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Sequins and showbiz

Carolyn Quinn | 12:40 UK time, Thursday, 7 September 2006

Peter Rippon's hidden identity has been revealed. Yes, he says, he has kicked his legs high and he has worn a ballgown, but no it wasn't on the Morecambe and Wise Show.

What a week this is proving to be. Ed must be smiling to himself as he tops up his tan. He is due to make a statement shortly. He's expected to confirm that by the end of the day he will have left the poolside, but he will not go into any detail about precise timings or exactly when he is going to name his dinner location.

Incidentally, do you think doing a cycling proficiency test makes you a better cyclist? I'm one of those cyclists who actually stops at red lights. Does that mean I did a proficiency test in the dim and distant past? I can't remember.



  1. At 01:06 PM on 07 Sep 2006, John W wrote:

    When I was a cyclist (not practical now), I was always knocked off by other cyclists, jumping red lights, or drunk or plain stupid. So I feel like putting a spoke in the wheel of those who cycle infront of me while I cross (with the green man showing), as happened yet again this morning.

    Back onto yesterday's thread...

    I've a new idea on this "censorship". I'm guessing, but I reckon that all our entires are scanned electronically. If a keyword or phrase is found, it's farmed out to humans - at this Open mike company, possibly - to view in context, and then pass or otherwise.

    That may explain why some entries take far longer (hours in my case yesterday) than others. Might even explain the long delay between Sequin's blog entry and
    it's appearance yesterday - it had the word "Archer" in it, after all.

    I think the blocking of people making an immediate second entry is not really on, since I for one often realise I've forgotten a point in a blog entry, and a quick follow on would maintain the thought of the thread... is that an abuse?

  2. At 01:08 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Dr Hackenbush wrote:


    I鈥檓 going to risk it (risk what?) by posting here to ask why my last two posts, added fairly recently to yesterday鈥檚 entry, are yet to appear. Well, the question is implicit.

    How about an energy re-cycling proficiency test?

  3. At 01:09 PM on 07 Sep 2006, anne wrote:

    Dear Sequin,

    If you are a cyclist who stops at red lights the one thing I know that makes you is rare

  4. At 01:13 PM on 07 Sep 2006, coco wrote:

    I don't think a cycling profiency test does any good at all. I wonder how many people have actually taken one. There are considerate cyclists but many feel they own the pavements and park path ways.

    How many pedestrians have been nearly run over by a cyclist while in Oxford Street only to have the cyclist shout obscenities and that it's your fault (when it's not). I have seen dogs and humans nearly hit by speeding cyclists in the park who claim it's the dog's or human's fault by claiming the paths are cycle paths (wrong), riding across bridges that clearly state cyclists should dismount, and cyclists who cannot understand why they are a nuisance when riding on the pavement instead of the road (the pavements aren't meant for cyclists contrary to populat belief).

    Oh, and while I'm ranting, how about getting a bell and using it!

    There, I feel better now.

    Have a nice day.

  5. At 01:24 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Dave T Dogg wrote:

    I do remember my cycling prof test, perhaps in the update they will be showing couriers how to weave and ride pavements, although i distinctly remember being told it was illegal.

    I am happy for TB to make no announcement about his date for quitting. the longer he leaves it the better the tory position becomes.

  6. At 01:34 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Fearless Fred wrote:


    Well, I will admit that I never took the cycling proficiency test. In fact, I didn't learn to ride a bike until I was almost 19 and went to Poly! Still seeing as I was at Oxford Poly, learning to cycle in Oxford is definitely an experience I wouldn't recommend for the faint at heart. On the one side, drivers are more used to cyclists. On the other hand, the drivers and other cyclists become more blaze about theirt road attitude to cyclists....

    By the way, how (in html speak) do you do an accented letter???

  7. At 01:49 PM on 07 Sep 2006, wrote:

    I had a bicycle once. I kept it in my garage which was not locked very well.

