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199 that's what they tell me.

Chris Evans | 09:49 UK time, Monday, 19 January 2009

199, a significant number...

... for me at the moment at least. A significant number indeed. Oh my goodness so siginificant, if what they say is true. Who knows?

Here's another significant number, 10. 10 is the number of days until we two are due to become we three. Mother and unborn sprog both doing fine by the way.

How about 6 and 6, those are two lots of money I owe.

Ah yes, I was thinking about those two little issues this morning whilst swimming my way back to wakefulness.

Another 10... the number of circuits I do, on my run.

14! The number of minutes I spend on the power plate after my run.

2... the time I must have left for work by.

7... the number of records I must play in the first hour - 8, the number I must play in the second hour.

8 again... the time my wife expects me home.

Life in many ways is governed by numbers. Is this because where we live it's all about money and time?

But 199, now that's the number... or so they tell me.





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  • Comment number 1.

    9 ... the number of hours til Russell Brand is stood on stage in front of me!

    Morning Chris!

    Happy Monday to you all.

    Cheryl the very excited Diva

  • Comment number 2.

    1 million!! The number of snowflakes which have fallen outside my office window in the last hour. I want to go home.


  • Comment number 3.

    My life is governed by numbers - well I am a bean counter and most things work better if you set a number on them -

    Poll - who gets out of bed at either a time with 0 or 5 at the end - most people like the number to be one or the other before they get up! For instance i got out of bed at 6:20 this morning as it was a gym day!

    Super bp x

    PS - watch 23 starring Jim Carey - that will make you think.

  • Comment number 4.

    7 - the number of free balls of wool I just got!!

    Annie, send some snow our way, please??

    Diva, hope you have a lovely night tonight!!

    T xxxxx

  • Comment number 5.

    Thanks Tinsel (and everyone else). I'll do my bestest!

    super_bagpuss - you're so right! I usually get up at 06.30 but this morn it was 06.15.

    How odd!

  • Comment number 6.

    Four. The amount of buses I have had to go on this morning as I came to work with all the keys, having locked the Badger in the flat.

    Good morning Christophe. Which is the first time I've said that this week. Glad you two/three are doing well!

    I wish someone owed me 6 and 5!

  • Comment number 7.

    SBP - my alarm clock is normally a 3 or a 7. I guess I'm just weird!

    Cheryl, I'm not gonna tell you to have fun, cus I know you will. Just be gentle with him. Scrap that! Do as you please...

    new sofa coming on Thursday, a bit of an early burfday present for me. Book is now open for guesses as to how long it'll take the cats to wreck this one. My guess is approx 8 minutes....

    And I think it would be grand if bubba DJ was born on my burfday - 24th Jan, boy, 7lb 11oz.

    And thanks for the welcome home massages, and to those of you that thought I was imparting wisdom. Will wonders never cease today???

    Til later,

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 8.

    Good moaning to one and all.

    8.......The number of beers I wish I hadn't had last night.

    Pass the alka seltzer?

    Thanking you kindly.


  • Comment number 9.

    Mariella! It's the Badger's birthday on 23rd...and if he's lucky, he'll even get to lie on the (my) sofa...

  • Comment number 10.

    16 - the amount of years I've been tee-total.

    Pass the J2O!

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 11.

    PS 40. How old Carl was on Friday. Well done on the ARF mate! Hopw you had a good time!

  • Comment number 12.

    Hi CLP - so 199 is the key no eh? I wonder why??

    17 is my favourite no 'cos it's my birthday no!

    Re your 6 and 6 that you owe - tht reminds me of a (very topical) saying of an old self-employed friend "If you owe the bank £100 it's your problem - if you owe them £100 million it's theirs!"


  • Comment number 13.

    Morning CLP

    30 - the number of minutes I have left in this job before I move onto the next one.

    6.5 the number of hours left until I get my (home) computer back after it's been fixed - hooray - and I didn't loose anything that was on it, it will all be there. Despite the shop telling me it was doomed and I'd lost everything, my very clever friend fixed it!


