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Thursday 9 June 2011

Len Freeman | 11:08 UK time, Thursday, 9 June 2011

The Crown Prosecution Service has launched an independent inquiry following Newsnight's revelations last night that they didn't disclose material which might have saved people from convictions.

It follows Richard Watson's investigation showing how the CPS broke its own rules on disclosure of evidence in the case of six activists accused of planning to shut down a Nottinghamshire power station in 2009. The group had been infiltrated by a police informer Mark Kennedy.

Religion and Politics - The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, has written a devastating critique of the coalition's performance in government - even questioning the strength of their mandate, arguing: "with remarkable speed, we are being committed to radical, long term policies for which no one voted". We'll ask cabinet minister Iain Duncan Smith if Rowan Williams is right in what he says and who has the moral high ground in this debate.

We also have a very strong film from Tim Whewell in Gaza on the Arab spring. The desire for change is strong but there seems to be no means to deliver it.

Do join Stephanie at 10.30pm.


  • Comment number 1.

    I thought to myself this morning I bet NN get the Rowan guy on tonight and sure enough he is on, only hope he doesn't water down his comments, if anything can Jeremy remind him that as a nation we are paying more for energy than any other country in western Europe thanks to this government not reigning in the energy companies that are letting them get away with increases of 19 per cent and ten per cent also the universities fiasco and the privatisation of the NHS etc etc.,

  • Comment number 2.


    If our evil Westminster governance wishes to avoid party-political attack from God's spokesman, they should, of their own volition,


  • Comment number 3.


    Kelly's death to be left to (a) lie.

    The Kelly dossier is full of incongruities, JUST LIKE THE 9/11 ONE. Spot the connection.

    Nuff sed

  • Comment number 4.

    Who will rid us of this turbulent priest? No one, hopefully...

    The archbishop's role in the HoL, along with representatives of other faith groups, is to act as a moral filter for our system of government and speak out on the issues of the day - he's therefore doing his job - those who don't like this therefore either need to change the HoL and its membership or join the debate on the substance of his comments.

    But is he right?

    The central claim is that the Coalition lacks a mandate for many of its policies, so is being undemocratic. Does he have a case?

    The mere fact that there was a hung parliament must mean that by defintion there was no clear mandate between the outgoing government and the two alternative propositions on offer @ the election - so there was no majority for radical change.

    If you look closely at the LibDem manifesto on the question of the pace and depth of spending cuts and compare this to the Labour proposals, it is reasonable to conclude that there was a clear majority against the Conservative proposals on this main issue, which IMHO more than justfies his central economic policy critique.

    OK - election over - hung parliament - what happens now?

    Firstly can we reasonably assume that any policy NOT in either the Tory or LibDem manifestos by defintion does not have any mandate because it was never laid before the electorate. Secondly any policy explicitly opposed in either manifesto shouldn't be in the Coalition Agreement either, on the grounds that if either party opposed it, they should have vetoed or amended it during the negotiations.

    So are there policies that fit these two criteria being implemented right now?

    The answer is yes there are - lots of them - NHS reform, 50% discount on sentences, deep & rapid spending cuts, student fees - the list is long - so an objective audit of the situation shows that Dr. Williams is quite right on the issue of policy mandates.

    But we need to delve a bit deeper than he did - there are policies in the Coalition Agreement that ARE NOT IN EITHER MANIFESTO - where did the come from?

    To understand this, you need to expose the reality of LibDem politics, and refer to the obscure publication "The Orange Book" - a manifesto of the Libertarian Right within the LibDems, advocating the sort of free market/freedom agenda policies of the Thatcherite era. The Orange Book policies were debated and roundly rejected by the LibDem Party and consigned to bthe dustbin of history - yet here they are, dusted off and write

  • Comment number 5.

    That elite group of power brokers and geo politicos commonly known as the Bilderbergers are meeting in Switzerland today. If Henry Kissinger makes an appearence, he could be arrested for war crimes apparently (one day Blair and Clinton will be called for the same charge) Will the 麻豆社 cover this big meet thats happening at some Swiss mountain top hotel today I wonder..nah, they never do.

  • Comment number 6.

