
Â鶹Éç BLOGS - Newsnight: From the web team
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Monday 14 December 2009 - in more detail

Len Freeman | 17:21 UK time, Monday, 14 December 2009

Here's Gavin Esler with more information about what is coming up on the programme:

It's an interesting comment on British newspapers that more column inches today are devoted to the winner of the X Factor than to the meeting which - we are constantly lectured - is going to save the planet.

But perhaps British newspapers have got it about right.

A talent show with a cheerful young singer may mean more to most of us than the world gathering in Copenhagen on the basis of climate change science, which opinion polls show many British people find a bit dodgy.

Newsnight's Science Editor Susan Watts is in Copenhagen and will be reporting on today's walk-out by African nations.

Are the developed and developing world now further apart?

Is a deal looking less likely, or just as likely but less effective?

We'll be joined in the studio by the Environment Secretary Hilary Benn and we hope to speak to the president of the Maldives, where rising sea levels are of more significance than rising stars on the X Factor.

Speaking of which... Kirsty has been interviewing the grand impresario Simon Cowell - who tells her about his plans for a political discussion show in the run up to the General Election, taking the X Factor to America and his duty of care to Britain's Got Talent winner Susan Boyle.

And, with just 10 days to go before Christmas, Newsnight has been catching up with the soldiers of the Green Howards, the 2nd Battalion, the Yorkshire Regiment.

They will be on duty in Helmand while their families try to celebrate the holidays as best they can back home.

And finally... Kyle sends me the following topical, but inevitably bad taste, joke:

"What do Tiger Woods and Canadian seals have in common? They both get clubbed by Scandinavians."

Newsnight is on Â鶹Éç Two at 10.30pm.



  • Comment number 1.

    It's an interesting comment on British newspapers that more column inches today are devoted to the winner of the X Factor than to the meeting which - we are constantly lectured - is going to save the planet.

    At least our unique broadcast system does get a mention, too..

    Speaking of which... Kirsty has been interviewing the grand impresario Simon Cowell

    You put yer delegation in, you put yer delegation out, in, out and shake it all about, you do the hokey-kokey and that's what it's all about:)

    Is a parody of a parody a Biparody Disorder?

  • Comment number 2.


    Disappointed you dont have time to cover the extraordinary Ken Macdonald article on Tony Blair, Cherie Booth's collaegue at Matrix Chambers and ex-DPP.

    What really intrigues me is that everyone seems to have forgotten the trigger for war, being France's threat to veto a second resolution if it authorised war.Sacrebleu!They were out-manoevering the Blair-diplomacy.Heavens forbid. Now, this got not just Blair wound up but also the great leader of HM Opposition, Iain Duncan Smith - he's a bit quiet an all of this - dont hear him being interviewed much about his leading his Tories into the pro-war lobby/WMD's going to get us line.At the time Iraq were denying the WMD-line and the inspectors had not completed their work to verify the facts.

    Can Fern or your goodselves persuade IDS to the table.Lets hear his side?

  • Comment number 3.

    #16 roger's previous post

    Thought it best to bring this important matter forward, in case the con is to bury the bad news under the feel-good X-factor material.

    Some of the comments are worth reading too e.g. Where is Superman when you most need him?

  • Comment number 4.

    Perhaps the reason for this

    '.....A talent show with a cheerful young singer may mean more to most of us than the world gathering in Copenhagen on the basis of climate change science, which opinion polls show many British people find a bit dodgy.'

    ...is down to the fact there are no longer any really cutting edge serious, investigative, in depth political and current affairs programmes.

    Yes, I'm talking to you.

    COME ON NN. Finger out. Let's get serious, serious..... we wanna get seriousssssssssssssssss.

    Just saw the clip on the news of Cowell suggesting he might instigate a political debate programme. That would be a money making opportunity then would it?????

    Now, I wonder if the option of a weekly public vote (you are the weakest link - goodbye) might keep our politicians on their toes and ACTUALLY listening and responding to the public they claim to serve.

    Strikes me it might be a good format to try out on Â鶹Éç execs as a test first. LISTEN and respond to those who pay your salaries.

    '.....Is a deal looking less likely, or just as likely but less effective?'

