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A Blue Plaster Thing, The Spare Room And A Whole New Pain Threshold.

Chris Evans | 08:05 UK time, Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Jonny Saunders, our sports guy had it right last night when he said:

"It's a child birth thing."

He was trying to make sense of my wife's lack of sympathy for my broken/bruised rib. He reasoned that once a woman has been through natural child birth, any future pain felt by herself or anyone close to her is going to have to be pretty substantial to raise even the slightest chance of TLC.

Remembering the expression on Tash's face for the few hours before Noah was born - I think he may have a point.

As a result of said injury, I slept in the spare room last night in an effort to avoid any 'accidental' mid sleep elbow blows to my torso from my loving wife, something she is prone to doing.

Well here's the thing, no wonder when we do have overnight guests they wake up looking like they've had a week off - our spare bed is 'so' comfy - and because the room is on the far side of the house away from the road, it's also much quieter and the duvet seems altogether more heavenly !

I can still barely breathe or talk and the mere thought of laughing or coughing makes me wince but apart from that I feel like a new man !




PS: The mysterious blue plaster. X.



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  • Comment number 1.

    Morning CLP

    Ewwwww to the blue plaster. Blue ones are cheffy - has Nige stayed over recently?!?!

    As for sympathy - I broke my toe once. No plaster cast, no flowers or chocs and no sympathy.


    Have a grand day, groovster!

    x x x

  • Comment number 2.

    peeeeeeeeeeeees: you feel like a new man .... don't we all sunshine!?!?! xxxx

  • Comment number 3.

    Yup. I can concur with Johnny on that one Christoff Wimpy Pie.

    And am as one with Tash.

    As one who had ribs bruised from the inside from the future international hockey-playin', shot-puttin' daughter, subsequently persuaded out with the aid of the Dyson and a packet a Licquorice Allsorts, I'd like to enlighten you that yous chaps don't know yous are BORN.

    Bless yous though. You do 'ave your redeemin' features. Give us long-sufferin' girls summat to laff at.


    Ere. That plaster. Looks like it needs REDUCED writin' on it.

    Aw only joshin'.


  • Comment number 4.

    Morning Chris,

    Can't really comment as I've never given birth, nor broken a rib. But I don't doubt that you are in real (man) pain - I think I must have missed how you broke your rib, perhaps a blogger can enlighten me....ta.

    Hope you can laugh and cough again soon!


  • Comment number 5.

    Morning Christoph, Jonny is so right on that one. What is it they say,if women had the first child and man the second, there would definitely be no more!!!!

    Another mention on Wogan this morning Clodagh, good on ya!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 6.


    I do sympathise with your pain - you are a wee pet lamb! Can I say that Tash is an absolute star - she must have acted very quickly - well done Tash! I think we came a bit too close to the scenario where you wouldn't have had to worry about what you are planning for the Breakfast Show in January!

    I did hear most of the show last night, and the specialist you were speaking to was very good, if a little dismissive! However, it's just a case of "one day at a time" and it will heal, just hang in there. Incidentally, if I were you, I would be taking paracetemol and ibuprofen every four hours, on the dot!

    AliB: apparently Chris was choking on a piece of food, and Tash had to perform the life-saving thingy where you have to push under the person's rib-cage in order to push up enough air to release the stuck food!

    C xx

  • Comment number 7.

    Ali, aw bless 'im, in fairness, bruised ribs really are excrutiating.

    Said injury was sustained at the hands of that Heroine, Tash, Heimlich Manouevrein' a rogue prawn from stuck in 'is clack.

    Me, I'd a used the carpet beater meself, but each to 'er own.


    PS. Don't tell 'imself I was sympathisin'. I've me reputation as Wigan's answer to Rosa Klebb to maintain.

  • Comment number 8.

    Now, my CDs have arrived from "that river lot". How will Lady Boss feel about the soundtrack from Spinal Tap being played in the office, I wonder?!?!?

    Big bottom, big bottom, talk about mud flaps, my gal's got 'em!!


  • Comment number 9.

    Haha tanks, Pen.

    Ere. Chrissie. THERE's a thought. I bet it was Sir Pository 'imself spiked the prawn.



  • Comment number 10.


