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Dudes and dudesses of the blog. I am blogging off - I think.

Chris Evans | 15:58 UK time, Sunday, 11 October 2009

Off to launch Ryder Cup 2010 tomorrow. Was s'posed to be today but heli to Celtic Manor grounded due to pea souper.

Playing with Monty and Pavin tomorrow - 11 a.m. And then gala dinner and interviewing the two captains on stage. What a mad fortnight this is turning out to be.

Portugal hols four nights after that and Chelt Lit Fest next Sat night followed by signing.

Gonna guerrilla sign whenever I get the chance between now and Christmas.

Will tweet any good behind the scenes stuff.

Loved Sat Kitchen. Would go on every week if they'd let me. Interesting to hear your Wossy comments - for the record, I enjoyed every second.

I know Jonathan did too and said as much to the audience afterwards. Nothing wrong with a meaty heated debate.

CLP 2009 x.


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  • Comment number 1.

    Thanks for the Sunday blog CLP!

    My Mum lives near where you are, and said the weather was pretty horrid!

    Enjoy your break, you deserve it!

    JG x

  • Comment number 2.

    CLP - have a great holiday - and enjoying your tweets - have a well deserved rest and we will be here when you get back

  • Comment number 3.

    Well what a treat for a sunny Sunday afternoon here.

    Are you posting the Friday book signing pictures Chris? Seems a shame to miss all those lovely people off.

    Enjoy your well earned rest when you get it!!

    Loving the idea of a Drivetime blog meet but 23rd December?? Not sure I can make that as we break up on 24th until January so trying to take off 23/24 could be problematic.

  • Comment number 4.

    Just a thought though CLP as so many of us live a distance from London if you are going to organise the DTBM (Drive Time Blog Meet) please can you do it as soon as you get back from your holidays so that we can all make the required arrangements.

    I thank you - your new older sister!!! xxx

  • Comment number 5.

    Chris ,Thanks for taking the time toblg us on a Sunday .

    Enjoy yor break ,well earned .

    Enjoyed YOU on Rossy and Saturday Kitchen ,wer'e having Lamb today but not how you had it ,that looked yummy .

    Getting through and findind it most interesting, Have had a tear or to but lots of laughs ,hubbies reading it next as hes a new convert .

    Love and best wishes to you and family ..

    Bridge. .xxx.

  • Comment number 6.

    Getting through your book.

  • Comment number 7.

    Woo hoo a Sunday blog!!
    Enjoy your golf and short break Christoph. I'll have to ask the tweeters to keep me up to date. More signings A ?? Enjoyed my cuddle - well squeeze actually! :o)
    Had a yearning for lamb since yesterday but discovered none in freezer - boo! Did have a cooked brekkie tho this morn!!!

    LOL Sus - well you do look alike on your pic!!
    Hiya JG Baggy and Bridge xx

    Now about this ironing cover Deev ? does it work 'cos I fighting a losing battle here!!!

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Beez do you think we should all send Deevs our ironing to see if it really does work?

  • Comment number 9.

    Hi all, made it to ox safe and sound but the rain was hellish :) No readying for a fun week at work...bath and book on the horizon methinks.

    Just wanted to clarify one ickle thing from the last blog for Croc....no cage rattled I assure you bud, just read your back comments is all and thought some of them were a little caustic ... if that is sarcasm then fine as I did not read them in context so that is all.

    Sorry to hear you had an asthma attack from the blog! Hope not too serious!

    Take it easy and take care of yourself...don't get would up by anything I type...99.9% of it is gibberish in any case and none of it is meant to be harmful...and if it is then I apologies unreservedly..the last thing I would intend.

    Right back to the shed

  • Comment number 10.

    After your earlier tweet Chris went to the Celtic Manor and nobody about! The sun was out here aswell. Have a great round tommorrow. Perhaps I should drop my copy of your book up there for you to sing being as I missed out in Cardiff on Friday, I'm only down the road!

  • Comment number 11.


  • Comment number 12.

    Just having anice glass of sherry before dinner .

  • Comment number 13.

    Ooh nice Bridget - how refined xx

  • Comment number 14.

    Hi Chris,

    I was surprised to see a sunday blog! Hope you have a good holiday.