    Since WHEN was any suggested Copenhagen deal EVER going to be EFFECTIVE?

  • Comment number 5.

    given the politics pen-is [wasn't that failure enough?] its no wonder the execs are under the thrall of game shows and now want debate to be 'a bear pit' which by definition will generate more heat than light?

    it all reminds me of Â鶹Éç boxing where middle class journos beat their brains out for working class pleasure? there will be trial by ordeal rather than by reason. which is very middle ages?

    did brian walden need a spangly suit? or Woodward and Bernstein?

  • Comment number 6.

    ...British newspapers that more column inches today are devoted to the winner of the X Factor ..

    thank goodness for the internet then? these days its usually the only way to find out news about what is going on in the uk.

    why can't al jazeera be our public broadcaster? the army prefers them because they print facts as they see them and not what they think we should hear.

    what a mad place the bbc must be to work in. one feels pity for those held hostage to the execs latest religion.

  • Comment number 7.

    "Simon Cowell."

    Tell me: did his people contact Newsnight or the reverse?

    Could this be related, in any way, to his fears the X Factor winner - and I don't have a clue who it is, as the show is an abomination - may not grab the Christmas number one? After all, he appears to be popping up all over the place, to inform everyone what a nice guy he is.

    Softening us up to persuade us to buy the single and 'secure the singer's future'?

    Will this be another hard-hitting interview like we endured with Oprah?

  • Comment number 8.

    5 referred? won't see that again then.

    in essence- on the bear pit politics

    did brian walden need a spangley suit? or woodward and bernstein?

  • Comment number 9.

    How very convenient for those eco-fascist leaning politicians that despite the fact of other more serious news Copenhagen has to take back seat to the ten bob fat cat propaganda show X-Factor. Its not as if the winner exhibits great talent, at least from the alleged highlights I have seen he is a very average vocalist.

    God help us all if Cowell is going to be allowed to organize some kind of perhaps celebrity Corporate Nazi political propaganda show in the run up to the next perhaps most crucial general election in years. The " get blind drunk and blow all your money " song is still just hanging on in the top twenty, its been there so long ( perhaps since August ) when it was number 1 for weeks on end.

    Gavin hasn't got much brains but perhaps he could ask the president of the Maldives if he intends vastly cutting down all the executive jet set tourism his countries economy would appear to be based on. Perhaps Hillary Ben will continue today's earlier line about all the fish going rusty due to CO2 emissions. Meanwhile in the real world the worst snow storms in the US mid west for 50 years, and the chance of arctic conditions throughout northern Europe as the Copenhagen summit comes to its climax ?

  • Comment number 10.

    Him to Mim -

    Fragments of Archilochos's poetry - (c. 680 BC – c. 645 BC)

    'Like Odysseus under the ram
    you have clung under your lovers
    and under your love of lust,
    seeing nothing else for this mist,
    dark of heart, dark of mind.'

    'She held a sprig of myrtle she'd picked
    and a rose
    that pleased her most
    of those on the bush
    and her long hair shaded her shoulders and back.'

    'Whoever is alive
    is pleased by song.'
    Cowell likes to show is forearms for some strange reason. Always waring the same top with sleeves pushed up just below his elbow and makes sure his forearms are waving about.

  • Comment number 11.

    Lord Monckton on Climategate


    Im rather troubled by what he talks about at the end of part 4 at 6 min
    They are only draft proposals but who wants a world government?

  • Comment number 12.

    By far the best programme on the Â鶹Éç in the last year was tonight's Panorama on our postal service. It would appear that Royal Mail Corporate Nazi managers are attempting to run our postal service on the basis of a computer programme.

    Computer programmes are totally useless when it comes to designing ideal scenario's take rail ticketing for instance. Just for fun I investigated the possibility of a train trip to Barmouth and return on the same day. I friend and I did a similar trip in the 1980s and just turned up on the day, Lancaster to Crewe, change for Shrewsbury, then change direct to Barmouth. Fair enough but is was an Arriva site but it sent me from my local town to Manchester Victoria on the peak morning train, then admittedly direct to Barmouth. However, the return journey too me to Wolverhampton change Crewe, Manchester Piccadilly, both trips meant using the Metro to connect, in the 1980s we just caught the next train back and at no time were we lacking the choice of a seat.