  • Comment number 14.

    Thanks Hazel - and everyone else for their birthday greetings.

    6 - the number of times I've checked the blog this morning, instead of doing what I'm supposed to be doing... :-)

  • Comment number 15.

    0 - the number of messages on Facecloth (you all stopped guessing ;-{

    1 - lambs to vets this morning

    14 - lambs to date!

    2 - items on my Work "to do list" - yeah!!!!

    100's of sleety flakes falling passed my window


  • Comment number 16.

    0 - number of anything looking like snow down here

    3 - number of hours till the school run

    65 million - number of toy cars/tractors/lorries etc my small boy seems to own (how does that happen - CLP if it's a boy watch out!!) and i have picked up this morning in my attempt to tidy the playroom!!

    CG x

  • Comment number 17.


    i had a search for you but didn't want to come across as some weird person ( !! ) if i messaged the wrong personage.

    Are your initials KB?

    Off in 10 mins. Will check back with you later before I beautify myself even more than is humanly possible for my man Russell!

    CtD xx

  • Comment number 18.

    Dook - I'm not quite sure what it is you do for a living, but it sounds wonderful - fancy a job swap sometime??


  • Comment number 19.

    err... 7. :-)

  • Comment number 20.

    Cheryl - enjoy tonight. I'm sure we'll hear all about it if he does fall at your feet! LOL


  • Comment number 21.

    Cheryl - a friend of a friend of mine met RB once and a pic ended up in the paper of them kissing - they only met once as far as i know!! so you just never know what might happen!

  • Comment number 22.

    CtD - K is correct! B is wrong.

    First name K* as in alley!

    Surname ** very simlar to an area in the North West of England (Family legend - illigitimate son of a Big Lord in the area - hence slight change in the spelling!)


  • Comment number 23.

    Right I'll give you all half an hour then I will post somegthing on FB.

    Wow! Tonnes of proper snowflakes falling now!!


  • Comment number 24.


    Are you a member of CLP bloggers? I've just had another look and I am truly stumped!


    Chezza xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Hi Chris:

    100,000 pounds - that's the figure I would like to win on the lottery

    13 - date of the month when my daughter was born - this year's birthday falls on a Friday ...

    9 - stone which is what I should weigh, but I've been mixed up with someone else and I'm 12.5

    I could go on and on!

    C xx

  • Comment number 26.

    Afternoon all, back again!

    4 the number of attempts it usually takes to get cat to swallow tablet!

    2 the number of scrathes received in the process.

    28 the number of lengths swum before work this morning!

    28 again, the number of lengths swum yesterday morning!

    3 the numberof units of the Italian course I am taking that I have finished!

    9 the number of units that I have left to do!

    0 - the number of acoholic drinks supped by me this weekend!

    5 - the number of times I said "Wow" to Konchesky's goal yesterday!

    DD out

  • Comment number 27.

    Two. The amount of times I've thought 'crikey, today is going really fast'. But then I've only really been here since 10am.

    Seventytwelvety. The amount of times I've thought 'right I'll get on with this...then the phone rings...or someone comes in...or my colleague asks something...or...or...'

    So, now I'm getting on with this..

    enjoy rb

    dook, sounds idyllic...but I bet it's not!

  • Comment number 28.

    scratches not scrathes, sore typing fingers due to all the scratches!

    DD out

    PS Wierd! they are all in the same direction!

  • Comment number 29.

    Hello all.

    9 - the number of under 7's we took to play at Twickenham on Saturday organised brilliantly by the premiership team I despise the most...London Wasps or Wycombe Bees as I prefer!

    9 - the number of under 7's who left Twickenham on Saturday night as confirmed Wasps fans (complete with free Wasps Beanie hat) including my Son who had previously been a London Irish fan like his old man.
    Still, they have to make their own mistakes!

    2 - the number of under 7's who still turned out for training on Sunday morning (despite going to bed at 22:30 the night before) and wearing the aforementioned hat. Bless them.

