

Talk about Newsnight

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Not One Of Us by Ali Dizaei

  • Newsnight
  • 12 Mar 07, 01:58 PM

alidizaei203.jpgWith his outspoken campaigning on race relations and reputation for day-to-day crime-fighting, Superintendent Ali Dizaei had been tipped to be Britain's first Asian chief constable.

But the Iranian-born officer was secretly suspected of a series of crimes and in 2000 became the subject of what was to become the most expensive inquiry ever into a single officer.

Three years later he was cleared of perverting the course of justice, misconduct in public office and making false expense claims - leading to renewed claims that the Metropolitan Police had failed to stamp out racism.

Not One of Us outlines how he set about clearing his name.

Read an extract and leave your comments and reviews below.

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  • 1.
  • At 05:07 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • dicky wrote:

I once wrote a letter to my council that prompted a public meeting and six months later someone tried to frame me for a crime. The details they had about me and the way the operation was carried out was something out of james bond. When CID came around to question me the first thing they said, which took me aback, was 'who have i upset?'. I couldn't think at the time [yes naive]. It was only later when the council chief in question was sacked for fraud and corruption that i realised there is more going on in public life than people think.

i then realised to go into public life you need an organisation behind you because you are going into a twilight zone where strange things happen and there is safety in numbers.

i listened to ali on 5live. the one question i wanted simon to ask was 'do you think framing people in public life in order to divert the agenda and so involve them in months or years of a pointless legal circus is more common than we think?'

when i see a campaigner dragged through the courts only for the case to be thrown out i do wonder.

  • 2.
  • At 10:00 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • The inter-floral terminators wrote:

"The simplest way to end the nuclear arms race is to launch subtle biological war on our own manufacturers silos and educators about nuclear components... this may already have been in progress..." {1960s}

"Obviously missile manufacturers are in different locations to power station manufacturers..." {1970s}

"Nuclear is not economically sophisticated enough or socially expressive of contemporary politics....missiles are too developed already as a technology ....and are politically indiscriminate expressions of 50s 60s sicko red socialism liberal game playing defcon gambling...for the arms industry...and flight fight orders exhibitionism..." {1979}

"Multi biological is green and say it with flowers feminist influencing...discriminatingly meaningful to women..." {1982}

"You never know who we might need to biologically disable... as they do with psycho drugs and influenza for the purposes of Blairist ecoskewing..." {1983} {1997}

"We should go pro territorial multi biological instead of nuclear deterrent..." {1998} {2003}

The inter floral terminators
"The simplest way to end the nuclear arms race is to launch subtle biological war on manufacturers silos and educators about nuclear components... this may already have been in progress..." {1960s}

"Obviously missle manufacturers are in different locations to power station manufacturers..." {1970s}

"Nuclear is not economically sophisticated enough or socially expressive of contemporary politics....missiles are too developed already as a technology ....and are politically indiscriminate expressions of 50s 60s sicko red socialism liberal game playing defcon gambling...for the arms industry...and flight fight orders exhibitionism..." {1979}

"Multi biological is green and say it with flowers feminist influencing...discriminatingly meaningful to women..." {1982}

"You never know who we might need to biologically disable... as they do with psycho drugs and influenza for the purposes of Blairist ecoskewing..." {1983} {1997}

"We should go pro territorial multi biological instead of nuclear deterrent..." {1998} {2003}

  • 3.
  • At 10:26 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • An Egyptian traveller wrote:

The irony is saddam was recreating ancient biological weapons to take out the iranian nuclear programs...

  • 4.
  • At 10:41 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • Empowered by the word fraud wrote:

Rumours Oxford people are avoiding fraud by writing in encrypted ecclesiastical Latin....

We need the SFO to investigate pharmaceuticals...for the sake of strong economic prolife alternatives rather than the weak thesiesed fraud defended premediocracy poisons ...

  • 5.
  • At 11:26 PM on 12 Mar 2007,
  • A humanist defending the vulnerable from the consequences of fraud wrote:

The deliberate economic deceptions of the psyche conceptions have resulted in disabilities and deaths

Sh!t scientists are claimed to be more valuable than the sanctities of common wealth trustabilities that impatient health challenged individuals depend on...

The power of fraud as an accusation empowers us to overpower people employed by their psyches rather than by humanity...

The simplest way to do fraud has been to fabricate results to describe defendents the way the products said they would become...

Economic physical punishment to defend fraud is a triumph of social engineering and a failure of society to defend loyalists from economic dispossession

  • 6.
  • At 06:23 PM on 13 Mar 2007,
  • pippop wrote:

Mr.Dizaei's telephone conversation with one of his 5 lovers, one who clearly from the conversation wanted out, was available on the internet and a very unsavoury conversation it was with overt threats of violence, showing this man to be a deeply unpleasant misogynist.

Furthermore, when his wife was giving evidence she openly claimed to know about all these five lovers and that they did not in anyway affect her relationship to her husband. How about that for a nice compliant Muslim wife? I wonder how well this 'arrangement' would have gone down in the reverse, would Mrs Dizaei have been openly allowed 5 lovers?

This man has been and is now in authority over female police officers, yet he is IMO not someone a female should hold in respect at all, let alone be subject to.

The police in general and the MET in particular are far more guilty of institutionalised sexism than they are of racism, but somehow this never seems to hit the headlines or be faced up to by the police and the public alike, it is an open secret.

