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G'morning Good People of The Planet

Chris Evans | 09:04 UK time, Monday, 2 November 2009

Alright this is simple, I did more work in my dream last night than I probably will do today...

...including a whole documentary with Sir Tel which I have since suggested to the boss we should do for real as a sort of tribute. I've already seen it and I can tell you it was great.

Off to CBeebies today to narrate their panto - an honour if ever there was one in this silly little industry of ours.

Tomorrow it's Bon Jovi at the Â鶹Éç Radio Theatre, and also this week we will be publishing details of our Bye Bye Drivetime: Hello Breakfast party which will take place at The 02 on Wednesday Dec 23 - our next to last ever Drivetime show.

Further details surfacing in the next 24 hours will be the prize package for the 2010 Drivetime Dine and Disco Children In Need auction prize - there's a huge twist to this year's offer.

Sun beating down here in sunny Berks, goodness knows where all that rain disappeared to overnight, time to live day number 15,000 and whatever it is. X.




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  • Comment number 1.

    Sounds like you're going to have a busy day CLP - have a good one!

    JG x

  • Comment number 2.

    hurry on up and give us them details, we all in suspenders, anxiously awaiting news!!!
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 3.

    CLP - we really want detials of bye bye drivetime party - I'm holding up organising my birthday celebrations because of it!!!

    Life sounds good for you - very happy to hear it

  • Comment number 4.

    Blinky Blimey guv'nor - that was hard work! Been trying to comment for the last half hour but it wouldn't let me ..... but I'm here now!

    Chris, we are all soooooo excited at the prospect of a Bye Bye Drivetime shindig - can't wait for the details!

    As for dreams, I had a really vivid one last night, and told the person concerned this morning. So, that'll be at least two people smiling all day today then!!

    Stuff to do. Back in a bit.

    x x x x

  • Comment number 5.

    Blimey O'Crikey. Have just bin' interrogated by me own lap-top thingy tellin' me to bugger off as am not registered. By the crin I need a stiff gin now. Am not sure what I did but I did it.

    Anyway what was I goin' to say. Ah yes, Mornin' all. And Howya CLP, let's have them details, I'll be there at the party.

    Unless am told to bugger off again of course. Ew. Where's that gin.


  • Comment number 6.

    Blimey indeed Deevs!!! Had a bit of a struggle trying to spell my name properly this morning - Monday not the best day for validating passwords!!!

    I can't come to the Bye bye do :-(( - I'll be up in Liverpool seeing my mummy for the festive season. Will just have to wait for the gossip afterwards. Jealous already.

    T xxx

  • Comment number 7.

    Ah. That's better. Short slurp, straighten out the wrinkles on me nose an' wipe the slobber off me chin. Mind you that gin tastes a bit funny. I hope Renee's not bin' cleanin' the silver again without the glasses on, am sure I can taste Dura-Glit.

    Any road up.. you too, Deev? Ah well that's ok then, I thought it was just meself on the extradition list.

    Well now, it's a bit gusty up 'ere in Wigan but not as miserable as it was yesterday. I had to go over to Chester via the A-roads and the leaves were rollin' round in the most bizarre fashion; it was like drivin' through one a them ticker-tape parades. Marvellous. Was pretendin' I'd won X-Factor, hurrah.

    Mind you I don't know what I'd do to win X-Factor. Cross one eye independently of the other whilst recitin' Albert and the Lion and playin' the accordion.

    Whilst wearin' the reinforced sports bra and a couple a corn plasters, of course. A sore thing indeed.


  • Comment number 8.

    Morning Christoff,

    Sounding good this morn - all grand over here on the West side of the UK - myself and LovesYoungDream spent a fab weekend in Liverpool - beoutiful city - really friendly people - just lovely . .

    Regarding the O2 party - we're thinking of making the trip over . . the problem being that flights back on Christmas eve are v busy - is it a deffo thingy - we need to know!!!!

    Computer also bugged me off this morn - seemed to have its humpy head o n . . .

    DtM x

  • Comment number 9.

    Well it's freezing here in my tiny part of Kent. No sun either.
    Personally I hate dreams where I've been working but the worse ones are when I have spent the whole night exercising only to wake up feeling exhausted but without the being fitter benefits. Fortunately, last night I was stuck in a lift with Daniel Craig...........sigh.
    Have a good day peeps.
    x x

  • Comment number 10.

    ooh by the way DEEV - did you see the Sunday Times mag yesterday? Lots of piccies of Mr Brand ...!