    Similarly I once experienced a version of AutoCAD from the late 1980s where it would suggest a three eighth's bolt where any traditionally trained engineer would specify at least half inch. Even though I did O level tech drawing at secondary modern school the terms of use were completely alien to me, the lesson is that computer programmes are only as good or honest as the bloke that writes them. If the bloke who writes the programme is not an expert in that particular field, the result is totally useless.

    Considering that most computer programmers are so wrapped up in their particular language and pushing ever more complicated technology they are likely to understand. Unless Royal mails programme is written by experienced front line postmen it is highly unlikely to be able to do the job as a whole efficiently. It struck me that although parcels traffic has increased ( allegedly not machine sort able ) staff had been cut on the strength of a drop in machine friendly ordinary mail. Its not that long since Mandelson was squealing for private investment to modernize and provide funds for new machinery ?

    What planet are our politicians on, Brown spending 1.5 billion we haven't got funding the stock market parasites to embezzle on alleged green technology. Fair enough give Bangladesh a fleet of big size JCB excavators to build sea defences, at lest the locals will know which country who donated them, get our own economy stimulated.

    The Climate Change computer model is flawed simply by the fact it was written by a computer programmer complying with a dubious specification. If the weather keeps up like it is I may decide to believe that there is a " good god " again, even if the Anglican's would appear to have sold out to the " Corporate Nazi's " on most aspects of their alleged spirituality.

  • Comment number 13.

    I think I'm gonna go against the grain and my default settings here. Bearing in mind that 70% of the population is thick. Simon Cowell provides a very much needed service. Plus he's a clever businessman...a bit like Jordan AKA Katie price.

  • Comment number 14.


    I have posted on this before - and been ignored. To repeat: I saw, on TV, a starry eyed IDS say how impressed he was by Blairs conviction.

    Call him in and remind him of those words!

    I presume the spineless Tory MPs were on a three liner? Ask that too.

  • Comment number 15.

    #11 Red Eye Utd

    Watched the vids or enough, Brossen posts similar. The picture over the Loch is from his back garden. Brossen posted a link and his post code was on it. It's a days hike from here only have to cross two roads but a range of hills as well. The header picture on my blog, if I had panned the camera 1/2 mile to the left would have shown his house and Loch Rannoch in the picture.

    Aside from Monkton I have be trying to present an argument to not sign anything at Copenhagen. I was one of the scientists who was invited to set up the present generation of climate models. So I appreciate my knowledge and experience is not what is wanted at the moment.

    I have put some posts on Susan watts blog, which I hope is trying to explain somewhat in another way. No to Copenhagen.


    #13 Kev

    Have to agree. When i entered the competition to run the Millennium Dome as a global environmental management centre. One of the suggestions I made was a reality TV show so the public could select the winner.

    Important to point out I have a different approach to managing the planetary ecosystem, but that is because I am an engineer and ecologist. Not a politician or banker.

    My letter will be in the post this week to Cowell with my CV. Â鶹Éç and NN will not have me on though they often use my work. ( I am aware some ex cabinet ministers will not debate with me).Perhaps Cowell will offer an opportunity. Being independent with no one pulling my strings I say it as it is.

    #14 Barrie

    When i saw #2 Shire blogger I had an urge to reply as your pps, aware of your interest in this area. Perhaps your wish will come.

    Why am I against Copenhagen? Could I suggest the Time Machine by HG Wells. You will either be a carbon trader or a Morlock.

    I would never be part of such a crime against this Earth as carbon trading, but don't want to be a Morlock because apathy allows the traders to rule the world.

    We can be part of a journey to infinity. But that requires Copenhagen to be rejected. Kev has posted Bill Hicks. How can I add to that?

    Celtic Lion

  • Comment number 16.

    Is this any surprise?

    With the Islamic schools, 86 sharia "courts", sharia banking, and open borders policy. No wonder 78 percent regard themselves as British, they are rapidly overtaking the indigenous population with their religion. I wouldn't think there's half a million C of Es left.

  • Comment number 17.

