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Siobhan from the office - and er, ooh look Mika Hakkinen!

Chris Evans | 11:50 UK time, Wednesday, 26 May 2010



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  • Comment number 1.


  • Comment number 2.

    Where is everyone?

  • Comment number 3.

    Well Chris, I hope you and Jonny have had a fabby time with Mikkkkkakkkaka.

    BG - I hope you got my post (#160) from the previous blog. It's well worth a read if you can get your hands on the book.


  • Comment number 4.

    Hi Chris - firstly let me apologise for photo dumping you for Mika just now at Mercedes Benz - but as you have conceded - he is the man!
    We meant what we said about being 3 of the 1 million new ones - keep up the brilliant work - we love it!
    Thanks to Siobhan for the 'take the lift' tip........

  • Comment number 5.

    Laura, the lucky ones will be outside in the park, enjoying lunch?

    By the way, not sure if you're a newby or a rover returning, either way - Hi.

    Marjie - motor sport.


  • Comment number 6.

    Laura - long time no see, welcome back. We are all around somewhere.

    No doubt CLP will be adding some text later and the piccie is just a placeholder for the new blog. Good piccie of Mika tho.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 7.

    Afternoon Christophe,

    Jonny and yourself sounded so excited about todays sporting challenge. Hope it goes well and look forward to the video.

    Mcw x

  • Comment number 8.


    I know it's motor sport.

    I was referring to Mika's body language and her facial expression (not football again?)


  • Comment number 9.

    Soz Marjie - could be footie or motor sport for me, I'd still show the same facial expressions as Siobhan. Can't help getting excited for Chris and Jonny when they're talking about their challenges.

    Hey MCW - loving the change of name - v funky.

  • Comment number 10.

  • Comment number 11.

    Sorry - didn't mean to do that - I hit the wrong button.

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 12.

    Blimey - If looks could kill!

  • Comment number 13.

    *dodging the tumbleweed as I pop in to say - HOME TIME!!!

    Essex tomorrow, day off Friday and hols for half term next week. Will pop back in as pottering allows.

    I hope you holiday bloggers have a fab time, interview bloggers - good luck and poorly bloggers - get well soon.

    Thinking of you and yours today Annie - hope wee Samuel is home with his super big brother soon.

    Toodle-oo for noo.


  • Comment number 14.

    Greetings CLP & ALL...

    Bingo Star 'ere...

    CLP - Been wondering when/ waiting for yer Motorsport Sporting Challenge ter arrive!!!!!!
    Mika 'akin.. 'ow do yer spell 'is name... just looking above... 'akkinen one of my motorsport 'eros!!!!
    And do yer know 'is biggest secret of what made 'im one of the fastest drivers.. that ultimately 'elped 'im ter become F1 World Champion??
    A will tell yer.... 'is biggest difference form other drivers that found 'im faster lap times was braking deeper inter corners!!!
    'e 'ad a skill of braking maybe 3, 4... 5 metres later than others thus gaining lap time!!!
    It's on eof the secrets of driving a race car fast... but it's a split second thing that only the best can get correct... can sort of feel like a sixth sense!!!
    Brake just a little too violent & 'ard & yer lock yer wheels aka lose lap time... the secret is brake VERY 'ard as late as yer can then come off the brakes gently but fast all in a little more than a second or three!!!
    In fact just this morning a went inter me favourite roundabout in the countryside in me Rover diesel at 60mph... braking as a went over the white line (all done safely & within the law)... then 5 metres (as it's a tight small r/a) then round it at around 45 ter 50mph... and power out with clouds of diesel smoke!!!!
    Notice when ever a ave an idiot too close behind me.... the neve rseem able ter take the r/a as fast as me!!!! LOL!!!!!
    Only difference with Mika... 'e used ter go inter corners at 210mph... brake ter 95mph... and power out at 120 plus!!!!!
    Bit faster than me on me way ter work!!!!!

    'ope this 'elps yer lap time CLP!!!!

    Mind you don't think CLP needs 'elp driving... yer Top Gear lap was MEGA!!!!!!!


    (PS ALL The above is done safely & witihn the law - 'ave goot me full no claims bonus & clean licence of 20 years ter prove it!!!!!)

  • Comment number 15.

    PPS Am just parked in me Eddie Stobart rig, in shropshire somewhere.... in a corn field... with a load of empty Tizer bottles..... long story don't ask!!!!! 100% TRUE!!!!