    T x

  • Comment number 11.

    I often do more work in my dreams than I do during the day...surprised I still have a job, really... :-)

    Bit of a `calm before the storm' day today - usually I only get time to read the blog (unless I'm trying to exercise birthday privileges on ARF - incidentally, will that be carried over to the Breakfast Show, or will be be a present for Mr Mayo?), but as I'm working at home today, I have a few moments to add what I fear will be a slightly duller tinge to the daily blog.

    Anyway, the big news from this neck of the woods is - not only has Spud U Like at Merry Hill had a refit, they've also added the Christmas Special option (turkey, sage and cranberry) to their excting range of fillings.

    Told you it would be dull....

  • Comment number 12.

    Tins .... Sunday Times? Me? Gerroutta here!! I'm a Tabloid gal, make no mistake.


    Altho stragely attracted to Tim Minchin at the mo too ......


    x x x

    peeeeeeeeeees: anyone seen Seza??

  • Comment number 13.

    Morning All - What a performance A to sign in !!!
    Lovely and sunny here in middle England but a bit on the nippy side. Will need my cardi soon.

    Busy boy again Christoph and where might you be publishing details of the O2 thingy? hopefully not on twitter !!

    Right - stacks to do and only 4 days to do it all in - Yikes !!!

    Laters smiley peeps

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 14.

    Dear everyone

    I've just posted a plea on the Â鶹Éç Blog Site for one of their teccy bods to post on here how you can complete your registrations as some of you are experiencing probs this morning (me included earlier).

    Don't give up!

    x x x

  • Comment number 15.

    Ello CLP & Each & INDEED Every Member Of The Blog But Noot With Actual Membership Subscription Or Official Membership..... But With Renewed New Membership....

    Bingo Star ere.....

    A 'ope everyone's cherry chopsticks are good terdee.....

    CLP - All sounds very, very, very exciting the Drivetime Goodbye/ Breakfast Show 'ello gig!!!!!!
    Although sad that the Drivetime gig iz ending with yersen but exciting that the Breakfast gig iz gonna be taken over by yersen but sad that Sir Terrance iz leaving - know what am sayin'!!!!!

    As for dreams WHATTA COINCIDENCE... A never remember me dreams.... sleeping ones that iz (ave plenty of dreams of doing things and noot being a sleep whilst doing them).... any way last neet a woke up in the middle of the neet and waz aving a weird dream..... a waz with Tom Jones.. 'uuuuuggghhhHHHHH!!!!!! (soz Tom inpression).... A waz with 'im and 'e waz showing me 'ow ter 'old a microphone and use it in a 'ighly sexy way.... aka 'ow ter go inter the zone of impressing the ladies by using the microphone in a..... 'ighly emotive... passionate way..... Apparently it's all in the way yer caress it..... 100% TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    'ope all 'ad a most nice weekend....... A Didn't though.......

    All weekend a 'ad memories of an ex-girlfriend playing on me mind..... yes play with me mind... on me mind.....
    Basically a thought our love waz built on strong foundations and were set in concrete!!!!
    A thought our love 'ad been cemented, yes cemented but slowly a wall started ter build between uz.... yes a wall until our love waz imprisoned..... surrounded by Common Clay Weathered Buff bricks!!!!
    A thought our relationship waz a breeze.... but she blocked our..... PASSION!!!!!!!! NYA!
    Am struggling ter keep it tergether 'ere!!!!
    Yes she told me she waz throwing in the trowel...... yes she ran off with a bricklayer!!!!!@!!!@!!!!@!
    A waz gonna confront 'im about the above... but when a saw the size of 'im... a bricked it and decided love & mortar just ain't mix!!!!!!


    Just listening ter Radio 1 at present & goot Fearne Coootton on.... She's just playing the mega tune by Sweet Disposition: The Tempo Trap!!!!!!!!!!!!
    WHATTA TUNE..... wish R2 were playing this beauty of a tune!!!!


  • Comment number 16.

    Morning each!

    Chris...llving the Terry tribute idea..please make it happen!

    Long post alert i feel so please feel free to ignore!

