
Â鶹Éç BLOGS - Newsnight: From the web team
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Thursday 21 May 2009

Sarah McDermott | 17:41 UK time, Thursday, 21 May 2009

Here's a taster of what's coming up on tonight's programme:

From the web team:

Gordon Brown has defended Transport Secretary Geoff Hoon and Work and Pensions Secretary James Purnell over accusations in the Daily Telegraph that they avoided paying Capital Gains Tax when they sold homes in London.

The prime minister says he is satisfied they have complied with the law, and believes they will not need to repay any money to Revenue and Customs.

A stark contrast indeed to the way he spoke about Communities Secretary Hazel Blears when the Telegraph reported that she had not paid the tax and Mr Brown responded by denouncing her behaviour as "completely unacceptable". Is that consistent prime minister?

Also actress Joanna Lumley will be joining us hotfoot from a triumphant victory over residency rights for thousands of former British army Ghurkhas. What does her success say about the future of politics?

Plus, on the day that a leading credit rating agency revised down its outlook for the UK economy to "negative" from "stable" due to concerns about our debt burden, we have an interview with economist David Blanchflower.

He recently left his job as a Bank of England rate setter after frequently disagreeing with Governor Mervyn King throughout 2008 about the severity of the coming recession. He warns that youth unemployment could reach one million and says we are in danger of creating a "lost generation."

Join Gavin for all of that and more at 10.30pm on Â鶹Éç Two.


  • Comment number 1.

    Given that Israel has a reactor for producing weapons grade material, is and ignores the IAEA, keeps for exactly what it is doing, who is the rogue state?

  • Comment number 2.

    #1 Jaded_Jean

    I don't agree with Israel having nuclear weapons as it is difficult to see where they would drop them and when. But if people note that you are in favour of Hitler style planned economies, and are "agnostic", regularly, on the Holocaust it will put your things into perspective. Hitler was "peace loving".

  • Comment number 3.

    Whilst this continues, we're entreated to yet more on MPs expenses?

  • Comment number 4.

    All is well in the world.

    The Ghurkas are made welcome - eventually but genuinely by the country.

    Nobody wants the BNP at the palace tea party.

    It may cost us a billion for the Ghurkas and the BNP would cost almost nothing - beyond the impact of their odious presence.

    But the country cares not about a few pounds but about decency.

  • Comment number 5.

    Blears is a Blairite and is for the chop but Purnell is a Blairite so why doesn't he get the elbow? It's obvious...Brown hates redheads, good job Joanna Lumley is blonde

  • Comment number 6.

    In contrast to the Beeb I thought the Obama speech on Guantanamo a success and Cheney by contrast bombastic and fact-lite.

    But if a former administration is going to be partisan about their security would Obama not be entitled to respond by examining the apparently disgraceful tendering process for the reconstruction of Iraq and the oil contracts. I assume he would rather look the other way.

  • Comment number 7.

    Where, where, where is McBride?

    Maybe the Telegraph has signed him up and are waiting for the expenses saga to play out.

    On Blears versus Hoon and Purnell - does this not come on the day that they U-turn-because-they-got-to on the Ghurkas? If the wind is blowing in one direction and may salvage a few votes before humiliation in June then they will leap on it whatever logical and policy inconsistency interferes.

  • Comment number 8.

    thegangofone (#2) "I don't agree with Israel having nuclear weapons as it is difficult to see where they would drop them and when."

    Nice to see we have something in common.

    What do you think about given the current economic crisis? See ETS material over 13 years later. NB the second review had drops of poison in it (it's a Jewish/femininized brain thing I fear - just ignore those bits, as Herrnstein (also jewish but not poisoness) and Murray, were/are highly competent (and I don't think Murray is really a Neocon).

  • Comment number 9.


    The motorcycle black madonna
    Two-wheeled gypsy queen
    And her silver-studded phantom cause
    The gray flannel dwarf to scream
    As he weeps to wicked birds of prey
    Who pick up on his bread crumb sins
    And there are no sins inside the Gates of Eden

  • Comment number 10.

    Leftieoddbod #5

    Gordon Browns stock market parasite friendly Corporate Nazi credentials would be in complete tatters if he had to force his key Corporate Nazi cabinet members ( Purnell & Hoon ) to stand down. Hazel Blears was just another B liar ten bob fat cat so its relatively easy to sacrifice her to theoretically appease the voting masses.

