Minister "that's what we would call a great loss."
The room went silent. No other children volunteered. Tony searched the room. "Isn't there someone here who can give me an example of tragedy?"
Finally, at the back of the room, a small boy raised his hand...In a quiet voice he said: "If the Air plane carrying you and Mrs Blair was struck by a "friendly fire" missile & blown to smithereens, that would be a tragedy.
"Fantastic!" exclaimed Tony Blair. "That's right. And can you tell me why that would be tragedy?"
"Well," says the boy "it has to be a tragedy, because it certainly wouldn't be a great loss and it probably wouldn't be an accident."
...talking, as you were Eddie, of patting oneself on the back etc... a friend has just pointed out that "...it's impossible to lick your own elbow".
And, talking of numbers, as again Eddie, you just were, apparently around 75% of all people who read they can't lick their elbow, will make an attempt...
Would that be true of your PM Bloggers I wonder..?
I always knew you'd do it. Many well dones.
As everyone is busy patting everyone else on the back, has it struck you that an anagram of Eddy Mair is I admire Ed .
Well it passes the time.
Oops! sorry, that should read Eddie Mair. Well it's Friday.
Mark @ 1606 & Piper & 1544 >
Oh - to have so much time! :-)
and in response to Kevin at 1500 - DEFINITELY 4!
Piper (22), it would be a great loss - Tony Blair has the best bottom in politics, among other things.
Re (16) to be fair, Big Sister, I have been commenting all over the place today. When I first saw your post I thought you were referring to Eric - if he ever reads this blog at all (and it would seem he does) he must know that I get over-excited at the slighest hint of sensuality/smut from him. He's probably been advised to ignore me in case I turn out to be a stalker or think that it means we're getting married if he so much as acknowledges my existence (it would, of course!) So he just smiles to himself and carries on, knowing that his behaviour will wind me up to a frenzy...He is such a tease...
Mark (26) Surely that's an anagram of "Eddie Mair" - and of course, true.
Are you Lee Vitout too?
Piper (23)
As one of the 75% who tried to lick their elbow, I would like to report that I can!
CALM DOWN everyone!
Remember those early days? We all agreed 'We're in it for Eddie and PM ... not to win ratings'? Right?
Well even if you don't remember, I certainly err ... something.
Alright. Let's draw a veil over that.
Brilliant, everyone and especially Eddie. Champers all round (just as soon as I've done my long drive home).
I used to worry that FF and Appy were getting too serious, but I'm now much more worried about Joe Palooka (6) and Chris Evans. Joe is natch welcome on this frog, but could he please ditch the chum?
Is this becuase all the inanity gets censored out of all the other blogs?
Trying to lick my elbow and a walnut whip while simultaneously patting everyone on the back - a new form of 'Twister', torture or just the best blog out there!
Mark (26) - also "Eid dream". Oh no, back to the veils again.
FF - I'm afraid I took the dark choccy off the side table while you were out. Hope you don't mind.
P.S. Eddie, you are such a tease.
Well I can sort of pat self on back. Prefer the thought of a sensual back rub. Was about to try and lick elbow but read post 23 properly and decided not to.
Appy (29)
Have you been gossiping behind the Shrub?
Well, that does it - Just's comment at 26 convinces me that Eric has a made up name.
Has anybody heard of, or participated in, a proper blog party? I know there was a virtual one going on the other day to celebrate Drinks' birthday. But what about the real thing? Everybody sitting down with tipple of choice and contributing to a discussion online? Again, I gather that sometimes, we do a bit of that on the frog - because of the late night postings... I don't think the PM frog would cut the mustard because it responds too slowly.
I'm feeling all clever for coming up with that - but there're probably people all over the world who have been doing it for years!
Don't start Appy imagining licking Eddie's elbow... she'll lose it completely!
Quick, glass of water for drinks! That's for throwing over her... Did you see the programme (which I only read about) on stalkers last night? "...cases include the person found living under George Michael's floorboards..."
Are you still trading on seeing Tony Blair's bottom? What about Eric's bottom?
Another glass of water over here, please!
Wwaaaah! Too big for my poor little old computer -- as soon as there are more than about eighty comments on anything, I can't access that thread at all. I probably won't even be able to see this comment.
Congratulations, though. :-))
I don't know if I can lick my elbow. I'm refusing to try. Reasoning about it in as logical way as I can, my arms are quite long but my tongue is quite lon.. Oh.
It is big and it is clever.
Congratulations! You all deserve it - the best program on radio by far, with a blog to match.
RobbieDo (31)
I have a suspicion we maybe shouldn't go there...
[Pats self on the front - it's easier]
On the elbow licking thing. I didn't just try it because:
a) This came up in another discussion place a while back and I nearly sprained my tongue trying then, and,
b) It's much more fun licking someone else's elbow...
I give up on the HTML coding. I can't figure out how you're all doing the bold thing. I admit failure and will never call myself 'Blog Editor' again.
And I can't remember who called me Lisa but it's "Lissa with a double S" (after the town in Holland which I do know is spelt with an e).
I'm editing The World this Weekend again so do tune in at 1pm on Sunday...it will make the time fly until the next PM.