  • Comment number 16.

    Hi Chris: bless you, as you know I absolutely love all your blogs. However, I had to G**gle Mr Hakkinen - not a ruddy clue who he was!

    Hi everyone else: hope all is well. Yes, the blog is very quiet, but I am sure that's just temporary.

    C xx

  • Comment number 17.

    Hi Chris


    HELLLLLOOOOOOOOO Siobhan ! Hiding your hands so we can't see any rings I notice, crafty!

    Will we see you again? Soon I hope.


  • Comment number 18.

    No actual blog yet but I notice that CLP's title has been modded - I think he was trying to do an irish accent but missed the 'y' out of jaysus. Bless.


    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 19.

    Dear Sherlock,

    I mean mtd! Well spotted!

    C xx

  • Comment number 20.


    Quiet isn't it

    I think a wise move by the modders, after all we don't want another Pat Cash incident like on Monday's show ;)


  • Comment number 21.

    Well done mtd.

    Also I think I might know who Paul G is.

    Don't want to either get modded or make a complete a*s* of myself but 'close friend of CLP?



  • Comment number 22.

    Interesting theory MK - I think I know who you mean. But why doesn't he comment more often?

    On another subject - have they finally stopped pre-modding Bingo?

    mtd ffb xxx

  • Comment number 23.

    Maybe he normally phones mtd but couldn't get a reply due to Sporting Challenge.

    Bingo only getting modded for shorter times I think.


    PS If I'm right then it's so good to hear from him and hope he's keeping really well.

  • Comment number 24.

    Interesting, Hi Chris

  • Comment number 25.

    Dear bloggers and lurkers, CLP and team

    It is with a sad and heavy heart to have to tell you that our Beezer, the lovely Beesmum, Janey Baby, passed away this morning after a brief illness. She was 61.

    I know you will all join in with me in remembering Beezles with a smile on your face, either from reading her daily musings on here or having been lucky enough to meet Beez at any of the many blog meets we've had over the last two years or so.

    Chris, meeting you and giving you that famous Beezer hug was a talking point for ages - we can only hope you've recovered from the hug you received in Birmingham on your book signing dates late last year.

    Beez, our friend.



  • Comment number 26.

    Thank you Cheryl.

    I'll be raising a glass of kir royale to remember absent friends. RIP Beez, you will be sadly missed on this blog and in many people's lives xx


  • Comment number 27.

    I lurk, but occaisionally comment . . . . .

    RIP Beesmum.

    Best wishes to all her family and friends (many of whom can be found here)


  • Comment number 28.

    Thanks Cheryl

    I will miss the late night posts(always missing the self imposed curfew because she couln't resist the F5 button). It goes without saying that the hugs will be greatly missed. Tonight's glass of merlot will be raised in memory of our dear friend Jane.


    mtd ffb xxx (or Dippy as Jane wanted to call me)

  • Comment number 29.

    thanks for saying it so well Deevs and apologies if my typing goes awry, can't see very well through my tears

    RIP Beez, you will be in our hearts for a long, long time
    God Bless darling

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 30.

    Coming out of a self imposed exile to say how sorry i am about beez

    my thoughts are with her many hugged friends.

    i will put on a pair of beautiful shoes in her memory


  • Comment number 31.

    For Chrissie S & any blog dudes who don't know who Mika 'akkinen is... 'e was one of Micheal Schumacher's greatest rivals & beat 'im ter become F1 World Champion... TWICE!!!!!!!

    'ere is a clip one of the greatest ever overtaking manourvers ever... through the greatest corner in motorsport in my opinion... Eau Rouge, Belguim GP at 170mph & climbing up the 'ill just over 200mph by the top of Mika passing Schuey!!!!!!

    'oope this 'elps!!!

  • Comment number 32.

    Cheryl - thank you - nuff said



  • Comment number 33.

    RIP Beez, a truly lovely lady who it was an honour to meet.

    Rosie xxx

  • Comment number 34.

    Beez - missing you, cariad. xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Beez, You're already so missed by so many.


    Sarah xx

  • Comment number 36.

    On hearing the news AF and I left work and met in a bar close to where I met Beez for the first time. Neither of us are champers drinkers - Beez always forgave our weakness - so we asked for a pink cocktail. The bar tender kindly put together a rum and cranberry drink topped with a big fat strawberry. We drank our 'Beez Kneez', we shared memories, we cried, we laughed, we raised a toast to a truly incredible lady and thanked our lucky stars for having had the privilege to know her.