    Firstly, Green Day..as MfR and Deevs have both already said..totally,totally amazing. THey are more GM`s band than mine although by default i know most of their songs! 3 hours on stage..fabulous audience interaction, acoustic sections and a 6ft pink rabbit all add up to a brilliant night! However..i couldnt hear properly til about 5pm on Saturday!

    Halloween..went to my sis`s and they`d done spider jelly, buns, sound effects, lots of cobwebs etc and stuck it all on a table outside... was fantastic watching all the little (and some not so little ones!) coming up...loved it!

    Sunday was a lazy morning(far to horrible to do ANYTHING except loll around in PJ`s!) followed by a trip to a well known diy store to get some new beading for the laminate downstairs... we were out for less than 2 hours...got home to find that the GM`s car cover had been nicked... wouldnt mind but the car is parked on the drive..in full view of the rest of the street.... cue one very,very annoyed GM..some people just dont have any sense of right or wrong do they... Bids..your poor grandsons..we should just string the lot of them up i reckon..

    rant over..sorry! On the plus side he was so wound up he got stuck straight into the diy and i got about 3 extra things done!

    So..thats my life for anyone still reading!

    Hope everyone else is fine and dandy..some fab weekends had by some it sounds!

    Will endeavour to keep up this week..but dont hold your breath!

    Oh, and will try to be more interesting next time too...hee hee..


    mSc x

  • Comment number 17.

    Oh my..was my post longer than Bingo`s...?! First time for everything!

    And Bingo... you know we loves ya!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 18.

    what a faff to get on to comment . . . . i notice one of the things is about going OFF topic . . . . .since when has there EVER really been a time when we've STAYED on topic *shakes head*

    Morning campers :-D

    Chris shame ya can't get to the "regions" a nd do a Drivetime send off tour for December :( not all of us can travel far :(

    Good book btw highly amusing and anicdotal to boot.

    Bingo seen some pics of you . . .you're a grand looking lad

    Steve :-D

    PS will try and post more regulary (?) from now on . . . i promise (although if i don't then please don't hold this post against me :-D

  • Comment number 19.

    Don't look back Bings - live for today!

    Can't believe the cheek of some folk can you Scoobs ! I agree - string em up !!

    Me too Deev. I was signed in as me, got the confirmation e-mail, but it said "registration not complete - click here" - and when I did, nothing happened until I right clicked and hit "open", then when the "I agree" thingy came up it completed the registration.

    Doh !!!!

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 20.

    SJF..you`re back,.,please stay...Rips, Bingo etc could do with some more male support! Now just need to get a certain Pottster back on here regularly!

    And i know Beez..he was NOT impressed i tell you.. flaming cheek!

    And i managed to log in ok when id filled forms in..although it took me 3 attempts to spell my name right!

    Oh by the way..did i mention i had a 4 day week this week...`cited!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 21.


    you doin' owt nice this weekend kidder!?!?!

    x x x

  • Comment number 22.

    Beez - you're a star, right clickered and off we go! Only thing is I forgot what I was going to say 3 hours ago! be back much later now as too much work to catch up on after all this sign in stuff!! And click here to complete registration.....blah blah blah, or is that bleat bleat bleat...

    have a good Monday everyone, at least the horizontal rain has stopped!


  • Comment number 23.

    Blimey o'riley, going round in flippin circles. Thank you, thank you Beez, right click why didn't I think of that?!! Bet you thought you'd seen the last of me, lol. In fact had to add #2 to name cos it wasn't recognised. Sort yourselves out Â鶹Éç.

    ....and breathe!!!

    Morning all from the most beautiful autumnal norning here in Surrey.

    23rd December, off to Panto with grandchildren...oh yes I am!!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 24.

    Is it true am I really here ??

    Well no not really got to go to work now, thanks all.


  • Comment number 25.

    Me a teccy !!!!!!!!!!!wooooooo hoooooooooooooooo !!! You are welcome Dreamer and Pen.

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Scoobs - I have a half day tomorrow to go shopping and to see the lights being turned on in Oxford street - I am very cited too!

    PS - anyone else in the big smoke tomorrow?

  • Comment number 27.

    "Thank you VERY much Â鶹Éç" (said in a Margot voice), and "Thank YOU very much clever teccy Beezles" (said in a genuinely grateful voice).

