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Elton + Leon = Bliss.

Chris Evans | 12:05 UK time, Thursday, 20 January 2011

What a song their new tune is. When Love Is Dying. How their voices complement each other. How the melody flows from one style to the next. Excellent and tragic I'm sure, if you are listening to it at a particularly pertinent time.

Oh goodness me, music. The magic it holds within and beneath, and sometimes in between, almost "un" heard - it's just there. Stop me before I go any further. I'm coming over all sincere. That's never good for a character like me.

In other news - back on The One Show tonight with that little Welsh hottie Ms Alex Jones.

See you there, or back on the radio tomorrow morning.





  • Comment number 1.

    I agree - no matter how bad things get. Music can always make me feel better about stuff.

    I'll have to give you and Alex a miss as I have a 'rugby meeting' - you know, one of those ones that involve a taxi ;0)




  • Comment number 2.

    Rips - I agree
    if I could listen to music at work things would be easier, as it is I have to content myself with playing music through my mind ;-)

  • Comment number 3.

    Afternoon all.

    Cold and wet here.

    Chris, I love that song.

    I went to the cinema yesterday afternoon and must say, The King's Speech is a brilliant film.

    Hope you all have a good day.

    CG, thinking of you. xx

    Better get back to the ironing now. LOL!

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 4.

    Hello CLP & Everyone.

    Cold and frosty here in Wirral, the frost now clearing.

    I love that song by Elton and Leon Chris, songs like this help us all get through bad times but are also great to listen to during good times. And also there is nothing better to lift the spirits than dancing to happy music, it's the best cure there is.

    Looking forward to seeing you on The One Show tonight Chris. Which shirt will you be wearing, will it be a waistcoat or a jacket?

    Off to the shops now, running late today>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 5.

    Oh how I agree with you Chris - especially for me right now, memories & good times are what I need to concentrate on. Certain words & tunes just take you back ........

    Thanks to ALL of you for your hugs, thoughts and good wishes, it means so much.

    Nothing has changed, by the way.

    Blimmin' freezing here today, but gloriously cloudless skies - soon be Spring...........

    CG xx

  • Comment number 6.

    I agree Chris - music is such a memory evoking thing - one big tune for me is Rule the World by TT - when I hear it it brings me all goosbumpy and sometimes almost crying - I love it!

    So you're on the one show hey - as its my second last week at the Beeb - same location as you - I might use my access all areas pass to say hello!! he he he

    Off to catch up yesterdays blog

  • Comment number 7.

    greetings, i was a regular blogger during the drivetime show for a while but life and stuff took over......I just popped in to have a wee read over a muller fruit corner (none on the keyboard today.

    Nice to see there is still a bit of caht going on....and yes, music does evoke mega memories!

    Spring def in the air, my snowdrops are coming through!


  • Comment number 8.

    note to self, check spelling before hitting 'post comment'!

  • Comment number 9.

    Hi again, just read yesterdays blog and message for Deevs

    What they said is absolutely illegal, they cannot discriminate on the grounds of your personal life or decisions - I am more than happy to pick up the phone to the agency as "your representative after you have sought advice" to put the wind up their sails if you like - drop me an email.

    Bids, Lin and MTF if you are lurking - of course a mini meet should be in order! In fact am most depressed that we dont have a Proper meet lined up - unless I'm not invited due to "potential of accidents" on an elf and safety review....

    What say everyone?


  • Comment number 10.

    Chris: ooooh, I love it when you get all sincere! Music - I couldn't live without it - it can be so uplifting, even if it's a sad song!

    Rips: that sounds like my idea of a rugy meeting - enjoy!

    Maddy: I hope you get your problem sorted out - there are some really awful people out there.

    CSN: hope that ironing pile is getting smaller!

    CG: I have been thinking of you. xx

    Sparkyhunter: welcome back! Yes, still lots of good chat to be found here!

    Hope everyone is ok.

    C xx

  • Comment number 11.