    Jane, thank you for being a friend. You touched my life in so many ways. May you rest in peace and happiness forever.

    Night night, sleep tight.

    PiPx / Kx

  • Comment number 37.

    Thanks Cheryl

    I'll miss you Beez, sleep tight! xx

    JG x

  • Comment number 38.

    Pip - Beez Kneez, she would have loved that. xx

  • Comment number 39.

    Just found this clip all: A Ferrari Enzo (like what CLP owns) verses a McLaren F1 Supercar!!!!!

  • Comment number 40.

    Cheryl..eloquently put..thank you.

    RIP Beez..will miss you forever..x

    mSc x

  • Comment number 41.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 42.

    Rest in Peace Darling Beez,

    There's one more Angel in heaven and there is one more star in the sky tonight; I'll miss you xx


  • Comment number 43.

    I can hardly believe what I'm reading and having trouble typing.

    Beez-I only knew you for a short time and never met you but you felt like a friend.

    Rest in Peace now and thanks for talking to me.


  • Comment number 44.

    Beez - a truly lovely lady who touched so many of our lives.

    I can only echo everyone else in saying how much we will miss you and thank you for being a friend.

    Rest in Peace.


  • Comment number 45.

    Its raining outside now and raining in my heart - but only for a short while...

    soon it will be sunshine and smiles and many, many laughs as we all remember the amazing times we had with Beezles, what an amazing person she was and yes AF - that very norty laugh she had - waterproof mascara was always order of the day on a day out with Beez.

    RIP my lovely lady - my A&E buddy (you too Pottsy!), my pink fizz chum, but mostly

    my friend - thank you for that

    I love you lots


  • Comment number 46.

    Thanks Diva my newshound ever for the text forcing me out of the limelight to put my penniworth.

    To Beesmum - in the early days of the blog our mad hatter conversations about virtual sheds and hot tubs were lively and imaginative. Only sorry I never got to meet you in person I always tried to get the time arranged to attend a blog meet but it never came off.

    Yesterday I wore shoes with little stones on and 2.5 inch heals just for you. Im sure you will be haunting the bolt hole with the lovely scenery you were always telling me about.

    My eyes are heavy with tears but my heart is happy that you are no longer in any pain but wish you were still with us.

    All the best to your family and friends.

    RIP lovely lady and don't forget to show your shoes to him upthere.

    Somerset Phoenix (who lives in Dorset)

  • Comment number 47.

    You will be so missed Beez, I had the absolute pleasure of meeting you, and that memory will stay with me forever. God Bless lovely, the angels will be partying on Pink Fizz tonight I am sure....

    Prayers and thoughts with Beez's family and all of her friends...

    Love Daisy xxxx

  • Comment number 48.

    Deevs I know how hard it has been for you the last few days. Thanks for putting this on the blog for our lovely Beez, who had such dreams for the future. Like everyone who knew her, I'll miss her so much.


  • Comment number 49.

    So sad to hear the news of Beez. Have been away, and generally out of the loop.

    Will always remember Beez for her sense of fun, her love of shoes and her warm friendship.

    Thinking of you all, dear Friends. Let's keep talking of her with love.


  • Comment number 50.

    what was the song we bombarded Chris with for Beezers birthday last year??
    do you think we can get him to play it for her again?
    if not that song then the kirsty maccoll in these shoes..

  • Comment number 51.

    Deev's - Thank you for that message.

    It is very hard to imagine this blog without Beez, her late night tales of the dog, trips to the bolt hole and allround good fun.

    I never had the chance to meet her, but she was so much help to me when we had our fire and was so concerned.

    I know she had plans for the future and I gave her such advice as I could. I too will miss her.


  • Comment number 52.

    James Brown, 'I feel good'. We ambushed him! What a lovely memory.

  • Comment number 53.

    Beezer. Replied to me straight after my first post over 2 years ago, and always continued to do so. I just wished we'd got round to that minimeet. Have a great party in heaven , watch out on those clouds in the killer heels though. Actually, if I listen very hard I think I can hear strains of "I Feel Good" from way up high.

    I hope you do feel good now mate. You will be missed beyond belief.

    Thanks to Chez and MTF too.