    Looks like I'm going to have to figure out how to Tweet!

    Hope everyone's having a good Sunday, I was really sad to hear of Steven Gately's death when I woke up, RIP Steven!

    Love to all MCM xx

  • Comment number 15.

    Cheers Bridge!

    Just about to dive into a cheeky shiraz before Mrs MfR knocks up her legendary - in this house, anyway - butternut squash (homegrown) and chestnut risotto.


  • Comment number 16.


    Ironing done. Well, finished it at half two actually .... not sure about the claim that the super-cover halves the time, but it did seem to have an ickle effect on the pile going down quicker than norm.

    Poor norm!

    Beef stew been in for 2 hours now and smells delish.

    Caught up with 2 episodes of FlashForward - freaky tv.

    CLP - have a fab week, try and get some R&R yeh?!?


  • Comment number 17.

    Susan B , I'm not refined ,a bit on the quiet side lol .xxx

    Matt, cheers to you too ,your weekend seemed to go well.Can't wait to here the next installment about your travels. Alaska ,what a place eh!!.
    So it's your big one next year ,the you know what ???.It can only get better as it's what you make of it .

    Bridge . .xxx.

  • Comment number 18.

    Matt, that sounds like a wonderful meal, I wish I lived nearer and you could save me a doggie bag!

    Deev, leave poor Norm alone!

    Bridge, now you mention it, I fancy a sherry, but not got any :(

    I've got a dead leg, as a certain dog's been sprawled over me for about two hours. We're still watching this motor race, been watching on and off since 1pm, and it's only just over half way through!

    Oh and Flintoff the fish is still alive - Mr JG said he was disapponted it do more?!? Not sure what he expected a goldfish to do??

    JG x

  • Comment number 19.

    Hey JG ,he didn't expect it to jump through through hoops did he .hehehe!!!
    Bridge . .xxx.

  • Comment number 20.

    Afternoon all, wasn't expecting a Sunday blog, how exciting!

    Made it safely back to the 'burgh, first load of post hols washing is drying just now, second load about to go in.

    Hope everyone is having a lovely Sunday, once I've put the washing on and phone me Ma I'll be slobbing out and recovering from the 220 mile drive!

    Hello Rob don't think we've met before.. am generally a lurker and occasional blogger.

    Matt I LURVE butternut squash, it's one of my fave things... rissotto sounds yum

    Hi to evryone else out there!


  • Comment number 21.

    That should only be one through . And no I''s not the sherry .xxxx.
    I've only had the one maybe I need another .Bids .

  • Comment number 22.

    Haha Bridge, that's exactly what I said to him!!

    JG x

  • Comment number 23.

    I've not had any yet! Where's the corkscrew ....?!?! x x

  • Comment number 24.

    Hi Deev , Your a bit slow today or am I early .

    Good one JG .hehe Men.

  • Comment number 25.

    PS bottle of rosé, courtesy of Mum is chilling as I write!

  • Comment number 26.

    Taking it easy Bridge! altho tho beefy stew has got a bottle of real ale in it!

    been playing that farm game over on FB - not reallygod a scooby what i'm meant to be doing - and why do i need elepants on my farm??! loads of farms here in suffolk - never seen an elephant on any of 'em!


  • Comment number 27.

    Chezza beef stew sounds yummy! Sounds like everyone is having nice meals tonight. Me, I've got Jambalaya that I made before I went away defrosting just now, can't be bothereed going out shopping today, can wait till tomorrow!


  • Comment number 28.

    Hi i_amrosieposie - nice to meet you :D

    I am now sitting in my room, with a big fat steak (lightly done) garnished with..well frankly another smaller steak (not a veg in sight) and a bottle of hobgoblin...now trying to decide if the afternoon movie should be Troy or Young Guns.....

    William H Bonnie; you are not a god......
    Well why don't you pull that trigger and find out....

    Right that settles it...I will watch both...now which one first?....OH NO :(

  • Comment number 29.

    Awww Rosie - I lurve jambalaya. I did a Caribbean meal last night from Levi's book - wanna go to Jamaica now to see it all cooked on the beach!

    Gotta go make me dumplings now (vege suet = lower in fat), then off for a lovely hot shower, hairwash andclean jimmyjams in time for Harry Hill, Vernon Kay and X Factor (not told Mr Deev any of that yet .... wish me luck!)

