

Talk about Newsnight

Latest programme

Tuesday, 27 February, 2007

  • Newsnight
  • 27 Feb 07, 06:11 PM

nhs203100.jpgIs it time for an independent board to run the NHS - some 80% of NHS bosses seem to think so. We debate the pros and cons of an independent health service.

Plus: Nato's Afghanistan plan; myths of the single parent; fashion, Iranian style; and trustworthiness.

It's and Emily is on at 2230GMT, Â鶹Éç Two and - you're on below.

Comments  Post your comment

  • 1.
  • At 07:03 PM on 27 Feb 2007,
  • Nora wrote:

Sorry for an OT comment.

I watched the Beeb's "debunking" of the 9/11 conspiracy theories, and wasn't too impressed (I gather that there were many like me.)

But a video clip has come to light today (live coverage from the Â鶹Éç, on 9/11) which appears to show the Beeb reporting that WTC 7 (building 7) had collapsed a FULL HALF HOUR before it actually did so.

Please watch it here:

I am not familiar enough with the New York skyline to be sure of what I'm seeing, but the people who have put out the video presumably are. They seem to suggest that someone press-released too soon!?

  • 2.
  • At 07:31 PM on 27 Feb 2007,
  • George Dutton wrote:

"independent board to run the NHS"

NEW Labour nerver learn from there past mistakes???.

Denial of drugs to the very ill and dying unless they have TEN`S of thousnds of pounds spare in the bank. MRSA killing Thousands due in the main to private companies being employed to Supposedly clean our hospitals.It`s all about PROFIT for Big companies who in return will pay them back in the form of being donors to the party.(As if this has not happened before).

This is truly NEW Labours dream (our NIGHTMARE).

  • 3.
  • At 07:33 PM on 27 Feb 2007,
  • Manjit wrote:

Am I the only Newsnight viewer that feels that Ms Maitlis would be better suited to presenting on News 24 rather than Newsnight?

Or am I alone in thinking her interviewing techniques and charing or debates are somewhat sub-standard. I criticised her last year on the Newsnight blog and others said that perhaps she would improve. But i'm still at a loss as to why the Â鶹Éç promoted her from presenting regional news to being one of it's top presenters on it's flagship current affairs shows. Another case of dumbing down?

  • 4.
  • At 07:37 PM on 27 Feb 2007,
  • No need to be alone darling wrote:

There is no need to be alone...

There are hundreds of well prepared fatherly chaps...

Most have revised their syllabuses of youth bought the books and converted them into easily understood competitive knowledge with all the leadership they felt they should have had themselves when younger...

Young mothers are the best women ...the women who have babies ..only women with eminence problems are encouraged not to breed...and benefit is seen like a modest trustfund for valued people...there is even mascara called Benefit from San Francisco...

But some universities campuses should shift their support to young mums with free collective accommodation and mutual childcare eg Warwick campus... a place to prepare for life ...

  • 5.
  • At 07:54 PM on 27 Feb 2007,
  • A trusting man.. wrote:

The media celebrate deceit... where before they won awe scars for the melodramas of worthy temper...

Inebriated with vanity, prejudice dependent, economically detached, many find deception the easiest and quickest way to win...

So do their followings...the believing exstasies who feel trustability is inferior and can say or do what they like and lie as though others should take the blame and they should be protected...

We are all at risk of being implicated in their climax amusements....

...and the lemon meringue police simply follow the lead of the money and the ringers...

... to treat complainers as lower class despite our reputations qualities and opportunisations of the world..

We keep the world warned with danger...

They keep themselves safe with lies...

We need a trustable home office and publications to prepare and support all Britons...

  • 6.
  • At 08:27 PM on 27 Feb 2007,
  • An objective revisionist wrote:

The reasons why the NHS must be controlled for the public..

...their techniques are inadequate and orientated toward self satisfaction rather than customer satisfaction...

...the service must be reoriented from betterment onto the objective of accelerated health recovery...

...from sedate care to empowered action at the pace customers want...at £1 a minute estimates...

Their terms today... servility before support...

SERVICE...Sensitive Examination Review InterView Collection Experience

PROVISION...Personal Report OverView Instant Success Instant Opinion Notoriety...

NICE: Nominal Illegitimisation Competitive Economics

CLEAN: Conservative Legacy Economic Advantages Neutralisation

As Libertarian Conservatives by gender we always want to get back to work quickly as possible..

We assume whoever comes the most prepared with the best attitude i.e. the attitude of work and preparedness worthiness is more likely to get what they want...

So we work out what to do, the knowledge of the problems and the options of the ways forward and what we want..