    But now, like the good fairy herself, I have no time to post.


    A x

  • Comment number 28.


    I shall certainly do my best :)

  • Comment number 29.

    SJF! ggggggggggggggggood morning to yer!

  • Comment number 30.

    woooooooo hoooooooo. and hiphiphooray. FINALLY. for those STILL in the wilderness. AS above rightclick on the comment -you havent completed blahblahblah then all is clear.

    the computer is no longer destined to be a garden ornament.


  • Comment number 31.

    gggggggggggggood to see you SJF !!

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 32.

    Dear Chris,
    I've been an avid listener of your Drivetime show since the beginning! As well as being over the moon regarding your transfer to the Breakfast Show, I’m at a loss due to your departure from Drivetime, and especially ARF.
    I’m an Expat listener (via the WWW) from here in Paris and I know for a fact that I’m not the only one. Would it be cheeky to ask for an extra special EXPAT ARF before the end of your current reign? I’m pretty sure that you have many thousands of ex-pat listeners who would snap at the chance to participate.
    Just a suggestion, but would love to know if it could become a reality.
    All the best.

  • Comment number 33.

    Afternoon peeps - would have posted sooner today but had to do all the register, right click, email, agree, faffy stuff and now I'm pooped!

    Been very tardy in my posting of late - saving up all my chat for the 'Pool at the weekend!
    Able to post in th'afternoon today coz I have a day off work - car in the garage for MOT.
    But just because I haven't been joining in, I have been trying to keep up with the posts - whew, you lot have loads to say! :o)

    At last some news about Bye Bye Drivetime ..... will I be able to do a 'there & back' on the train on 23rd or will an overnight be required??

    Off to collect the car, so ttfn, Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 34.

    Hiya everyone, the big countdown is on now then Christoff, never seen so many fallen leaves before, knee deep in em walking to work this morning.
    But if Beesmum is a Teccy then I,m the last of the Mohicans,LoL, have not been of here for a while but always have a look whats happening every day.
    The Liverpool meet will be great, really looking forward to it, will be making an extra long weekend out of it,getting to the Pool friday afternoon and staying until monday.
    Got to find a karaoke bar for friday night, apparently this will be the biggest blog meet to date, bet Big Nick will be there for a few beers as he,s local.
    Looking forward to meeting everyone I,ve not met previously,better get back to it, mega busy as usual which is a good thing these days, this recession does not have seemed to have affected aerospace at all.

  • Comment number 35.

    SBeep..sounds fab..love the C lights everywhere when they are turned on..makes everything look priddy!

    And Deevs..well i`ve got a Saturday off..now, what to do with it..! Think i may have a day out in Liverpool..maybe take in a taxi tour and then have something to eat at say..Bar ha ha... anyone care to join me...?!

    mSc x

    PS -Crumpy..hope the car passed!

  • Comment number 36.

    good Grief wot a pavlova to get on here.

    With regards to staying on topic, do will all now need to buy our own huuuuggge topic bar to stand on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hope all is well is blogs ville


  • Comment number 37.

    JTT..welcome back..did ya hear me calling you earlier..did ya,did ya?! See ya Sat!

    mSc..who now wishes even more that she was staying although being one of the only sober ones may be fun! x

  • Comment number 38.

    Right..leaving W Yorks to go to S Yorks then onto Notts for a meeting...i may need wine on my return home!

    And remember..we are over half way thro the worst day of the week!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 39.

    Hi Scoobs

    I'll be joining you in the sober club, as I'll be driving as well.

    Still haven't worked out where I'm going, parking, or when I'm getting there...hopefully will have get a plan together at some point!

    Still not sure how I got on here...but not too worried about it now!

    JG x

  • Comment number 40.


    The day was going oh so well, then it was time to ring site, the sign-writer and talk to the bossman.

    Now feel like hiding under my desk until they all just go away!

    And breathe ......

    Jovial - noooooooooooooooooooooo to karaoke. Early night for me then! Never been to Karaoke bar in my life. Just not me. End of.

    Looking forward to the rest of the weekend tho!


  • Comment number 41.

    But Deevs, Beesmum will be doing a homage to Shirley Bassey, a medley of her top tunes I believe x

  • Comment number 42.

    Even more reason to have an early night with CLP's book and Robbie on Wossy!!

