

Talk about Newsnight

G8 in Germany

Exclusive: G8 Climate change communique text

  • Newsnight
  • 7 Jun 07, 04:02 PM

From in Heiligendamm.

Newsnight exclusive on the climate change text of the G8 communique, in which the US almost commits to a 50% target for cutting greenhouse gases by 2050.

"in setting a global goal for emissions reductions in the process we've agreed today involving all major emittors, we will consider seriously the decisions made by the EU, Canada and Japan, which includes at least a halving of emissions by 2050. ......We commit to achieving these goals and invite the major emerging economies to join us in this endeavour."

I'm told that the President surprised his own staff by agreeing to the mention of a 50% target in the text, over breakfast with Tony Blair one-on-one this morning. Even the environmental groups are pleasantly surprised (though not, of course, entirely satisfied.)

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  • 1.
  • At 06:10 PM on 07 Jun 2007,
  • Mark wrote:

President Bush can agree that the cow will jump over the moon in 2050 but if the Congress of the United States doesn't go along with it, the cow will remain in the pasture chewing its cud 'till hell freezes over. The last time the Senate voted it returning a verdict of 95-0 against cutbacks before Bush was even elected. If and when the year 2050 rolls around, and if Bush is still alive we can try to hold him to account for his promises. Until then I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for the US to make any real commitments to CO2 cutbacks anytime soon. This is strictly a photo op event. A lot will happen in the next 42 1/2 years. Something tells me George Bush passing from the political scene will be one of them.

  • 2.
  • At 02:27 AM on 08 Jun 2007,
  • Mark wrote:

"We will consider seriously..." Blah, blah, blah, what a bunch of weasel words. Angela Merkel is a cheap date. You can promise her anything and she is happy. So the US is committed to consider seriously, at least the Bush administration is. And then when consideration has been given and it costs too much and India, China, and Brazil don't go along with it, and the EU fails as usual to meet its own commitments by a mile, it's NYET. Of course it might be that none of those things happen and some future US administration say around 2037 could agree to a treaty and put it to Congress which could then say NYET. Don't you love the Russian language, it's the sharpest way of saying NO I know of. Hey Count Vlad, not putting the missiles in Czech R.....NYET!

  • 3.
  • At 03:33 AM on 08 Jun 2007,
  • Lionel Tiger wrote:

Something pretty significant must have happened in 1990 for this to be the persistently used benchmark for CO2 emissions. Hold on a minute, it was just before the Gulf War and the loss of Kuwait oil that put the prices up, and reduced consumption. These figures are 17 years old now, why use such an outdated benchmark from a departed century. The decision makers will be dead by the time these such cuts will have their effects. Either that, or they'll have oblated their limbs like a true American, flying to sit with their beverages of choice along with the other hypocritical ethical fascists in the sun while the rest of us are enslaved by the restrictions imposed by the totalitarian world they have created. They'll be watching us through their cameras like a global Big Brother (please do not swear). Will America be the first to be evicted ? How can anyone be arrogant enough to think they can control the world's climate with such accuracy. All civilisations that made sacrifices declined due to false truths diverting their attention from the true perils they were facing. Tell us the truth or risk false human action and inappropriate action, resulting in perishing peril. If this is to promote renewable energy, then say so. If this is to reduce inefficient consumption of fossil fuels say so. If this is to promote nuclear power say so. If this is to promote sustainability of resource use in the light of industrialising developing countries, say so. Otherwise, we'll be burying our heads in the sand in the attempt to avoid the Carbon getting into the air. Why don't we investigate the truth, and look at where it all goes, that being the ocean, the Aragonite, and the Diatom Phytoplankton. Investigate the lowering pH of the ocean, and how this can change the climate, the fish we eat, and the climate the seas generate. Why not work out how Brazil can develop without chopping the rainforest down, that affects the climate, hence being called a 'rain'forest. Why not us e democracy to get those that can to be more resourceful to join in. What is wrong with regional adoption, on a State by State basis. Get people involved, not prone to rebel from an imposed dictatorship. People need more local choice, and a real option for developing nations. That could get Shanghai, Goa, Maharashtra, Mumbai, and all the industrialised Chinese provinces to join in, as well as more US States. Boris Berezovsky would be a perfect candidate for investigating the best way to control a dynamic system, having studied in detail Control Theory. This ineffective system just paints a simple picture of the world, and assumes that all Citizens of a specific nation are the same, reminiscent of Communism. Imposing an ideology treating everyone the same, and removing their liberties and motivation for action. Let's promote sustainability of resource use, in a free and prosperous world, not a totalitarian imposed ideology.

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