    One day someone broke into the garage and stole half a fence panel (no use to anyone, except if they needed just that last little bit) and the front wheel of the bicycle.

    Not the whole bicycle (it was a good one, French I think, with the brakes the other way round) just the wheel.

    Unfortunately they didn't take the old car battery that was also there, but I was glad to be rid of the fence panel.

  8. At 01:54 PM on 07 Sep 2006, John W wrote:

    Oh, I did not take a proficiency test, but getting back to the lycra-louts who are a pest to pedestrians and motorists alike (some of us are quite considerate, remembering our cycling days), I had quite some sympathy with Livingstone's plan to give them number-plates.

    And I'm rather sorry that, while not law, it's almost obligatory to have to wear helmets these days, due to the high risk of incidents.


  9. At 02:16 PM on 07 Sep 2006, wrote:

    I think that Cyclists have the same responsability as Motorists [those who drive a motor vehicle].

  10. At 02:17 PM on 07 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Ok, just a quick one. Am I the only person that finds the civil war which has broken out within the Labour party and the ensuing media frenzy all rather childish. Next they'll be introducing fagging "Just like the good old days". Everyone, get out of the playground and focus on the real issues that we currently face.

    Which brings me nicely onto the discussion at this link:

    Maqbula has just arrived and contributed to this thread. I feel that she has made some valid points which have balanced the discussion somewhat. Interesting no matter what your stance on this may be.

  11. At 02:27 PM on 07 Sep 2006, wrote:

    CQ, I don't suppose you're a Cameronite cyclist are you? i.e. Do you cycle to work with the 麻豆社 providing a chauffeur-driven car trailing behind you carrying your papers and work clothes?

    Which, as a lady newsreader at Auntie, must of course be a ballgown (to go with the gentlemens Dinner Jackets!), with appropriate accoutrements and accessories. Obviously can't carry that on your pushbike. Or do you simply wear the gown whilst riding?? Must be hell pushing pedals in 3-inch heels....



  12. At 02:31 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Tangent Wings wrote:

    Cyclists eh? Wonderful people, never do anything wrong. They're all saints and it's all everybody else's fault, always, so there.

    No honest.

    I have a friend who's a man of God (which one he won't say, but he has the collar and all the licences, stigmata etc). He is truly a good and gentle man, courteous and the motoring equivalent of the love-child of Gandhi and St Francis. But he abominates cyclists with a deep and crimson loathing that is truly wonderful to behold - he shows many of the signs of possession whn one looms up in his windshield.

    Me I've never trusted anyone who wants to wear that much Lycra in public.

  13. At 02:36 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Fearless Fred wrote:

    Erm, Lissa's substitute, where's my post from about 1:30ish? It was totally inoffensive.....

  14. At 02:47 PM on 07 Sep 2006, not_colin wrote:

    I didn't take a proficiency test but feel that if the PM survives the day he could call for regulation (i.e. licencing) of all cyclists. From the comments here he could be on to a winner and let's face it, he needs all the support he can get.

  15. At 03:24 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Chris the Pickle wrote:

    Whilst we're still on the subject of cyclists, I just want to boast a bit... I have recently learned to ride a bike.

    I'm 47.

    (Purrs with pride...)

  16. At 03:27 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Aperitif wrote:


    I'm no good at cycling. Running, swimming, gymnastics yes, but cycling makes me swear. And cyclists who ride on the pavement make me swear too. Then again, I witnessed a cyclist ringing her bell to alert a pedestrain walking in a cycle path recently. He just looked bemused and carried on. He may, of course, have been a white van driver without his van.

    Tony could regulate those too.

    btw A bloke called Dogg seems to want a Tory governement (see 5 above). "sigh"...

  17. At 03:35 PM on 07 Sep 2006, John H. wrote:

    Fearless, in your late appearing post (from around 1.30), it depends on what accent you want:

    <scottish>och aye the noo</scottish>

    might work.