    I'm back! Survived the trip to Shropshire and it was blimmin' freezing out there! Now at desk with lunch, in the warm.

    As John Miles said ....

    Music was my first love, and it will be my last.

    Thanks for all of your feedback on my first blog - ironically entitled the Tracks Of My Years, and all about the music that bookmarks pertinent points in my life. I actually wrote it last November as part of my Creative Writing course, but thought it was doing no good languishing in a folder at the back of my wardrobe.

    Looking forward to yoga tonight - I always feel kind of serene (dopy?!!?) afterwards!


  • Comment number 12.

    Debs - texting you!


  • Comment number 13.

    I have my tash polished and waiting to go.
    Just a suggestion ....Come up Norf , Crumpy said Chester , you all know where it is , just say when and we/she/i will arrange.
    Dont come today coz it's foggy and not nice.

    Let me know when, and if you fancy it,( Chester that is) ........ and I'll do the rest .

    MC xxxx

  • Comment number 14.

    Hi Debs: just read your post re: Cheryl.

    Cheryl: I did mean to say that I was horrified to read how you were treated. It might be a good idea for Debs to contact the company and let them know just how thin the ice is, that they are skating on!

    Alternatively I would suggest writing direct to Mr Demanding and let him see how utterly incompetent his PA is. Even if you have decided you don't want that job, there is just no way that dame should be allowed to get away with this!

    Makes me seethe!

    C xx

  • Comment number 15.

    MC - dont leave home without my tash! Yeh baby - bring it on! I'm up for it :-{ (thats me with my tash not a sad face btw!)


  • Comment number 16.

    Hi Chrissie

    As tempting as it would be to write to the company direct, I think I just need to walk away from it for my own peace of mind, and be more on my guard in future interviews. I also think that i I did that, the Agency who sent me there would drop me like a hot stone, and all things considered, they are one of the better agencies I ahve dealt with during this whole recruitment process.

    Thanks for the idea though!



  • Comment number 17.

    I think you should all ask Chris's Tash - she might be up for it!


  • Comment number 18.

    Music is amazing. A certain song can trigger a memory, (I first typed that as mammory - which is entirely different!) an emotion, a particular conversation, a person and even a taste. Whenever I hear Killer Queen I can always taste cherry cookies. Don't ask!

    Other news, well today is my first day of my 2 and a half weeks holiday, huzzah! Plans for my time off include sunday lunch with the divine Deevs and Nic, a day out to London Zoo on Monday (also my birthday, but not hinting!) and then a week relaxing, trekking, horse riding, whale watching and so on in the Dominican Republic. And I'll still have 4 days of chill time after we get back before heading back to the grindstone.

    Oh, its tough being me.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 19.

    Hi all.

    Please put me down for a Chester meet :)

    It would be lovely to see some of my old haunts again and with such good company too.

    For anyone interested, Mayo bloggers are having a meet up in Cambridge in May, I think a few Clp bloggers are going too.

    If anyone wants more details, pop over the fence and enquire within or grab hold of me on fb.

    Really excited about the prospect of seeing Chester again, bet its changed a bit, but luckily, some parts will remain the same, the walls, rows, down by the river, cathedral etc...

    Off to work now, luckily its a nice day, Puffball is pure white still though, oh well, scraper at the ready.



  • Comment number 20.

    Good day everyone,

    Very foggy here in Ayrshire this morning, I would say visibility about 50 yards tops, quite strange really as it was very frosty and cold this morning, which usually means it's going to be sunny.

    Music - Yes I love it, and I agree it can trigger so many emotions and memories.

    A Chester meet this year was talked about, I think it would be a great place to have one. Don't know if finances would stretch to Cambridge and Chester, as our main holiday this year is walking Hadrian's Wall, but we'll see.

    Hope you are all having a good day.



    p.s. MWa, your holiday sounds perfect!

  • Comment number 21.