    To pick up after the Blog truncated by posting:

    To understand this, you need to expose the reality of LibDem politics, and refer to the obscure publication "The Orange Book" - a manifesto of the Libertarian Right within the LibDems, advocating the sort of free market/freedom agenda policies of the Thatcherite era. The Orange Book policies were debated and roundly rejected by the LibDem Party and consigned to bthe dustbin of history - yet here they are, dusted off and write into the Coalition Agreement.

    How can this be?

    As soon as the hung parliament result became clear, the horsetrading started and Nick Clegg decided to go into coalition with David Cameron - he claims that the LibDems therefore couldn't implement their manifesto, which gave him the right to negotiate the Coalition Agreement's content - fair enough - but did Clegg go beyond the bounds of his role to negotiate within the bounds of the mandate implied in the content of his Party's manifesto?

    It is my contention that Clegg effectively put his own Party's manifesto in the bin, dusted off the Orange Book and used the mechanism of the Agreement negotiations to effectively stage a coup d'etat to impose policies roundly rejected by his own party and therefore never laid before the electorate at all in his Party's manifesto.

    Dr, Williams' assertion that what has gone on is profoundly undemocratic therefore seriously understates the level of political misconduct - to implement policies debated ad rejected by his own Party and actively opposed in its manifesto is ANTI-DEMOCRATIC - Nick Clegg deliberably allowed voters to think his Prty stood for an range of policies whilst actively seeking to do the exact opposite.

    Therefore my assessment of Dr. Williams is that he significantly understates his case.

    NB The 麻豆社 are not responsible for postings on exterior websites.

  • Comment number 7.


    I have mailed a facsimile of the Conservative 'liar flyer' to Rowan Williams (also thanking him for a principled stand) to underline the illegitimacy of Cameron's regime from a wider standpoint.

    Wind of change?

  • Comment number 8.

  • Comment number 9.


    JJ used to scold me for directing attention to the PERSONALITY of politicians. JJ was wrong.

    Just as IDS was responsible ALONE for our involvement in Iraq (not having the maturity to avoid falling under the Blair Spell) so Clegg ALONE has brought this terrible charade down on us BECAUSE HE LET DAVE MANIPULATE HIS AMBITION.
    It might look as if we got two, but in truth

    WE GOT OURSELVES ANOTHER ONE and he is not nice to know.

  • Comment number 10.

    I don't remember Rowan Williams complaining of the mass immigration system under labour that was to get rid of the indigenous people, did I miss that?!

    The result of that mass immigration is the unemployment and hopelessness we now see in our people. Would you like to go and work with another race as the only english person in say a gang of foreign apple pickers. You wouldn't speak to another soul all day, and have to work from dawn to dusk.

    I thought we'd sorted out the slave labour in this country, but it still goes on apace.

  • Comment number 11.

    'Rowan Williams has had a lot of coverage with his New Statesman piece'

    Shocked, I tell you, I'm shocked!

    Not just at the location of the piece, but the 'coverage' that could not, it seems be resisted. Especially when it comes to fanning the heat aspect and staying quiet on the back story illumination.

    "with remarkable speed, we are being committed to radical, long term policies for which no one voted".

    Translating what is proposed in manifestos into what transpires post election is notoriously tricky, and one is sure further complicated by coalition shenanigans, but is this true? Or are we being treated to a soundbite that suits.

    And when it comes to voting and 'who is keeping you in charge?', the good Doctor seems to be operating on a standard which, like some others who seem to like the cut of his jib when it is narrative-compliant, may be deemed 'unique'.

  • Comment number 12.


    Cameron, addressing the Irish Assembly, quipped obliquely about the 'NO' campaign in the AV referendum. Having connived at - then airily disowned - campaign tactics lower than Hob's gutter, our Prime Minister underlined his contempt for INTEGRITY by 'avin a larf'. It is not the turbulent priest of whom we must be rid - it is Domination Dave.


  • Comment number 13.

  • Comment number 14.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 15.

    given the guardian article yesterday what is the role of masons in uk society. are they a force for good? or a cover for institutional peer pressure corruption? should servants of the state belong to secret societies?

  • Comment number 16.

    I thought the archbish would have converted to Islam by now.

  • Comment number 17.

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  • Comment number 18.


    Once putteth, twice shy.

  • Comment number 19.

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  • Comment number 20.