Then as typical libertarian conservatives we show it off top quality saying what we want exactly, supplemented with what we know taking over to take control of the situation to avoid the dangers, and exhibiting quick perceptions about provision options to integrate with service providers and deal with the risks, so we get exactly what we want customised to advance us and get us ahead as soon as possible prepared to know exactly what to do with right first time instructions...that show of our worthiness and give us one hundred 100% systematic reassurance... or at least okayness

This we do by genders classes and characters...but such is the misrepresentation by blairite trial and error inferiors they just call us animals and try to screw us up ...

What we want is OBJECTIVISION: Obvious Behaviourism Jazz Experience, Cause Testing Interviews, Suspicion Investigation, Ownership Nouse

With NHS accounts at £2000 a year each saveable transferable and advanceable to cover all fixed tariff eventualities taxed at £120billion pa i.e total health and social security budgets...

Today the NHS is not National Healthy or a Service.... instead it is self serving to farm the public and make us all servants of them...


  • 7.
  • At 09:18 PM on 27 Feb 2007,
  • An Antidoting Guardian Experteasifier wrote:

We want the NHS Guardianed not Independently let loose on the public...

The Bank of England is publically reported as committee of inflation adjusting ignorants...hedged with so many economic theories only the media image is necessary...

NHS bosses use dodgy techniques based on...

EARNINGS: Economic Advantages Rise Negotiation Intelligent NewLabour Gentrification Systems

SERVICE: Servility Economics Redemption Verifiable Interpretation Causes Excusation

PROVISION: Public Responsibilities Offloading Vacation Interest Superlativism Insured Opportunity Nickleodeonism

  • 8.
  • At 09:56 PM on 27 Feb 2007,
  • A working class superlativist disabled by medicopaths wrote:

We need working class doctors ...

...and share care communities..

...each recoverer reporting their findings into a community system...

... to create forwarding thinking systematic leadership for practical recovery through any body adaption requirements progressions...

...with method statements..

... and an ease of tutoring..

... that is genderistically suitable...

... and full preparation sets for all eventualities...

... and arrays of options for perusal..

...every recovery option should be available on DVD

  • 9.
  • At 10:15 PM on 27 Feb 2007,
  • Pro Life Pro SFO wrote:

The NHS obviously runs frequent frauds for inferior people who think they deserve life better who don't mind who dies and want to get rid of several classes of humanity...particularly rid of those who represent accountabilities and duties of care expressed in dispute and expectations of advantages from the payment of their taxes... they have clever games to create alternative evidence...

They are the primary influence in government and want to get rid of the SFO to continue to prevent investigations...

  • 10.
  • At 10:49 PM on 27 Feb 2007,
  • michael salter wrote:

I am currently watching newsnight. I cannot help reflecting that your discussion on the NHS has no clinician involved. That is the whole problem and why we have little respect for the opinions of those who have never saved a lfe or have been involved in the care of anyone who is sick .You are nothing more than voyeurs on a stage that you know very little about.
Mike salter
Consultant Surgeon

  • 11.
  • At 10:56 PM on 27 Feb 2007,
  • Prof J Fairclough wrote:

I have listened with increasing irritation to Newsnight addressing the perception of the NHS . To describe mangers or chief executives as leaders of the NHS is very sad. Ask the medical staff. Most of the mangers have neither the experience or education attainment to perform the role of the professional staff. The waiting lists have not been reduced by managers or administative staff but of the health care workers. If surgeons did not work for a week waiting lists would rise ; if politians or managers did not work for a month I would suggest waiting lists may fall because of lack of interference. Who then leads?

  • 12.
  • At 11:11 PM on 27 Feb 2007,
  • Blog quester wrote:

Where are the other bloggers??

We would think every town would have some NHS representatives, unionists, accountants, MPs, local and national media...

Are the all the others on other blog filters??

  • 13.
  • At 11:13 PM on 27 Feb 2007,
  • Chris Voisey wrote:

Kathy Lette is on.

Sweet Baby Jesus make it stop.

  • 14.
  • At 11:19 PM on 27 Feb 2007,
  • M Stokes wrote:

Your guests comments regarding the trustworthyness of men is sexist and unacceptable. Men making silly jokes about women and whites making nasty comments about blacks has become taboo; why do women think they can make erroneous and prejudiced comments about men.

  • 15.
  • At 11:23 PM on 27 Feb 2007,
  • A. Howlett wrote:

I've just watched the 'interview' with those two women about trust. This was nothing more than an excuse for three girlies to have a giggle-fest and stick the boot into men (as usual on the oh-so-modern BEEB). When was the last time Paxo had two of his mates on and they all sat around putting women down? Never?