    Say what you like about the Tories but at least Cameron has got the guts to immediately inform any of his MP's significantly exposed to the expenses scandal that they will stand down at the next general election.

  • Comment number 11.


    Given that many people (e.g. Ken Livingstone amongst others) have now explained that 'exploitation' of the MPs expenses system was actually encouraged in order to give MPs an extra 20K a year or so rather than increase their basic salaries, is it not unjust to keep singling out individuals? In fact, this persistence strongly suggests to me that the whole saga is being played by all concerned (MPs and the media) in order to distract a gullible public from the state of the economy and the pitiful extent to which MPs can do anything about it given the forces driving it. That they can do something about their expenses system is a rather poor substitute/subterfuge for their abrogation of governance over three decades to 'market forces' (i.e. anarchism) along with its inevitable greater 'evil', i.e. globalisation.

  • Comment number 12.


    If we riot against - well - everything (led, perhaps, by Joanna of Arc) and the police and military refuse to stop us, even joining in, will the EU defence force land on the south coast, with macaroni and sauerkraut still on their boots?

  • Comment number 13.

    My favourite George Brown quote is 'there is no great virtue in consistency .....' (in response to a question from a 16 yr old
    at a European Movement dinner in Melrose in 1971 when the other
    Mr Brown was propped up between a very young David Steel MP and
    the Countess of Dalkeith - almost as glamourous as Ms Lumley ..)

    He would therefore undoubtedly have approved of today's speech by
    David Miliband in which he advocated talking to a broad coalition
    of Moslem groups with one glaring exception - Hamas ......... The
    FCO links from the speech at Oxford to other organisations that're
    involved in this Moslem dialogue lead inter alia to the ... um ...
    'Government Hospitality Advisory Committee for the Purchase of Wine'.

    But not Hamas ........ yet ....

  • Comment number 14.

    I don't think Gordon Brown can explain the difference between Blears, Hoon and Purnell because there isn't one; he merely panicked and reacted off the cuff at a press conference and kept digging the hole deeper - where is McBride indeed? He really looks battered, whereas the whole schemozzle is making Lord Snooty look good; meanwhile the steady drip of duck islands, loobrush holders and claims for paid off mortgages fuel the mob's anger day by day.

    Wasn't it S&P,along with other credit rating agencies, who gave positive ratings to all those derivatives we're paying for?Why need we give them any air time, apart from attempting to explain their role in the debacle?

    If we don't watch out, British politics is about to transmogrify from the gentleman's club to the VIP area at the Banana Club.

    Celebrity Come Democratising.

    Brucie for Speaker!

  • Comment number 15.

    Jaded Jean #11

    Is it not the case that the current MP's expenses scandal is a symptom of the Corporate Nazi quasi-religion all mainstream politicians are expected to worship without question. Its all about the holy grail of perpetual stock market index growth ( as opposed to real growth in our economy ) . The more they cheat the system the more Corporate Nazi " brownie points " they accrue, perhaps an integral part of the planned decline of our nation into complete anarchy.

  • Comment number 16.

    STEALTH-PAY (#11)

    Taking the idea of stealth-pay at face value: it is a perfect example of the 'them and us' of Westminster politics. If we - the electorate - will not pay them what they want, such that we will not let them eat, exclusively, cake, should they not seek other employ? There must be loads of jobs that are higher paid than an MP, where selection is by rosette and you need no qualifications or particular ability - other than to procrastinate, obfuscate, and defecate on the customers. We, the voters, should only vote for candidates who are prepared to take a CUT in their pay - and zero perks. After all, they keep telling us they are in politics to 'make a difference' not to make money. It's time for the five-bob thin cats to set out their stalls. NO CUT NO VOTE. There you go politicians bet you can feel the difference already! (:o)

  • Comment number 17.

    The Federal Republic of Britain is long overdue; a written constitution, proportional representation, fixed term parliaments, a direct vote for the Executive President and open candidate primaries, with as much authority devolved to the local/town/city level.

    What's coming however, is a hung parliament with Lord Snooty in charge, watched over by the LibDems; oh, and ever so radical rules about what MPs can claim allowances for.

