We need new straplines
see above. C'mon get sending and maybe Lissa will stop whining at me.
Eddie Mair | 15:58 UK time, Tuesday, 31 October 2006
see above. C'mon get sending and maybe Lissa will stop whining at me.
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PM The evening news and current affairs programme presented by Eddie Mair.
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"Tune in at six for all the news on PM"
Well, I emailed you one earlier today! Not that I expect you'll use it .....
So let's try another:
PM - Where worlds collide.
We haven't seen a picture of Lissa yet!
But in order to show willing...
"Pre-menstrual, Post Modern, Prime Ministers. And other things."
"Today, live from the Rose Revived"
"Beware of the frog"
"Nowhere near as sensible as the Newsnight Blog"
But we sent a load over the Frog a couple of weeks ago, then you started using repeats - didn't you find them?or didn't you like them?
Go on then froglets, that sounds like a challenge to me.
"PM - turn on, tune in...simple as that"
PM: "Sometimes strapless, never spineless"
PM: "When we break the news, it stays broken"
PM: "A gentle eddy in current affairs"
PM: "The programme that has ignored 3 perfectly good strapline suggestions already..."
* Harrumphiphi * ;o)
Perfect Mair
How's this for a strapline Eddie....
The scalpel that slices rhetoric
PM - the blog that has a radio programme attached
PM - the programme that doesn't have a newsletter
PM- perennially magnificent
The Mair the merrier.....
Mair good news fer youse
"The News with nowt taken out"
"Other news programmes are available"
"It's either this or Chris Evans!"
""Hits the parts other news programmes can't reach"
"It's a news programme in the pm..."
"All straplines gratefully appreciated"
"Other straplines are available"
That enough to be going on with, or do you want more, Lissa?
“Not this again! I’ve added loads of brilliant straplines to this blog, and you still haven’t picked any out for useâ€
Midair Weed Hit.
Aim, Deride.
"turn on, tune in and drop us an email"
Post-mortem at 5 post meridiem on the P.M., after the vote!
PM: opens the lid on stable doors
PM: stirred not shaken
PM: the worms can-opener
PM: Scourge of the serge
Any more?
PM: All rebuffs and no counters
Here' a second vote for Lady Penelope's
"Contains moderate scepticism."
and not so impressive:
"Always informative; never deferential."
"All the news that's fit to hear, and then some."
Just the facts, as they come. Hot and fresh. From Tony's bum.
PM: "The only blog to get its own radio show"
PM: "Wogan for intellectuals"
PM: "Leaving no turn un-stoned"
Why do these things come to me in threes?
PM: Makes MPs look backward
"no strapline good enough"
(actually some brilliant suggestions here, just my pathetic attempt).
Eddie Mair - "did you see-saw too". Indeed Eddie-Baby, what a pun!
Hey Ali D, that was nearly my one! Fight you for it?
They won't use either......but since Doc H has contributed something like 1 per day since the Blog started, it's definitely time you used one of his (hers?I'm feeling another identity crisis)
Why accept everyday "Cut & Thrust" when we offer "Gut & Grill"? PM, we do it for you...
Everything we do... we do it for you! PM
Don't worry about "Today". That's our problem. PM, all you need...
People run, but they seldom manage to hide, from us... PM
Nothing beats Team Work. PM is living proof...
Nothing succeeds like... PM
No PM, no comment...
Why immitate when you can initiate? PM we put you first...
Some say 'No comment". But that's not our style... PM
Tell us what you're thinking. PM listens...
Informed? You will be... PM
If you've got it flaunt it. PM has "It" & much more...
Information overflow..? Not from us. PM
Remember where you heard it first... PM
Lies and Deceit... But not if we can help it! PM
What's going-on? We'll tell you. PM
Let us exercise those little Grey Cells. It's what we do best. PM
Why argue, when we can do it for you. PM
There are lies, damn lies and... but not on PM!
Newsnight? Why wait? PM
Less is more. PM
Do you have any suggestions for a new Strapline ?
Eddie is looking for some !
We watch the Panorama so you don't have to... PM
Pm. It's a team game. Join us...
If it concerns you, it concerns us. PM
PM. We speak for you...
jonnie (43) apologies. Insomnia and wind... But I think they're both more-or-less gone now...
PM is the news...
Fed-up with repeats? Listen to Pm
Afraid of confrontation? Don't tune in... PM
and breathe...
...and relax ;o)
If an iron fist in a velvet glove's your style... You'll love PM
Read it and weep! Listen while you work. PM
... another Piper Poly Post !
PM. What's more concise ..?
Why waste time in a paper-chase. PM tells it like it is...
Why follow the news? We'll keep you ahead. PM
PM: untangling the knots in the news
PM: Knitting the loose ends together
PM: All the patterns in the news
PM: Where the needles are always sharp
PM: Cutting through the tangles
PM: Ironing out the creases in the news
PM: Pressing politicians
You'll never guess what I've been doing today!
PM - Does exactly what it used to say on the newsletter
PM - Never knowingly unresolved
Has anyone else had an especially bad haloween???? I worked late last night only to come home and find egg and flour down the windows, so in order to avoid a repeat episode tonight, I stopped at Sainsbury's on the way home to buy some chocolates for the little darlings.
While I was in sainsbury's, several eggs were smashed on my car, so I went back IN to the store to get kitchen roll and water to wash it off with. I came home, emptied all the chocolates into a nice tin with crinkly paper and a hole to put your hand in through, and waited....
Not one child has knocked at the door.
I'm off to eat the chocolates........
Anne P, wrapping Christmas presents?
Well done Piper, but how many "you have been far too fast and offensive"s did you get whilst doing that?