  18. At 03:38 PM on 07 Sep 2006, wrote:

    F茅脿rl茅脽 Fr猫dd, SB2 but actually 6.

    For accented characters you should be able to use the 4-digit ALT codes (0鈥255).

    So, for example 茅 hold down ALT and type 233.

    If you do not know them, you can produce your own list, with capitals starting at 192 (脌) and lower case at 224 (脿)

    Please do not ask me about Unicode.

    Have fun.

  19. At 03:40 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Fearless Fred wrote:

    Congrats, Chris the Pickle:)

    sb 14 but won't be

    p.s. is it quiet here today, or is the moderation taking longer

    p.p.ss Thank you to Lissa's sub for putting my earlier post back up:) Have a martini from Eddies' cabinet on me!

  20. At 03:46 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Aperitif wrote:


    re 17

    Marvellous, John H., marvellous.

    It is Humphrys isn't it? (see yesterday - or was it the day before?...)

  21. At 03:46 PM on 07 Sep 2006, John H. wrote:

    Sorry, that wasn't very helpful. This might be more so:

  22. At 03:48 PM on 07 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Tory governenment or Labour government. I recall the excitement of those who voted labour in almost a decade ago now. A Labour party that promptly 're-branded' itself 'New Labour' and adopted all the Conservative policies. Including the much maligned policy of privatisation.

    Politics reminds me very much of the 'Spam' sketch by Monty Python. We are told that we have a choice and must assert this right but the 'choice' we have is all the same.

    It is then pondered why the voting electorate is choosing to opt out.

    For a little more perspective I think you will find that Labour was voted in by a majority of, the minority in that the turn out was representing the whole country. Not quite how democracy was envisaged I am sure.

  23. At 03:52 PM on 07 Sep 2006, The Stainless Steel Cat wrote:

    I got "whooshed" by a cyclist riding on the pavement this morning. He and his chum then used the pedestrian crossing (crossing from pavement to pavement with the green man) then zoomed onto the road up a filter lane while the cars were stopped.

    It must be great being a pedestrian *and* a road vehicle at the same time. Kind of like being a land and sea animal at the same time or like being selfish and a git at the same time.

  24. At 03:55 PM on 07 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Take back that bit about Unicode in my last entry.

    哦艔奴 膵艖农募膽, 艒f 膲艒暖艞艧臋, compose in Word (or whatever you use) and then cut and paste into the web page using the insert symbol menu

    That does in fact give the full Unicode char set 鈥 subject to the final user鈥檚 computer being able to read it 鈥 but would allow you to write in Greek (伪尾纬), Arabic (賯) and Hebrew (讟拽装讞). It also save learning all the ALT codes

    What will the censors say?


  25. At 03:55 PM on 07 Sep 2006, John H. wrote:
    For reasons that I can't
    really explain. Fearless Fred's 
    question got me wondering 
    about tags again. It appears
    that you can't do headings 
    or lines. But for some bizarre
    you can do "preformatted text".
  26. At 03:55 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Fearless Fred wrote:

    Thank you, John H. for making the people I share an office with think I've just gone completely crazy! Not only did I almost spray coffee out of my nose trying not to laugh, but I then almost choked on the rest of the mouthful I had. Truly priceless, and a good way to start the last hour of the working day. Thanks!


  27. At 04:08 PM on 07 Sep 2006, wrote:

    You are right John, @21. I should have known the list of ASCII would be on the web by now.

  28. At 04:12 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Christine wrote:

    I remember taking my cycling proficiency test in the summer of 62!

    I was a bag of nerves at 11 years old, but took it very seriously. I guess living in South London, and as cycling on footpaths was a definate NO, you had no choice but to take it seriously!