    Deevs - I've only just now been able to get onto the pooter since yesterday so have only just read your post from yesterday. I'm absolutely outraged and in a state of high dudgeon on your behalf about the feedback from your interview ...... how bloody dare they?!! What business is it of theirs? Good on Debs for offering to tell them what's what and here's hoping the flippin' agency gets what's coming to them.

    Anyway matey, the only Mr Demanding anyone should have in their life is the one at home ;0)

    Sorry - coat now collected and am heading out the door!

    Ooh Jilly, remember to breathe in, and out .....

  • Comment number 22.

    Good Afternoon All,

    Chris, Not sure I've heard that song, but will listen out for it and yes I agree that songs are very emotive. Give me an Olympic Games montage and a good tune and I'll shed a tear or two! In fact on Sunday I am leading at church and my little talkie bit is about songs and hymns and perhaps how we should read the words more and take them in...100% true. Must be right for me to talk about that after today's blog, I see it as a sign...LOL.

    Deev, Get Debs on the case and can I be incensed on your behalf...Humph!

    Anyone listening to SW, good tunes, I'm doing a bit of chair dancing!


  • Comment number 23.

    Cheryl: yes, I totally understand what you are saying. Good agencies are very hard to find (Debs's excluded!) I am still absolutely horrified though - I have carried out many, many interviews over the years and it is a given that you cannot ask personal questions. That woman was so far over the line, that she intruded into your personal life in such an intimate way ... I find it very disturbing.

    Still, onwards and upwards, as they say!

    C xx

  • Comment number 24.

    Hello Again.

    Awaiting home delivery which includes a free monkey with the tea bags.Hurrah!

    I should be able to make a Chester meet and would be very excited, also rather nervous, about meeting my fellow bloggers.

    I don't want to speak too soon but I do believe ISP have sorted out my problem, I've been checking my account balance and it seems to have stabilised.

    Re songs, when I returned home following my heart attack Take That;s Patience was playing often on the radio and the words seemed so appropriate and might actually have helped my recovery.

    Home delivery just arrived!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 25.


    Yes to the music Chris and hats off to you and the team for the choice you play - I love all the odd and unusual tracks you play especially the ones other presenters choose for you

    I would love to hear the first track David Jacobs chose for you - I can't remember what it was called - something about morning or sunshine I think and I think it was sammy Davis Junior

    And I'm with you on the new Bob Geldof song - makes me smile whenver I hear it

    Maddy, hope your PC problems are sorted

    Hello to eveyone else. Hope you're all ok

    Sezza xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Evening everyone!

    Horrid day here, with freezing fog all day, and nasty on the roads!

    CG, thinking of you xxx

    Haven't really been able to catch up, will try to in a while.

    Hope everyone is OK and keeping warm, it's bitter here!

    JG x

  • Comment number 27.

    Did someone say NEW Bob Geldof song ....!?!?! :-))))

    (that's a very smiley me, not a me with 4 double chins!)

    Jillygoat, I have a very demanding man at home, but in all the right ways!

    I'm feeling very calm, having just got in from yoga. I'm starting to find it "flowing" now, which I believe is a good thing. And getting into some of the postures is getting easier too - tonight I managed a one-legged balance for a couple of minutes without causing chaos by skittling into anyone else! Progress indeed.

    Mw,a! Really looking forward to Sunday and seeing you both.

    Thank for all your comments on the interview debacle. I'm putting that one behind me now and moving on. In a weird way, I think it's made me stronger, and as I said earlier, I shall certainly be more on my guard in future interviews.

    Time to cook ....


  • Comment number 28.

    Let's see how long this stays here for:

    Enjoy, if you get the chance!


  • Comment number 29.

    I did some yoga today too!!!

    That wii man is the tight green t-shirt is a good teacher isn't he!! ;-)

    Sezza xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    Evening all,

    Top post, Sir Chris. A life without music is no life at all. I also thought today's Pause for Thought was very excellent this morning, Canon Anne is great!

    Anyone listening to the Gary Barlow concert? I like the man, but think the concert was quite poor. Not Gary's fault - some of the guests weren't quite up to par, I thought. I prefered his guest-presenting with Chris!