    Have just emailed the food order to the restraurant for Saturday night - 16 of us eating in total. Also paid £5 each deposit on my card.

    Something else to cross off the 'to do' list!

    x x x

  • Comment number 43.


    Can anybody hear me?

    Am I through?

    Seza (I hope) xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    WooHooo!! You bwoked on thru to the other side Seza!


  • Comment number 45.

    Did I see a red indian fly through here? woo woo woo woo JTT Cheeky perisher! ha ha ha Shirley Bassey indeed. You are going nowhere Deev. Will tie you to the table and make you suffer.

    Looks like the boys are back in town - or on the blog at least. We will have three scouser lads in Liverpool then, Bingo, Errol and Nick. Good one.

    Beez xx

    Hope the car passes emotee Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 46.

    Hooray, Hooray

    That was weird, everytime I tried to do anything at work, it all just froze. Now I'm home, no problem, didn't even have to do the right click thingy so hope I'll be able to get back when I go again if you know what I mean.

    Haven't got anything to say now except I am very jealous of you all going to Live it up in Liverpool. :-(

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 47.

    Beez, tying me to the table and making me suffer would count as kidnapping!

    Really, karaoke is not my thing.

    I'll be travelling for a fair few hours too on Friday so happy to have a meal and then call it a day, in readiness for the long one that will be Saturday.


    peeeeeeees@ Seza - time for a new machine at work???

  • Comment number 48.

    OK - we will kidnap you then Deevs
    Can't you join us then Seza? gwon - leave the lads to look after themselves :)

    Scoobs/JG - I'll be driving but once the car parked on Friday - it is going nowhere !!!

    Beezer xx

    - peas - Just had my elh vouchers through - blinkin blimey - I must have spent a fortune with them - sixtysix squids worth of vouchers!

  • Comment number 49.

    Deevs, Time for a whole new system at work I think. Is all linked in to central system, powered I think by the magic of Stonehenge, t'is in that area anyway.

    Can't even ring up IS to complain.

    Just imagine

    IS - Hello

    Me - Hello, I can't connect to sort out my Â鶹Éç iD thingy

    IS - And you need to because............

    Me - Well, I can't get on CLP's blog

    IS and you need this at work because.................

    Me - Ummmm??????

    Sorted now I'm home and I didn't even need the in house IS dept (although Mr Seza at work so no help)

    Seza xXx

  • Comment number 50.

    Beez, I'll be there in spirit (not in your spirits tho!) but not at Kareoke, not even virtually would I subject you to my "singing"!!!

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 51.

    HURRAAAAAH! finally. It was the right click what dunnit. Meh. Stupid computer thingy.

    Ok done ranting... for now!

    it's nice and sunny in cambridge today, been for a bimble round the shops now it's cup of tea and scone time. I have to say I'm loving being back in Blighty for a bit.

    AND to top a lovely day I am now the proud owner of Chris's book, so that'll be me kept out of mischief for the time being!


    PS Used to be PurpleDragon22, but I seem to have lost me 22. How careless.

  • Comment number 52.


    I am even more jealous of those going to Liverpool as I have found out Mr bp is off for a weekend with the lads up north and I could have got a lift up!

    Still - I am booking seeing friends and family so its not all bad - just think of me all alone :-(

  • Comment number 53.


    Come up to 'Pool - snot too late!

    We'll look after you.


  • Comment number 54.

    Deev - love too but someone has to feed the furry babies and I have made alternative plans now - just wish i had thought that one through!

  • Comment number 55.

    Seza yous is not as flippin' jealous as ME, babe. In fact I was goin' to get meself on a flight back from Dublin for the evening, so ragin' am I; but having looked at all the options I can't leave my gang a gobdaws out on the loose unaccompanied on Saturday night down Temple Bar without the tags on or I'll be spendin' Sunday in front a the Beak, bailin' 'em all out.

    So am goin' to have to raise a sulky Black Russian to the lot of yous in the land of my birth, and camp out to get me tickets for the DT party at the O2. Bugger.

    Now then have remembered what I wanted to say this morning; as I was rushin' around, phone in one hand, hairdryer in other, I'm sure I heard El Tel mention the name Mick McSorley..? Now then, if I'm not tragically mistaken, this was the funniest, daftest, wittiest chap ever, used to fax CLP in his previous incarnation. Anyone remember him? Yorkshireman, I think. Hilarious.