    Have just taken receipt of my new Ugg boots. Yes, Ugg boots, the ones everybody who's never worn 'em swears they never will, on account they're dead Chavvy. And then (and yes, I'm talkin' about the GD of course,) as soon as they filch yours for an hour, they become complete converts.

    Any road up. These ones are the knitted ones, like an aran sweater, hurrah. GORgeous.

    Well, maybe not GORgeous, I look a bit of a div actually, but comfier than Billy Comfy as the brother-outlaw would say, and actually rather funky...AND match me new 'at.

    Cop a load a that. Ew, get me. Just like Kate Moss' granny.

    Am delighted wit meself.


  • Comment number 11.

    Chrissie and Clodagh, Thanks for filling me in on how said injury took place - poor Chris and well done Tash for saving your life xx Big hugs all round.


    P.S. I really must go shopping, whether online or to the actual shops. Seems ages since I've spent any money and I feel that it's burning a whole in my pocket!

  • Comment number 12.


    Think Broked or nearly broked ribs must be really sore. Not too much chair-dancing tonight for CLP I think and very careful, gentle hugs

    Clodagh - You must be a vision in Aran. Just the thing for the cooler weather. Winter draws on girls!

    Deevs, will listen out for your new CDs, goota visit Coooolchester this afternoon Hope there's enough juice in the old truck. Wasn't expecting to go today

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 13.

    Clodagh: I hadn't thought of that! Perhaps Tel has changed his mind!!
    Naw, can't be that ..... I don't know whether anyone else would agree, but I think Terry is sounding even happier these days - so it would seem he has made the right decision.

    And Clodagh, how I would love a pair of Ugg boots - enjoy!

    C xx

  • Comment number 14.

    Morning folks!

    Hope everyone & everything is well in blog land and all are playing nicely!

    'I feel like a new man' - I do too, just wondering where he's hiding though, lol!

    Had eyes tested last week & now need to wear glasses so going to pick them up at lunch, how excited am I??!! Very :)

    AS x

  • Comment number 15.


    Sympathies from a fellow man but I suppose it's still better than choking, so look on the bright side :)


  • Comment number 16.

    Shopping?? - who mentioned shopping - oooee Ali - go for it.........

    Sorry - heard the word and homed in - as I do ! Morning all - lovely sunny one so far. Hope everyone happy and smiling?

    Christoph nothing beats taking yourself off to the spare room for a bit of space. That's why you found it all cosy and comfy - no-one around to worry about if you feel like flinging limbs wherever!! Is that the plaster the guy gave you last night? Bit mean with it wasn't he? imagined you all trussed up like a mummy!!and like Deev says - blue is for chefs??

    Missed the mention on Woge this morning Clodagh - someone tell me when and I'll listen again.

    Right - work to do - still mountains of it............

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 17.

    The blue plaster is so you can see it when it falls off in the broth.
    The sympathy thing: Type in `man flue` on utube, v funny.

    mj x

  • Comment number 18.

    Ah Chrissie, Christmas pressy perhaps? I know the said boots aren't chepa, but they're certainly well worth the investment, you'll wear them to death in the winter and as I always say, if you work out the number of times of wearing and divide by the price, they'll end up brilliant value.

    Put another way, if, for example, you buy a coat in the sale for £20, or a dress from Primani, a snip at a tenner that it'd be rude not to.. you know the script, girls, and then never wear the things, as I often have, that's damn expensive. Compare that to the £120 for the boots that I shall wear all winter, it works out at about a quid per wear. Excellent.

    But can I also add. Whereas you can get some great discounts on line these days, please, PLEASE, be SO careful if you're ordering Uggs on line. Make sure you're ordering the real thing on the official website, as there are so many fakes coming in; and they will be seized by customs, make no mistake. And you will lose your money. I'd hate to see that, it happens so often, and to people who can't afford to lose it, which is heartbreaking.

    It's a retail jungle out there, girls.


  • Comment number 19.

    Hahaha that's CHEAP, even. Chepa. Sounds like Jamie Oliver.


  • Comment number 20.

    Beez, Clodagh's mention was about 8.15!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 21.

    Oh and Beez, carry on listening and you'll hear Janet and John - v funny!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 22.

    Now I don't know if this will get modded, bbc and all that; but check out Martin's Money Tips. I got 20% off said boots using the voucher.



  • Comment number 23.