  29. At 04:25 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Valery Pedant wrote:

    Ah Fearless - another after my own heart (or nose). Hmm better check that mine of this morning actually got posted on Confused?Sequin, otherwise this will make even less sense than usual....Interestingly the keyboard's still working, but I've had rather a spooked day, wibble, wibble.

    Don't get me started on transport - the car's being "mended" as we speak (well as my fingers speak) - and if it isn't ready by 6 all hell will break loose in these here parts - not only that, I might have to dig my bike out. I used to have a German one which had those backwards brakes andyc - even though it was about 30 odd years ago I still can't go an ordinary bike properly, old habits die hard!
    SB25 maybe?

  30. At 04:26 PM on 07 Sep 2006, John H. wrote:

    "Drinks", or "Dentures" (20) - would that it were! The 'H' actually stands for "Hard-up and Stooopid".

    I wish that "recent comment" list would work - it's one of the few ways of readily keeping up with posts across multiple strands. No, it's the only way - other than having windows (or tabs) open all over the place.

    I have a missing post of my own today. It was entirely pointless - even I recognised that - but somehow it doesn't seem fair for somebody else to make that judgement. (Hopefully, in the way of these things, my commenting on it will make it appear - thus making the comment look daft!)

  31. At 04:37 PM on 07 Sep 2006, John W wrote:

    Near where I live, we have what is called a "Toucan" crossing. It's for pedestians *and* a cycle lane to cross the road, with controlled traffic lights, and sits atop a speed bump (so level with pavement).

    During the objections about it's precise siting, I learnt from a councellor that this was "Toucan", rather than Pelican or Zebra crossing, because "Two [pedestrian and cyclists]-can" use it. Time clearly weighs heavily in the local planning department.

    After it was installed the emergency services protested about the speed bump bit, so it was re-profiled, and now is best taken at 40mph.


  32. At 05:30 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Rufus A Bairzarce wrote:


    Thanks for the info on censorship.
    If you get the "Just you wait your turn, you!" message, try pressing the "Back" button a time or two.
    It worked for me when the ISP timed out.
    (Oh the shame of it! Confessing to a dial up connection. Sob, boo-hoo.)

  33. At 06:09 PM on 07 Sep 2006, David McNickle wrote:

    Taking a cycling proficiency test probably means that you have access to a bicycle.

  34. At 06:13 PM on 07 Sep 2006, David McNickle wrote:

    John H.,

  35. At 08:27 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Mark Drew wrote:

    What is a red light?
    All cyclists are colour blind and have not concept of what rules of the road are or mean.

  36. At 09:21 PM on 07 Sep 2006, John W wrote:

    BTW, when I was a cyclist, I would ride down the minor streets with no hands on the handles. No head-dress. Even then, I was less of a menace than so many cyclists I now follow while they flat-footedly pedal past a traffic island, until a chance to overtake on the other side of the road and not upset them. See how considerate?

    Apart from the lycra-louts, what is it with modern cyclists, pushing on the pedals with the arch of the foot, not the big toe, and usually with the seat far too low...

    Oh God, it's my pre-war alter ego coming out again. Sorry, tuned into R4 LW on my 1937 valve radio this evening, probably the reason for this rant. And a Humph dance orchestra programme tues afternoon...

  37. At 09:22 PM on 07 Sep 2006, TheOtherRedBaron wrote:

    I use to cycle once, then I discovered engines, which meant I didn't have to pedal.

    And I have the huge gut to prove it.

    Still on two wheels, though.

    Pip Pip!

  38. At 09:58 PM on 07 Sep 2006, TheOtherRedBaron wrote:

    Can I also restart a very old debate about the PM theme tune? I'm sorry, I know it's off topic.

    Can we have the 1996 theme tune at least once sometime soon please?


    Warn me when you do it as well as unfortunately I sometimes miss the show as I do have work to do.

