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So The Military Wives march on yet still.

Chris Evans | 11:29 UK time, Tuesday, 6 December 2011

The bookies' favourite as we speak. But they will need your/our help all the way to judgement day if they're going to make it to Xmas Number 1.

On other fronts, and there are lots of them - we're all gearing up for a big final week on the radio beginning Mon 19th Dec. Harpists, brass bands and more choirs than we know what to do with, all being booked as we speak.

Right - breathe and relax. It's time for the team Christmas lunch part 1.

Bagsy sit next to Lynn, or Moira, or Helen, or Suzie, or Sam. Good 'ere innit?

Peace and Love



2011 (but not for much longer)


  • Comment number 1.

    Knock knock......

    MTF :)

  • Comment number 2.

    Morning Christoff

    With all those lovely ladies to sit next to, you'll just have to adopt the "Speed Networking" rules of moving one seat to the left every 15 minutes or so (although at networking events it's more like every 90 seconds - exhausting!).

    Does that mean there's a spare seart next to Vassos!?!?


    Enjoy, and don't forget to wear your cracker hat.


  • Comment number 3.

    Who's there?


    MM xxx

  • Comment number 4.

    Me and you and Deevs by the look of it Marj.

    MTF :)

  • Comment number 5.

    The three wise women

    MM :)

  • Comment number 6.

    Thats us Marj. LOL.

    MTF :)

  • Comment number 7.

    And me!

  • Comment number 8.


    I'm here too!

    Enjoy your lunch Chris, wherever you sit!

    Advent guess......wait for it.........a candle!!!

    We're trying to decide if we bother getting a Christmas tree, we're not here 24 -27th and it wouldn't go up until then anyway........but then I think of the 4 year old....... We usually get a real one, but I've been looking at fake ones - they're all too big, or decorated, or pink! Help!


  • Comment number 9.

    No tree going up in this house, this year, if I get my own way.

    The last few Christmasses, have been pretty distastrous, so sparing the effort this year.

    Bah Humbug Moi?

    Maybe so.

    MTF :)

  • Comment number 10.

    Maybe a sprig of holly.

    Make that my advent guess too Deevs. Ta.

    MTF :)

  • Comment number 11.

    I have to admit, I'm now getting really really excited about putting the tree up this weekend. If I had my way I'd do it tomorrow but we're waiting until the weekend so that Nic's son can help us to make the house ready for Christmas.

    I can't wait to put my 3' black/silver/pink tree up in the corner of the kitchen again - it was so lovely last year cooking with a pretty tree twinkling in the corner.

    Daft? Me?

    Hell yeh!

    Is anyone listening to Jeremy Vine? They're having a "debate" about opening ceremonies of sporting events (in this case, the Olympics in 2012) - I can't believe nobody's mentioned people on stilts yet .... you ALWAYS have people on stilts at opening ceremonies!

    Hey ho.


  • Comment number 12.

    Just popping in to say hello to you all.

    Chris, have a lovely lunch.

    Advent calendar. A Christmas Tree!

    I have a very busy afternoon ahead, little four year old grandson's mummy and daddy are taking him to the cinema for the first time, so I will be looking after his lively 18 month old sister.

    Back later.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 13.

    People on stilts give me the heeby jeebys!

  • Comment number 14.

    I still have my stilts that my Dad made me and can still walk on them. Guessing that would be a pretty scary sight though!!


    MTF :)

  • Comment number 15.

    In fact Dozy, have just worked out that they are the same age as you. LOL!!

    MTF :O

  • Comment number 16.

    That's funny MTF.


  • Comment number 17.


    Christoff, hope you're enjoying your lunch. OH likes sitting with the ladies at his works lunch, he says blokes always want to talk 'work'. That's his excuse, of course ;)

    Can't abide loads of decorations, just a sprig of holly here and there, but we do put lights on a massive fir tree outside the front door, and they have to be white. Bah humbug here too.

    Off to Christmas show later, starring granddaughter1, tissues at the ready.

    Advent guess, a candy cane, of course.

    Pen x

  • Comment number 18.

    I'm not making a cake either!

    Oh ok, apart from the traditional one for the next door neighbours.

    Dont stop me now!!

    MTF :)

  • Comment number 19.

    Have a lovely time Pen. Bet she'll make you proud :)

  • Comment number 20.

    Thanks MTF, she will indeed.

  • Comment number 21.