    Search: "18 Signs The Collapse Of Society Is Accelerating"

  • Comment number 21.

    I thought that we still lived in a democracy, how can a question be alleged unlawful ?

  • Comment number 22.

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  • Comment number 23.

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  • Comment number 24.


    1) Had his face altered (to a more attractive one) for poster-display in 2010 election.

    2) Employed an illegal 'False Instrument' to gain votes for Conservative candidates.

    3) Having gone into coalition with Clegg, Cameron connived at Clegg鈥檚 defamation in the 'NO' campaign. vis: "Nick Clegg is unpopular because he broke his promises."

    There are a number of colourful (and odorous) words to describe such a man, but I will simply say: against Rowan Williams, Cameron's moral standing DOES NOT REGISTER.

    Might Jeremy Paxman tell him?

  • Comment number 25.

  • Comment number 26.

  • Comment number 27.


    Susan Watts doesn't blog any more Bro. How is she ever going to find out that CARBON ISN'T WORKING?

    Maybe the Blogdog will tell his minder, and word will get to NewsyNighty that the REAL STORY can now be told.

    Got to go, there is a bloke in a black coat, hat and shades waving a gun at me . . .

  • Comment number 28.


    When street insurrection comes to Britain, will it 'pass' THE CRICKET TEST in certain localities?

    I think Ecolizzy knows the answer.

  • Comment number 29.


    Poignantly: CAMELOT was a mythical land where all are happy winners. But the idyll was flawed from the outset, having within it, the seed of its own destruction:


    Nuff sed

  • Comment number 30.


    But, typically, arrogance has blinded Denial Dave to a basic truth: The qualities that elevate a theologian, ARE THE ANTITHESIS of the 'disqualities' that elevate a politician.

    Nuff sed

  • Comment number 31.

  • Comment number 32.

    Life can sometimes become a little strange, sometimes very, very strange and sometimes mind-boggling!

    Everything, plus a whole lot more - and, often, in greater detail, with deeper conviction and concern - that has been said in the magazine article and as will be teased out in tonight鈥檚 NN has been said before by scribes posting on this blog.

    But whom is it that get鈥檚 listened to and whom is it that get鈥檚 invited onto the programme? (Regarding the latter point., Let鈥檚 be honest, any time Nn purports to involve the public it turns into pretty much a shambles! One might wonder what conspiracy theorists might say about that?) Maybe, just maybe, someone at the Beeb really needs to look again at the resources it has - had(?) - available to it and see what it might be missing?

    This might go some way to explaining as to why the blogs and postings have been heavily modified with the notable consequence that they are wilting and may very well cease to recover. (Intended perhaps.) Maybe someone at the Beeb muttered the words 鈥楻ead my lips, the blogs are safe in my hands鈥 and having got the 鈥榩roject鈥 stroke promotion decided to take 鈥榣essons鈥 from the coalition(?).

    What is just as telling is the fact that - shock, horror, probe - the Dim Cons, noticeably the top bod, (Shades of imitating Gideon鈥檚 dislike of the questions on the 鈥楾oday鈥 programme earlier this week! New HMG policy perhaps? 鈥楬old breath until blue鈥. ) refutes everything being said! For emphasis .... Shock, horror, probe!

    How鈥檚 this for a conspiracy theory? ..... All the disastrous policies will be implemented, cause society chaos and then the coalition will fail? Damage done, walk away wringing hands and reaping the rewards!

    But wait ........Did this post not start .....

    鈥淟ife can sometimes become a little strange, sometimes very, very strange and sometimes mind-boggling!鈥

    Truly mind boggling!

    (The 麻豆社 Trust is 鈥榗onsulting鈥 on - amongst other things - the GBP鈥檚 views on the News service: One has to wonder whether anything good will come from it?)

    No real point this time round in making sure that this post goes to exactly 400 words and ends with the letters 鈥榗鈥, 鈥榦鈥 and 鈥榥鈥 .......


    No-one is as deaf as someone whom chooses not to listen.

    An鈥欌 dat - after 385 words - aint no con!

  • Comment number 33.

    Wait ......

    What鈥檚 going on?

    A Nn report from a Muslim country .....

    And the young girls - n.b. of school age - are not wearing, and actually railing against, the hijab!

    Forgive the necessary corruption but .....