    (next work contract will have 5pm-6pm inviolate or they don't get me)


  39. At 11:06 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Dr Hackenbush wrote:

    For those that asked, I can belatedly fill you in to no good effect that I have the most useful four-digit ALT codes memorised, for the accented characters most likely to crop up. 脡 茅 谩 煤 贸 铆 - or is just all the acute accents? 莽

    I have had occasion to traverse the route to the surgery on foot, via the redway (aka cycle path). I have encountered cyclists, of course, and can usually be found walking at the side of the track for this reason. That doesn鈥檛 stop the one cyclist who rings his bell at you as he approaches from behind. All this succeeds in doing is to startle me and make me think I need to deviate off line - and given I鈥檓 not in his way, this is plainly stupid. I would class him as a menace.

    Dr Hackenbush has treated:
    Le茫o; Z茅 S茅rgio; Rodr铆gues Neto; Jorge Mendon莽a; Chic茫o; J煤nior; S贸crates; 脡der; Falc茫o....

  40. At 11:06 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    John H (30)

    "Drinks at six" I could live with but dentures??? I'm "Aperitif" because I'm very pleasant before dinner dontcha know. Anyway, I think you're just trying to distract from the real truth of the matter - you are actually Jim Naughtie masquerading as Humph, aren't you?

    I agree, the recent comments list is irritatingly inaccurate. When's Lissa coming back to sort this out?!?!

  41. At 11:13 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    PS No No No to the PM theme tune - it makes me think of very dark evenings and my mother beginning to "cook dinner" (i.e. shouting at inanimate kitchen objects and warming up food). All very depressing. Don't make me go through that again, please.

  42. At 11:19 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    Hello Dr Hackenbush, you bored with Newsnight too?

  43. At 11:36 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Valery Pedant wrote:

    Mark Steel's on the other side - quite good, Ap.

    Do have a cycling proficiency story but it's probably too long for now, and the dog needs out, and then two teenagers need picked up from nearest town at midnight (bus from Big City only goes to Nearest Town, then it's down to me) For those following closely - yes I did get the car back by 6, and it was a something nearside radius arm needing replaced, I blame the potholes....


  44. At 11:53 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    Hi Valery,

    Yes, enjoyed Mark Steel.

    Happy chauffering.

  45. At 11:56 PM on 07 Sep 2006, whisht wrote:

    btw - if there really is an automatic "ooh, better check this one" filter (you can tell how technical I am) then it might just might be getting set off with all the HTML code being pasted through these posts.

    just a thought.

    Plus the spam (blogs get mercilessly spammed as I mentioned once a long blog ago)

    Actually I think Tobias mentioned spam earlier. Think he was trying to raise the tone.

    I'm afraid Tone ain't rising to it - though he did sound a bit jaded.

  46. At 11:57 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Dr Hackenbush wrote:


    I wasn鈥檛 watching Newsnight to begin with, but was indeed waiting for Mark Steel - which I greatly enjoyed. I just can鈥檛 be happy today...

    For Valery - I had to pay 拢6-odd to get back from City Centre earlier, where the bus fare is usually 拢1-50. Of course, no busses available as late as 8:00pm

  47. At 01:06 AM on 08 Sep 2006, Dr Hackenbush wrote:

    I have just been looking under 鈥榊our Emails鈥 in the 鈥楥ontribute鈥 section. The lead topic is 鈥淭ony Blairs Speech鈥 - which text clearly has a big fat apostrophe missing. They look like this and I find it difficult to believe that nobody involved with this site would know of them...

    Take three spoonfuls in tablet form.

  48. At 08:11 AM on 08 Sep 2006, Fearless Fred wrote:

    Sheesh, I seem to miss out on all the fun chat! I was tucked up in bed while you were all chatting away:( I hadn't even realised that Mark Steel was back either. I really have got to read the listings pages of the paper a bit closer...

    Still, morning all! Who's turn is it to make the coffee and muffin run?

  49. At 08:24 AM on 08 Sep 2006, Frances O wrote:


    sb 48??