    Thanks Pen

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 24.

    Clodagh, I'm signed up to Martin's money tips and receive a weekly e-mail. It's very informative as well as money off vouchers!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Clodagh: good advice, which I will take! I have to say though, I very seldom buy anything on-line. I even feel daring just ordering something from Amazon. I'm just one of those people that likes to go into a shop, see what I'm looking for, and pay for it - transaction complete!

    But, I know loads of people (including my lovely daughter) who buy loads of stuff on the internet, and never have any problems!

    I will try to get in touch with "the times"!

    Pen: thanks for the info on the show today. I will definitely Listen Again!

    C xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Greetings Ter The Christoof Soon Ter Be Breakfast Operatative & ALL Bloggie Persons Of Nicety......

    Bingo Star ere....

    CLP Man - VERY sorry ter 'ear about the damaged rib.... sounds errrr.... well a don't like the sound of it... yuv goot my sympathy pal.... in fact would yer like me ter 'elp yer present yer show termozza?????
    Am coming down ter London and more than willing ter delay me meet with Suzie Baybee for an 'our or two whilst a 'elp take the pressure off yer for a while... the offer iz there pal!!!!!
    PS Suzie works close ter R2 any way so maybe we could meet closer ter R2 than we were planning - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!
    Az for sympathy.... true CLP on women noot caring.... ave really badly bruised me inner laft arm.... goot a... well ave noot measured but i'll say it's 15inches long...... won't tell yer exactly 'ow a did it on Fridee but it's just a good job ave been pumping a few extra weights at the gym lately.... all caused by ANGER from being boooked by a traffic warden in 2002!!!!!
    But in a way a can thank that traffic warden... az the extra muscle ave recently developed down the back of me arm protected me from getting a VERY badly bruised bone!!!!!
    The injury in question (MINE)..... it's repairing fast az a immediately soaked it in water ter stop the traumer and ave been covering it in Savalon magic 'ealing cream ever since... so it's 'ealing fast!!!!!
    It's true abit like a burn.... the faster yer attend/ tend to it after yuv goot the injury... the less the injury will be!!!!!!
    Any way me point ere.... when a did it.... MAN did it 'urt.... in fact at first a thought i'd taken a whole layer of skin off me arm.... or would end up with a BIG graze..... in fact a think a did but the soaking in cool water reduced the tramour... like a waz just saying!!!!!
    Any way me point ere again... a texted Suzie ter tell 'er of me injury...... and ave noot 'ad a single word of it back in any of 'er texts...... it just 'as noot registered in 'er mind!!!!!!
    Now abet if a woman 'ad done that to 'er arm.... she would ave cryed.... a didn't... a didn't even register the pain in me mind.... although it did 'urt.... a told mesen it didn't... am tough!!!!!!!
    Any way me point..... Suzie iz like Tash..... noot just that she's a dark eyed capricorn... WHATTA COINCIDENCE..... but she to ain't care about me misdemeanour of me frame!!!!!!

    In fact am feeling disappointed that ave done such a professional job of repairing me injury that when a see 'er termozza..... it's noot looking anywhere az near az bad az last week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    CLP..... the fact that your injury.... and far more serious than mine.... the fact that yer can't see it...... that iz AGONY in itself and nobody iz taking your pain seriously, especially the missus.... iz probally all more painful than the injury itself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (All the above totally 100% TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!)

    Okay all ere's me bad yellow trip joke/ 'umour a waz talkin' about last week!
    Well it's noot a joke... more 'umour about me work place/ 'ealth & Safety gone mad.
    In fact ave been writing a series of 'Bingo Star's Signs The World's Gone Mad' blogs ter bang on the blog and this iz one of them >>>>>>

    Where a work, the cleaners leave yellow 'caution slippery floor' cones wreet in the middle of the floor and even the main walkway inter the building where 'undreds pass daily!!!!!
    After they've mopped the floor they leave the cones there but nobody moves them after the ten minutes it takes for the floor ter dry... in fact the cones stay there for a whole dee until the cleaners return the next dee. A few times ave nearly tripped over the cones meself a few times!!!!!
    Just struck me az funny and 'ow ironic it would be; if yer tripped over a caution slippery floor cone and injured yersen.... even when the floors noot slippery.... Imagine explaining that ter yer insurers/ boss!!!!!
    What am tryin' ter say.... me point iz there's nowt wrong with the floor..... but the cones in themselves are a 'azard!!!!!!
    WORLD'S GONE/ GOING MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    PS CLP - Seafood VERY dangerous.... first Foxy with 'er muscles...... now yersen CLP.... with damaged muscles all caused by the pain of a prawn!!!!!!!!
    Am DEFINATELY sticking ter me bananas and 'umous butties!!!!!!!!