    Answers on parchment please. Sealed with a Pontefract Cake.


  • Comment number 56.

    Talking of CLP Party at the O2, if said CLP does say something about this on Twitter, can some of you Twitterererers let us non-twittereerrreeers know what's happening.

    Ta muchly

    Seza xxxx

  • Comment number 57.

    Rest assures, the Twitterati will keep you posted!


  • Comment number 58.

    Natch, Seza.

    D'you know, am still dippin' me toe in the Twit, one eye shut, then not takin' the plunge. I think I need a good dunkin'. Mind you, anybody who dares won't 'alf get a slap.


  • Comment number 59.

    Testing, Testing 123

    Can you hear me Mother? Is this working?

    Did us Bloggers give anyone permission to change things - I think not! Still all is well now.

    Chris, Sounds like a busy week, enjoy. I've only got 3 more sleeps until HONG KONG BABY xx Excited moi!

    I had a terrible dream on Saturday night and the fact that I remember it now is quite freaking me out. I was heading backwards to be beheaded on a very fast ride. I think that the idea was that I couldn't see the blade coming, so that's why I was going backwards and I think that once my neck hit the blade, off with my head. Fortunately I woke up before that happened - now what's that all about??


    P.S. Belated Happy Birthday to Seza's Teen xx

  • Comment number 60.

    Hi Everyone,

    Just wanted to say I am also extremely envious of you all going to the meet this weekend, unfortunately the purse strings couldn't stretch to it but.....one day!!!!

    X Gail.

  • Comment number 61.

    By the crin Ali!!!

    Ew hun that musta bin' horrible.

    I'm thinkin' yous are really stressed over the possible ramifications of something you're about to do, possibly haven't discussed this with anyone so are afraid to face your fears?

    Big hugs sweetie.


  • Comment number 62.

    Thanks Clodagh for the hugs xx You may well be right with your diagnosis. I'll be fine I'm sure xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Afternoon All, just got the new sign in sorted .Thats good for me ,I must be improving .

    Hope everyone is OK and having a good one so far .Just giong to catch up on what you've all been up to

    Bids .xxx.

  • Comment number 64.

    Hi Chris

    Thanks to your announcement, I now have tickets for Paul at the O2!

    So, I'll just camp outside and wait for the party on 23rd!!!!

    Can't wait to hear the details.....


  • Comment number 65.

    Ah sure, Ali, you're grand. It's funny about the dreams though. Bring to the surface all sorts of things we fear facing in our daily consciousness.

    Mind you, the beheading thing.. now then the Freudians would have a field day with THAT one, hahahahahaha!!

    Ere. I wonder what your man the dream therapist would have to say about it. What was his name now, Ian Wallace wasn't it. He's FAB. Check him out.


  • Comment number 66.

    .. but then again it was Halloween. Ignore me, am an eejit.


  • Comment number 67.

    long time no blog comments, been busy at work.

    Does anyone know whatever happened to professor plum?

    anyway I was wanting to put in a good word for the fabulous chiddingfold bonfire celebrations coming up this weekend. I know CLP has forsaken us surrey types in favour of the berkshir'ati but we are still here, and know how to throw a party.

  • Comment number 68.

    Your not an eejit Clodagh - all very sensible stuff xx

  • Comment number 69.

    Chezza, I used to think that about karaoke until Boleynman and me got a bit tiddly in Majorca and ended up doing our Robbie and Nicole version of Something Stupid - once you hear that roaring crowd there'll be no stopping you! Sorry I'll miss it, but I'm hanging on for another Brum in which to make my Blog debut.

    Ali - scary dream, keep away from theme parks in Honkers Konkers.

    Dragon - you don't look properly dressed without your 22!

    Tweeting - well, whatever floats your boat I say, but it's not for me. I was gobble smackered the other day when it was Â鶹Éç headline news that Stephen Fry was considering leaving Twitter! Methinks there are more newsworthy stories around.

    A x

  • Comment number 70.

    Clodagh, wasn't Ian Wallace that Scottish baritone who used to be in "Take the High Road"?

    A x

  • Comment number 71.

    Now feeling a huge urge to sing "Loch Lomond".

    A x

  • Comment number 72.