    We have a thing about scrutiny; mistakes beget even more systems of scrutiny; why not just say it, Gordi; the people are all potentially guilty, until it's clear they've voted Noolab. And even then it's more a case of "not proven".

  • Comment number 18.

    barrie #16

    Why not go the whole hog and find some two and six thin cats to run the country, the current cost of living is far too high for us to have any chance to compete in a now perhaps irrevocable Global Economy.

  • Comment number 19.


    Celtic Lion

  • Comment number 20.


    I have my Swine Flu brochure to hand. Any properly led government would now send to every home, a 'How to Riot Safely' brochure. A section on 'elimination while kettled' is required (with a footnote to riot police, explaining the term 'elimination'). Another would warn rioters that any tendency to group in ethnic, skin-colour or employment-designation terms, will be ruthlessly countered through 'whisking' - accomplished with low flying helicopters. The words: "What do we want" will be taken to mean "we want Sharia Law under Taliban Rule" and offenders will be re-educated with on the spot British beatings. Further measures will be announced AFTER coming into effect, to terrify Terrorists and so defeat Terror (unless they are masochists).

  • Comment number 21.

    does the bbc fear a conservative government with a majority? a lot of waspish mps who might wish to extend the principle of openness and transparency to other public funded bodies? Might it be better to start doing a tony blair and get any embarrassing expenses accidently destroyed?

    is independence really a function of how much money you pay someone? if so then the bbc must be the most independent broadcaster in the world? and ross the most independent presenter?

  • Comment number 22.

    brossen99 (#15) "Is it not the case that the current MP's expenses scandal is a symptom of the Corporate Nazi quasi-religion all mainstream politicians are expected to worship without question."

    Nothing so complex I suggest - the Snakes in Suits in the City have no consciences/shame and make even Alan Sugar look like an angel. Go easy on the 'nazis' by the way, probably much maligned in order to promote the venal interests of free-market predators.

    No, we're seriously expected to believe that they're capable of sorting out the economy because they can sort out their petty cash system.

    It should be called the House of Oz, not Commons.

    barrie (#20) ROFL.

  • Comment number 23.

    Vince Cable went off the rails a bit tonight on Question Time - apparently 'flipping homes' is a hanging offence.... ooo errr..

    The programme revealed just how irrational the entire charade has become. These expenses were authorised...remarkably like all the 'liars loans' ;-)

    Still with all these MPs working together and so eager to clean up their nest, very few BNP nasties will get protest votes one surmises?

    We now truly live in an idiocracy.

  • Comment number 24.

    Jaded Jean #22

    I seem to remember that we have argued about the use of the term " Nazi " in my posts when I specifically refer to " Corporate Nazi's ". I was under the impression that we had agreed that the term Corporate Nazi " was a sound bite to describe your much maligned anarcho capitalist Trotskyites. The term Corporate Nazi is simple enough for any average man in the street to appreciate and refer to. Not everyone has the dubious benefit of a politics doctrine but they do have a good idea of what Nazi means today, take the smoking ban for instance. Toll roads next, relative basic human rights of the workers put back into the 18th century. And then there is all the nasty expensive in taxation eco-fascist sponsored stuff ordered for the next stock market parasite investment scam. And yet some people will vote Green in protest and lend credibility the real Nazi's ( or what they have metamorphosised into since 1945 ). The BNP look tame by comparison.

  • Comment number 25.

    I wish Gavin has pressed Treasury Minister Stephen Timms on the strange inconsistency in the Inland Revenue guidance to MPs you've highlighted?

  • Comment number 26.

    David Blanchflower - how many cronies can the Â鶹Éç muster. This ex Bank of England thinks the last budget (suicide note) makes sense!!!!

    Spending like a banshee by borrowing huge mountains of debt Blanchflower thiks is clever and an "investment in the future"! Can this cronic croney not work out its DEBT IN THE FUTURE.

    Why when all businesses and all consumers are reining in spending and paying off debt does this croney think bigger spending, no spending cuts and bigger debt is intellident. Even a 12 year old knows he can't keep spending pocket money he hasn't got and cannot pay off.