    Hi All

    My advent calendar guess for today is an angel. Sorry I've missed the last few days, real life keeps getting in the way.

    Enjoy your granddaughter's Christmas show, Pen. And yes, plenty of tissues - you'll need them! And waterproof mascara goes without saying, you don't want to end up looking like a panda.

    Hope everyone else is okay.

    Deebee ~X~

  • Comment number 22.

    hi all

    we are not having a tree, I can't see the point - we don't have kids, we are not at hope christmas or boxing day and so presents never get under it and even a plastic one is heavily investigated by the cats - glad to see I am in good company!

    We have tinsel and our cards up in the house, and I have solor powered white lights for the outside tree, so we will look festive.

    my guess - mince pie


  • Comment number 23.

    Thanks Deebee, I am well prepared.

    Pen x

  • Comment number 24.

    Afternoon all

    I have just donated two artificial trees to one of the local charity shops as I am starting to try and de-clutter in the hope that we move in January!!

    My guess for advent calendar is a christmas tree xx

    Susan x

  • Comment number 25.

    Afternoon all

    It was cold and bright here earlier but now it's just cold!

    Take care all of you who have proper bad weather

    My guess for the advent calendar is a penguin, eating Christmas dinner as that's what I shall mostly be doing this week! Well, tonight anyway

    I have already got my tree down but not up yet if you see what I mean as I had to use it to display some hand-made decorations recently

    My loft-rat let me down and didn't put it away so I have it ready to put up next weekend

    All this week seems to be planned minute by minute - there is so much going on - I am looking forward to taking time at the weekend to put our tree and decs up!

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 26.

    Evening all,

    Been another busy day in Devon, Dentist, only a check up and to my surprise no work needed! Doctors for a few updates to my immunisations and a load of work!

    I have just come up for a breath and thought of you all. ;-) Nearly time to hot the road home only to head off out at 7 to sing! Life had better slow down for Christmas else I might miss it.

    Advent calendar guess = A snow plough.

    Keep smiling


  • Comment number 27.

    hit/hot who cares...:-( x

  • Comment number 28.

    Just heard on the news that the Military Wives sang at No 10 today, sounds like they've got the Government on side in their campaign to get to Christmas No1.

    My tree isn't up yet, I think it's too early. I do have a Swedish advent star on my windowsil, which I really love. When I was at school, we would always put the tree up on the last day of term, so I'll put it up nearer the 20th.

    Can I pick the collective Blogger brains? I need ideas for a small gift for a Spanish friend. I'd like to get her something that is typical of this country at Christmas (she has already tried mince pies). Have got a couple of recipes for home made edible gifts, but any other suggestions welcome!

    Advent calendar guess: a snowman.


  • Comment number 29.

    Afternoon or is it Evening?

    Chris, I hope you enjoyed your Christmas Lunch Part 1, I've just got back from mine Part 2 is on Friday. We had a field (which is what I am) and office staff lunch in Croydon today which was a nice train journey into London and out again. But I did treat myself to a Gingerbread Latte on the train this morning, which was delish.

    Friday we are having a "Kent" office Christmas lunch in the local Mexican restaurant!!

    My advent guess is a cracker :)

    What's all this bar humbug about not putting up trees. I have a little three foot tree that I shall put up this weekend, despite me not being around from Christmas Eve to the day after Boxing and despite not having any kids either! I like Marj, like to sit watching telly in the evening with just the Christmas tree lights on. I'm not big on other decorations apart from my cards, which have started to arrive already!

    Pen, Hope you didn't cry too much at the Granddaughters play :) xx

    Chrissie, I hope today has been OK for you, sending a virtual hug {{}} xx

    Tis a tad chilly tonight....Brrr


  • Comment number 30.

    Coming in quickly with my advent calendar guess-a sprout!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 31.

    Back again.

    Had a busy day, nothing special but lots of odds and ends going on.

    I don't know what's the matter with me this year but I usually have my tree up by end of November/beginning of December. I'd better find some enthusiasm and get on with it, as you say Ali, I love watching TV with just the tree lights on especially if it's windy and raining outside.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 32.

    Hi all

    Just getting my advent calendar guess in first, then I'll catch up.

    As usual (until it actually appears) my guess is a Robin.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 33.

    Hello everyone,

    Don't know why, but I can't seem to summon the enthusiasm for shopping this year, haven't started yet. I went out today with good intentions, got as far as Argoooooooooos, turned round and came home! What's that all about?