This man is not suitable as a police officer purely on the grounds of the exposure of his attitude to females alone. It is also disgraceful that he should be allowed to use his Iranian background as a race card. He is not black, he is not of a different race from any indigenous white person. The Black Policemen's Fed. ought not to allow this misogynist to ride on their backs, it diminishes respect for them.

I am outraged that this caucasian Iranian misogynist is with the police at all. I hope you will have the courage to print this and I hope you will not give this man access to my email address. I hope too that the MET and other police officers will one day address their misogyny and throw out those officers that ought not to be in their employ.

Perhaps the media should send an undercover agent to find the true nature of this depth of sexism that is so endemic to the police.

  • 7.
  • At 02:41 PM on 14 Mar 2007,
  • pippop wrote:


Your Newnight blog today 14 Mar 07 is throwing up Sept 06 why?

  • 8.
  • At 10:58 AM on 15 Mar 2007,
  • Rebecca wrote:

The problem with blogging/comments is that no one bothers to find out the truth (unlike journalists who make it their business to do so). Ali Dizaei's problem has always been that the terrible things he was accused of by the police were not true, but no one is interested in that because it isn't sensational.
Yes, Mrs Dizaei had boyfriends. No, Ali Dizaei didn't have five girlfriends at a time. Yes, he lost his temper with one of them when she threatened him. No, he shouldn't have done. Yes, he has apologised.

  • 9.
  • At 12:48 PM on 15 Mar 2007,
  • pippop wrote:

In response to Rebecca's post 9

Are YOU a journalist?

Well, Mr. Dizaei is evidently a really nice guy and a credit to the MET. Someone should tell them, especially as there are so many who have misunderstood him. How could so many white guys make such a big mistake, how can we trust the MET ever again after this!

  • 10.
  • At 01:10 PM on 15 Mar 2007,
  • Maurice - Northumberland wrote:

Well that's ok then Rebecca.

One must remember that this man is a Muslim and their common Koranic attitudes to the female is not acceptable here!
He also has Koranic rights to deceive any infidel - it is his duty, and his duty to Islam is greater than to anything else!
It is the 'true' way it is!

  • 11.
  • At 10:26 AM on 19 Mar 2007,
  • Rebecca wrote:

Wow, well I thought the Green Ink Brigade would be a little more enlightened on the Newsnight website.
Pippop, I'm not quite sure what point you're trying to make. I think it's that you think the 'white guys' were right, and isn't that just a teeny bit racist itself? Self-righteous assumptions about how we Brits couldn't possibly be racist is a bit like saying there's no longer any need for feminism: it fails to really examine the facts, instead hiding behind a commitment to 'fight political correctness'.
As for Maurice, are some of us whites 'Christians' who don't actually believe in, oh, say, loving thy neighbour? Ably demonstrated by you, thank you. Trying to control Muslims isn't going to stop them wearing headscarves, it's going to make them not want to have anything to do with the rest of the population. Which is exactly the kind of isolated circumstances that breed extremism.

  • 12.
  • At 09:11 PM on 19 Mar 2007,
  • pippop wrote:

Rebecca let me state quite categorically that I am not a racist, no buts, and ifs, I am NOT a racist.

Let me also point out to you that a great deal of gender based violence gets hidden by the misuse of the racist card which diminishes its value while gagging those women who seek to expose gender fascism.

My point was and remains simple, and slinging the racist card at me is futile.

IMO there is enough in the public domain to clearly show that this man is a misogynist. This unfortunate frame of mind he most likely shares with much of the MET and the rest of the police here in the UK whatever their skin colour, or ethnic background. This, the police's own internal inspectors will confirm. To put it another way; that they are severely sexist is not something the police will deny.

That Mr. Dizaei is sexist is something I am claiming from the way he handled his ex-girlfriend, this does not make me a racist, it is neither a sufficient nor a necessary point of view to constitute the label "racist". However, it IS sufficient to make the claim that Mr.Dizaei is a misogynist.

The other aspect of Mr.Dizaei's position that worries me is his insistence that he is black! He is, as an Iranian, caucasian. Here the definition of race has become so broad as to have rendered itself meaningless. To include every aspect of cultural identity and religious persuasion under the heading of 'race' and any criticism of it as 'racist' will not only diminish the very morally necessary anti-racist agenda, but will also serve to gag criticism of practices that are culturally and religiously unacceptable to the 21st century, and the well being and human rights of females in particular. Such practices based as they are in patriarchy often and almost entirely involve the maltreatment of women and girls.

One unfortunate aspect of our initially well intended drive to multiculturalism is to have accepted and even respected cultural practices that contravene the human rights of the child, e.g. FGM, forced marriages, and to have maintained the humiliation of polygamy. Racism, it would appear, is OK as long as it's only practised on females.

There has been much collusion amongst the patriarchs, black, white and Asian, to achieve this sleight of hand, this lily livered arrangement. It goes like this:

White patriarchs to ethnic patriarchs, "You don't call us racist and we will let you treat your women in the manner to which you are accustomed."

This keeps us from men-on-men violence, i.e. race riots while it sold out on the ethnic females. Now just how lily lived is that eh? You don't get mutilated little girls or teenagers murdered in "honour" waiting outsider the pubs with machetes. So the guys could and can all breath a sigh of relief safe in the knowledge that patriarchy is untouched by human right. (Well, that is those of the female). Nice one lads. Wouldn't you agree Rebecca?

There is a serious argument to be battled out as to by whom and how we are to be policed. If we are too afraid to question the values of those men who enter the police we will find ourselves, as we are now, protected by men imbued with the questionable morality of male hegemony

  • 13.
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