In the light of
the apparent inability of the Â鶹Éç to send out a newsletter on time, a new one has just been sent from this office today.
Hope none of you dies before it arrives.
The Â鶹Éç: Today's Technology Tomorrow. Or the day after. It's the system, you know. Nothing we can do, guvnor.
Is this a case of hope triumphing over experience, Eddie? last, an admission of what we all "knew".
So that'll be with us just in time for the weekend, then?
...or maybe that should be "Techie-wags-Blog..?"
(Sorry, Eddie, for this posting I have to revert to my 'old' name)
If anyone wants a game of volleyball to fill in the time between now and the arrival (Ha!) of the next newsletter, a few of us are on the beach on Day One.
Eddie, there's a cold bottle of Jose Cuervo waiting for you, if you get your trunks on ...
Piper (2) and (3) manages to post two comments, a few minutes apart.
Muggins here can't get even one message out, amid unfounded claims that I'm sending too many, too close together, and am suspected of being abusive!
Much more of this and I'm off to the World at One.....
..only joking re WatO. But I'm getting a tad miffed.
...the thought occurs that maybe the Blog and Newsletter techies need to be changed... I know, I know, I've also heard the Beeb is strapped for cash. But, It needen't cost money. Maybe a "trade" could easily be arranged.
Here's an indication of how others do these things...
President Bush gets off the helicopter in front of the White House carrying a baby pig under each arm.
The Marine guard snaps to attention, salutes, and says: "Nice pigs, sir."
The President replies: "These are not pigs, these are authentic Texan Razorback Hogs. I got one for Vice-President Cheney and, I got one for Defence Secretary Rumsfeld."
The Marine again snaps to attention, salutes, and says, "Nice trade, sir..."
Perhaps Piper has friends in high places? Or is embedded in Broadcasting House?
A bad workman always blames his tools... not long now, before Chris Evans (Radio Two 5pm) newsletter will 'ping' into action.
Mr Evans newsletter delivery - runs like clockwork you know.
Piper (7)
Heeheehee! Oh fabulous. I really am going to have to start paying you for these.
Is anyone else becoming weary of Joe and his constant advertising for Chris Evans. Please Joe, if you cannot contribute anything well...don't forget your toothbrush!
Since "Joe Palooka" appears to be, well, "borrowed" - do we think that he is in fact Chris Evans? (This is more fun that other people thinking I'm the under cvoer one!)
I think the commenting too frequently/quickly warning fires occasionally at will - I've certainly had it chuck out a first comment of the day - but you can usually retrieve your comment by using the browser's back button, waiting a while and resubmitting. I think the time limit is about 2 minutes - honestly, I've refrained from experimenting, but it's something like that!
Whatever "cvoer" means.
There's a story on Â鶹Éç news web that using a mobile phone for four hours a day may damage sperm. I know that people are giving mobiles to their kids at an ever younger age but this is a step too far
I've just got back from the bar with a replacement crate of cold beer.
You'd better hurry up or it will get warm. Or drunk.
The sea's lovely and warm, by the way.
Go on! Go on! You know you want to join us .........
Hi BigSister,
Well I'm thrilled you managed to find a little Oasis of calm. Down here where I am it's really bleak with lashing rain :-(
Hurrah! A Newsletter!
Is the PM newsletter delivered via one of those
vacuum pod thingies they used to have in supermakets for putting the money in?
I can imagine them zooming frantically around the office trying to get out and ending up getting lost.
There must be a huge pile of them sitting folornly in a skip somewhere....
(OK time for my medication)
Hello Lissa! Are you there? Could you have a quick word with 'Eddie in October' and let him know we're keeping a cold beer for him in August? The sun's pretty hot there, though, so he'd better get over quick ....
BTW, you're welcome, too
Aw, Jonnie, just put whatever it is you're doing down for a few minutes and join us on the beach!
It's only a 'click Kate OMara' away ....
Monday's Newsletter has just hit my inbox a whole three days before Heddy LaMair said I should expect it.
Well done Â鶹Éç!
Methinks quite a few bloggers are in transit down to the Bloggers' Awayday (aka Day One).
Or are they out with their sperm? Or should that be their sprogs? or blogs? or frogs? or dogs? or ......?
Think I'll head back to August
To make up for the lack of a PM newsletter, here is the Dr Hackenbush newsletter.
Friends and patients (if any of you survived). Great news from me today...
I have been relegated on the surgical league tables. I don’t know what this means, but it sounds good. It will probably result in shunting the less well off up the waiting list, which has to be a positive.