    CG - I'm thinking of you lots too. When my beloved great-auntie was dying, I read to her from her favourite book - sometimes she could hear and sometimes she couldn't, but she went peacefully, and I will always be glad that I was able to keep her company during that time. Many hugs to you.

    Deevs - loving your new blog; top stuff... newbie compared to JakeyG though, bit of catching up to do ;-) Am LIVID about what happened to you job-wise; it's utterly disgusting and in NO WAY legal. A similar-ish thing happened to me a few years ago and I felt completely sick with fury. Make sure you spread the word tactfully so that, hopefully, they can't do it again to some other girl. Jeez, what a revolting attitude to have.

    But my anger doesn't stop there. Oh no.

    MaddyM - I am VERY angry about the scuzz-bucket who seems to be lifting your internet credit. I had MAJOR problems with my ISP last year (not hacking-related, but equally frustrating) that went on for months. I am a patient girl, but can ONLY be pushed SO far. The final straw (among many, MANY straws) came when they took, without notice, £348 from my bank account. After several disconnected calls to the "help"line, I go through to a hapless call-centre bod, who put me on hold. The "on hold" music was The Nolans with "I'm in the Mood for Dancin'". I found myself in the mood for extreme profanity and Jasper and the surrounding wildlife were treated to a loud and exotic selection of frenzied swearing. I'm told that there is still a hippo in Botswana who still suffers with sporadic bouts of tintinnitus as a result. Anyway, Mads, take it from me. Don't muck about and go straight to the top. Find out the name of the ISP's Chief Executive and write to him/her in polite and accurate terms and ask for an explanation and suggested resolution. My misery with my ISP went on for months, but after I complained to the CEO the situation was resolved, apologised-for and all improperly-taken money refunded to me within a fortnight. Touch wood, I haven't had a problem since (neither have my parents, who have the same ISP and were part of the shambles too). Are you on Faceboot? PM me if there's anything I can do to help. x

    Beaneygreen - Thank you SO MUCH for your kind comments about Jasper; they really made our day. I told Jasper you referred to him as "young pup" - his tail is STILL wagging!

    LOTS of love to all,

    Keep smiling!

    Roo and Jasper

  • Comment number 31.

    Roo and Jasper.

    Thank you for your support. I don't want to get too excited and start celebrating yet but I've been checking my account and it appears to be stable today and I do believe that they've sorted out the problem. Also I had a phone call tonight asking me as a valued customer if I was happy with the service (automated=1 out of 10 and 1 for yes and 2 for no) so I think that was their way of telling me that the job is completed.

    I tell you phoning the call centre is no easy task. I was asked by many different people to explain the same problem many times while being put on hold between each one and listening to that music (they should play Hanging On The Telephone).

    I became like a robot loudly repeating myself, I was like a female Basil Fawlty LOL.

    Anyway I think all is well now but one call to the ISP should be enough!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 32.

    Marjie, that is good news. xx

    Roo, I really enjoyed the Gary Barlow concert xx

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Mads - that's REALLY good news! Love your suggestion for the hold music! Mine would be "Should I Stay or Should I Go" by The Clash (or possibly "Hangin' on the Telephone" by Blondie (I think) ) ;-)

    CSN - Hello! How are you this evening? All fit and toned from your iron-acizes earlier... ;-) Sorry I haven't been back to you on FB yet; had a mad evening (no pun intended MaddyM)! Although I don't really go to church any more, I AM on the Parish Magazine committee and Jasper is a regular columnist (I once gave a talk on Jane Austen to the local Ladies' Group. They enjoyed it, but the clear highlight of the evening was at the end, during the Q and A bit, when someone asked me about writing generally and I mentioned that the 'Jasper' of the Parish Mag was MY Jasper - a very loud "ooooohhh!". I wondered why I'd bothered talking for an hour about Jane Austen after that; I could've wow-ed them with three minutes about a, frankly often smelly, Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Poor Miss Austen). ANYWAY, I apparently have a new function at church? I recently offered to help out someone with putting together a poster for a church event. All well and good. Now then, I have often been suspicious of people who start sentences with "I thought it would be fun if you..." and now I think I understand why. An email arrived earlier this week from the person, which featured the following:

    "I never got round to E-mailing your details to those who might need posters or fliers. I thought it might be fun if you designed a poster advertising your skills/poster/flier service and I could send this round!"