    A xxx

  • Comment number 54.


    You've just broken me down and I know Bingo too,he's not here.

    He did'nt know, he posted earlier.


    I'm now completely in pieces

  • Comment number 55.

    There are so many Beezer songs:

    I Feel Good - James Brown
    Sylvia - Focus
    Afternoon Delight - not sure who by, but sky rockets in flight always makes me smile for my friend
    And anything by her beloved Michael Buble
    Don't Stop Me Now - Queen

    The list could run and run ....


  • Comment number 56.

    Deevs I think we could make a Beez compilation CD with that list as a start and I think Red's suggestion of 'In these shoes' is inspired.

    Huggs to you Cheryl - how's the toothache amongst all this pain?

  • Comment number 57.

    This is beyond a shadow of doubt the most difficult and heartbreaking post I've written here.

    Beautifully put, Cheryl, and thanks. And the same to everyone else; what lovely comments about a lady who so deserved them. It has indeed been a sad last few days; but is as nothing compared to how our lovely Beez' family will be feeling. My heart, love and warm wishes go out to them.

    Jane has left a huge void on here. And yet she leaves a huge legacy of warmth, empathy, entertainment and laughter which will never be forgotten. And if I had one final wish it would be to acieve that. There will certainly be a shining Angel on hand for all of us tonight.

    RIP Beez my beautiful friend. Loved, laughed with and never forgotten.


  • Comment number 58.

    Thanks Deev for posting.

    Mr K has just brought up all the photos from the London blog meet and the extended party we had at A & E with Beez (while waiting for Debs). He was saying what a lovely a person she was.

    I cant stop the tears from falling.


  • Comment number 59.

    Hi All,

    Only got to actually meet Beez once and that was at the o2. We only chatted briefly and I regret that now as we often shared texts or conversations away from here.
    She was a wonderful lady and a lot of fun.
    We clicked on here from the start and I even had my own nickname for her.
    Thoughts and love go to her family and everyone else who has lost a wonderful friend today.
    This place won't be the same without her.
    It's a small consolation that thanks to this and the people on it, I had never known Beez to be as happy as she was lately.

    I'll miss you Poppet



  • Comment number 60.

    I am really lost for words... and what I say here will not begin to express how we all feel about Beez... but our friend was marvelous, funny and sometimes very sensible! She was always said the right thing, at the right time, and in exactly the right place...

    My memories of her are treasured, especially the early days of FNWC in the days of the canapes, and of course the rogue olives finding their way to some very strange places in that virtual hot tub... and lately on our friday night is music night on FB... probably most especially...

    We met three times, in London and how we, all of us laughed, and how infectious was that laugh...

    These memories will be with us forever, my friend...

    So - in time - and in your words Beez... see you on t'other side.


    Suzie Boozy xxx

  • Comment number 61.

    A CHRISTMAS catalogue arrived in the post the other day, and my first thought was of Beez !

  • Comment number 62.

    Thanks for the post Cheryl.

    I will miss lovely wonderful Beez . Am so glad we met , and for the fun we shared on here and fb.
    I just can't believe she is no longer with us .
    I echo Rip's words ... sympathy to her family and her friends .
    With love,
    MC xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Red - I immediately thought of Beez when Chris said on Tuesday that it was only 7 months to 'the most wonderful time of the year'

  • Comment number 64.

    I've just pulled myself together to phone Bingo.

    He's rushed off his feet at work, banged the posts on in his break and is now absolutely mortified.

    Unlike most regular bloggers he wasn't informed of recent events.

    He will post his sincere condolences as soon as he has a moment to spare.


  • Comment number 65.

    I have only commented a handful of times before but have lurked from the beginning.

    I don't know any of you and didn't know Beez , but her comments always made me smile and she was obviously loved by you all.

    I don't know if her family read this but my thoughts are with them.
    RIP Beez


  • Comment number 66.

    Just to say that I am shocked at this news.

    I'm not really one of what I would call the "In Crowd" on here, but I did have many a late night exchange of posts with Jane over the years.

    While we did always see eye to eye on everything, I always felt that she was a genuine person and that there was no 'side' to her.

    Late night posting after a couple too many will never be the same.

    Condolences to her all her family and friends.

  • Comment number 67.

    Chris mentioned on today's show that it was seven months till Boxing day, and yes, I immediately thought of our lovely Beez.