    Laters hunnies!

    x x x

  • Comment number 30.

    Deev , have you ever tried mixing fres parsley to your dumplings ,nice .

  • Comment number 31.

    I'm having a tea - yes tea break cos i'm still blinkin' ironing!!!! Yard arm approaching fast though!!!

    All this talk of food making me hungry ! Might just give up again on the ironing! Any excuse - need to cook me roastie. Roast Pork cracklin' and all the trimmings about to be tackled inabit.

    Didn't even know you could get vege suet Deev - live and learn me !!!!

    Beezer xx

    Nice pics btw Rosie on fb - bites better?

  • Comment number 32.

    As hubby flew off to New York today for work I am having an easy meal of W8Rose Chicken Kiev as cba to cook.
    Have a lovely soave chilling in fridge too.

    Buon appetito xx

  • Comment number 33.

    Thanks Beez, yes they seems to be better now! Enjoy your roastie..


  • Comment number 34.

    Hi Guys

    Sunday blog - lovely thanks Chris, nice end to great weekend with you. Hope you have a really good few days off & let Tash take that rapsberry away from you so you can have a proper break

    Cheryl You still up for ironing? Got loads here. boy2'll send you an ellie for your farm if you do. Can get circus peanuts from elephants! No, honest!

    JG Have you started training that goldfish yet? can maybe start with fetching lickle sitck from the bottom of the bowl. lol

    Matt I luuuuuuurve butternut risotto. Any left over?

    Have just found out there is a Christmas Spectacleear at o2 on 23rd Dec so guess Chris's do must be in the Indigo - went there last year when he hosted radio 2 live with Duffy & the Felling. FAB night. Would love to do it again & Mr Seza u for it too!! We found out about the Christmas thing cos Mr & Mrs Mr Seza senior are going. Could be family day out?!?!


    Seza xxxxx

  • Comment number 35.

    Ooo a Sunday blog - that is a real treat and all the tweets as well - CLP please be interactive on twitter - I do remember my tweets from Alan Carr & Will Carling (on differet subjects) very fondly!!

    Good 'ole roast for me and the girls - with all the trimmings yummy!!!

    Diva - have you sourced your goat yet?

    C x

  • Comment number 36.

    Its in my hands, right here in front of me and I still cant believe it.

    To Mobile Tooth Fairy, lots of love, Chris Evans X.

    Thanks Debs, twas lovely to see you and your gawjuss doggies.

    Ducks to chuck in the oven, Hope some of you are around for a bit of banter later.

    MTF, up on a cloud.xxx

  • Comment number 37.

    Hello, just having a lurk. Thanks for the Sunday blog Christoph, you have yourself a well deserved break.

    After adding my dumplings I leave lid off and they go all crispy on top. Just how I like 'em!

    btw, nice to have another bloke on the blog, welcome back Rob!

    Enjoy the rest of your Sunday each and every one of you.

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 38.

    This is a real foodie blog this weekend.

    I've had my roast and I'm still getting hungry reading about what you are all having

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 39.

    Seza, no more ironing I'm afraid! just had lovely shower, new pink PJs on, fluffy white robe waiting for AFTER dinner (otherwise it'll end in tears, as we both know....!)

    Decided on a bottle of Merlot with dinner, which is breathing as I type.

    Cath - I've got a couple of goaty avenues to explore and I'm not talking about Mr Bagpuss's chinny chin chin!

    Thinking about it, the pink PJs, the white robe ..... I look like a life-sized marshmallow! And just as sweet and squshy!!

    What was I saying earlier in the week about not taking myself too seriously ...!?!?!


    Deevski, Queen of the Dumpling
    x x x x

  • Comment number 40.

    peeeeeeeeeeeees: pink fluffy slipper sox to complete the marshmallow look - thanks Bridge!! x x x

  • Comment number 41.

    BEst you not sit too close to the fire Deevs, you'll be proper toasted!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Evening chaps/chappettes,

    Have returned from the brink of really not quite aliveness and I'm pleased to see the blog maintaining its generally cheerful, silly and supportive manner. Also pleased to see some of the wanderers returning.

