

Talk about Newsnight


Zimbabwe blogs

  • Newsnight
  • 2 Apr 08, 06:04 PM

President Robert Mugabe's party has lost its majority in parliament, official results show.

morgan_mugabe.jpgMr Mugabe's Zanu-PF party has so far taken 94 of the 210 seats, while opposition parties have won 105, the Zimbabwe Election Commission says.

Earlier, the opposition MDC said its leader Morgan Tsvangirai had won the presidential election. Zanu-PF said this was "wishful thinking".

The official presidential election results have not yet been declared.

Tonight Newsnight will have the latest from inside the country - but if you just can't wait, here is a list of the best websites and blogs covering the situation in Zimbabwe.

Election result sites:

Main newspapers :
(owned by Zimbabwean investors)
(a business weekly)


Comments  Post your comment

  • 1.
  • At 09:21 PM on 02 Apr 2008,
  • paul miller wrote:

governments in real dictatorships don t lose elections.check the bbcs beloved china,egypt,saudi arabia,uganda etc.

  • 2.
  • At 09:29 PM on 02 Apr 2008,
  • paul miller wrote:

Governments in real dictatorships don t lose elections like 麻豆社s beloved China,Uganda,Saudi Arabia,Egypt etc

  • 3.
  • At 09:38 PM on 02 Apr 2008,
  • terry mellor wrote:

it must be soul destroying to be a citizen of a tyranny Supported by britain,their oppositions don t get a tenth of the sympathetic coverage tsvangirai gets.

  • 4.
  • At 11:51 PM on 02 Apr 2008,
  • i cant provide wrote:

i am zimbabwean so you have to understand why i ncant provide my name or email but i gotta tell you it cruel in zimbabwe i tried to call relatives but they had one network closed and we cant contact them .. the un ambassoder from zimbabwe knows his boss will do something to someone back home.i am 120% confident that man knows its end game for Mugabe

  • 5.
  • At 11:56 PM on 02 Apr 2008,
  • Gordon wrote:

The Zimbabwean Ambassador to the UN, Boniface Chidyausiku, explained in simple terms why Zimbabwe is in a mess.
External forces did not want land reform because it would set an example to Africa and the rest of the world.
The way to control a country is to control its money supply.
The media needs to focus its attention nearer to home to find the cause and not endlessly describe the effect which serves no real purpose.

  • 6.
  • At 12:00 AM on 03 Apr 2008,
  • Adrian Hill wrote:

Interesting Zimbabwe has opposition supporting newspapers. Hardly the dictatorship we are constantly told.Seen the lack of press freedom in Putins Russia by comparison?

  • 7.
  • At 12:25 AM on 03 Apr 2008,
  • William Nesbitt wrote:

I enjoy Jeremy Paxman on Newsnight in his ability to get into issues. Tonights report on the Brain Gym was particularly interesting. From the interview with Dr. Dennison it became apparent that a terrible commercial scam is being enforced on our young children on a massive scale without any proper peer reviewed analysis being carried in any reputable independant journal. It is my opinion that this programme should be halted until such research is undertaken. In fact some of the claims that this organisation makes are totally scientifically ridiculous even to someone with little scientific knowledge. Again thanks for this programme. As a result of this programme I have since discovered on further research that there are people propagating this stuff in Northern Ireland which I was not aware of.

  • 8.
  • At 01:19 PM on 03 Apr 2008,
  • Jerry Khumalo wrote:

Its a shame that people realise dictators very very late.Mugabe was a dictator in 1978 before the Lancaster house conference.Its only that the likes of Hague and The Baroness were in good relation with him .He remained good to the world even though he killed thousands of ennocent civilians in the 80s in matebeleland .As long as he kept his relationship good with the WEST.He became a bad boy when he took the land off the White farmers.(Which was really bad and unlwful)He improsoned his opponents and the West Kept a blind eye.

  • 9.
  • At 09:49 AM on 08 Apr 2008,
  • steve wrote:

what a joke. Brown as friend of the have-nots? Was he ever? The decision to abolish the ten pence tax will be the rock Brown perishes on. To accommodate his friends in the city he has performed the greatest act of betrayal typical of his ilk, having never ever known real poverty how can he ever understand whether to choose food or heating, never ever having a holiday and to put the boot into the most vulnerable people in society is the lowest form of deception, and he has given the Tories victory at the next election. Nice one, Gord.

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