    1 - very sad little fella who isn't going to see RB tonight.

    1,000,000 - the amount of times CTD has rubbed my nose in it since last week...Enjoy Chez!

  • Comment number 30.

    Dave - wish I'd had your cats!

    28 - that's more like the no of scratches I used to get!

    3 - the no of years that one of them had daily medication. But I was advised to wrap the pills in meat paste - found a really cheap and stinky one that he loved, and ate without protest - job done!

    100+ - the dirty looks I got at the supermarket when buying multiple jars of it though - people clearly assumed I fed my young kids on it!


  • Comment number 31.

    3 - page I'm on as a member of FB - Now That is it! - No More Clues!!!!

    Ali and Hazel - Mr. Egg is farmer, I am farmer's wife by marriage(!), work full time as an Office manager in a small company, we also have our own poultry business selling hen & duck eggs, and Christmas Poultry!

    1000 - Hens
    1900 - Ducks
    30 - Geese
    34 - Sheep
    47 - Horses
    580 - Cattle
    17 - Pigs
    2- Dogs
    1 - Cat (Rascal!)

    And a partridge in a pear tree!!!!!


  • Comment number 32.

    5- My Mum had made me a big teddy bear cake with a ribbon round it's neck. The ribbon caught fire from the candles. The cake was horribly maimed. It was during the Falklands War and images of Simon Weston were abundant,so this lent the fire-ravaged teddy another potent layer."Would you like another peice of Belgrano gateau young man."

    Hazel_ Hope you don't make a habit of locking your husband up.

    Right much to do today facing financial ruin (true). So Off to find a suitable building to jump off.

    Toodle oo

  • Comment number 33.

    I too have received the "hide the tablet" advice. It worked once on each cat, they then worked out that the crunchy bit tasted foul and spat it back out with a resounding "ptoo - ding" sound effect!

    Cats stupid NOT!

    DD out

  • Comment number 34.

    15, the number of days I have been alcohol free.

    30, the number of days until I can join in with the FNWC!!

    My guestimate for Chris and Tash is a baby boy on Friday 23rd, weighing 7lb 7oz!!

    Can't wait to hear.

    Must get on.

  • Comment number 35.

    DD - our cats are great at having the treatment on the back of the neck - will just sit and take it as they know there will be kitty chocolate afterwards.

    Never had to do the tablet thing but i'm guessing the bagpipe manurove - under the arm and hold tight - is the only way.

    super bp x

    PS - Mr bp drived to my work and took me out for lunch as I was feeling down - well done Mr bp - I knew there was a reason I'm marrying him

  • Comment number 36.

    fairly certain you may have come across this before, but it always makes me giggle....


    Pick cat up and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat's mouth and gently apply pressure to cheeks while holding tablet in right hand. As cat opens mouth pop tablet into mouth. Allow cat to close mouth and swallow.

    Retrieve tablet from floor and cat from behind sofa. Cradle cat in left arm and repeat process.

    Retrieve cat from bedroom, and throw soggy tablet away.

    Take new tablet from foil wrap, cradle cat in left arm holding rear paws tightly with left hand. Force jaws open and push tablet to back of mouth with right forefinger. Hold mouth shut for a count of ten.

    Retrieve tablet from goldfish bowl and cat from top of wardrobe. Call spouse from garden.

    Kneel on floor with cat wedged firmly between knees, hold front and rear paws. Ignore low growls emitted by cat. Get spouse to hold head firmly with one hand while forcing wooden ruler into mouth. Drop tablet down ruler and rub cat's throat vigorously.

    Retrieve cat from curtain rail, get another tablet from foil wrap. Make note to buy new ruler and repair curtains. Carefully sweep shattered figurines and vases from hearth and set to one side for glueing later.

    Wrap cat in large towel and get spouse to lie on cat with head just visible from below armpit. Put tablet in end of drinking straw, force mouth open with pencil and blow down drinking straw.