    Altho, now that I'm getting back into the swing it would appear CLP is wandering off himself and therefore I will undoubtedly find myself losing the plot fairly swiftly. Nothing new there then!

    Holibob was fantastic, and now in the process of planning the next one. Looks like India, including Ranthambore to track down the tigers, but I must say - Alaska! Very very envious right now!

    Sweet and sour pork for dinner here. That'll be chinese styley food for the past 4 days - but who's counting!



  • Comment number 43.

    Evening all - its a hello from a dark and chilly darn essex.

    Had a little bit of fairy dust delivered to my house earlier - MTF - cake lovely - unfortunately GD felt so too - may not be much left by the time I get home!!!!

    MTF is also a whiz with the jams and chutney and of course the most important - a pound of sloes for which she and GS risked life limb and a green bottom for - MUCHLY THANKS dear!

    Right going to see if I can find and fast forward in an hour ont lappy last nights Xfactor before tonights show

    catch you in a bit

    loving your work



  • Comment number 44.

    Hiya Chris,

    Nice to see you on a Sunday, you are spoiling us this week ;o)xx
    Have a great time in Portugal xx

    Hi Rob nice to see you back on the blog.

    MwA - Hi, I love your holiday pics, especially the elephants,so cute.

    Just had a nice relaxing bath with Arran Aromatics bubble bath - gorgeous! Thanks ChrissieS xx

    Cheryl - I purchased some slipper sox today, how cosy are they? Roastie toastie toes - fab!

    Roast chicken for me tonight!

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 45.

    What a picture you paint Deev - pink fluffy marshmallow!!! I'm in summer T shirt and shorts!! Mr B had the heating on all day (utter bliss when I was ironing - not !!!) cos he poorly boy still!! I will say no more!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh !!!!

    MTF - I can see your grin from here!!!

    Hiya Cath, Pen, Seza and Mwa. Brilliant to have a Sunday blog.
    Enjoyed this weeks ones too from all over the country. Let him keep his bluebottle Tash - we may get the odd comment from Portugal!?

    And did I read that correctly ? Cheltenham signing at the Lit festival? There you go Thunder - haven't missed him after all being over the pond !!!

    Off to check meat and put spuds in. Back inabit

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 46.

    See - I blink - and in pops Mary and Debs !!!! Hi girlies !!
    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 47.

    evening all, hope you're well?

    6 earlies done, 2 days off ahead. Came in from work to plate of roast dinner to die for. (MrsW far too good to me).

    Got an assessment tomorrow to work in a different department. It's the same one I passed last year before mucking up the interview the week after. It's a practical 'live situation' assessment. Fingers crossed.

    We didn't exchange contracts on Fri so hoping for that to happen tomorrow too. All a bit annoying how long moving takes. This is my 5th or 6th house purchase and it still baffles me how long it all takes in this day and age of high technology. Oh well procedure takes time I guess.

    Dec 23rd is a toughie, not sure I'll get the night off at this late notice but wil try my hardest if that is the date.

    Hey EJR and MfR, good to see you back, hope you're well.

    CLP - All this talk of guerilla signings - you gonna come to Norfolk for some monkeying around???

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 48.

    Hey beezer & other gorgeous bloggers!

    Roast dinner consumed - kitchen sparkling - ironing to be done in time for the girls and I's dose of the X Factor. Robbie Williams - I cannot wait yippeee..................go the 'fro

  • Comment number 49.

    Hi Beesmum xx

    Hi Gingembre, goodluck with the assessment and house completion xx

    Cathmel, looking forward to Robbie too ;o) xx

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 50.

    Good luck with the contracts KW, when we moved in here it was a nightmare for some reason, but all sorted in the end.

    Not sure I can do 23rd December, as heading to Wales on 24th, and won't have any leave left.

    Motor race still ongoing - crazy race! 140 of 161 laps completed - Mr JG hasn't moved since 1pm!! Fun though, and crazy circuit.

    Oh, and can't do thick socks, have to have cold feet...I'm just weird..

    JG x

  • Comment number 51.

    Oh, and a bit concerned that twitter is turning me into a stalker!!!!!

  • Comment number 52.

    Now on twitter, but got kicked off. You might be able to work out who I am! So, what zackly is happening on 23rd dec? Something I've missed I guess...