    It's hard to believe that we won't see her on here again, and even though we never met, I will always have my memories of her wonderful posts, funny yet sensible.

    Rest in peace Beezer and I will try to 'keep smiling'

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 68.

    Suzy - your last line has me in tears. Why do all the good ones go too early?


  • Comment number 69.

    I too heard Chris mention about boxing day this morning. It immediately made me think of Beez, and also the O2 . Happy Days ..... treasured.

    MC xx

  • Comment number 70.

    I know I don't blog very often, but I am in total shock. I didn't realise that beez was ill, she was posting on Friday.

    She has always made me laugh and gave out a lot of good advice, and some whacky ones too. Whenever I'm behind with jobs now I find myself saying
    "I must get a wiggle on".

    You'll be sadly missed, love to all of your family and friends.

    MaW xx

  • Comment number 71.

    Man, that's sad news.

    Condolences, may she rest in peace.

  • Comment number 72.

    Have been trying to compose myself to write something more...Suzie nearly put a stop to that, a lovely last line!

    Beez, we had so much in common, mad dogs, cars, a love of driving, Wales, F1 and even cricket!

    I will miss your lovely words for everyone, your late night posts, and your empathy for everyone! And the intro's and fb guidance...

    Rest in peace, you lovely lady!

    JG x

  • Comment number 73.

    Marjie please don't upset yourself, I think we all know that Bingo wouldn't have seen the news when he posted.

    Beez sweetheart, what can I say? The shoes, the pink fizz, the down 'n' dirty laugh and the joie de vivre which came from every fibre of your being. You were a flippin' marvellous woman, always on hand with a shoulder to cry on or a glass to drink from, never too busy or too wrapped up in your own stuff to listen, and the first to give a good woo hoo to the good stuff.

    We've all lost a good 'un there, and you will always be in our hearts.

    AF xx

  • Comment number 74.

    You know I am not really an animal person but I keep finding my thoughts going to Beez' dog. Poor Biggles must be pining terribly for his mum!

  • Comment number 75.

    My thoughts exactly, poor Biggles

    Tiggs xxxx

  • Comment number 76.

    Just been on FB and Jane was winning our Scrabble game, as she usually did. Bums. xxxxx

  • Comment number 77.

    Susan, you've set me off again! I've been thinking the same thing as well!

    Bums indeed Annie xxx

    JG x

  • Comment number 78.

    Sorry JG. Doing other things but then thoughts start to wander back to Beez again.

    Well put Annie bums indeed xxx

  • Comment number 79.

    I am so very sad to hear the news about Beez. I had no idea that she was so ill. I regret that I never had the pleasure of meeting her. She always came across as a warm, friendly and funny lady on the blog. Her last post on her facebook shows what a wonderful person she was, a glass half full sort of person and she did love her shoes!

    God bless you, Jane.

    With lots of love from Jackie (aka madchickenwoman)xxxxx

  • Comment number 80.

    I know I've been out of the loop for a while, but have always been lurking...

    R.I.P. Beez - I never meet her in person, as I was hoping to one day, but she was always one to join in with the giggles, and the good advice.

    My thoughts are with her family and loved ones xx


  • Comment number 81.

    Jackie - blog meets will never be the same again. Beez was the glue that held us all together.

    Last saw her in Glasgow in March and she was so happy.


  • Comment number 82.

    As usual we are all in tune with each other - I thought of Beez this morning when CLP said about it being 7 months to Boxing Day, one of my first thoughts after hearing the news was for Biggles who will miss her terribly. I am sure that she will still be shouting at QT whereever she is.

    Dippy xxx

  • Comment number 83.

    I am completely shocked by the news too. I had no idea Beez was so poorly. I am not the most regular poster on here but always enjoyed my chats with Jane on here and on FB. Even if you'd never met her in person you couldn't fail to know what a fun person she was, and whenever I have a glass or two of pink fizz I always think of her!

    Will miss you xxx

    CG xx

  • Comment number 84.

    Just got home and for once have read the posts through first.

    Cheryl, that was beautifully put. Thank you.xx

    I have always called Beez the 'backbone' of the blog.

    She was so inspirational and always willing to listen and help where she could.

    I shared so much with her that I knew she would not repeat and I have no idea how many LOLs we used in our posts to one another.

    I was lucky to have shared lots of hugs with her.