Sara (36) That's okay! I just hope everyone else that wanted dark chocolate had some...
Appy (30 and previous thread) Here's the twirl you wanted :) Thanks for the wishes btw. I've now started UVB so it's 6 to 8 weeks driving to Oxford 3 times a week to effectively get a tan :p
oh dear, after today's letters (pee-em-comms?) maybe I ought to explain about my name...
That's "gh" as in "cough", "o" as in "women", and "ti" as in "position".
Saves me from trying to lick my elbows, that. Fish don't have elbows.
Never mind the HTML, Still no picture of you! What's your excuse? xx edLissa, good luck with TW2.
It'd better be good!
PS: you'll always be the blogwitch to me...
Well! some derogatory remarks about blogs and bloggers on 'The News Quiz'. Lucky they don't know about frogs...
Thanks Fearless - the choccy was yum but there's still some left if anyone wants some. It's on the kitchen table where I can't go just now because Mr Big Spider is running amok.
Safely home, but SO too mean to open champers so have large tumbler of wine instead. Carton's also in the kitchen for those brave enough to pass Mr BS.
Good prog this evening - I caught most of it as I left work early (on time, actually!!). But very silly remarks about Hallowe'en. How can anyone think that observing the very beautiful Lichfield Cathedral and its gargoyles on a nice day is just as scary as opening the door one dark night to a gang of youths in scary masks wanting money. And whoever said that bishops are religious fanatics needs his head examined. Bishops are mild creatures who can't make their minds up about anything!
That's it - I'm off back to the kitchen to see if Mr BS has gone so I can cook dinner.
Chris (51), I had a good idea that your name was being pronounced wrong on air tonight. Still, well done for getting your voice into the mix. I鈥檓 inclined to suspect that only conventional-sounding names will ever be read out, which makes my peerless insights into an exclusive read-only experience... Lucky you guys.
Sara : Can't you do a deal with Mr Big Spider?
Get him to cook your dinner and SO won't bash him with a frying pan.
Just a thought.
Chris (51),
Isn't it a GB Shaw - well, not quote, comment, perhaps. I don't think it's Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain), but it could be, I believe he did the original scheme for the improvement of English spelling.
Sara (55), is your SO scared of Mr Big Spider as well? I'm on my own, so when a Big Spider appears, (or wasp) I have to be big and brave on my own.
OK guys... what's the odds for straplines and haiku's tomorrow? I'm not predicting as someone clearly fiddled with the code on Monday.
Eddie requested us to think of another name for PM Letters, no-one seems to have had a go yet.
My favourite is the one he read out (who's was it? If you're reading this then you can get fame on the frog too!) : "PM Letters Know".
I can't attempt to beat that, it's too early/late.
I think you could get even more popular if you replaced that photo at the top of a young Mohamed Al-Fayed with one of Lissa.
Or even Lassie for that matter.
Re: Lissa with two (S's)
Hi Lissa, I'll tune in. You are editing 'the world at one' - or the Editor, either way I'm sure it'll be fun.
I can't grasp the bold either .. but then I tried a link earler which didn't work.
It's a thought isn't it! We could arrange a date -perhaps on a Friday evening - at a large pub in London. Eddie might even honour us with his presence!
Not sure what his tipple would be but we could get him scotch on the ice at -- say 7 ?
Still up waiting for 10 Bridge players to arrive.
Why are Bridge players so arrogant always ?
jonnie (62): because they want a conract before they play!
fred (63)
After this weekend I'll be the one needing the UVB treatment! -- all these veggie breakfasts, just cause they like the sound of a Linda McCartney sausauge.
And Haddocks - oh, let alone the de-caffs and herbal teas.
Better not vent off any more on the frog tonight as I've been informed (on the grapevine) that every time we submit a post Eddie gets a text message to approve the post. No wonder he's up at all hours these days :-)
Re It's a thought isn't it! We could arrange a date -perhaps on a Friday evening - at a large pub in London. Eddie might even honour us with his presence! Why in London? OK, it's close for Eddie, but it's along way for most of the country. I believe the geographical centre of the UK is somewhere called Allendale in Northumberland. Seems fair to me, but I dunno what the pubs are like.
Doc (56),
Surely Eddie and co can pronounce "Hackenbush"??? Or is that not the name you would be using? I'm coming round to EMBRACE you after I'm done here...
Fearless (50),
Thanks for the Twirl. Sara says she used to worry we were "getting too serious". I can't imagine what she could mean - I think we are delightfully lighthearted, don't you? Enjoy the sunbathing. I'm not sure I understand how it can be so good for you though - I have to keep away from that kind of thing for the health of my skin (very fair).
Ed (39),
Re Have you been gossiping behind the Shrub? If you mean a certain "Bush", I swear I've been nowhere near him, and certainly not behind him (oh, my Twirl is threatening to come back now, eww!)
Fifi (41) and John H (42/44),
Eddie is out of favour this evening - he didn't read out any nonsense, so clearly does want to misrepresnt the frog to uninitiated listeners, and, anyway, I've been enjoying the attentions of my favourite waiter this evening, so who needs Eric? BTW John, thanks, I'm all wet now! Grr.