    Howdy doody.
    Car passed the MOT altho there were a couple of advisory notes which will mean new brake shoes and discs along with a tyre, in a couple of months!

    Still I do pile on the miles so probably not surprising!

    Adam is making what smells like a fab chili, for tea, and then it's off to rehearsals for me. How is it that lines stay in your head as long as you don't have to speak them??!!
    I know the blessed things ..... I do! I just can't remember them!
    Wish me luck.

    Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 73.

    Sing away BG sing away xx

  • Comment number 74.

    Break a leg Crumps!

    OK Ali, pass the mike:

    Yeee tack the high road, and I'll tack the low road
    And I'll be in Scooorrrrtland aforrrrrre ye.
    And me and my trew love will neverrr meet again,
    On the bonnie, bonnie baaaaaaanks of Loch Looooooooomond.

    With apologies to Mary, Annie, Chrissie, the Proclaimers, and anyone else.

    A x

  • Comment number 75.

    I though Ian Wallace used to play for Coventry City in the eighties? Busy man eh?

    I'm not too sure on the Twitter thing - I did fancy joining, but if Stephen Fry is considered boring, what chance do us mere mortals have?

    For example, today's Tweets would have included:

    Run out of coffee.

    Looking out of the window - nothing to report.

    Scarlett Johanssen called - begging me for another chance.

    One of these might not be strictly accurate though :-)

  • Comment number 76.

    Eee maybe he was, boleyn!! Or maybe 'e was the handsome chap with the blue face who got hung, drawn an' quartered in Braveheart? Ew. Put me right off me tacos an' meatballs. Or p'raps 'e was the little chap in the kilt who usedta fling 'imself about on the telly on Hogmanay? Yous remember 'im, Donal, wheere's your troosers, lalalalala whoop-de doo..

    Ooo where's me ghillies an' me tartan skirt.. ah NO I lent that to the brother-outlaw last Burns Night, along with Renee's frilly blouse an' the fluffy hot-water bottle. Well now. 'Ed best get 'em back in good condition an' not still with haggis stains up the front. Am never, ever doin' the Reels with 'im again, I'd vertigo for weeks an' a right nasty graze on me leg from bein' on 'is team, tossin' that damn telegraph pole into next door's rockery. The man is a psyhopath.


  • Comment number 77.

    AND. Am not sure but I think 'e was last seen in Blackpool zoo, eatin' little lads called Albert.


  • Comment number 78.

    Uncle Carl, I certainly don't think Stephen Fry is boring! And if thousands of people want to follow his every move and thought then that's up to them; just meant I didn't want to read about his social networking dilemmas in the news headlines!

    So you didn't really run out of coffee then...

    A x

  • Comment number 79.

    Ah Clodagh, don't get me going on Albert and the Lion, my Yorkshire accent is even better than my Scottish one! And I think that was Andy Stewart, or maybe Kenneth McKellar.

    Och, hoots mon.

    A x

  • Comment number 80.

    boleyngirl - my apologies, I didn't mean to sound critical (particularly as I agree with you!).

    And you're right about the coffee too :-)

  • Comment number 81.

    uncle carl - I am, on twitter but don't tend to tweet - todays entries would have read

    1 - got to work same time as normal
    2 - had a unexciting day at work - but did see my boss who works in the states
    3 - thinking about going to the gym tonight!

    And who said my life was dull ;-)

  • Comment number 82.

    No need Uncle Carl! Say hello to the lovely Scarlett, who is, after all the OTHER boleyngirl.
    A x

  • Comment number 83.

    Will do, boleyngirl - she's bound to call again!

  • Comment number 84.

    Aw. Andy Stewart. Bless 'im.

    Mind you I preferred 'im in the leopard-skin trolleys gyratin' round meself.


  • Comment number 85.

    Ha Clodagh! Rod, where's yer trooosers?

    A x

  • Comment number 86.

    That shoulda read just gyratin' around.

    'E never gyrated round Meself in them trolleys, or I'd a thrown me gin over 'im.


  • Comment number 87.

    And said trolleys put me in mind of the DDF Eric when we went to see the ballet.

    The GD, then six, looked a bit perplexed, nudged her Granddad and asked what the jackanory was with the chap's tights.

    "Ah, don't worry about that, sweetheart," says Eric. "That's just what the lady stands on when 'e lifts 'er up.