    I have ALREADY had my first request!!! I looked in the mirror, but I don't think I could see the word "mug" tattooed across my face. And Jasper's been no help. He just sat there laughing at me.

    I did sort-of enjoy the concert, GB is always good and a chap who genuinely deserves his success, but... I don't know. Perhaps it's me...!

    Keep smiling!

    Roo xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Thats sounding more positive Marj :)

    I cant believe its Friday tomorrow! What happened to that week then?

    Maybe its purely the fact, that I switched off last weekend and relaxed for once.

    The days are definitely getting longer, but me and my big mouth with the weather comment earlier on in the week!!

    I scraped Puffball at 2.30 this afternoon only to get about 20 yards and have to get out and do the same again, as well as doing an impressive 'splits' for all the neighbours to see!!

    It was -6 when Mr Mobs got home probably a little colder, when I got home 2 hours later.


  • Comment number 35.

    Oooof, MTF, that sounds painful - at least Puffy's engine didn't let you down ;-)

    I was convinced it was Friday today - 'twas a bitter pill to swallow when I realised that it was only Thursday, hehehe...

    Stay safe in the white stuff,

    R xx

  • Comment number 36.

    Puffy, Roo!

    LOL, she has certainly been huffing and puffing a lot today :0

    I think deep down, she likes all the attention that she has been getting from the 4th emergency service.


  • Comment number 37.

    BTW - I DIDN'T design a poster "advertising my skills" - but my contact details were emailed to everyone anyway...

    I forgot one other prime example of my insignificance - when I moved into my new little house, nearly two years ago, I was meeting one of my new neighbours. Jasper ambled into the garden and so I said "Oh, and this is my dog, Jasper."
    A brief silence. Then the awe-struck reply:
    "Not THE Jasper?! Jasper from the Parish Magazine?!?!"

    Jasper and I have a relationship much like the old-fashioned street entertainers; barrel-organists, etc. And, believe me, it is ABUNDANTLY clear to me as to which of us is the chained-up dancing monkey.

    Grrrr!!! Good job I love him, that's all I can say... ;-)

    R xx

  • Comment number 38.

    MTF - those 4th emergency service lads always have very nice healing hands ;-)

    R x

  • Comment number 39.

    Well they are certainly good at 'pulling' Roo.


  • Comment number 40.

    Hahahaha!!! Shame on you, MTF, SHAME on you! ;-)

    I made a chicken salad last week.
    He still hasn't thanked me for it.

    R xxx

  • Comment number 41.

    Thats one ungrateful chook Chuck!


  • Comment number 42.

    Night everyone.

    Sleep well and take care.

    Lots of love.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 43.

    'Night everyone. Or - to put it another way - Morning everyone!!!!

    Roo xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    Mawning Roo.

    I dont have a dog rhese days, but have just stepped out and deep breathed in some lovely fresh air.

    Something you dont get charged for?

    Well. its not itemised anyway.


  • Comment number 45.

    Morning peeps!

    What a fantastic start to the show this morning - a Queen triple bill and now a blast of The Jam. Crackin' Grommit!

    I am sooooooooo relieved it's Friday - it's been a tough week and the tiredness is really catching up on me.

    Friday nights are my favourite nights of the week. Get the shopping done straight after work then home for an evening of nothingness: just relaxing with my chap, some wine and telly and no alarm on Saturday morning. Bliss!

    So, just a long day at work ahead then ......

    Back later when more of you are awake!


  • Comment number 46.