    However, I have spent the rest of the afternoon 'researching' gifts on t'internet, and will probably shop that way too.

    I am planning on buying my tree this weekend, though I won't be putting it up till next week and I have bought all my cards and will be writing them over the next few days.

    Right, this isn't getting dinner sorted, so see you later.

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 34.

    Evening each

    Hope you had a lovely Christmas lunch (part 1) Chris.

    Well, have got over the bah humbug stage and put up my teeny purple tree (with lights and baubles) with grandsons tonight. The angel on the top is a bit lopsided but the boys thought it was great.

    Taking the 9yr old (yes, he still believes), the 6yr old grandson and the 2yr old granddaughter to see Santa on Saturday. Not sure the 2yr old will like Santa but here's hoping.

    Pen - How lovely to see granddaughter 1 - hope you had enough tissues. 6yr old grandson tells me he's a magician in his nativity play, and he's playing a triangle. Don't know if he's making it up or not!


  • Comment number 35.

    Sezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzza ..... it's a PENGUIN!!!

    You is da winner!

    And here here AliB - I toadally agree re the Christmas tree bah humbuggage. I've never had children (nor will I now!) but putting the tree up and enjoying cosy evenings beneath its twinkly lights has always been, and always will be, a major part of Christmas for me. I said to Nic tonight over tea that even if I end up living on my own with 34 ferral felines, I'll still have a tree. It will probably be pink and extremely kitsch, but there will be a tree!

    Nuff said.

    It's quiz night tonight, and my turn to drive so need to put my slap on and something warm by the time the Arsenal game kicks off at 7.45. Nic will be back from seeing his lad at 8.30 then it's off we go, to Lichfield, to see if we can win for the second week on the trot.

    Had a good day today ..... I've finally taken the plunge and ordered a new phone from Rips fave fruity brand. It could be here as early as tomorrow, but somehow I doubt it ....! All I need to do then is learn how to use it, transfer numbers over etc, and flog my existing phone to help offset the outlay!

    Fingets crossed for no more snow tonight. I'll be AWOL tomorrow til lunchtime as I've got someone coming here to give me some 1-2-1 training. Choccy bics have been bought speshly for the occasion. Yeh, I know .... any excuse. LOL!

    Right, let's do it.


  • Comment number 36.

    Hello everyone.

    Chrissie, hope all went well today with your daughters move. xx

    I had a lovely afternoon with little granddaughter. Little grandson enjoyed his first outing to the cinema, he also loved doing his nativity play at pre school this morning, only thing that upset him when he arrived back at my house tonight was that nanny and grandad hadn't got their Christmas tree up yet.

    I am now going in the loft and will be putting the tree up tonight!

    Advent calendar tomorrow. A Christmas Tree!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 37.

    Oooh forgot,

    Calendar guess, a reindeer or two/three/four/five/six/seven etc etc.....

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 38.

    Evening all

    I held it together...............just!

    It wasn't a Christmas theme, granddaughter1 belongs to a local theatre group and they did Michael Jackson's Thriller, and it was fantastic. All the kids were just brilliant.

    Annnie, a triangle playing magician sounds marvellous, now is that something he would make up?? ;)

    Granddaughter3 is playing a cow in her school play, much to her disgust!

    CSN, sounds like you had a lovely afternoon.

    Lin, I've done loads online, can't be doing with crowds. See you on t'other side in a bit.

    Pen x

  • Comment number 39.

    Marj, LOl at your 'sprout' suggestion.

    My reason for not putting the tree up etc, etc, is not all bah humbug.

    After all, tis the season of good will to all men! Tis also better to give than receive apparently, so I am going to be giving....

    ....giving myself a break, anyone else that wants to put in the usual slog that I do every year, is very welcome to it. I will miss seeing the 'old family decs' from my childhood. Lets see what the kids come up with.

    One of the reasons behind all of this is, that I am going to be getting my second week of the year off and intend having some chill time.

    Enough waffle.

    MTF :)

  • Comment number 40.

    Morning all

    Advent calendar guess for today - a Robin......

    Just seen the time - must dash

    Hugs to all (((()))))


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 41.

    Advent Calendar guess for today - a road cone.



    Have a good day Y'all

  • Comment number 42.

    Guess for today - pile of Christmas cards!

    Sus xx

  • Comment number 43.

    good morning all,

    Looks like we're going to have a good day down here on the south coast by the scene outside,we have been very lucky so far ,not even a frost.