    PPS CLP - Seriously.... just glad yer ok and Tash iz a quick thinker with the 'eineken maneouvre..... or maybe she just thought this iz me chance ter inflict some pain on yersen.... pay back for childbirth!!!!!!!!

    PS Sezagirl - 'ope me blogs yesterdee didn't 'urt yer 'ead too much!!!!!

  • Comment number 27.


    I'm not really here - new job is silly busy but at least the time goes quick - am in a bit of a pooh at the moment (other bears are available) due to a little over sight - hope they will be kind and not tear me apart too much

    Bingo - careful what you say about dark eyed capricorns, theres a few of us about :-)

    baggy puss - diving back into the foray

  • Comment number 28.

    Soz about me bad spelling but am just so busy, no time ter check... am lucky ave even managed ter blog terdee!!!!!!

  • Comment number 29.

    Croc: just saw your last comment on the previous blog. I started listening to R2 when Jonathan Ross started on Saturday mornings - about ten years ago. I would listen to the entire three hours, and woe betide anyone who tried to talk to me during that show! I can't remember the rest of line-up then, but of course I started listening to Terry (I was too young the first time around - those were the days!) and I just found that R2 is ideal for me. Now, I listen as much as I can - I think it is a terrific station. Have recently found Radcliffe and Maconie and they are absolutely excellent.

    I could never, ever, go back to listening to local radio!

    C xx

  • Comment number 30.

    PS ALL Just take a loook at this link.... It's of the funniest X-Factor auditions ave ever seen!!!!!
    It's of the mad bloke a waz talkin' about last week on the blog.... Made even me cry with laughter >>>>>>>

  • Comment number 31.

    Almost on a par with childbirth pain, is fracturing one's shoulder bone after tripping on a fir cone (I called it much worse than that) then sitting in A&E for 4 hours waiting for an x-ray. Also having gall stones, in fact that pain was far worse than childbirth!

    Hope you get better soon, Christoph!

    Still glorious wall to wall here again!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 32.

    Super Bagpuss - If your yet another dark eyed cap... WHATTA COINCIDENCE X2...... errrr ave you goot any sympathy for me and CLP???????

  • Comment number 33.

    Hello again

    Bingo, I'm fine now thanks, Wall to wall Bingo is a bit much for a girl! hope your arm is feeling better

    Buying stuff on line. I always feel quite safe with the known names or on line parts of high street stores but have heard it said that anything else is a bit like buying something from a man in a pub. Unless you are really sure, be cautious.

    I started listening to R2 when I was at home with small babies. I think it was discovering that Steve Wright was still on that did it. I could fool myself that I was sixteen & revising for O-Levels again. Just stuck with it after that. Usually too lazy to change but have had to switch JV off today - too depressing. Mind you, only CD in here is Big Band music so may have to go raid my car soon.


    Seza xx

  • Comment number 34.


    Had a gawd-awful morning so instead of inflicting potential violence on others around me (usually with my taste in CDs for the office!) I went to Asda and checked out their Tickled Pink range.

    Now have lotsa new lingerie, some new t-shirts, and most importantly of all .... new pink pyjamas. All for me, and ALL for charideeee! Such good value and an excellent campaign for a fantastic cause.

    Got back to the office and still feel a bit grouchy so have put The Human League CD on that arrived this morning - Dare - quite possibly my fave album ever, and the one that has had the most profound effect on me and my journey from child to teenager in the 1980s.

    Wow! That was deep!

    Now for lemon drizzle loaf cake, but only a small slice or else the new frillies won't fit!

    Love and life

    x x x x

  • Comment number 35.

    Hi all

    Had a disastrous start to the morning, thanks to someone who managed to spill a load of fuel over my motorway intersection! So arrived late, grumpy, and needing a coffee urgently! One hour 40 mins is just too long for 14 miles!