    Every hug came with a feeling of honesty. She really meant every one of them.

    So, I thank you Beez, I will miss our late night natters on here and fb.

    I will endeavour to keep your motto alive and "keep smiling".

    My thoughts are now with your all your loved ones.

    Much love to everyone.


  • Comment number 85.

    It's a sad day but also one to remember Beez. I only met her briefly 3 times, at the O2, at the London blog meet and about 3 weeks ago. I didn't know her perhaps as well as others on here, particularly Cheryl but she made me laugh and, when I first started to blog on here, managed to get me in to trouble with a comment about being smothered in chocolate!
    Thanks Jane, you will be missed.



  • Comment number 86.


    Will miss you so much my late night friend.

    Will miss our phone chats, our fb chats and our blog chats.

    Lots of love to everyone on here tonight, especially our Beez.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 87.

    I am not normally able to blog from work but decided to throw caution to the wind upon hearing the news about Beez.

    My heart is deeply sadden and dark about a passing of a very dear friend and soul mate. Not so long ago when I off work she was always there for me, encouraging me and just being the fantastic person that she is.

    I miss you already Beez..........RIP

  • Comment number 88.

    Hello Everybody,
    I've been lurking on this blog for ages now and love keeping up with your news and antics. Have come close to diving in on occasion but somehow never quite made it.
    Until now that is; prompted (sorry CLP) by the untimely passing of someone I never knew yet felt that I did and, boy oh boy, wish that I had.
    Beez was one of those whose posts I always looked forward to - updates on the latest shoe purchase and the mad dog's exploits, not to mention the pink fizz consumption, the missed curfews, the never-decreasing ironing pile and, best of all of course, those "tea-screen" moments.
    I've been wondering where she's been these last few days. And now I know.
    It's been mentioned many times before Christoph - the power of this blog. Which is why I find myself tonight with tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat, sending my deepest heartfelt sympathies to the family of a total and yet somehow familiar stranger, to all her blog friends, and special thoughts to one little black and white bundle of energy whose world will also have been turned upside down today.
    RIP Beez.

  • Comment number 89.

    the pink frillies have been hung up in the shed and the hot tub has been emptied and turned off. Farewell my friend Beezer.

    DD out xx

  • Comment number 90.

    Just had a message form Chris..what do we want played tomorrow for Beez

  • Comment number 91.

    Thank you for your lovely post LadyBookworm! xx

    It's easy for us all to forget that there are folk lurking all the time, like a lot of did before taking the plunge!

    You have captured so much of Beez there, and we will all miss her immensely! xx

    JG x

  • Comment number 92.

    I've emailed Chris and the team earlier this evening and asked for Afternoon Delight, for our dear friend. Although no names need be mentioned - we will all know, as will Beezles.


  • Comment number 93.

    Thank you Deevs.


  • Comment number 94.

    Such a sad day, RIP lovely Beez, I'm going to buy some v girly shoes in your honour tomorrow.x x x

    Deevs, top choice

    Propa x x

  • Comment number 95.

    LB - Beautifully put.

    Beez would be delighted that you felt that way. She wanted everyone to be included. Stick around and try to help us fill the very big void left by her passing.

    Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 96.

    Hi - I saw a couple of the tweets to CLP this evening and I had to come over here and see what was going on. I've only been an occasional lurker/poster for the last few months, being more at home on the "other side", but on the occasions I have been on here I've been struck by the warmth and friendliness of Beez in particular. I am so shocked to hear this news - I had no idea she was even ill. Those who knew her well must be devastated. My thoughts are with you, and with her family.

    Deebee XxX

  • Comment number 97.


    I was thinking the same, I was going to be looking for 'sensible' work shoes this weekend, but shall also look for shoes I may never be able to walk in, but will make me smile every time I look at them!


  • Comment number 98.

    Lovely choice Deev , thanks x

    To the new people who have posted tonight, please stay with us and join in.

    MC xx aka ....Choccie , as Beez called me ont t'other side

  • Comment number 99.

    Eb & Propa what a good idea - happy shoe shopping to you both.

    Just tweeted the same song choice to Chris, Deevs xx

    Night all xx

  • Comment number 100.

    Another long time lurker feeling the need to add to all the heartfelt wishes expressed here and say how sad I am to hear about Beez,I along with many others enjoyed reeding her posts.Warm wishes to all her family and friends

    Fizz x


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