
Archives for December 2009

Oh what a swell party that was...

Chris Evans | 13:53 UK time, Thursday, 24 December 2009

So we ordered up what we thought were the right ingredients, and threw them together hoping they would stick, and for the most part I'm pretty sure they did..

A big thank you to all the team who were completely pooped by the end of the proceedings, as we were basically making it up on the hoof as we went along. Not the most efficient way of producing a show but often the most fun.

What followed was about thirty of us trying to play catch up as far as having a party was concerned - never advisable, as one tend to starts at a sprint, when that should be saved for later.

Suffice to say we all ran out of legs around 2ish this morning, tho' it wasn't for the want of endeavour. . .

And let's hear it for Rips who single handedly brought the show to a halt - his words not mine. Never mind Rips we've all done it but just not as recently as you - ha ha ha ha ha. HA HA HA. X.

Bingo looked the business but is now certifiably crackers, and all the girls looked beautiful espesh Clodagh who just gets better and better. . .

You were and are all brill.

See u on the radio.




Hey people of the blog - ready for a bit of serendipity ?

Chris Evans | 10:17 UK time, Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Went to see Macca at The O2 last night. He was awesome - I cried officially three times (unofficially - all the way through but please keep that to yourselves), anyhow - his after show do only happened to be in the exact same club where we're doing our show from tonight !

At three o'clock this morning both he and most of his guests were still there, with snow machines "Macca" rites. . . the lot ! I wonder if they're still there now. I did say if he wanted to hang around till tonight that would probably fine with our audience, and if by chance it wasn't, I would do my utmost to smooth it over.

So I am already back here, I await your company either at the venue or on the radio. . . X.

It's officially time to say Bye Bye Drive Time - Hello Breakfast.

And remember we're not leaving, we're just moving offices, so no tears - it's time to party like a bunch of six year olds who've had too many sweets.

Hurrah !





The 22nd of December !!!

Chris Evans | 09:25 UK time, Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Every day is tinsel tingle exciting from here on in. . .

Our house is just rocking. Noah is doing all he can to speak - he can replicate almost any actual sound now, and is just a couple of vowels and a gurgle away from his first full-on word.

Tash is doing her Mrs. Christmas stuff now on a minute by minute basis, and I am
head-down to the finish line for the show. Once that clock strikes seven on Christmas Eve all hell will break loose, as we launch our first three person Yuletide family festivities. . .

Oh and there's the small matter of an O2 show to do tomorrow. . .

For one reason or another this December has fairly romped along, probably the fastest month I have experienced thus far in my tenure on planet earth. I'm thinking about a sprint finish - just to top it off.

Keep up gang.




There is no end to the possibilities this life of ours continues to surprise us with.

Chris Evans | 10:25 UK time, Monday, 21 December 2009

I had one of the best days ever yesterday.

Tash and I along with some other dudes, were invited to the home of The Togmeister for Sunday lunch and a bit more closure.

I've been to Terry's house once before and here's the thing about it. You know when sometimes, you form an idea of what somewhere is going to be like and you're always wrong - well Terry's house is exactly how I imagined it to be. I mean exactly. Grand and perfect and proud and warm. Not unlike the man himself.

The food cooked up by the chef from Terry's daughter's pub was first class, like really first class, with a different wine matched to each course and lots of it. We started eating at One and were still munching at well gone Four.

There were more speeches kicked off with some beautiful words from Mark - one of Sir Tel's offspring - there were more tears, even the great man himself couldn't hold it together this time, but the most important thing is that there was lots and lots of love and laughter. I heard some amazing stories from Jo Gurnett, Terry's agent and former manager of Kenny Everett !

Thanks Terry and thanks to your family for welcoming us into the privacy of your home on such a special occasion.

You really do have a wonderful life. . .






If you're a kiddie and you'd like to hear a song - any song - on the radio this evening...call in from 5pm to take part in our first (and last) Kiddie Christmas All Request Monday!

In the meantime, if you'd like to suggest a track to kick things off this evening...post your suggestions below...

Awwww, well there he goes...

Chris Evans | 10:41 UK time, Friday, 18 December 2009

...with the class and style that has become Mr Terry Wogan of Radioland.

The perfect send off but we MUST NOT FORGET - he will be back with a huge huge show come February on Sunday mornings, and you know I think it's going to be great - more than great - in fact I can't wait to hear it. Live bands and guests and a proper live audience.

The show he deserves, and that will carry him on for as many years as he cares to do it.

Bloomin' beautiful day by the way.