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 53.

    Hey Beezles! - struggling with the I-player - rubbish signal in this room so going to give up and just watch the tele!

    News flash! (2nd time today) gone for the chicken in tarragon for me tea!!! LOL

    KW - good luck with the assessment - need to chat to me - usually on the other side of the recruitment side - any top interview tips you need??? Deevs has my # if you do - happy to oblige

    OH DEAR - just seen a bit of that Ricky bloke - OH DEAR!

    go Stacey!!

  • Comment number 54.

    there's no way she's singing live ..... tsk tsk!


  • Comment number 55.


    now he IS doing it live, for real.


    x x x

  • Comment number 56.


    Now that was a live performance

    Robbie was amazing

    x x x

  • Comment number 57.

    Soooooooooo good to have you back Robbie!


  • Comment number 58.

    Did ya hear him say it?? Did ya? Did ya???

    "a few live shows here and there"


    Queueing for tickets ........ NOW!

    Saw him on the Sing When You're Winning Tour - bloody fantastic!!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 59.

    I really hope he tours again.

    He was amazing at Milton Keynes a few years ago


  • Comment number 60.

    Blog meet at a Robbie gig ......... x x

  • Comment number 61.

    Oh yes I'm up for that Cheryl! Absolutely brilliant!

  • Comment number 62.

    OH yes Deev, count me in.

    Fingers crossed he sings at Wembley or the O2


  • Comment number 63.


    Who voted for the most annoying act ever!!!!!!

  • Comment number 64.

    hate to point this out ladies - he was shouting his comments but TWICE he was chatting while 'he' was singing in the backing track!!!!!

    go one check it out!


  • Comment number 65.

    Hiya Debs

    Sure he was singing live, as wasn't the polished finished product that the single is, yes there was his voice and others on the backing track

    But defo him singing over the top

    x x x

  • Comment number 66.

    A Sunday blog - what next?! Thoroughly enjoyed Jonathan Ross. How amazing was the waterproof hanky? But what happens if you blow your nose?? Eughhh!!

  • Comment number 67.

    I presume you lot were not watching antiques road show!!!!

    And breathe - very deeply !!!!

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 68.


    Just put tv on. Where was Robbie?

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 69.

    signing out darlinghs - signal so pooor just making life cross!

    see you on the morro I hope!

    night night all


  • Comment number 70.


    Did you all go somewhere else?

    Anyone around?

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 71.

    Hi Seza ! watching Doc Martin then M McIntyre on Beeb1 after!!! No idea where they have all gone ! Got the vapours - apparently Robbie has been on tv???

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 72.

    Saw end of Antiques then turned over to the Doc.

    Missed Robbie

    Maybe that's why we still compo mental!!

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 73.

    Probably Seza !!!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 74.

    Back on here at last, Ducks all dished up and the "boys are doing the washing up"

    Debs, can so see you shouting out that comment about the, FEELING LEFT OUT THINGY.

    Debs also met Mr Mobs today, now am a tad worried as I think he now gets this blog AND likes it.

    What do I do, if he wants to join in??

    Is there A Mr and Mrs Blogger already in situ here??

    This is my space and I quite like it, it gives you a chance to be what you want to be and IF you dont like it, well there is always the OFF button.

    What would the rest of you do IF the O/H wanted to join in, so to speak, ??


    MTF, please let me keep that last comment ,was sposed to be burger.

  • Comment number 75.

    Oh Beez Couldn't you just slap Doc M?

    She loves him

    He loves her & he so wants that baby.

    Maybe we should go & sort them out

    Seza xxx

    PS Who do you reckon is going to have to do the emergency baby delivery - Doc M or the red head?

  • Comment number 76.

    MTF Mr Seza wants to come to whatever is going on at the O2 on 23rd Dec.

    Not sure he knows Bloggers might meet up there!!

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 77.

    No need for aplogies EJR. but thanks anyway.

    Superbagpuss, My asthma is getting worse and that is why I have closed all Internet applications. After years of corresponding with a certain person I think the time was right. You see in many ways no one on the Internet is real it's just what they want to pretend to be.

    That's what I found.

    a beach hut is far superior to a shed I find.

  • Comment number 78.