    Check label to make sure tablet not harmful to humans, drink glass of water to take taste away. Apply Band-Aid to spouse's forearm and remove blood from carpet with cold water and soap.

    Retrieve cat from neighbour's shed. Get another tablet.

    Place cat in cupboard and close door onto neck to leave head showing. Force mouth open with dessert spoon. Flick tablet down throat with elastic band.

    Fetch screwdriver from garage and put cupboard door back on hinges. Apply cold compress to cheek and check records for date of last tetanus jab. Throw Tee-shirt away and fetch new one from bedroom.

    Ring fire brigade to retrieve cat from tree across the road. Apologise to neighbour who crashed into fence while swerving to avoid cat.

    Take last tablet from foil-wrap.
    Tie cat's front paws to rear paws with garden twine and bind tightly to leg of dining table, find heavy duty pruning gloves from shed. Push tablet into mouth followed by large piece of fillet steak. Hold head vertically and pour 2 pints of water down throat to wash tablet down.

    Get spouse to drive you to the emergency room, sit quietly while doctor stitches fingers and forearm and removes tablet remnants from right eye. Call furniture shop on way home to order new table.

    Arrange for RSPCA to collect cat and ring local pet shop to see if they have any hamsters.

    How to give the dog a tablet

    Wrap it in bacon.

    Can I just add, these are not necessarily approved methods....

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 37.


    Seems vaguely familiar! top notch!

    DD out

  • Comment number 38.


    I am very jealous. If you'd asked me at 5 what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would have said Farmers Wife.

    I love ducks and when I am grown up and have my small holding I am going to have two white ducks called Daisy and Onslow.

    One - the number of pips I swallowed whilst eating my satsuma!


  • Comment number 39.

    DD - I should have said that it only worked with this one, very stupid but adorable cat, not with the rest - one licked all the meat paste off and left the tablet in the bowl!

    MW - brilliant - haven't seen that for years.


  • Comment number 40.

    Glad you liked it DD.

    Just don't get me started on how to collect a urine sample from a cat.....

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 41.

    I want to have land and keep pigs - I think they are amazing animials

    Dook - please don't tell me they are for dinner as well?

  • Comment number 42.

    Dook, I'm jealous too! AliB, I never thought I was a country girl but in the last few years I have wanted nothing more than to live on a little smallholding somewhere. I will get there one day.

    And I am deffo going to have pigs and chickens.

    And a little shop where I will sell my hand-knitted fingerless mitts, ideal for dog-walking, car booting and all other activities where your hands get cold but you need to use your fingers (oo err missus!!!)

    T xxxxx

  • Comment number 43.

    ...up to no. 42. The answer to the biggest question in the universe!

  • Comment number 44.

    Hazel - No 43

    how many roads does a man have to walk?

  • Comment number 45.

    Cat looking at me as though I am bonkers now, am laughing so much at MW'a! Mine take their tablets wrapped in a small piece of cheese, they love it.

    Ta ta Lin x

    P.S. 3 the number of tissues just used to mop up my tears of laughter.

  • Comment number 46.

    Dookie, what is the exact name of the group you are listed in? Not the same one as the rest of us methinks.

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 47.


    Perhaps we can be neighbours? As you say one day you'll get there and so will I - probably another 20 years for me!

    I'm going to have some chickens, pigs, goat and of course my ducks. Perhaps also a dog, not over keen on dogs (no offence to anyone) but I think a dog would be good company. And if there is a husband thrown in then all well and good.


  • Comment number 48.

    ...and having read the rest (being at lunch donchaknow)...

    Mariella, I've only ever seen this article once...it was published in a Sunday paper about 10 years ago, my mum sent it to me, and I then 'lent' it to my vet friend, who never gave it back...so thank you! Am copying, pasting and printing as we speak!