    Anyway, nose to the grindstone at the moment!

    Hope everyone else is OK

    JG x

  • Comment number 36.

    HI ya

    I agree on the women and pain thing and the other odd thing relates to the article on selected hearing last night cos I think women can also blank out a lot of noises due to the fact that they're designed to be able to ignore a baby crying unless they 'know' by instinct that it needs something.

    My dogs can be barking like heck in the garden and I don't even notice whilst my hubby is beside himself at the noise!! Gutted as I was on a mission last night, trying to get stuff done in order to be home for 6pm so I had to get out of the car just as Mr Expert was talking about the hearing thingy. Ah well, I'll stick to the ear plugs for bed.

    Comfy duvets...now there's another story... xx

  • Comment number 37.

    Meal for Liverpool 7th Nov booked. Message sent on FB to those on the list.

    Now got Barry Manilow on .... it's the ONLY way!

    x x x

  • Comment number 38.

    Afternoon each

    flying in and out as per..but off tomorrow so may have a chance of catching up!

    3 Peaks went well this weekend..Scafell Pike not climbed as weather had turned and we were strongly advised not to climb it in the dark. So, going to be done in a few wks to complete the challenge. Ben Nevis done in 6 hours and Snowdon in 8..due to a `slight` miscalculation of route that involved them climbing 4 peaks more than necessary..oops! But all happy and chuffed despite being broken and returned home 1100 miles later on Sunday! Thanks to those who supported them..much appreciated. Oh, and i `camped` in a van for the first time ever this weekend.. i have now lived!

    Well done to Gingembre..great time!

    Everyone else well?

    Can just add to the ribs thing..having broken 2 and cracked 2(what IS the difference?!) at the same time you have my utmost sympathy CLP..EVERYTHING you do hurts..and woebetide anyone who makes you laugh! Get better soon..and hope you never get appendicitis as thats the only pain i have had worse (no kids so cant comment on the birth thing!).

    Right..good to be back!

    mSc x

  • Comment number 39.


    Just popped on to apologise to Barney (can't remember the number), I'm obviously a sensitive little flower and probably still a little bit jealous that your song got picked last friday.

    Misunderstanding obviously!

    Sorry chum.


  • Comment number 40.

    Oh I missed the show last night I never realised that Chris had a bruised ribs. Heavens hope you are not a battered husband (sorry Tash)only joking.

    ChrissieS I know the only advantage to having listened to local radio is that I remember taxi firm numbers without having to look them them up from the little tunes.

    United Taxi's If you need a taxi we'll get you there even in a wheel chair 556677 .

  • Comment number 41.

    Hi chris

    Sorry to hear you are not feeling to good take it easy

    Not a lot happing my end today

    Rest if & when you can

    If you need us get in touch

    All our love Stewart & the lovely cathy


  • Comment number 42.

    'Lo again

    Just a word of advice to anyone choosing a chocolate type snack to eat whilst driving along - a Twisted bar, the one with the creme egg type filling is not a good choice!!!

    Seza xxx off to clear up the mess!

  • Comment number 43.

    Watch out Sez - You know Gingembre is a Bow Street Runner don't you.

    He'll be round to take down your particulars......unless you share it!



  • Comment number 44.

    Hi Chris,All i can say is thats why us woman have the babes and men dont.Johnny s right,
    love to all.xx

  • Comment number 45.

    Chris - I also sleep better in strange beds - this also has a lot to do with avoiding the mid sleep elbows.

    I'm just a little curious as to whether or not you believe that they are accidental or on purpose.

    There is no doubt that if the CMM lets loose with an elbow during the night....it was meant!!!

    To look at her you'd think butter wouldn't melt.....looks can be deceiving.



  • Comment number 46.

    Feel an honesty moment coming on. Before I had my daughter I had never been in hospital in my life. It was the most hideous experience in my life and (I just remembered I'm a Mr)...... Suddenly you lose your indentity people start calling you Mummy... People hooked up to milking machines and womens problems here there and everywhere. I found the whole experience a nightmare and never wanted to go back.

  • Comment number 47.

    Just winding down now (a little early I know!) but I am out of here at 5pm - meeting up with my sister for a glass of wine and a bite to eat, and then more wine - and then we are off to see Michael Ball! I am really looking forward to it - I think we will have a terrific evening.

