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Blue Sky Thinking

Chris Evans | 12:43 UK time, Monday, 7 March 2011

Except on a day like today - it's almost too cold to feel your brain. Glorious to look at - all this wondrous, cloudless magnificence but from the inside of the glass only.

I've taken refuge one step further as I blog from under a duvet. I'm not actually that cold but I do love being oh so cosy.

The crumbs from my second pasty are getting on me bits though. Sorry, but it's true.





  • Comment number 1.

    Afternoon Chris and everyone.

    Beautiful sunny day here.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 2.

    Morning CLP

    lovely bright day today,and I get to escape the office as we have an offsite meeting, it does mean I have to drive half way home before coming back to the office as I am far too busy at the moment :-(


  • Comment number 3.

    Hi Chris: I heard you saying it was minus 4 degrees with you this morning - raaather chilly! It was a positively balmy plus 3 degrees in Glasgow. Lovely bright day, making Monday seem not quite so bad. Love your honesty regarding the crumbs!

    C xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Afternoon Mr Evans,

    It really is a lovely sunny spring like day - horray. But I do have a teeny tiny bone to pick with you! You kept saying this morning how cold it was, so I wrapped myself up in four layers, hat, scarf and gloves only to discover that it was 1.5 degrees and actually not that cold, so by the time I'd walked to work I was sweating!!! LOL xx

    kks, sorry you've got the Pox, don't scratch and I hope you feel better soon xx

    Marweena, Glad to hear that the op went well and that you recovering quickly xx thanks to Chrissie for her updates xx

    Glad the mini Portsmouth meet went well xx

    A "Big Up" to everyone else xx


  • Comment number 5.


    I was thinking of you at the weekend, I have the chance to get involved with a charity that help children in Zim, as well as other places, and it made me think of you :-)

  • Comment number 6.

    It is a beautiful day..

    To DtMan,

    Or should it be Dan-the-married-Man

    Have just read your lovely news. CONGRATULATIONS.

    Hope you have a long & beautiful life together.

    I don't often log on, just check now an again, when I do I find

    nice news like that . Lovely. Good Luck.

    Red x

  • Comment number 7.

    Hello CLP & Everyone.

    It;s the same here in Wirral Chris, very cold but sunny but I like this weather with light winds and very little rain. There's no flies, spiders, etc. around yet and it's OK to open the window (with the heating on). Of course it's no good for sitting in the garden.

    I hope you enjoyed your pasty in bed. I've taken your advice from the 'Bread of Heaven' blog. Every evening for my supper I'm enjoying fresh bread with butter (the pretend butter which is not quite the same but must be done).

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 8.

    Hi Chris we've had a lovely weekend, blue skies a massive thaw unvieling the grass that we haven't seen since December - over night a foot of ice and snow which is still falling. So it's another day of digging out for me.

    Love the idea of eating in bed but can't be doing with the crumbs.

    Hi and happy Monday to everyone
    MaW xx

  • Comment number 9.

    Arh Thanks for thinking of me Baggy xx

  • Comment number 10.

    Nothing worse than crumbs in your crevices is there Chris! lol
    But I agree, nothing like being snuggly and warm under the duvet.

    Well spring has definitely sprung here on the south coast, it's cold but wall to wall blue out there today.

    Wish I could go out and enjoy it but am riding shotgun while the carpets are being cleaned.

    Curtains to the cleaners next I think,

    Ta ta for now, Lin x

  • Comment number 11.

    Gosh Lin you've got the Spring clean off to a good start. I love it when you can throw the windows open and give the place a good blow through.

    Maw x

  • Comment number 12.

    Blimey Christoph - thanks for the mental image!!!!

    It was freezing when I left for work this morning and there was quite a thick frost on the car. BUT, now the sun is shining brightly and it's really hot through the office window. In fact, my window is actually open for the first time since about September! And the daffs are out ... makes your heart feel lighter doesn't it?!

    Mary - hope you will soon be feeling better after the eye op xx

    KKS - are you at the "dot to dot" stage yet? Hope you're not too itchy xx

    Happy Monday to everyone.

    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 13.


    Lovely glorious sun today. He he he he at your honesty about the crumbs but after reading Its not what you think regarding you liking a bath and then to walk round the house naked, well add that to the crumbs and thats the image that I currently have in my head!!!!

    Itchy Itchy Itchy, Jillygoat will be able to do a fine dot to dot soon but still think I have got off lightly except the energy drain, muscle aches, insomnia!!!!