Right Noah get your woollies on, it's time for you to meet my good friend Mr Snow - you'll really like him - he's allwhite.




PS: Gonna start the show with Tel's last link today, so what song should follow that little nugget of gold? Pray tell - do.

On the road listening to Sarah Kennedy...

Chris Evans | 08:31 UK time, Thursday, 17 December 2009

...off to see Sir Tel on the wireless - another surreal day in my life. Marky Mark at the wheel, Noah in the back - the boys are on the move.

Have to leave this early to ensure we're not late, even though we will probably be an hour early. Can't be tardy for the great man, not on his penultimate show for heaven's sake.

"What do you want me to do ?" I asked his producer .

"Oh, don't worry about that," replied Lord Boyd of the Barrowlands. . .

Of course, what was I thinking?




P.S. Alas, there was no hidden message in the "who will be next to join us on the sofa ?" reference yesterday.

P.P.S. Obama, you had me at hello but I see you have already been rescued by an O2 angel, so we'll see you there.

P.P.P.S. Loads of snow predicted for tomorrow morning - 8 inches plus they say - will The Togfather even make it in for his last ever show.

P.P.P.P.S. Already getting teary thinking about his last Brekkie radio appearance - again.

Four years ago on this very blog...

Chris Evans | 07:58 UK time, Wednesday, 16 December 2009

...I referred to "The Girl On The Sofa," she was a girl who used to come round to mine - a lot and then stay over. . . on the sofa. She eventually relocated from the sofa to. . . well you know where. I am currently at 6.14 a.m. with her/our son on the same sofa. Now that's progress and testament to just how important the right sofa can be.

What will be the next chapter to this sofa saga I wonder ?

Noah says, "humph, burp, squawk, croak, gurgle," to you all, by the way.




George Michael tonight don't forget. . . and The Muppets. . . And Paul McCartney !!!

Morning lovelies, tis Christoff Lambie Pie of the blog here.

Chris Evans | 10:54 UK time, Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Today feels Christmassy, really Christmassy and ten days still to go to.

This is very good news as sometimes the Christmas feeling evades one, but ten days to go and it's already in residence - that's officially "good times !"

This a.m. in our house Tash has been cleaning the bird feeders - with a toothbrush by the way - doubly impressive; whilst I have been at my desk since seven thirty thrashing out two thousand more words for book two.

In other news, had a lovely team dinner last night and Robert Downey Jr MY MOST FAVOURITE ACTOR EVER was in town for the premiere of his new film - Sherlock Holmes.

A strong cup of tea is now daring me to drink it, something I may have to acquiesce in doing.

Have a great one peeps.




Tis the last Monday for The Togfather...

Chris Evans | 08:27 UK time, Monday, 14 December 2009

...and the last Tuesday and so on, until he finally hangs his Brekkie show headphones up on Friday. A legend says goodbye. Don't miss a minute of his shows this week - you'll never get them back again.

Enjoyed the whole TV Fest last night and especially Ryan Giggs winning SPOTY - it was worth staying up for as I had to watch it later because of that other show. . . The X Thingy.

So I predicted Gino in The Jungle, Joe in The X and Ryan Giggs in SPOTY, what were me odds there gov ?

Loads to do today and all week, and tonight is the Drive Time Christmas dinner - our last ever - so no doubt the beers may well be watered down with a few tears...and all on a Monday too.

Right where did I last have that hammer ?




Some days just knock you out - yesterday was such a day.

Chris Evans | 12:52 UK time, Friday, 11 December 2009

The Terry lunch thing was very emotional, much more than certainly I expected. When I left to go to the studios I really needed some fresh air.

To stand behind the guy who I used to listen to in my Mini on the way to work as a trolley boy at our local shopping centre, and then to meet him and work with him and now be sharing a stage with him as he takes a bow and says goodbye, was an extraordinary experience.

The rest of the day was somewhat of a haze to say the least, Tash said the show was one of the best she'd heard - honestly, I had no idea either way.

Last night I hosted a quiz for a friend's company do, very loud and over the top - just what I needed. One too many gin fizzes and I was back in game. Feel smashing today, although a little bleary eyed - which is a bit of an issue as I am just about to do a cover shoot for The Radio Times - eyedrops anyone !




Sorry guys --- soooooooooo late with this blog.

Chris Evans | 17:15 UK time, Thursday, 10 December 2009

Been at a big do for Sir Terry all day, very happy and very sad all at the same time. He made a brilliant speech by the way, as one would imagine - it was perfectly measured, funny, sincere, poignant and powerful. I was in bits.