    I called the venue to find out what time he is on stage and the girl was so rude, I just about lost it! Why don't they provide a recorded message for the punters who, have forked out their hard earned, and quite rightly would like an idea of timings?! Ooooh makes me seethe!

    However: Love, Love changes everything .....

    C xx

  • Comment number 48.

    Afternoon Guys .....

    howdy everyone !!!!

    hope everyone has had a lovely day ... sun been shining and been beautiful!!!!!!

    love Billie xxx

  • Comment number 49.

    Sorry ChrissieS would rather go to the dentist.

    Empty chairs and empty tables.

    off before I get arrested.

  • Comment number 50.

    Just coming up for air !! Hi All :)

    Will someone rescue me from under this pile of work ?? No? - Oh well - back to it then :(

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Croc: no problem - wouldn't do if we were all the same!! I'm not his biggest fan: don't have any of his music or anything, but the man is so charismatic and I just think it will be an evening's entertainment.

    I have a friend of a friend who went to see him years ago in Glasgow, waited for him at the Stage Door and managed to drape herself round his neck while he dragged her across the street, trying to get to his car! Now, I would never go that far ... would I?!

    C xx

  • Comment number 52.

    soon be hometime Beez then chillout time eh? !!!

  • Comment number 53.

    Sorry Chrissie he is the one person on Radio2 that gets right up my nose. So full of himself name dropping all the time and at the end of the day a second rate singer like who was he? However hope you enjoy the show as you say we are all different.

  • Comment number 54.

    I often sleep better in a `strange` bed. But perhaps it’s due more to the amount of vodka consumed that evening! Hey-ho and up she rises, or invariably not!!

    I don’t know what it’s like where you are but it’s the perfect Indian Summer here...bliss.

    Chris are you blogging earlier now to get used to early rises, you’ll soon be up at the crack o` sparrows.

    I liked that reduced Harolds sofa, nice cooolour.


    mj x

  • Comment number 55.

    Och, Croc: I always find him so down to earth - he's always talking about watching Strictly and X Factor and all that - I find him just the opposite from you. It is incredible how we all see things differently, but that's what makes the world go round!

    Second rate? At those prices, I hope not!

    C xx

  • Comment number 56.

    Fraid not Billie - I'll be here for a while yet !! :(

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 57.

    I'm flagging!

    x x x

  • Comment number 58.

    awww Beez not fair!!!!!! send you and Deevs a cyber coffee!!!!!


  • Comment number 59.

    Mega strong please Billie !!! I'm flagging too !!

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 60.

    Can I opt for a cyber G & T please ..... I've been good. Honest!

    The hard work really starts at half five - gotta go to that famous pooter mega store for some cables - daren't ask lady boss to go - goodness knows what she'd come back with!

    x x x x

  • Comment number 61.

    one HUGE MEGA STRONG COFFEE for you Beez and one HUGE MEGA G&T for you Deevs

    both of you deserve it


  • Comment number 62.

    MJ - It's another of lifes great ironies that the more I drink the better I sleep...yet the more I drink the less she sleeps...

    So I'm told anyway!


  • Comment number 63.

    Ripples darlin'

    As a wifey wife, I can concur your statement!

    x x x

  • Comment number 64.

    anyone else want one???????

    Plenty to go around !!!!!!





  • Comment number 65.

    Stop whinging and get on with your multi tasking ladies....you can't have it both ways!

    Chrissie - I also enjoy Michael ball on Sundays. He is someone else who I have come around to. I'm always impressed by someone who can sit in a studio and wax lyrical about whichever subject happens to be on the agenda, whether or not they have any real knowledge of it.
    Ball is a good example of this, sometimes seems out of his depth but carries on enthusiastically and beats a fairly straight path to the next topic.

    Where's Lyndy got too btw - did she enjoy The Langham so much she moved in?



  • Comment number 66.

    Whinge whinge whinge - if I'd got any sense I'd be with Lyndy !!!

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 67.

    I need a spa day. Soon.

    x x x

  • Comment number 68.

    To not Too!

  • Comment number 69.

    Just in case....

  • Comment number 70.

    calm down Ripples dear!

    x x x

  • Comment number 71.

    Not too sure if I'm geting mixed up with Aled Jones and Michael Ball, anyway spot the difference. Weekends on Radio 2 a whole different Ball game.