  50. At 08:56 AM on 08 Sep 2006, Stephen, Leader of STROP wrote:

    Wow. I'm strapline author today (8th Sept). If anyone wants an autograph please join the queue.

    Don't worry I won't let it go to my head.

    Now off to see Tone and Gordy to bang their heads together.

  51. At 09:57 AM on 08 Sep 2006, David McNickle wrote:

    John W (36)
    I thought that Humph dance orchestra program was good. But then I also like ISIHAC.

  52. At 10:00 AM on 08 Sep 2006, Otis B. Driftwood wrote:

    Morning all,

    Inspirations never go in for long engagements; they demand immediate marrige to action.

  53. At 10:03 AM on 08 Sep 2006, David McNickle wrote:

    Dr. Hacketc. (39),

    Ctrl Alt aeiouAEIOU=谩茅铆贸煤脕脡脥脫脷. I also have a printout of ASCII next to me. 脟驴 :鈥)

  54. At 10:26 AM on 08 Sep 2006, John W wrote:

    David (#51),

    But do you know about the German equivalent of swing bands (despite it being verboten in Nazi Germany)? Charlie and his Orchestra.

  55. At 11:27 AM on 08 Sep 2006, wrote:

    The report last night on watching TV on your mobile brought back memories of those heady days of the '80s and Clive S. (Not that I had one.)

    for those who want a reminder.

    Wonder if watching on your mobile is that much better. The idea of rows of commuters sat peering at their mobiles makes one glad to be working from home.

  56. At 11:46 AM on 08 Sep 2006, Valery Pedant wrote:

    Morning all - shoes polished early this morning, and actually went Out of the Home to do some work. Back now to check on you guys, walk Pluto and delighted to find Stephen Leader being the Leader - congrats to you. So is that where you have been for the last few days? Inventing straplines? You did well sir.

    Morning Fearless, I've already done the coffee thing, and I had a piece of malteser tiffin with my cappuccino, thanks - "Coffe and chocolate, what more could you want in the morning" the waitress made the mistake of saying to me brightly, and missing my fix of morning flippancy via this medium, I found myself saying "well there could be something else but I couldn't possibly....." ah, you're ahead of me on that one then? Blush, change the subject.

    Dr H, where is Your Emails in the Contribute section - is this something else I don't use (like stylish HTMLs and the calendar?)? Mind, I don't know that I want to cope with any more misspellings etc today. Too much like more work and I could do with winding down not up on a Friday!


  57. At 12:39 PM on 08 Sep 2006, Dr Hackenbush wrote:


    In answer to 56, Valery: Click 鈥楾he PM Programme鈥 link top right, and the link to Your Emails is at the foot of the page, also on the right.

  58. At 01:15 PM on 08 Sep 2006, Aperitif wrote:


    re56, and "Confused? Sequin Writes",

    Well Valery P., we are feeling frisky today aren't we?!

    Was it all the gothic stuff on Mark Steel?

  59. At 02:27 PM on 08 Sep 2006, Fearless Fred wrote:

    Valery, I don't dare add anything to your post! You have set up almost every one-liner I can think of, so I shall just say "hee hee hee"!

  60. At 05:02 PM on 08 Sep 2006, David McNickle wrote:

    John W (54),
    No, but I think I'm about to.

  61. At 05:51 PM on 08 Sep 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Great strapline, Leader

  62. At 11:47 AM on 10 Sep 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    Posting this to see if the missing ones come back with it.

    SB "no idea".

  63. At 05:49 PM on 10 Sep 2006, David McNickle wrote:

    Aperitif (62),
    I posted 60 on the 8th and it showed up today (10th). Good things come to those who wait.

  64. At 10:32 AM on 11 Sep 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    Hi David,

    I think there are still some things missing - I'm sure some stuff hasn't been reinstated. How long do you think I'll have to wait for those?

    And I wonder how long you will have to wait for John W to reply?...

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