    Seza, hi, way to go, OK , I am defo going to anything going on , on the 23rd.

    Some of us need to put our heads together and sort out how we can make it possible.

    Challenge on.


  • Comment number 79.

    Doc Martin will deliver Seza !! Yes - lets sort them out !!

    Mr B reads occasionally but soon loses interest - Haven't told him how to just look at my comments ! Anyone here does that ...........don't you dare!!!

    MTF Errol nd Mwa are a couple on here - engaged doncha know!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 80.

    evening all what a night!

    I'm wondering if I should have my own geurilla book signing tommorrow. Is it a bit rude to just turn up? O/h is willing to try for me. What do you think?

  • Comment number 81.

    Easyjob, we need to tslk sheds, mine has wall to wall carpet.


  • Comment number 82.

    I'm back too, just recovering from watching an 8 hour motor race - well not continuously, although Mr JG did.

    Used to use the same message boards for F1 as Mr JG, but that's slightly different to this, although I don't think it'd be a problem if he posted here. For all I know, he reads it anyway....

    If you're worried MTF just explain that this is your space and ask him not to join.

    JG x

  • Comment number 83.

    TSLK, ha, maybe talk first!!

  • Comment number 84.

    Luckliy I can get to O2 easily so as long as I can ask/bribe/pay someone to look after the kids I'll be there.

    Have just found out tho that Mr Seza's parents are going to big Christmas Spectacular Show at O2 that evening so think we could be en fammile.

    I will explain to them tho that I am hoping to meet you lot there. Hope it goes down ok.

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 85.


    The 02 is a dream for us to get to - 6 mins on the toob from Stratford station. When I went to see Prince there, it finished at half ten, and we were on the train home to Coooooooooooooolchester by 10.50. Unlike gigs at Wembley - ugh!! Horrible place to get to from Liverpool Street Station.

    Mr Deevs gawn to bed - another 5am start.


  • Comment number 86.

    hiya MTF

    Mine has my washing machine and tumble in, and carpet though not wall to wall


  • Comment number 87.

    We've driven when we've been before. Mr Seza likes driving so me ok

    We saw Prince too. Wonder if we were there same night?

    We were up waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay high. Wanted a parachute. Wouldn't want to be that high up again.

    Think Chris's do must be in the Indigo, very cosy

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 88.


    WEmbley so much easier for me as we can drive, though there now seems to be a major no parking zone on event days of 2 miles.

    O2 great if the trains and underground is working properly, but last 2 times they have been a bit dodgy to say the least.


  • Comment number 89.


    We going to Wembley end of the month to see Fleetwood Mac. Haven't been there for ages. Think Mr Seza's boss driving - well at least we going in his car, Mr Seza might drive. Not sure how long it's going to take us

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 90.

    I've got 02 in a couple of weeks for Green Day, and then Wembley in November for my hot date with James Morrison .... hmmmmmmmmmmm!

    x x x

  • Comment number 91.

    Could you not find somewhere a little more intimate Deevs?


  • Comment number 92.

    tis fair to say there will be one or two others there with me and James ....

  • Comment number 93.

    You are a kind & generous person to share your special night Deevs but surely he'll only have eyes for you!!


  • Comment number 94.

    Hello ...Everyone !!!!

    a blog on sun .. we are blessed!!!!

    CLP nice to hear from you and have a great week!!!!

    Billie is a bit energy drained today !!!!

    Billie xxxxx

  • Comment number 95.


    Driving is fine, lots of no parking signs on event days. But still quicker to park outside the zone and walk it. We always get home before anyone who parks in proper car parks. Though husband does like to route march me back!!!!!!!!!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 96.

    lol Seza! Did you know he wrote "You Give Me Something" for ickle auld me ....?!?

    Hi Bills. Early nite then?

  • Comment number 97.

    Thanks Propa

    I'll mention that but think Mr Seza and boss are planning details of expedidtion. I'll just go with the flow, I think


  • Comment number 98.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 99.

    no way !!!!!!

    had a great day at work .. boss was in a lovely mood!!!!

    You ok ?

    Billie xxx

  • Comment number 100.

    It'll fine Seza have fun.

    off to see Spandau Ballet at the O2 in a couple of weeks. Hopefully will go shopping before hand as well.



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