  • Comment number 88.

    Ah Clodagh, you can't beat a finely honed balletman.

    Off to practise my plies.

    A x

  • Comment number 89.

    Boleyn. I'd ruddy beat 'im to within an inch of 'is life if 'e came anywhere near ME in them tights.


  • Comment number 90.

    Evening each

    Good heavens, what a faff signing in, what's going on?

    Chris,the rain disappeared up here!! Look forward to seeing you on Cbeebies, I watch it a lot, don't you know.

    Back later, off to read the posts - the tights sound interesting Clodagh. xxx

  • Comment number 91.

    Aw. Bless the Rooneys and ickle babba Rooney.

    What a little star that Colleen.


  • Comment number 92.

    Hello Guys

    Cooked a sort of chicken supreme tonight cos I am so bored with cooking the same thing all the time!!

    So help me out.

    What is your family's favourite dinner/dish/nosh? Anything a bit different maybe?

    All I get when I ask the family is "I don't know, Whatever you want, You choose!"

    Well if I knew what I wanted or what to choose I wouldn't ask, would I?

    Sorry should I have had the ranty pants for this? Didn't mean to moan,

    Seza xXx

  • Comment number 93.

    Just a quick blog to say Hi.
    Hope everyone is well.

    Sausages & mash with onion sauce. Yum

  • Comment number 94.

    Someone ought to tell Sting a nasty furry animal has attacked his face!!

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 95.

    Seza never mind that. I'm ringin' the RSPCA. Fancy Sting eatin' the furry animal on telly when there's kiddies watchin'. An' 'im a vegetarian too.

    And didn't 'is mammy tell 'im not to talk with 'is mouth full.


  • Comment number 96.

    Dyou know what. Speakin' of talkin' with the full mazzard.

    I'm always ragin' jealous when I see a youngfuller eatin' an ice cream. How marvellous to be able to dive straight in up to the eyebrows, raspberry an' hundreds an' thousands stuck in your hair, ice cream dribblin' down your scarf an' bits a cornet in your ears. Delicious.


  • Comment number 97.

    evening all - long time no blog!

    either they fixed whatever other people were having problems with or I just got lucky with the re-signing in thingy!

    also starting to get jealous of impending meet. i bet you all have such a great time

    please hurry with announcement for 23rd Dec Chris as we have just been told that Uni will close on 24th this year so I just may be able to get down to the big smoke after all for your penultimate drivetime show

    Seza - have just discovered a few things to make with chicken and pasta which can relieve boredom of the same old stuff for tea. bit of a fussy bod so others could add more to the sauce than i do but quite versatile.

    back later possibly

  • Comment number 98.

    Evening all,

    Chris sounds like you had a busy day, I'll watch out for the cbeebies panto, the kids usually watch cbeebies so shouldn't miss it!

    Hope everyone on the blog is well, have a good time in Liverpool at the weekend those who are going.

    I'm now counting down the 17 weeks that Chris said it is until the days start getting lighter again, I hate these cold wet winter days, it's been horrible here in Cornwall today and is freezing cold even with the fire lit!

    Well that's monday done, my kids go back to school tomorrow :-)

    Oh and I just discovered that 1/2 a bottle of J20 goes alot further than you think when falling from a unit onto the kitchen floor-a right mess!!!

    Love to all MCM xx

  • Comment number 99.

    Evening All:) Hope all hunky dory.

    Had a right giggle reading this afternoon's goings on! Can just picture Clodagh jiggin and Boleyn singing too!
    Mad lot!

    Seza - do what Deev does - she who is still coughing when I spoke to her tonight !!!! Get a recipe book and go through it. Mr B trying to increase his limited me n u with Delia and must admit I am addicted to the spanish pork with olives (didn't like olives before I tasted this) with saffron rice. Yummy and one of those you do early whack in on slow cook - take the dog for a walk or whatever! then final ingredients go in when rice cooked.

    I'm boring - I just love pasta so home in on those recipes but Mr B can't eat cream!

    Right - off to stir me spag bol !!!

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 100.

    Hi Beez. can Mr B eat creme fraiche as lots of pasta recipes work well with that as I never use cream other than in cake! not that i have many mind x bet your spag bol is lovely - red wine or white in it?


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