  • Comment number 72.

    Ahem ...... I'm not getting the speed reading thing. Reading is a pleasurable past-time no? Not a race, surely.

    Reet, that's me done and dusted. May catch you later, but my beloved Gunners are in action tonight and the digibox is mended ...... way hey!!

    Laters friends, and you Rips!


    x x x

  • Comment number 73.

    Princess Cool Billy can I say get yourself a life .

    Stick your virtual coffee get real.

  • Comment number 74.

    no need to be like that !!!!!

  • Comment number 75.

    Croc - I'm in favour of both especially when the Jones boy is in for Kennedy!

    Deevs - I can't believe you said that...I stuck up for you last week when someone on here said that you weren't fit to live in a pigsty.....

    I left them in no doubt whatsoever that you were!



  • Comment number 76.

    An ex boss of mine used to just read down the centre panel of each page and knew exactly what the book was about!

    Pen xx

  • Comment number 77.

    im only having a laugh!!! :(

  • Comment number 78.

    Early evening to you all!

    Well the glasses have been collected and are on - wow! What a difference I can read my 'puter screen now!

    Diva - well done the buying in aid of charity, makes you feel better and helps others - winning combination!

    Scoobs & JG hope you are both well! JG the 3 peak challenge sounded like a lot of hard work but worth the effort. Scoobs hope you had a good birthday!

    Billie - make mine a large dry wine please, cheers!

    AS x

  • Comment number 79.

    one comming your way AS


  • Comment number 80.

    Hi everyone in blogland!!

    Rips- I would indeed quite happily move into the Langham tomorrow... now those are seriously comfy beds!!! The big "do" was fab... must have had 180 clients turned up and were looked after superbly. It seems that most of them had no idea of my enlarged tummy so it was a busy night for me. In fact it was a very busy week and by the end of it I was turtley shattered. Once my house guests had left on Sunday it was all I could do to run myself a humungous bath and read my "Dan Brown".

    Antenatal all day Monday and now I'm really seriously contemplating the idea of a home water birth if the midwife okays it. All the rest of the nursery stuff arriving tomorrow and then month end to get sorted before I promise to start easing up and slowing down.

    I can't make comment on broken/cracked ribs as apposed to child birth yet but I remember that the ribs made pretty much everything difficult for ages and don't even mention sneezing!!! eeek!!

    Booboo & El-Bumpo

  • Comment number 81.

    sorry to say this but childbirth is very very ouchy!!!!!

    done that three times ...never again!!!!!

  • Comment number 82.

    oh no it looks like it gonna rain !!!! :(

  • Comment number 83.

    Croc you were doing so well there for a while; but that was really mean.

    Look hun, NONE of us is real on here. And some of us even use fictitious ridiculous names. It's just a bit of fun, sweetheart.

    You will have really upset Billie with that comment so catch yourself on, I can't imagine that kind of comment will be helpful to yourself either.

    So Billie. Pay no heed sunshine; you carry on regardless, you're amongst friends. Just to say that if no-one replies immediately it doesn't mean there aren't people out there wishing you well.

    And I wish you well too, croc. Just take a beat sometimes, ok?


  • Comment number 84.

    Hi everyone

    Billie, can you keep my white wine chilled for a few minutes, I need to go and sort out my freezer!

    Need to put a large order into ELH, and just realised the freezer is full of stuff, nothing of which appears to be any use! At least it doesn't need defrosting!

    I always used to sleep much better in my own bed, but since I got back from holiday, I seem to be having more trouble getting cumfy. Mr JG invariably sleeps in one of the spare rooms due to his shift work, so I get to have a huge 6ft bed all to myself!

    Right back in a mo!

    Oh, and AS, it was Scoobs on the 3 peaks thing, not me - too energetic for me!

    JG x

  • Comment number 85.

    Really Really sorry you make your virtual coffee Billy I will just make a virtual cake. Then we can all be virtually happy.

    Lo siento señora

  • Comment number 86.

    Hi all

    Billie Can I have a large dry white wine please, preferably to drink in cyber peace & quiet cos that's the only type I'll get!.