    Mary - hope the eyes are doing what they are supposed to be at this stage in your recovery.

    AliB - I suppose it better to be too hot than too cold

    MM - I am now craving fresh bread!!!

    MaW - snow !!

    Lin - go girl with the spring clean who betide anyone who gets in your way

    Jillygoat this weather is very uplifting

  • Comment number 14.


    The bread is lovely but not doing my teeth a lot of good. I bought the long French baguettes, next time I'm going to look for something with less crust.

    I hope you soon recover from the nasty itchy chicken pox. I had shingles a couple of years ago which is from the same virus, it lies dormant for years after childhood chicken pox.

    MM xxx

    PS Having a cool apple juice!

  • Comment number 15.

    Hello .
    Well Chris all as I can say is if you're cold today ,you haven't got enought meat on your bones as it's quite a mild day here ,Get some food into your belly.

    Now I like the idea of snuggling down under the duvet but the crumbs ,can't be doing with crumbs and the bits bit I'll pass on if you dont mind .LOl.
    Just make sure they are all swept away before your Tash sees them ,but then I suppose you could blame the little man.


  • Comment number 16.

    Afternoon CLP and the rest, blue skies over Edinburgh this afternoon, but it is a bit nippy still! Though compared to how cold it was in December it's really not too bad.

    My weekend invilved being at work! I'll be off on Thursday and Friday instead. Am off out to a quiz tonight so need to get the little grey cells in gear!

    Hope everyone has ahd a nice weekend


  • Comment number 17.

    R - good luck in your quiz

    I am fading fast now, tired, muscle aching so may no get on again tonight

    Have a good night all


  • Comment number 18.

    Evening each

    Far too much information Chris. Heard most of the show this morning as I was sat sitting in a bloomin' queue for the Bridge, and Lyn didn't even mention it. Was bitterly cold here today too, but without the blue sky.

    First Aid certificate updated, that's me for another 3 years. Lots of practising CPR on the dummy, bandages and entirely too many photos of blood, burns and sticky-out bones.

    Back later when I've caught up. Hope everyone is well, specially Mary.


  • Comment number 19.

    Forgot to say - hope you feel better soon kks. Like Maddy, I had shingles many years ago - the doctor took a photo of my blisters, which were like a belt round my waist - he said he'd never seen them so joined up. I thought my top half was going to drop off!! Not nice.

    Rosie, hope you win the quiz.

    MaW - a FOOT of ice and snow? Rather you than me - good luck.

    Lin, good on you with the spring cleaning. Bet your house smells lovely now.

    Hallo to everyone else.


  • Comment number 20.

    Hi everybody,

    I've never been this enthusiastic about spring cleaning before, maybe it's my age! lol

    Windows tomorrow.

    Carpet looks fab and smells lovely. Well worth the arm and a leg it cost me!

    Ta ta for now, Lin x

  • Comment number 21.

    Evening Warmth Ter CLP & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere... Just Popping In For A 'Bingo Blog Blast!!'

    CLP - Yes it is most nice weather in the day ter 'ave blue skies but sadly the price we pay is due to no cloud cover... Soon as the sun drops... the 'eat rises 'igh, 'igh, 'igh... LOST... forever!!!!!!!
    Thus rendering the night... MOST... very cold!!!!!!!
    (Sorry don't know what's the matrer with but am feeling/ writing all Giles Brrr..landeth suddenly!!!).

    As for the pasty incident... Ave gotta admit defeat... A know there's a funny joke in there... sort of blue thinking rather than 'Blue Sky Thinking'... butta can't quiet get ter the joke a know am so close ter!!!!!!

    DAMN IT... Am so close ter the joke... All a need is ter think of the one word... And BANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The joke is born... but it's not 'appening..... crumbs ter the situation!!!!!!

    Must admit though... A do find that a 'orrible feeling when yer get crumbs in yer bad... especially from eating biscuits, far more worse than pasties.... a find the crumbs from ginger nuts are the worst!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 22.

    PS Chrissie - Thanks for yer most kind words... yer such a nice person & what yer said means alot ;)))

  • Comment number 23.

    Night everyone.

    Sleep well.

    Lots of love to you all.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 24.

    Where is everyone? seriously that must have been the quiestest day ever

    hate to do a roll call of whos missing in case I miss people but please come back :-)

  • Comment number 25.