    And the Â鶹Éç is bent puffing up this croney as "right" regards cutting interest rates and Mevyn King "wrong". There's NO WAY to measure that. The Â鶹Éç is a pure spin machine, you idiots think we were bron yesterday, pathetic!

  • Comment number 27.

    With the children of all those Ghurkhas now about to live here taking up University and employment places, there certainly could be a lost generation!

  • Comment number 28.

    I have a question, when is a Gurkha not a Gurkha? If most of the Gurkhas stay here, and of course they should, do they stop being Gurkha. There's many around where I live, their wives work locally as well. They have young children, now these children will be english, so do they stop being Gurkha (Nepalese)? And I don't suppose they will then want to join the army, and I can't say I blame them! They won't be Nepalese anymore they will be English. I do worry a little about Nepals economy with the loss of all the money the soldiers must take back to their country after they retire.

  • Comment number 29.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 30.

    Please do not ever ever vote for any politician or political party that ever says the word Green. Do not ever take any notice of any journalist or correspondent that says the word Green.

    Green is the colour of a coat of paint or that of a field of cabbages.

    Green is a word used by the ignorant to convince the unknowing to vote for them. Green is a word used by those who do not understand planetary ecological systems, but try to convince the unknowing they do.

    If any politician uses the word Green avoid them. If they have to use this word, it means they do not understand what they want to talk about.

    Have nothing to do with Green, it is a con used by the unknowing to delude the unknowing. Spoil Party Games.

    Celtic Lion

  • Comment number 31.

    Remember what Galbraith said about the the 1929 crash. What was done was trying to solve a problem that had already happened. Just making a situation worse.

    Remember what Prof Jay Forrester said about complex systems. Very often a strategy will generate the opposite result.

    Remember the 2004 Tsunami. Before the destructive wave hit the sea went into recession, the level went into depression.

    Increasing consumption will collapse ecological life support systems and result in your death and that of your family and destroy the planet. Oppose the G20 strategy.

    Remember Gordon Brown put forward this initiative. He runs a Government where members can't even remember where they live or fill out a form accurately, let alone understand or run a planet.

    If you want a future for yourself, your family and this planet. It is No to Green and No to stimulating the economy.

    Celtic Lion

  • Comment number 32.

    Oh, how I marvel at Gavin Esler (who still can't pause between sentences) criticising - after the fact, lest he be seen to be on the government's side and influence their decision (it isn't biased to be on the side of the Ghurkas) - the granting of the right to residency to ex-Ghurka soldiers and paying their pensions here.

    The media is having a field-day at the expense of Labour and journalistic balance.

  • Comment number 33.

    This is how the news of the Ghurkha victory was being reported in Nepal:

    The agency report on eKantipur - from Agence France Presse! - concludes:

    "About 200,000 Gurkhas fought for Britain in World Wars I and II and more than 45,000 died in British uniform. Around 3,500 Gurkhas currently serve in the British army, including in Afghanistan."

  • Comment number 34.

    14. At 8:46pm on 21 May 2009, kashibeyaz wrote:
    Celebrity Come Democratising.
    Brucie for Speaker!

    I believe NN might be thinking of getting their new yoof stars to create a year long special on four out of five days a week, for at least 50% of the show, with Justin Rowlatt flying to a new country (but feeling conflicted about 'having ' to do it) to commune with and hence help us understand how other countries' yoof feel about the Mother of all Parliament's Dance to Democracy series.

    Give us a twirl, Aunty!

  • Comment number 35.


    Me and Martin - we are like that! (No - not like that - like that.) Martin, if you are a Newsnight Blog addict - welcome aboard!

    I have to admit to being dangerously full of myself at the realisation that the greatest and goodest, of the Great and Good, has caught up with my 2005 General Election plea. Will Martin Bell prove to be my Joanna Lumley? Fortunately, being 72, I can appreciate his gravitas almost as much as Purdy's blonde mop. (Also, when elected, there is no risk Martin Bell will be claiming make-up as a necessary adjunct to political function!)

    So, speaking of gravitas, I can only hope that Britain will hear my message, now that it is more acceptably presented. The need is ever more urgent, and the result should be the same.