    Current conservative figures put regular (monthly at least) C of E church attendance at about 1.7 million. There is debate over projections of continued decline thought this tends to be related to the main denominations. Projections are always suspect.

    Thre are considerable numbers thought to attend more flexible/modern 'house' churches (Actually not so modern - not's how christianity began and could well be the future IF thre were less focus on the buildings and their upkeep than on the belief systems themselves.

  • Comment number 18.

    Rog. sell your soul to get recognition?
    I do it all the time. Get that CV to Simon. do It now! I command thee.

  • Comment number 19.


    One admission after another, kevseywevsey, and I thought you were presenting yourself as a bees knees intellect of the universe? If you do it here, why don't you pop in to your local Police station to make that final admission?

    You could say something like: 'Officer, I've playing devil's advocate selling my soul right, left and centre? Can you help me further to make sure that both the UK, and the whole world for that matter, hears about me? And could you make also sure that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is also informed?. She wrote back to that silly girl Monika but I want to be recognised as well by Her Majesty.'

  • Comment number 20.

    go to sleep, kevseywevsey, it'll do you good.
    more challenges tomorrow

  • Comment number 21.

    Lol, when I came back I was so tired
    I half slept through University Challenge.
    I don’t know when it’s all going to end.
    It’s pure madness. I want just one friend.


  • Comment number 22.

    I've just read a very moving and heart warming article about the Duchess of Cornwall and The 4th Batallion The Rifles:

    And below are some rhymed musings on the subject:

    It looks like the 4th Battalion The Rifles
    Are lucky to have for their Patron the Duchess
    Of Cornwall who cares about them,
    Praising them for the enormous debt
    We owe them for being so brave.

    At Bulford Camp near Salisbury in Wiltshire
    She gave them their medals and praised all the folk
    Who look after the injured who from Afghanistan are back.
    She also does something that I would call ‘kosher’
    I.e., she sends them some whisky from her home in Highgrove
    Which then they must cherish, I should imagine, deep in their soul.


  • Comment number 23.

  • Comment number 24.

    Simon Cowell's interview was great - after transforming talent shows, could he redefine political programming with a new popular genre – politainment?

    Improbable? The recent Question Time show with the BNP’s Nick Griffin was watched by 8.34m/50% share, with almost a million more watching on the iPlayer. Ten million viewers,a million more online - sounds like X Factor territory. Would ITV have the nerve to show Simon Cowell's Big Political Issue during next year's election campaign? The compliance lawyers would have palpitations, but we can still dream the dream.

  • Comment number 25.

    #11 redeye re-your links to Lord Monckton on Climategate

    He suggested that everybody should sign the petition, but the website quoted only caters for USA. Is there a petition organised for UK?

    As a believer in the power of Mother Earth to take whatever drastic measures may result from overpopulation and despoilation by man, I don't see a man-made solution coming out of Copenhagen - only more control and taxation by World Government, particularly against those who may already lead an ecofriendly existance (only 2 kids, 1 flight per year, rarely use a car, central heating = wearing several layers of clothes,etc)

  • Comment number 26.

    #12/23 brossen9 Will watch Panorama and NN later(several competing programmes last night). Whether by computer programme or manually, there must be a way to quell the flood of junk-mail that represents most of my mail delivery. Every week we receive several take-away menus as there are far too many unskilled folk of all nationalities trying to earn a living from this market, which like many others, has been undermined by supermarkets.

    My kids won't believe that at their age we had to travel from North Kent to Peckham after a pub crawl to visit the only Indian curry house (apart from Veraswami in Regent Street)now Brighton has several in every street. The practice of leaflet distribution in town is also a collosal waste of material as can be seen by the number immediately dropped on the footpath after a cursory glance. I know businesses are getting desperate, but we really have to pull back on consumerism. Time to return to Dig for Victory and Home Economics

  • Comment number 27.


    indignantindegene re the petiton, iv'e not had a chance to look into it yet will do so this evening after work + i thought it was www.allpainnogain.org

    Why are the draft proppsals not even mentioned in the media? Is'nt world government and world powers of taxation important news?

  • Comment number 28.


    we all have through our bills. not just energy bills where the govt expect carbon tax to cimb £100 p.a but through food bills because farmers use energy and so have to pay the tax their their bills which they pass onto us etc.