    Pen/Maddy,nice to see you both and loving the story of the little ones plays ,they must get so excited .

    Country girl,Sorry did see your post about your daughter going off to New Zealand to get married ,Marvelous but you never said if you were going ??maybe not.

    OK, the bah humbug thingy,I'll be putting up the tree and adorning every where with my ornaments ,I don't do the hanging bits.
    And there will be bits in the kitchen as I do spend time there cooking ,chatting ,and blogging sometimes and the TV ,just to watch what Mr B doesn't want to watch.

    advent guess today ..a goose.with a nice glittery bow around it's neck.

    Take care all and have a good day.


  • Comment number 44.

    Yippee Yippee Yippee for my penguin!! Maybe he'd escaped from the frozen planet to live in Diva-Lady's calendar!!

    I'm going to have to think of something else to guess now! I thought I would be able to use that one for the rest of the month!

    And in honour of that, a joke (no, it is , honest!)

    Why don't polar bears eat penguins?

    Because they can't ge the wrappers off!! boom boom

    Now, after hearing about The Team's Christmas Lunch Part 1, I want a Ginger Cosmopoliton!!!

    Or two!!


    Sezza xxxx

  • Comment number 45.

    Morning all

    sorry missing in action yesterday having to do my bit at the Brum Brum office every Tuesday at the moment, apparently my boss has decided that I need to enlarge my profile. Some would say that my profile is large enough as it is but he has this thing about everybody knowing who I am and I cant decide if that is a good or bad thing after being here for 6 years I think I know all the people I need too really.

    Anyway my guess for the advent calendar deevs is Bobble Woollen Hat.

    Chrissie tree going up next week but this saturday I have to brave the spiders and bruised shins by dragging it out of our over hoarded shed in the garden.

    Had to order a new tumble drier too after selling a perfectly good second hand one my t'other half had acquired last week, as mine decided to go fizz pop last night. Typical.

    Anyway have a good day from a chilly but sunny shropshire.

    CB xx

  • Comment number 46.

    Morning all

    Sorry missing in action yesterday as I have to visit the Brum office as my boss has decided that I need to enlarge my profile, some would say that my profile was large enough but not for him so I am having to trudge over on a Tuesday till christmas or the novelty wears off whichever comes first.

    Christmas tree is coming out of the shed the weekend when I do my indiana jones bit and drag it out of our over cluttered shed. I have a green one with the lights already in it but it is decorated in pink and silver only..... have to fight with the other half every year on that has he is likes a cluttered tree and I like a minimalistic.

    My guess for the advent calendar is a woollen bobble hat please Deevs.

    Had to order a new drier yesterday after the old one went fizz pop, and what added insult to injury was I have just sold a perfectly good second hand one to someone I know as I didnt need it..... typical.

    Have a good day from Sunny but chilly shropshire.

    CB xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Oh typical I thought I had lost my post and guess wot two have turned up..... arrrrggggggggggghhhhh

    **head down slowly walking to the corner of the room to stand there for the rest of the day**

  • Comment number 48.

    Hi everyone:

    Annie, AliB, Cheryl, Pen, Mary and CSN - thank you all for your good wishes for yesterday. Thank you, the move went well, the Weather Fairy was kind to us, and we now have two very happy people ensconsed in their wee love nest!

    Annie: I hope conditions with you have improved today. It's been a few awful days, hasn't it. xx

    AliB: how lovely to have two Christmas lunches! I am looking forward to ours next Thursday - I already know I'll be having the turkey!

    Pen: nice to hear about your granddaughter's show. Well done for holding it together!

    Rosie: hiya - how lovely to see you back. xx

    Gail: I always think of your lovely man when I see the gritters heading out. Heroes, every one of them.

    Susan: good luck with the de-cluttering!

    CG: I didn't see your post regarding your daughter getting married. Very exciting!

    Sezza: I liked your penguin joke!

    Cheryl: guess for today: a tin soldier.

    Hope everyone is ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 49.

    Hi All,

    I'm working in Kent for the rest of the week so not much time to blog.

    Guess for today - a snowflake

    Bids & Chrissie - Miss CG is flying to NZ South Island on Christmas Day with her lovely fiance, to get married on 3rd Jan on top of a glacier near Milford sound, then spending the rest of the 3 weeks travelling around in a campervan! No, Mr CG & I are not going, but that's fine, I'm really happy they are spending the money on a trip of a lifetime instead of a dress and drinks for people we don't necessarily like!! We're going to have a party for them next summer instead.