    Good morning all,

    Well another lovely sunny day here on the south coast ,wall to wall blue skies ,but I haven't put my nose out of the door yet i'm leaving that for a lttle while longer .

    Have a good day alland take care .


  • Comment number 26.

    Bids, wrap up warm when you do, it was minus degrees this morning when I left home and the car was frozen over!

  • Comment number 27.

    morning all
    Just popping on to say I am still alive!
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 28.

    Tiggs, great to see you xx

  • Comment number 29.

    me again ,
    Dozymac has put a link on fb ,please view it if you can.!!!


  • Comment number 30.

    Sorry how rude of me ,Thank you Gail fo that .


  • Comment number 31.

    Good morning everyone from a very grey, overcast and windy Ayrshire.

    Thanks Bids, a friend of mine posted that on FB and when I watched it the tears were running down my face, it is inspirational!



  • Comment number 32.

    Morning All,

    Beautiful day in North Kent, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, spring is almost sprung and I'm as happy as can be. It's days like this that it's great to be alive :)

    MTF, meant to comment on your Whimsie (sp) post, I've got a whole bag full, does that mean I am going to be rich one day??? Perhaps I'll sell them at the same time as all the Beanos I've got from 1979 to 2000!

    Oh well a lonely day in the office is before me and I must try not to be too distracted by the internet ;)

    Hugs to anyone in need of one {{{}}} xx


  • Comment number 33.

    Morning all

    back to bed for me as feeling rough rough rough and K's childcare said that I look rougher today!!!!

    hope to be back later


  • Comment number 34.

    Hi everyone:

    What a very quiet blog we have! I settled down with a cup of tea to catch up, but lots of people are obviously busy doing other things ... but please come back soon!

    Annie: well done your First Aid certificate. xx I don't know that I would be any good at first aid, I am so squeamish. However, I did help a lady in a restaurant, years ago, when she was choking. Her friends were sitting at the table with her, so embarrassed that she was actually choking to death! Amazing. I pulled her to her feet and sort of pushed her in the middle - no idea what I was doing - but the food dislodged, thank goodness. But, with the "blood and guts" thing, I would be no use, so you have my admiration.

    Tiggs: nice to see you!

    Gail: I did leave you a wee message on FB. xx

    AliB: not a great day here, but like you, this morning I thought: this is one of those days when I am so happy to be alive!

    kks: still thinking of you - this must be so horrible, take care. xx

    Wee bit of news from me: MsS and her friend had arranged to see Westlife next Saturday 19th, but her friend can't make it, so I am being brought in as Reserve! So looking forward to having an evening with my daughter - since she fell in love with her boyfriend, she spends a great deal of time with him! However, the story of my life is that everything happens in two's, and it is just typical that my sister and I are booked for Westlife next Sunday! So, two shows in two evenings - MrS is dreading the aftermath - DVD's, CD's etc! I love pretending to myself that I am actually young enough for all this!

    Hope everyone else is ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Chrissie - two nights of westlife - my idea of a nightmare!!!
    Hope you have a good time

  • Comment number 36.

    morning team, hope you're well?

    Beautiful sunny spring morning here in Norfolk today.

    Today, March 8th is 'one of those dates' for me that is a weird one.
    It's both my dad's birthday (65) and the date the first MrsW was taken from us. On top of that today I have to drive to Suffolk and sit an exam!

    I always feel heavily drawn to the blog today as I cannot (and will not) forget the love and support that blew me away 3 years ago. Don't think I've ever been so humbled, and yes Gaby I still carry your particular post in my wallet x

    The sun just poured into the churchyard this morning which was just beautiful. Big smiles up at the sky and I'm sure the sun was just a tad warmer for that second or two. Tipped the Beez a wink whilst I was there too x

    Have yourselves a supadupa day whatever you're upto, and if you should see a sparkle in the sky later this evening well, you'll know who it is......

    love and xxx's

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 37.

    Baggy: oh, I know, not everyone's cup of tea! But it would be a very dull world if we all liked the same thing!

    The only proviso from my lovely husband is that I don't buy a t-shirt. As if I would ...

  • Comment number 38.

    Gingembre: sorry I missed you! Good luck with your exam today - as you say, this date is very mixed for you. I hope your dad has a lovely birthday. And I will definitely have a wee look for the brightest star in the sky tonight.

    C xx

  • Comment number 39.

    New Blog

  • Comment number 40.

    All this chat about pasties has made me peckish!


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