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Newsnight Insider

Newsnight gold

  • Newsnight
  • 13 Feb 08, 03:38 PM

Newsnight goldAt the beginning of this week we launched a new feature on the website - .

From down in the depths of the Newsnight archive (actually it's upstairs), librarian Adam will unearth the best of Newsnights gone by. We have mined the archive before for our back in 2005 - but now Adam will bring us highlights from corresponding weeks from past years (you'll have to wait until October for his favourite piece - voodoo in Haiti from 1981).

His first find is from 12 February, 1980 - the programme's first year on-air. Charles Wheeler reports from Maine on a fractious Democratic presidential nomination campaign (sound familiar?). Watch it here.

We've included the titles and an "And finally..." story so you can see the set and graphics in their full glory. As you can see, much has changed in television news... Do let us know your thoughts.

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I truly am bemused by the ethos behind recent "intiatives" of Newsnight. Have you all been sitting in on "How to be Crass" seminars, run by some New Labour quango, or is the answer simply that you have been replaced from giant pea-pods and don't have the brains you were born with - so to speak? Any chance you could publish the Newsnight Mission Statement? I'll get me coat.

  • 2.
  • At 09:24 PM on 13 Feb 2008,
  • carl roberts wrote:

Can you find the interview with the American general that admitted the closest the world came to nuclear war was during the Arab Israeli war back in '73? He claimed that an Israeli General had got permission of the then cabinet to lauch against Syria.

He also claimed that Egypt (which did not have nuclear weapons) had got them from the Soviet Union after much pleading from Anwar Sadat.

Well I think the Newsnight Gold feature is superb, and I love it! I wouldn't have appreciated the 1980 interview with Charles Wheeler when it was first broadcast, as I was 4 years old at the time, so being able to see it the second time round is great :-) Things like this aren't avaliable on youtube.com so it's the only opportunity most of us will have to see this footage. Thanks!!!

  • 4.
  • At 12:54 PM on 19 Feb 2008,
  • Garry Curran wrote:

Yvette Cooper last night criticised the Tories for wanting to sell Northern Rock when the markets are down.Her leader sold the countries gold reserves a few years ago at a very low price.Short or selective memory?

  • 5.
  • At 12:23 AM on 06 Mar 2008,
  • Bob Goodall wrote:

What about JP holding up a GROT Poster just before the 1997 General Election?

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