“The only strapline you need to read todayâ€
“Listened to by humans, as far as we can tellâ€
“Davros and the Daleks swear by itâ€
“If I’ve told you once...â€
“I bet they won’t use this straplineâ€
(22) Valery - right first time.
I see that another member of staff has been added to the photo section - nice to see you Sarah - but it’s quite small and blurry. Still no Lissa, though.
(That isn’t a strapline, but you can use it if you really want.)
Where's Rupert gone...
Ah Doc, now that's just getting desperate, don't demean yourself!
Piper (26), perhaps better as in the song
PM: Some folks run, others hide, but there's nothing they can do.
(gosh, that shows my old fogieness).
PM: There's nothing like good news reporting. And this is nothing like good news reporting.
PM - any time of day with the Radio Player....
PM - today through the..... square window
PM News - if we're not reporting it, we're making it (up)
PMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm - getting the tone just right
[oh c'mon - that last one's ok surely? whaddya mean you don't get it..? tsk]
Nothing is better than PM. But a cheese sandwich is better than nothing.
(Sorry Eric, couldn't resist).
“The blog is there all day, PM is only there for an hourâ€
I’m not sure which of those was most demeaning, but will bear your comment in mind. Thanks.
Pfuff. I sent the ones below in an email three weeks ago, but they never read those, either :-(
PM - a great blog with quite a nice radio programme
PM - other news programmes are, of course, available
PM - daytime TV without the pictures. Or doctors. Or
PM - News 24 minus the boring bits
PM - whose turn to get the chocolate?
PM - news with added nuance (and postcards. Sometimes)
PM - not just a news programme. A news programme
lovingly hand-crafted from the finest sun-dried
snippets of information, lightly drizzled with
extra-virgin subtly flavoured nuance . . .
PM - never knowingly over-prepared.
No strapline today.
Things seem to be desperate.
Can anyone help?
PM - the only news programme with its own beach
I'm lovin' it.
"Breaking news, not broken news"
"All the news that's fit to hint"
"Publish and be famed"
PM: Hear the news before the News.
If Lady Penelope's suggestion
"Contains moderate scepticism."
isn't selected then I demand a recount.
Why has the collection of listener postcards been reduced to just one plain white one?
I think we should be told.
'A Government spokesperson was not available'
All the speculation that's fit to broadcast.
Wrapping up the news that Today started off.
PM - Famed for its signature tunes.
When news is light, start a debate on the PM signature tunes. (did you ever hear the spoof one from Private Eye?)
PM - the hour between the pips and the bongs.
PM - Teatime with Eddie
Presenting Mair news
PM - What you've waited for all afternoon
PM - What you waited for all day
PM - What you waited for all morning
PM - It's there when you need it
PM without the PM
PM - Today Trailing Tomorrow's 'Today'
PM - Nuff said.
Dr H, 70, don't stress, I merely alluded to your suggestion that your 64 photo comment could be used as a strapline if they didn't like any of your others! Didn't mean to be nasty.
Is it just me or is anyone else getting an Error 4044 or something when they try to open today's first (probably) Blog?
All these straplines, and not one used today!
Ooooooooo ValP - I am too!
Hey, if we all lose our jobs because we're blogging when we should be working... there's a promising career in advertising straplines for us.
What shall we call our new agency?
What jobs does everyone want?
Should we seek affiliation with STROP?
PM - News with Views
PM - It's not just the news that's bad.
Since you bring us good news too... Why? What did you think I meant?
PM - Cantie wi' Mair*
[*See posting 625 on the beach**]
[**For those of you new to the beach, it's on Day One***]
[***For those of you unfamiliar with Day One, it's the 17th August at 12.22****]
[****For those of you who still don't know what the hell I'm talking about ........... Forget it!]
(84) - No nastiness detected, V.
PM: Pinning down politicians on the corkboard of truth.
PM: Seperating fact from propaganda.
And in homage to the very amusing film 'Mystery Men'
PM is number one, all other programmes are second or lower.
RobbieDo (79)
You wouldn't want it to be "May contain nuts," would you?
Dear Eddie, you never used any of the first lot of straplines I sent you. Surely they weren't all appalling? Mind you...
PM: Valerie Singleton woz ere
or, to spin Fifi's post around...
PM:Intellectuals for Wogan
or, to borrow a bit of that great line from 'The Truman Show'...
PM: Good afternoon, Good evening and Goodnight.
I've just emailed this to the prog. And now I'm going to post it on every thread I can lay my wee Scottish mitts on. Having got fed-up having to check half a dozen different threads a day, in case I'm missing something......!
PS it's now twenty to six and I'm still patiently trying to get past the anti-abuse delay thingy. Sigh. Just the beach to go, and then I'll call it a day.
Dear Sir Christopher Mair
I notice that we froggers are self-sorting the threads:
- serious stuff on the Iraq thread
- communication on the txtspk (grrr!) thread
- environment on the Milliband thread
- light relief on Day One
Is it worth simplifying the frog, rather than continually posting new threads that we all feel we ought to keep checking, and can't resist commenting on? for example...
- leave Day One running. It's a joy, a little holiday-in-the-head for those of us who really should get out more. Friendships are blossoming there, for goodness' sake!
- encourage serious topical debate on Iraq and/or Milliband ... post the fresh topic of the day on there, and we'll all respond - you know we will.
- put a fresh thread on the main page each day, but direct the comments to Iraq/Milliband. And delete it when the next topic comes along.
- then, when the newslet-you-know-what comes back online, you can use the same message on that.
Efficient use of Â鶹Éç resources, find our serious contributions quickly, but don't spoil the fun.
I would of course have run this past the other froggers first ... but on which *!*!*! thread would I post it? (That being the point, really.)
PM: Positively Mirthful, Politically Minded, Post Mortem
PM, with the unsung comedy genius that is Eddie Mair