Looking into the Bye Bye Drivetime: Hello Breakfast party invite appeals - there will be add ons I promise: Manchester Calling, Lyndyloo, Thunderclap N, Alrightflower for defo.

Gotta go. Late for prep for the show - never been this late.





Ok here's the list of 'jib ins' for the "Do" on the 23rd. . .

Chris Evans | 12:24 UK time, Wednesday, 9 December 2009

These names are, in my opinion, the longest and most loyal bloggers. . . And so will be my guests for our penultimate Driving time together.

If they want to come that is:

Bingo Starr
Nic Rolastic
Hazel Love
Matt from Rudgwick
Dissing Dave
BoozySuzie, (Bingo's other half, God help her!)
Cheryl the Diva

Then there are some who are from further afield, such as MTF, Bids, Beez, Annie, Chrissie

No partners I'm afraid - these are single tickets as numbers are extremely limited....Please say today or tomorrow whether you are coming or not on the blog. Ta muchly.

If I have glaringly omitted someone please put your case on my computer screen now but no promises - I promise. . .

Have a great day as December is sprinting away with us.




Blues skies over London - hurrah !

Chris Evans | 12:09 UK time, Tuesday, 8 December 2009

One erect tree chez nous - hurrah again !!

Off to be given an award, though I'm not quite sure what for. Thrice hurrah !!!

Today is a two suit day. One for these awards and one for the recording of The Alan Carr Show tonight. Gonna be there with Michael McIntyre, Miley Cyrus and some other broad called Bette Middler. Should be fun.

Nine normal shows to go, two All Request Fridays, one All Request Thursday (Xmas Eve) and one Bye Bye Drive Time: Hello Brekkie live special from the O2.

The end of an era is almost upon us in more ways than one. . .

. . . Right what on earth is this award for, and whom do I have to remember to thank.




Good afternoon friends and thanks for logging in. . .

Chris Evans | 14:55 UK time, Monday, 7 December 2009

My word, is there really any need for all this rain?

Important stuff first, can Clodagh contact us via our normal e mail - chris.evans@bbc.co.uk. We need a chat re the 23rd, and seeing as we have some previous between us, I think she's a good place to start.

Next, Come Dine With Me has changed its format for their Christmas shows. Note to Producers - it's not working and making the "specials" less special than the normal shows.

Also, Joe still to win XF; and I went to pick our tree up this morning, it was number 341 in amongst 2000 and they weren't in numerical order - genius.

A grey day but nevertheless a good day - in our world, as I hope it is in yours.




Achy breaky body

Chris Evans | 15:31 UK time, Friday, 4 December 2009

It all hurts, all of it, even the backs of my ears. . .

I was run ragged courtesy of four ex-tennis professionals one of whom won the US Open not once but twice. The sides of my back hurt, my neck hurts, my fingers hurt. You can spend as many hours in the gym as you like but there's nowt like playing hard sport to get you proper fit. Now here's the thing, apparently tomorrow it's even worse !!! Hey well as long as it helps the kids, bless 'em.

Right, my phone has been very naughty recently hence why I have not been able to read the posts. It was telling me there was a fault with our site, when you and the rest of the world were happily skipping through the various missives undaunted. As a consequence of this, I'm off now to go back four days on t'computer here at work to see what you've all been saying - especially about The Big Do.

Have a great weekend yous lot,




6.55 a.m. Thursday morning

Chris Evans | 07:50 UK time, Thursday, 3 December 2009

In the car on the way to play tennis against or with - I'm not quite sure, Pat Rafter and King Goran. I have done many crazy things but this is right up there with them.

A. I can't play tennis.

B. It's dark, it's cold and most of the rest of Blighty is tucked up in bed.

So, should be interesting - probably more for them than for us.

Now, other matters, haven't read your posts for a couple of days and I feel there may be some party panic going on, will get on to that today.

So I'm off to the tennis, then I'll check out your posts, then I'm gonna go Christmas shopping, then I'm gonna do the show and then I'm gonna host the staff Christmas quiz. THEN I'M GONNA HAVE A PINT - just the one mind.

And finally - All Request Friday needs you too! Post your song suggestions for our opening track below




Bonjour Madames et Monsieurs. . .

Chris Evans | 08:31 UK time, Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Read the rest of this entry

Cripes on a bike, now it is really cold out there...

Chris Evans | 08:02 UK time, Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Read the rest of this entry

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