  • Comment number 36.


    barrie (#35) Whilst you'd get my vote before Bell or Lumley (at least she, unlike Rantzen has the sense to publicly recognise that she's no politician), in the current climate of group spin/subterfuge where all the parties are desperate to create the image that they can do something useful, what's really needed is some hard-talk on viable policies which go against the flow.

    I seriously wonder sometimes (as I do whether Trotsky's exile and the Moscow trials of the late 1920s and 1930s were charades) whether, given all the and the , the US, UK and Europe have been straining to engineer crises just to be able to turn the last three decades' juggernaught around and reduce us to href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nomenclature_of_Territorial_Units_for_Statistics">NUTS./a>

    Speaking of MEPs, the imminent EU elections and not far off General Election, the row is rather timely in many ways is it not? It focuses the electorate on the major parties after they have shown themselves to be a) intentionally hands-off anarchists, b) gives them the opportunity to purge a few ready to go anyway, c) may fool some of the electorate into thinking they have some power over the venal narcissists/psychopaths in the private sector (and ever more beyond), and d) claw back some protest/sink votes from the BNP, SNP and UKIP etc.

  • Comment number 37.

    #36 JJ

    Read this after your post it was quoted on the ticker at the bottom of Â鶹Éç news so thought would see what it said.

    Celtic Lion

  • Comment number 38.


    Hi JJ. My parochial approach acknowledged. If - as I joked yesterday about the EU 'Defence' Force invading us - it is already too late to rebel, I guess we are stuffed; not a free Island Nation - but an EU number. If there is still time, let's pull up the drawbridge and measure success by national contentment in future.

    An admission: I had somehow failed to pick up on your frequent mentions of NUTS. Expletive deleted - now that IS cause for paranoia!

  • Comment number 39.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 40.


    The difference between what Westminster 'saw fit' to release, and what The Telegraph had, would surely have called 'time' on honourable British governance - envy of the world?

    As for the Dorries Defence: one might expect an MP to gain a mandate from their constituents (to whom they SHOULD owe a duty of probity) before going for 'STEALTH-PAY'. But then, stealth is the mark of the Hyde-Bound beast-psyche of Jimmie Brown's alter ego.

    This is what Westminster ethos, and the party system, delivers. SPOIL PARTY GAMES. (The only strategy endorsed by a White Coat.)

  • Comment number 41.

    ok a post without the link

    who are the people in the commons fee office who gave such spectacular advice?

    also does the telegraph have the right to drip this out over weeks and so provoke what might be a political crisis that might have FAR RIGHT reaching consequences? maybe that might suit the telegraph or those who sold them the info? Surely they should release it all rather than keep dragging it out? its no longer in the public interest?

  • Comment number 42.

    for the vid link which i thought chimed with the current political feelings


    Tears for Fears - Shout (live)

    on the usual vid site.

  • Comment number 43.

    barrie (#16) "After all, they keep telling us they are in politics to 'make a difference' not to make money."

    I appear to have annoyed/upset/disappointed John_from_Hendon over in the [Unsuitable/Broken URL removed by Moderator]Stephanomics blog recently even after repeatedly pointing out that whilst I considered his suggestions invariably very sensible, the means of implementing them don't exist in the House of Oz given MP's modus operandi for decades has been to devolve power and deregulate. Some smart people have a hard time with this prima facie, simple, paradoxical, but I submit, radical, idea.

    But 'that's anarchism folks!' - and unless I am very much mistaken, it's been brought to you by the very same people who gave us Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny. Sadly, my satirical sketch on Gaffy, Daffy and Naffy and the expenses fuss a few days back was blogdogged - evidently it just wasn't up to Â鶹Éç standards.

    KCL (#37) - Good link, many thanks.

  • Comment number 44.

    #31 The mean Green gravy machine

    Very few people have made the clear link between energy, the environment and economics. Unfortunately those that have floated these ideas have been silenced by the might of the unlimited growth proponents (Solow-ists).

    The jigsaw is starting to take shape in my mind, beginning with post #4, the dialogue with superiorsnapshot and concluding at #30:


  • Comment number 45.


    Something [Unsuitable/Broken URL removed by Moderator]else to bear in mind when looking at the shaping of policy?

  • Comment number 46.

    #35 Barrie, who do I vote for if all my candidates are from the main parties and a UKIP and a Green, no independant in sight! How do I spoil party games?