I'm editing The World this Weekend again so do tune in at 1pm on Sunday...
Well who on earth is up by then? I need my lie-ins to rejuvenate my HTML tagging powers.
If he can鈥檛 get the name right, I鈥檝e no doubt Stuffy could pantomime it for him. But I just think he鈥檒l decline to do so on air. He didn鈥檛 say 鈥楥hris Fish鈥.
Appy, I hope it's only my mind that interpreted your no 66 in the way it interpreted it... well, the last comment, anyway.
Oh dear, Frances! He did throw two glasses of water at me earlier! Er, yes, maybe I ought to rephrase...
Doc - I鈥檝e no doubt Stuffy could pantomime it for him. Eh?
Today - no strapline.
Normal service is restored;
Next one on Monday?
Jonnie (65), now you have upset me, SURELY poor Eddie can't be doing all the monitoring of our comments? According to the instructions "you may need to be approved by the owner before your comment will appear". That doesn't sound like 24/7 monitoring does it?
I wonder if Eddie is doing all this extra work gratis?
I bought a cage for the puppy so that he could have a warm blanket and a toy and feel safe in there. When I went into the kitchen this morning one of the cats has taken up residence, looking very smug.
Oh yes, and I meant to ask: is there a counter for the blog? if so may we see it? Very satisfactory watching the numbers go up.
Morning all!
jonnie (64) & Appy(66): Thanks for the wishes. I know it sounds weird, but sessions in a UV chanber actually helps. The only drawback is having to drive up to Oxford (nearest large hospital) to do it, as I always get caught in traffic on the way out again...
Thanks for not eating all the choc, Sara! I needed a sugar rush last night :)
mornin' all.
I now realise I've been talking in an empty room back at "Newsletter"...
Just in response to something you said in the MT room:
Ten two letter words to live by:
If it is to be it is up to mexx
Hello Whist,
Yes life's all about interaction isn't it - although there was some debating within veils ! doo bee do be dooo
Fred (73) I know this may sound obvious but what about a local tanning centre ??
Rosalind(72) No no it's true .. look what it says in the Post a comment section "Comments are moderated, and will not appear on this weblog until the author has approved them."
I'm told that Eric has lost 'pounds" since starting the blog. If I was him I'd at least leave the mobile on vibrate :-)
Appy (66) Allendale?!?! I did find it on the web and it looks a nice little village but perhaps a little remote ?
Eric Muir: Author
Thanks for reading Jean Warburtons comment on the Correspondents Corner: Neatly edited:- ....due to obvious time constraints... I'll fiil in the Froggers with the beginning of the post which was :
A young Marine died in Afghanistan today and your news led with a story about a woman offended because she can't cover her face to do her job.Says it all doesn't it?
Hi jonnie (76) it's all done in a very controlled manner at the hospital. First session on friday was 0.53 minutes (apparently!) and this way at least I have a professional lookng after the treatment. Nice idea, though:)
Hi jonnie,
yep - I know there was a bit of debate, but seemingly only between froggers... which is why this blog is so interesting. Just commenting more about the people venting but maybe not listening
hey ho
(70) Ap -
Yes, it relates to A day at the races.
Frances - that was rude! And what a number to make a comment like that.
When I first came across "ghoti", it was said to originate from George Bernard Shaw. However, it seems that Google makes critical scholars of us all ()
John H (80), I'm sure I don't know what you mean.
Doc (79), I though it would be some such film. Best friend is a big fan - especially Duck Soup, I believe - but I'm afraid, although amused, I'm far from 'well up' on it all.
Whisht (74),
I've just been to Newsletter - I've been out all day but am catching up now.
John H (80),
Frances may be rude but I am grateful for her heads up and the opportunity to rephrase - I don't want Mrs H coming round to slap me! :)
Take two turkeys, one goose, four cabbages, but no duck, and mix them together. After one taste, you鈥檒l duck soup the rest of your life.
hm, y'know - size isn't everything Eddie.
its what you do with it.
Ohhh, Apps, John H, I'm not rude, honest!
I just pick up on nuances and have a bit of fun w them.
Only cos everyone knows it's very silly (and not big and not clever)
Booo and likewise hoo
Don't cry Frances! "Rude" is a compliment if you ask me! (which you didn't, I realise...)
Frances, certainly no criticism or reprimand intended from me. Just impressed with the way some people think!
If this is the biggest and best blog at the Beeb "saints preserve us" or some similar politcally correct expression!
I see the PM blog as mischievous distraction from doing something real or constructive. Maybe the PM Blog is the reason that British workers are the least productive in Europe???
Mark (88),
The Brits may be the 'least productive in Europe', but most of those employed in the 'developed world' don't actually produce anything anyway, so what's the loss to frogging?
The decline in gardening as a career is the result of the last century's constant tendency to grant higher status to indoor abstract work and correspondengly low status to outdoor or practical work. This is paralleled by the loss of farmers (and plumbers).
The result is a 'developed' world where half of the population will never actually produce anything beyond documents. The highest status of all goes to those who don't even produce documents, but instruct their production.
(if it sounds familiar, Eddie read it out some time ago)