    I'm here Deevs!
    I know what you mean about Friday's - I do the same thing...shopping on the way home from work, then a bottle with supper (cooked by Mr CG) & sighhh........2 days away from the office.

  • Comment number 47.

    Morning Deevs, CG and everyone.

    Very cold and frosty here.

    Hope you all have a good day.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 48.

    Good morning All,

    Yes Deev ,as I said earlier on in the week friday is one of those things that make me happy ,and relieved like you when you've had a busy week .
    I went off to do my shopping last evening so that I can come straigh home tonight.
    The will be closed and the chain on and the bottle opened .But the best thing is I have nothing to get up for tomorrow morning looks like it's going to be anice snuggly lay in.

    No frost here this morning and the suns out ,looks like it's going to be a nice day although stil a bit chilly.

    Happy days Bids.xxx.

  • Comment number 49.

    I missed the door out there didn't I ,might just need another cuppa.

  • Comment number 50.

    Morning all. I drove to work this morning with the most beautiful sunrise in my rear view mirror .... it was the most brilliant orange and it was just nestling behind the trees - made my heart sing, it really did.

    Mind you, so did the Queen-fest at the beginning of the show Christoph - thanks for that.

    I too love a Friday. I think 7pm is my favourite time - the working week is finished, I'm home with 'im indoors and the shopping's done, but the evening - and the weekend - are still to come. It's the most wonderful time of the week ...... we have nothing planned this weekend so lots of catching up on sleep methinks.

    Have a good day everyone.

    jillygoat xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Morning All!

    Does it get any better than the show this morning?

    Three Queen tracks to wake up to, Moira and the Bra Talk and Prof Brian Cox as well!!!

    Happy Friday everyone!

    Sezza xxx

    ps Are there going to be Sporting Challenges this year? I was looking forward to hearing what the next humiliation, I'm sorry, I mean exciting opportunity would be!

    pps Chris, hope your new years resolution is not to forget your Friday Blog! Cheers x x

  • Comment number 52.

    Was it just me ......

    When Jonno Saunders was doing his Van Halen intro I was quite literally glaring at the radio, urging him on like some demented parent at a child's first Nativity play!

    Next .... Europe's The Final Countdown!?!?


  • Comment number 53.

    Hiya world

    feeling much brighter today and I have a game to play.

    based on the theory that today is the first day of the rest of your life, what one thing today are you going to change?

    I promise the blog ........

    I will appreciate my husband more, he is a great person and I need him so much and yet sometimes I forget how wonderful he is so I will make moer of an effort to remind him how special he is.


    PS - no time to catch up, going to devon this weekend to see friends and family, really looking forward to it - will be in the Exmouth region

  • Comment number 54.

    PS - MTF if your about, M4/M5 or A303 - which way will be better tonight?

  • Comment number 55.


    It's good to see that everyone is very happy and upbeat today - hooray for Friday's. I too am off to do the food shopping straight from work, then to my bestest friends for dinner and to chillax in front of the tv and eat chocolate, which is what we do every Friday night!

    Tomorrow I am off to the Cadbury's Coffee Shop (other chocolate is available, but not as tasty!) for afternoon tea with an old work colleague.

    Maddy, Glad you sorted you computer problem out xx

    CG, Still thinking of you xx

    Bids, Enjoy your snuggly lay in tomororw xx

    Deev, Loved your blog, I've added it to my favourites :)

    Morning csn, Jillygoat and Sezza xxx

    Right, back to the grindstone.


  • Comment number 56.

    Baggy, How rude I completely missed you off xx I like your game, but to be honest I live most days like its my last! Have a good time in Devon xx


  • Comment number 57.

    Ali - I know you're doing well, it was more for people like me who need a kick up the backside sometimes to see what it right in front of them!

  • Comment number 58.

    Hi Chris,

    I heard you on the Radio 2day and you asked for any ideas on how to help you and your wife have a baby. Well I would like to give you a Fertility monitor as we really think it will help you guys. It has been scientifically researched, developed and tested.
    Just contact Duo Fertility!

  • Comment number 59.



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