  • Comment number 47.

    On Baby P "Indefinite" and "minimum of five years" don't make sense to those that unlike Griffin and Kemp have not had a brush with the law.

    To me five years is pretty damn light for the mother and ten years for the Hitler loving illiterate boyfriend (and child rapist) is disturbingly low.

  • Comment number 48.

    I hope Kirsty will take note of the Cult of the Latter Day Haw Haws who pollute this page on an hourly basis.

    If its not already "in the can" or whatever people say:

    When covering "Basterds" please string out the scenes where the Nazis get scalped and if you interview Tarantino how about an impromptu Newsnight posters award - a copy of Searchlight maybe.

    I am a bit strapped for cash so maybe you could stump up on expenses ..... Perhaps not.

  • Comment number 49.

    In the Guardian :
    'A Tory backbencher today accused the Daily Telegraph of coming close to carrying out a "McCarthyite witch-hunt" in its disclosures about MPs' expenses claims, which she said had brought MPs to a point that was almost unbearable for any human being to bear.

    Nadine Dorries, the MP for Mid Bedfordshire, rounded on the media after claiming in her blog yesterday that MPs were watching for potential suicides among MPs, many of whom, she said, seemed close to "cracking".'

    Dorries does not seem to know her history. McCarthy, if I recall, was very prone to accuse people probably knowing full well they were not guilty.

    Sixteen hundred pounds claimed for a duck house on expenses as a "necessary" expense is a fact.

    I do accept that anybody can make a mistake - I didn't think the Smith "adult films" fiasco that serious, but then neither does anybody else.

    But if you can't do the time don't do the crime.

    It does sound as though Cameron needs to get his troops in order as the "jealousy" outburst will provoke more fury.

    By the way were Blairs expenses in the Telegraph pile? Given his attitude to money that would be of interest.

  • Comment number 50.

    HOW TO BEAT THE SWINE (Political Health Guidance Leaflet) #46

    (1) Spread the sound bite: 'Spoil Party Games' at every opportunity, while the furore lasts. Currently (as typically with Shiny Boy Dave) parties want (a) to keep the party system (even Honest Vince said, disingenuously, they are vital) and (b) individual parties want to use this melee to factional advantage.

    (2) Bring to the attention of those you know that ONLY POLITICS spends most of its time in-fighting instead of governing. If we all return locally screened independents of high calibre, and they turn out to be unable to come up with a system of governance, then adding party names and forming gangs will not help.

    (3) Organise local forums; not for wannabes to spout off in but for consensus to be established regarding good people in your midst WHO DON'T WANT THE JOB and who, by that token, may be well suited. (If Westminster Speakers were TRULY reluctant - as implied in the ritual - we might be better served. AVOID THE USUAL SUSPECTS. Retired people are a good bet, for obvious reasons.

    (4) DIY? If the local paper is not political, get them to follow your fund raising and campaign. (Once the Election is declared, they are bound by law not to give disproportionate help, but as far as i know, till then there is no problem. Or cajole a person of known integrity to take that route.

    Never lose sight of that other 'permission' Westminster tacitly gives to all its inmates: the right to look us in the eye and lie, obfuscate, dissemble, digress, elide, avoid, every legitimate question, AND FEEL NO APPROPRIATE GUILT OR SHAME. That alone has been cause to bring down the Palace of Westminster, for as long as I can remember. If you watched Question Time you will have seen and heard ALL THE POLITICIANS present ASSERTING THEIR RIGHT to insult us from a great height. I know of no other profession where contempt for those served, is de rigueur and blatant. THAT is the ultimate disgrace of Westminster but THAT is what hides behind the piffling matter of a bit of pilfering.

    EVEN NOW, THE UNDERLYING (!) WESTMINSTER ETHOS LURKS DEEP IN SHADOW, FAR FROM THE CLEANSING SUNLIGHT BEING INVOKED. If we SPOIL PARTY GAMES, the true state of contamination of British governance will become apparent.

  • Comment number 51.

    thegangofone (#49) "But if you can't do the time don't do the crime."

    People will be calling you 'Damian' soon if you keep up your unique presentation of the 'facts'.