    What happens there may eventually come here!

    Or not!

  • Comment number 34.

    Perhaps Cameron, Clegg and all alleged ministers would appear to be doing exactly what the celebrity stock market parasites tell them as far as policy ?

  • Comment number 35.

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  • Comment number 36.

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  • Comment number 37.

    Hhhhmmmm no wonder our economy is failing...

    And that's just one country out of the hundreds that send money back home.

  • Comment number 38.

    Did it break the house rules? did it..did it reeeeally!

  • Comment number 39.

    MY FAULT KEV (#38)

    I demanded filial priority. (:O)

  • Comment number 40.

    'We also have a very strong film from Tim Whewell in Gaza on the Arab spring. The desire for change is strong but there seems to be no means to deliver it.'

    The strong is forced with this one....

    Usually best to let the viewers decide.

  • Comment number 41.


    Apparently Brown and Blair were locked in battle. Both were Prime Ministers.



  • Comment number 42.

    @ Barrie - Terry Pratchett's got a documentary on assisted dying coming up at 9pm on Monday night with a Special debate at 10pm with Jeremy, Pratchett & a studio audience and regular Newsnight afterwards :o)

  • Comment number 43.

    'JJ used to scold me for directing attention to the PERSONALITY of politicians. JJ was wrong.'

    No he was not.

  • Comment number 44.

    A "devastating critique" of the government? Don't make me laugh. It was a terrible article full of arguments made entirely of either hyperbole, or scaremongering.

    Hardly a surprise coming from a man who makes it his life goal to scare children into following his version of the Bible.

    At least you've fully given up the pretence of being an impartial organisation now.

  • Comment number 45.

    PUZZLED (#42)

    Kindness appreciated 76. I am not sure how watching a willing 'departee' die, advances 'The Cause'. It just looks like EDGY Beeb to me. Pratchet might have misjudged.

    I shall, of course, watch it, and the discussion (rude not to, when you have taken the trouble) but I suspect I shall 'have words' with my telly before the night is out.

    The reality is simple: no one is able to make an informed - live/don't live - choice before conception, it follows that everyone has an inalienable right to make the informed choice - live/die - thereafter. I hold this truth self-evident, and assert it can only be countered by inferior propositions such as: 'God's will'.

    There is no such thing as life - only dead stuff, highly organised, manifesting in a way we term 'living'. (An analogy is 'evil' - evil is a way of functioning; it can't be isolated, any more than life can.) But the foregoing is not edgy . . .

  • Comment number 46.

    A "devastating critique" of the government? Don't make me laugh. It was a terrible article full of arguments made entirely of either hyperbole, or scaremongering.

    Hardly a surprise coming from a man who makes it his life goal to scare children into following his version of the Bible.

  • Comment number 47.

    And still they build more houses and business's in East Anglia and the South East

    When will governments learn that shoving most of the population in one area is a disaster waiting to happen.

    Both these areas have always had a shortage of water, it's not climate change. They are obviously on the east of the country, where the rain clouds have run out.

    The south east has only ever averaged 24inches of rain a year, lower than some drought countries across the world, and yet they still stuff more people in there.

    One farmer I knew used to comment, "it would be perfect if it rained half an inch every Sunday night" as he knew 50 years ago that was the average for the area.

  • Comment number 48.

    '47. At 10:03 10th Jun 2011, ecolizzy'

    On current experience, and mixing related metaphors for perverse effect, when famine turns to feast, open heavens-wise, one rather anticipates a moppet with a mic standing in her Burberry wellies in an Eastern town with a planner explaining how, on this flood plain, the reasons extend to an iPad factory in Shenzhen.

    I think a task force of PPE-grad pols, title-addicted 'scientists', target-rewarded lobbyists, bonus-boosted OFquanogcrats and some Uni-types in need of a new funding stream should form a 'task force' to investigate why concreting over shrinking land areas to accommodate hordes more consumers 'may' have impacts.

    Then the 麻豆社 can ask why, Why, WHY!!!!!? Preferably from a mountaintop in Kenya. Offset, natch.

  • Comment number 49.

    three cheers for this troublesome priest, I only wish he was more troublesome, at least he is addressing the issues of the NHS, schools a bit more aggressively than Ed Milliband who has as much effect as a wet sock.....

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