Your Letters
Come on MM - if you really must use photos of random celebs to illustrate a story on central heating then you could at least use people who are vaguely relevant to the subject matter - The Three Degrees, perhaps. Or Christopher Plummer.
Sue, London
Is Jeremy Bowen sure he interviewed Colonel Gaddafi and not his Spitting Image puppet?
J. Paul Murdock, Wall Heath, West Midlands, UK
To Phil, Hackney, (Wednesday's letters) were you by any chance in the middle lane, towing a caravan? If so, I think I and thousands of others were stuck behind you.
Fi, Gloucestershire, UK
Francesca (Wednesday's letters), we were going to start a Procrastinating Club when I was at school but unfortunately we never quite got round to it.
Susan, Newcastle
Francesca's (Wednesday's letters) parents must have had little imagination when naming their child something other than Enid.
Rob Falconer, Llandough, Wales
It's an obvious one, but... What an ass.
Ellie, Oxford
I think the question, more to the point, is whether anyone would really want to understand her.
Rusty, Montreal, Canada