    Have to say i like Aled and Michael Ball. Aled is I think almost the same age as me so loads of same reference points. Ball's prog is my version of the sunday papers, something to chill out with as I potter round

    Lyndy, sounds like you're got a busy time coming up. Just try and take a moment for yourself too.

    Deevs with you on the speed reading, something to be savoured and would love to be sitting at the spa now with a big selection of books - heaven

    Seza xxxx

  • Comment number 87.




  • Comment number 88.

    Flip me got modded for speaking Spanish... I learned to speak Spanish in a week on one of those free discs with daily mail.. gutted

    good evening.

  • Comment number 89.

    Right, I'm back, and can now do my order! Why do we leave one small solitary thing in a very large box? And where did all that ice cream come from?

    Lyndy, sounds like you had a great time, even though it was tiring, glad you'll soon be able to put your feet up!

    Hiya Clodagh!

    Can I have that wine now please Billie? xx

    JG x

  • Comment number 90.

    Croc I got modded once for speakin' French.

    Mind you, I think they modded the wrong one there, you were actually rather sweet.

    Fair play, chaps.


  • Comment number 91.

    Clodagh, I have been surfing the net for a while and have yet to meet a genuine person. This leads me to believing nothing on the internet actually exists.
    I think it is only for fun and I like yes to stir things up now and again but thats me.

  • Comment number 92.

    JG If you have too much ice cream, sure we can help you out. Any flavour for me please. Ta muchly

    Seza xxx

  • Comment number 93.


    the G&T was fantabulous!

    Ripster ... love ewe!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Dinner nearly ready - bloomin' starvin tonight.


  • Comment number 94.

    Ah Croc I partly agree but wouldn't quite go so far, it's just that this whole internet communication stuff is so open to horrific abuse in all senses of the word. It can be extremely dangerous for the psyche of a lot of vulnerable people and it worries me greatly.

    I think the trick is to remember to keep in the real world as well as to have a bit of fun on this virtual fun one. It's like the texting thing. I have loads of fun texting and receiving ridiculous, nay bizarre, messages to many of my like-minded eejit friends. But now and again a message can be SO misunderstood, just through the way it's written. Many's the time I've lambasted the cousin Baz enough to set fire to 'is textin' thumb, only to discover he's winding me up. And on one occasion I actually sent a message to Damian, absolutely RAGIN' about Baz, callin' him every filthy name under the sun, no holds barred.. and sent it to Baz himself. Luckily, the man is dangerously deranged and was delighted. Sent it round all 'is mates and gave me a large bonus.

    So keep on surfin', hun. Not everybody's insincere. In fact, I'd say most people on here are diamonds, which is why I keep poppin' in. I promise you, when I say I wish you well I mean it.


  • Comment number 95.

    Clodagh - as you would say ... Ragin !!!!
    Working away like a loon in the office - scream through the house to catch the post - can you move your car - it's blocking mine in - Nothing - Zilch - so I move the tank, full of dog hair (in a plain navy skirt may I add). Scream back to office and work away until Chris finishes at 7 then get in to Desmond - singing away to the oldies. Decide hungry - come in to house - What do you fancy for supper - Nothing - Zilch ??? Go upstairs - asleep on his bed and been there since back from an appointment this afternoon at 4 !!!!!!!

    Ragin' !!!! putting it mildly !!!

    Blood pressure now reducing thanks to 2 large glasses of red and computer now fired up - on my lap - baked spud - cauli cheese and some kebab type things I made earlier in t'oven!!!!

    Apart from that...........

    And breathe..............

    Beezer xx

  • Comment number 96.

    Hiya ...

    just had to restock the drinkies !!!!!!

    all orders delivered!!! lolxxx

    happy you have enjoyed em!!!



  • Comment number 97.

    Just got organised to watch Jamie tonight & he's changed into Gok!!

    Did I miss all Jamie? Will watch Gok instead & Jamies book fell in my basket when I ordered Chris's the other day so will catch up that way.

    Cheers for the drink Billie, hope you've got one for yourself too.

    Seza xxxx

  • Comment number 98.

    had a lovely hot cuppa tea ... dont drink any alchyhol!!!

    thanks Seza xxx

    watching the gooners on telly!!!


  • Comment number 99.

    Hi Seza I'm watching Gok too.... Jamie's on straight after


  • Comment number 100.

    (o o)
    () ()

    just bored so drawing on here



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