    Tree will be going up this weekend as our family Christmas is on 18th before they fly off.

    Back laters...

    CG xx

  • Comment number 50.


    Very quick as the boy is home this afternoon.......

    Advent guess - A Candle (I am determined!)

    Boy is very excited, his 'girlfriend' is coming for tea today.....where's those earplugs???

    Hope all your days are going well

  • Comment number 51.

    Hi everyone

    Chrissie, glad all went well with the move. A new chapter in their lives, and happy times ahead for them.

    CG, best wishes to Miss CG and her fiance. I can totally relate to their decision.

    I've probably said this before, apologies for repeating. 11 years ago daughter2 and then BF went on holiday to Australia, and returned married, yes, really! They didn't want a fuss and I respected them for that. I was shocked but very pleased for them.

    Surrey is dry, sunny, cold and very windy.

    Today, my guess is a Candy cane, lol

    Pen x

  • Comment number 52.

    Aw Pen, that's lovely about daughter2, and thanks for your good wishes. They've been together 4 years now & cancelled their wedding last May due to my Mum's illness & a host of other family problems. It is SO the right decision.......and I didn't want to buy a new hat anyway :-)

    Where is everyone today?


    CG xx

  • Comment number 53.

    Hi All

    Had my first Christmas 'do' last night, with the team from work. Food was average, the craic was good, but the big disappointment of the evening - no crackers! If only we'd had our wits about us, we should have gone up the road to the Rose that Waits and bought some!

    Our tree won't be going up till the weekend after next when the children both come home from Uni, as it's traditionally been their job to decorate it ever since they were old enough.

    Pen - glad the play went well!

    Chrissie - good to hear that the move went smoothly.

    CountryGirlie - best wishes to your daughter and future SIL. What an exciting way to start their life together!

    So my advent calendar guess for today? Well, how about a Christmas tree?

    Hope all are well in Evansblogland. Must dash...

    Deebee ~X~

  • Comment number 54.

    I'm here, but I'm just about to head off, into the blizzard conditions with gale force winds forecast.

    I'm off work for the next 2 days, so I probably will not be back on here until Monday so I will bid you all a great weekend.

    Thursday's Advent Calendar guess - a cactus.

    Friday's guess - a raspberry.




  • Comment number 55.

    Thanks Deebee x

  • Comment number 56.

    Hi all

    I have a problem and I would like some suggestions please.

    In a couple of weeks Mr bp is taking me to a 1star michelin restaurant for dinner and I want a new dress, but I can't see anything I like on line or in the shops and I am not sure what would be suitable - any ideas?


  • Comment number 57.

    New blog

  • Comment number 58.

    Hi Chris, Yehh great to hear you are such a fan of the Military Wives, didn't they do an amazing job at the Albert Hall. If you didn't shed a tear then you just need to visit the wise old Wizard of Oz to get a heart!
    I have two brothers and a boyfriend who have served in the Household Cavalry regiment. One of my brothers went to Afghanistan a couple of years ago, and I can imagine how these women feel when their loved ones go to war. My brother has a wife and a a gorgeous little boy. We sent him shoe boxes full of goodies and little reminders of home as well as letters keeping him up to date with life back home.
    Chris, I work for a company called Acorn Media (wwwacornmediauk.com) and we are releasing the Choir Series 4, Military Wives on DVD in February. We would really appreciate your help with making it aware that it will be available to purchase then and we are also in negotiating a certain amount of the sales to go to either Help the Heroes or the Military Wives charity.

    Please take a look at our website and see my blog for the Military Wives DVD. Hope you can help.

    Merry Christmas love Suzie

  • Comment number 59.

    Hi Chris, I love the Military Wives Song it is beautifully crafted and full of emotion, but every time I hear it I am left longing to hear the men's voices, responding in a counter harmony duet with them and singing across the wives parts - and that is even more so now they are home. That would make it sublime.......PLEASE!

  • Comment number 60.

    Hi Chris, we have also been involved in a super special charity project, completely independent raising money for military charities. We would really appreciate your support. You can find out more here, we have support from Jools Holland, Christine Hamilton, Sharon Davis, Dame Kelly Holmes and Green Day fans and it would be a huge help to have you on-board. Everyone has given all their time for free on this incredible community project. I look forward to hearing from you.


    Best Regards,
    Mark (director/producer)


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