  • 16.
  • At 12:30 AM on 28 Feb 2007,
  • Liam wrote:

Are we too trusting? People get to trust or distrust other people, based on their experiences. Corporates and the State clearly distrust all members of society, and this is why the State needs to collect superdatabases of persons so they can be scored.......We live in a country where terms such as deductibles, exclusion, at your own risk, caveat eamptor (buyer bewars) represent a measure of trust. We used to trust Banks, until they started abusing their public duty and fleecing customers with illegal charges. If Great Britain had a Constitution, it could be written using the small print contained in every Government and Corporate contract and agreement in existence. Such a document would sum up: we trust the rich, the titled, the important, the corporation and the Government. They, on the other hand, distrust the rest of us, totally. Its dog eat dog out there these days.

  • 17.
  • At 09:39 AM on 28 Feb 2007,
  • Maurice - The Former UK wrote:

CH4 dispatches covered the NHS.
Panorama covered the NHS.
It was very obvious none of your guests discussing the NHS had seen either.
Also a shame the interviewer made no make any reference to either.
It is little wonder that the Chief Exec's want an independent board.
The Exec's were all political appointees to provide false and manipulated data for the Government.
And why no medical staff invited to take part?
As for the Labour health Minister, he got away very lightly, we all know by now that Labour and the truth are strangers but it must come to an end, they must be exposed for what they are - incompetent and destructive liars!
The privatisation of the Security and Fraud division of the NHS was also not mentioned.
Or doesn't Newsnight know about it?
It is still a secret.

  • 18.
  • At 11:57 AM on 28 Feb 2007,
  • dicky wrote:

Newsnight Executive Summary.

So should the NHS keep wearing the burkha of political management? Or should she wear something more modern?

Can women trust men and can women be trusted to fill out single mother forms?

  • 19.
  • At 02:47 PM on 28 Feb 2007,
  • chris wrote:

For over twenty years I suffered from migraines, the NHS response are triptans, these drugs made me worse, much worse. I went on the www and found a guy called Barry Spencer, he as done (in my view) some seriously good research. His solution of maintaining the level of caffeine in the body worked for me. I have only had one migraine in the last year and use to have them once a week which devastated my life. Triptan drugs will stop a migraine in full flow but give it you back two fold 24-48 hours later.
It is difficult to maintain the level of caffeine to prevent the precipitation of a migraine. I would like to see an over the chemist counter method to measure caffeine in the body that people can do at home as diabetics do with glucose.

I had one minor oeration on the NHS it was a dreadful experience I fear having to go to hospital.

"why do women think they can make erroneous and prejudiced comments about men"

Yes and its seems to be acceptable to dump on white working class men and women for that matter most of all.

  • 20.
  • At 03:44 PM on 28 Feb 2007,
  • Bill Bradbury wrote:

I thought the two women were a disgrace even if they were "having a laugh". I deplore such sexist behaviour and stereotyping of both men and women. If Newsnight wants to be the Les Dawson version of the mother-in-law show then put it on under "entertainment" For the life of me I could not see the point of this "sketch" if only to fill up a spare slot.

All I can say on the NHS is £70bn wasted on IT systems (and consultancy fees) that still do not work and for those "in the know" welcome to Connecting for Health" (CfH) Planned cost £65m now over £200m, not an overspend but a "level of disappointment" eg. Care Records Service (CRS); Choose & Book; Electronic Transmissions of Prescriptions (ETP); New National Network (N3); Picture Archiving and Communications Systems (PACS); General Medical Services Contract, Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) Enough said!! and why the NHS is losing money. Being "trousered" by consultants.

No wonder it can't afford to pay for expensive medicines and is cutting hospital beds and operations. My old boss was dying and had the luck of a daughter in Germany who took him over to look after him. He was told by the Drs. there that the drugs he was being given were useless and banned in Germany, gave him a proper drug and when he returned to England ALIVE (much to all our surprise and his doctor's,) was told by his doctor that it was too expensive (£500,- 1980's prices) and not able to be prescribed by him. How many people are dying, or have died, by this attitude?

  • 21.
  • At 12:38 PM on 02 Mar 2007,
  • James France wrote:

I hate to split hairs but the guest who left her child at the sleepover wasn't so much trusting as making a cool calculation in risk assessment.Trust,in its common everyday usage, requires an assessment of the reliability of a character,or as Othello found out to his cost "Who steals my purse steals trash but he that filches from me my good name makes me poor indeed".

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