    Just give some of this (and follow-ups) a little thought and perhaps you'll begin to see the world afresh?

    Alternatively, picture this: 'Ello 'ello 'ello, what's all this then Mr thegangofone?.

  • Comment number 52.

    #44 hawkeye

    Excellent discussion in those posts.

    One key point that was covered was the problems with the current socio- economic model are being discussed by those within it who created the problem in the first place.

    This is my gripe with NN, they always have the usual suspects. What they believe are new ideas, are not, they are simply a reshuffling of the parts of the failed model.

    Not matter how many times you try and rearrange the parts of a water power cotton weaving mill, you will never construct a laptop computer.

    When I look at politicians and their media support system, one phrase comes to mind. "Keep banging the rocks together".

    Search for

    Celtic Lion Our Option

  • Comment number 53.

    My death penalty material appears not to work on here.
    Cranial injury claret splatter spelling out words too graphic for yer beeb peeps?

    "flash photography and upsetting images through-out this report"...

    Really! I didn't see nothin other that a mound in the distance that might be dead people in some worn torn part of the world and last time i had them checked ..my eyes are good.
    Not one for ridiculing the Mods... so i won't as they have to work within the guidelines Aunty Beeb dishes out but the Beeb needs to come out of its sanitised bubble..if only a little bit.

    "To me five years is pretty damn light for the mother and ten years for the Hitler loving illiterate boyfriend (and child rapist) is disturbingly low"

    I agree!.. you can blame the out-of-touch liberial elite - and Roy Jenkins - for that woefully inadequate prison sentence. And thats why i'll be voting for the BNP in the june elections. The only British political party that calls for the reintroduction of capital punishment.

    Glad someone at Newsnight has got a sense of humour; the three flying ducks on back drop:)

  • Comment number 54.

    As with many others, it might be worth such flash in the pans as Nadine to recall that it's all well having your day in the sun, but if you haven't developed the skin for it you'll get burned.

    I shake my head at how supposedly media-savvy 'handler' kids and munchkins can't even cope with basic aspects with any hint of experience or skill.

    I wouldn't mind, but now I suspect the taxpayer is funding these rosy-cheeked cherubic makeweights for each party. Mind you, maybe their ineptitude does serve a public service.

  • Comment number 55.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 56.

    go1 at 49:

    "I do accept that anybody can make a mistake - I didn't think the Smith "adult films" fiasco that serious, but then neither does anybody else"

    The adult films fiasco were payed via the tax payer..many of us tax payers were not at all happy about it!

    Am dancing like a performing bear for you Modder!

  • Comment number 57.

    thegangofone (#48) "I hope Kirsty will take note of the Cult of the Latter Day Haw Haws who pollute this page on an hourly basis."

    One can but hope.

    Does any of [Unsuitable/Broken URL removed by Moderator] ring any bells? ;-)

  • Comment number 58.

    #50 Barrie, yes I did watch Question Time, and agree with you! I did notice one of the audience comments though, which reminded me of you. He said, why are there lists of candidates forced on the local electorate, why can't the local parties find their own representative, or words to that affect. I immediatly thought of you and your independent views. Once upon a time I thought we did chose our own candidates, so why did it change?

  • Comment number 59.

    JunkkMale (#54) "As with many others, it might be worth such flash in the pans as Nadine to recall that it's all well having your day in the sun, but if you haven't developed the skin for it you'll get burned."

    Not long ago she was allegedly considering legal action against purveyors of poison (e.g. McBride and Draper).

    Clearly, in the interest of the greater spin, no blowing of whistles is allowed in the Great Theatre of Oz.

  • Comment number 60.

    The unsuitable link concluded "This is the first time in the whole of human history that a people has voluntarily engineered in its own destruction.".

    It can (and I suggest it should) be found elsewhere ;-)

  • Comment number 61.


    i thought there was a report tony's receipts were 'accidently' destroyed? powerful forces are protecting tony?

  • Comment number 62.

    OOPS is A wonderfull Word

  • Comment number 63.

    #57;#60 Which is the really the greater sin, stating something which is true but unwelcome, or witholding/removing something which needs to be said/understood because people might find it unwelcome?

    Think credit crunch for precedent.

    Google "Race Differences, Immigration, And The Twilight of the European Peoples"


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