It has been suggested I pull out of this chest cavity with my scalpel - apparently my presence is only exacerbating the problem. The nurse says that I should never have gone in to start with, but I don’t recognise her authority to make such statements.
Very bad luck earlier, when I borrowed an ambulance. The blamed thing broke down, and I thought I would never get back from the golf course to send out this newsletter to you all. If it’s late you’ll know why.
The most interesting item was the fourth one on my list, but I can’t read my handwriting, nor recall what happened. Take three of those twice a day, or is it two three times a day?
Just got my first newsletter about 4 days after I subscribed yee ha!! Am looking forward to receiving the one referring to the programme where you will be discussing the implications of Margaret Thatcher taking office and how she may shape Britain's future...........should be arriving any time now methinks!!!
Dear Jo Palooka,
But Chris Evans has half the entertainment value of our Eddie (or indeed, less).
Today's newsletter not here yet.
I just spotted Joe on the beach with his Chris Evans teeshirt on.
When will the lad get a life? Chris Evans at 5 p.m.? HA!
Hi there Fiona,
Well, now you've got a newsletter, why don't you bring it with you to the beach? Just a quick click on Kate O Mara and you'll be transported ....
I'm off to the beach bar for another beer ...
Phew!!! It's really hot on Day One now, so I thought I'd better spend a little time on today's Frog cooling down.
There appears to be a dearth of postings from Lord Mair today. Is he on safari?
My cats and I love the newsletter, but the blog is just purrrrrfect!!
A nostalgic trip down Memory Lane for confirmed Bloggers:
At 12:29 PM on 17 Aug 2006, Eddie Mair wrote: This is wonderful. Thank you.
Perhaps we should all have this emblazoned across our screens.
Or would Eddie consider it for a strapline?
T-shirts are in a box in the corner. One size fits all, colours are : blue (as per comment box), blue (as per side bar), blue (as per bottom bar).
So. Eddie, if there's no newsletter, will you blog what's going to be on the programme tonight?
Plus have any more postcards arrived? (yes, I'm trying to get mine scanned and posted!)
Worth Discussing
I watched a national and a local weather forecast this lunchtime on TV. Both referred to two different meteorological phenomena (ah, the classical education's showing!):
* squally showers
* blustery winds
On enquiring of my Other Half what the difference might be, he suggested:
* squally showers are groups of people who don't know what they're talking about
* blustery windbags are people who don't know what they're talking about but front it out anyway
My own theory is that blustery wind is a nurse's term for an unpleasantly m**st fl*t*l*nt experience.
Sorry for lowering the tone....
Don't want to appear difficult but .... Can I have a blue t-shirt, please?
Fifi my dear,
on the subject of wind, did you ever read Douglas Adams's wonderful account of driving between Santa Fe and Albuquerque and seeing a sign that declared: "Gusty Winds May Exist." Its in Salmon of Doubt and well worth a read :o)
OTL : I'll have a look ...
no sorry all the blue ones have gone.
I've got quite a lot of blue ones left if that's any good?
Mrs Trellis (14) - most amusing. Thank you for the chuckle :)
Mrs Trellis (10) thank you so much for your kind comments. As I'm sure you can imagine, I stole that one as well. This Kleptomania's a dreadful thing...
In any event, please don't consider paying me. It'll only encourage me and who knows I may end-up trying to steal your heart... Instead, another pound on the plate after Sunday's service will be sufficient.
Big sister (8) thank you for the flattering thoughts... "friends in high places" and "embedded in Broadcasting House".
Well, I do have three pilot friends who work for airlines and true enough, two are flying today so, friends in high places is kind of correct.
But, "embedded in Broadcasting House". What a wonderfully DELICIOUS idea! However, I have to disappoint again (I think I'm that sort of person really). Regrettably, and I do mean that - no.
Not for want of trying or lack of desire on my part I hasten to add. I just can't find any BH staffer foolish enough to em-bed me anywhere. And, try as I may, I cannot get on the Beeb employee contract "Gravy-Train". You know, the sort of thing that Eddie and the team have - telephone number salaries, unlimited expenses, index-linked pensions, business lunches, constant invitations to this and that celebrity show, first-class travel, cast-iron job security...
Y'know, sometimes life just doesn't seem fair...
Whilst aware that this is distinctly behind the times (but we all know the reason for that), I wish to comment on the Scientology edifice. I experienced some difficulties a few years ago and got involved in it. I am fine now, and from this perspective, feel I can confidently assert that this organisation is a sham. It is run by a bunch of people (dare I say charlatans?) who ruthlessly seek to take advantage of vulnerable individuals in order to make money. I find the very idea that it be accorded charitable status absolutely absurd.
I understand.