  • Comment number 29.

    Excellent interview by Kirsty with Simon Cowell :o)
    You know what? I'd LOVE to see Simon Cowell doing "The Big Political Debate" before the General Election, and with ALL the parties who are standing at the election - not just the big 3. If he can get half of the British population tuning in for The X-Factor, I believe he could get similar, if not more, higher viewing figures for the General Election, which in turn would interest people in politics and lead to greater voter turnout.

  • Comment number 30.

    i can't believe tony's confession that he was pro war whatever the excuse wasn't examined. instead we get a stock piece about how people feel about xmas.

    the 'rich' countries.

    that is the bogus narrative. rich and poor countries. why is the uk with 1 trillion in debt 'rich'? and china with trillions in reserves 'poor' so that uk money [which they have to borrow from china] is then sent to china.

    science 'tells us' quote

    scientist do not take an oath to 'do no harm'. Indeed you can buy scientists to give you any outcome you like. remember the smoking debate? mad cow disease?

    how much of the licence fee is spent on carbon tax? which programmes should be axed to pay for it?

    mr bean is back?


    the uk oprah?

  • Comment number 31.

    Indy2 and RedEyeUtd

    The allpainnogain petition is American. Read it but not signing it. I am completely opposed to cap and trade, but the petition adds another list of things.

    I really don't understand the Â鶹Éç. They are supposed to be a public service broadcaster yet have done very little to explain cap and trade or any of the other options to manage a planet.

    Â鶹Éç coverage is very superficial reporting events, press release style. But not informing the public of the options and means of ecological system management.

    Cap and trade is the least effective way of ensuring sustainable ecosystem evolution, but the best for speculators and traders to make money.

    The Â鶹Éç are outpouring some emotive programming re concern for the planet. Ignoring what they are promoting, a Copenhagen agreement, is very ineffective at addressing that issue. There is a gulf between image and content. Style over substance. The media has effectively become a propaganda tool, promoting only one perspective.

    Though I have to say having spoken to some of the environment correspondents and other journalists at the Â鶹Éç they are not the best informed or most willing to explore outside the box of their establishment conformity.

    Indy thanks for re-posting the carbon trading IPCC link again.

  • Comment number 32.

    Lol, It's another beautiful day, as you know.
    I'm now waiting at Westminster Coroner's Court
    To hear the outcome of Thomas' post mortem
    And in the meantime had a chat with a Policemn.

    He was very attentive to what I was saying,
    Wished me good luck asking me and himself wondering
    Why the investigation hasn't been finished
    Of the harassment of which I am victim.

    It does make a lot of difference
    When with respect to me people listen.

    Hope you're fine Lol


  • Comment number 33.


    I haven't told the respectful Policeman yet about incorporating our conversation in the ditty above but will do later just before leaving not wanting to embarrass him on the spot.


  • Comment number 34.

    The verdict reached - natural causes due to rupture of his oesophagus prior to a few days of severe vomiting.

    However, he may have taken himself an overdose of morphine or may have been given it.

    There's nothing I can do about it now. One thing to be sure is I never saw him drugged up to his eyeballs.


  • Comment number 35.

    31. At 11:50am on 15 Dec 2009, Roger Thomas wrote:

    I really don't understand the Â鶹Éç. They are supposed to be a public service broadcaster yet have done very little to explain cap and trade or any of the other options to manage a planet.

    Â鶹Éç coverage is very superficial reporting events, press release style. But not informing the public of the options and means of ecological system management.

    Bang on. I have accepted we are in a climatic hole, and that man might well not be helping.

    However, as our PM has found out, you can't shoot Peter without swiping some rounds from Paul.

    So it... possibly might.. should be with lobbing bazillions out of Dakotas over Kilimanjaro in the hope that it will grow the glaciers back.

    Yet, from my national broadcaster on tangibles.... very little. At all. Much less adds up.

    However, when it comes to flying an emoter (like a reporter but with little qualification other than the ability to ask folk 'how is it for you?' of teary types who have built their shanties on flood plains and are now 'threatened' by 'climate change') to the 4 corners I am spoiled for choice. Just hope they make it back for Xmas if the Â鶹Éç books BA.


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