    Prof, no. But perhaps I should...after all...it's his birthday on Friday...anyhoo, I'm hoping the financial ruin isn't too ruinous(?) and that you have people to look after you! Me and the Badger have a lovely legal aid solicitor...and we can highly recommend the service! Good luck.

    then there are lots of other things about small holdings...but they're probably not for here!

    ps So Dook, what you're saying is, you're usually up to your neck in muck and bu..erm...muck then...

    pps Weather update. We have just had the most monumental hail storm. It was going past the window far too fast to count though so sorry about that. And I would guess it is heading North. On behalf of us Sassenachs, please accept my apologies.

  • Comment number 49.

    9 - just 9 sigh !!!

    Beesmum xxxx

  • Comment number 50.

    Now then SBeep. If you ask the Badger he'll say 'none'. The last time he walked somewhere he had to have a sit down for so long he'd forgotten what he went for.

    So, if it's the Badger, none.

    Otherwise, how long is a piece of string?

  • Comment number 51.

    ...or, now I've had a chance to sing the song in my head...the answer is blowing in the wind...

  • Comment number 52.

    Hazel - darn it !!! missed the aquamarine - (last blog 547) will just have to ditch this one and start again
    so nil, 0 zilch.

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 53.

    Oh bless you Bees, honey! I'm singing 'Stingray' just for you now...

    Then I'll be doing 'Five. Four. Three...etc Thunderbirds. Then I'll be doing Captain Scarlet.

    Because I like the number of the Mysterons.


    Today's ten(TEN)uous link was brought to you by Sett Enterprises (Love Division).

    and a love divided by one

  • Comment number 54.

    Morning/Afternoon everyone,

    Hope you all had a good weekend.

    Good blog today Chris. Very thought provoking....

  • Comment number 55.

    Ripples dahlink

    Thank you for making me laugh so much. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow hun. xxx

    Home now. Been to ELH - ugh!

    61 - the number of times the woman scanning my shopping tutted during the 8 minutes or so she was "serving" me.

    Got an hour or so to chill before beautifying myself in readiness for Lord Lovegod Brand.


    Diva xxx

  • Comment number 56.

    I can't say I have heard of any particular significance attributed to 199 will have to research it now.

    I do know however my positive feedback on ebay currently stands on 199! :-)

  • Comment number 57.

    There message on FB on What is your name on CLP Blog Discussion Topic


  • Comment number 58.

    ...Chez, she's obviously jealous...she hasn't had to buy runny chocolate, strawberry sauce and squirty cream as part of the same shopping list for some time...

    99 red balloons

  • Comment number 59.

    Bloody Hell Hazeeeeeeee ..... as if I'm not hyper enough .....

    Now, where's that gift pack from Phoenix ....

  • Comment number 60.

    Chezza !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nooooo!!

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 61.

    Oh, and just a quickie...my boss was just talking about fat numbers and thin numbers. He used a term (which I can't remember now, and he's very good at all the 'manager' speak...WAY past singing from the same hymn sheet or shooting himself in the foot) which is used to determine whether people will pay a fat number or a thin one.

    Thin ones usually end in a 9, fat ones in a 5 or a 0. So, would you pay £429 for a sofa from DF5? Or £430?

    me, I wouldn't givvem tuppence

  • Comment number 62.

    Hi everyone

    Not been able to catch up for a bit, not long been home due to a course at work.

    Cheryl have a brilliant evening tonight, look forward to hearing all about it tomorrow.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 63.

    Hiya Dookie, glad we got that sorted.

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 64.


    Have fun! Don't forget your tena...

  • Comment number 65.

    is that a tena to stuff down his very tight trousers or in the top of his foppy cowboy boots!?

    hi Deb!!

  • Comment number 66.

    oo'er CtD....... LOL

  • Comment number 67.

    how to confuse ones-self, Diva styleeee:

    1. Have the afternoon off work
    2. Have laptop on lap, open at FB catching up with all your games of Scrabs
    3. Try and play along with countdown at the same time

    Brain Bedlam!!!!

  • Comment number 68.


    Russell just rang me.

    He said that if that Cheryl The Diva is going to watch him do his thing he'll have to backcomb his hair just a bit more than usual and paint a bit more chest hair on and look for a bigger meat product to fill up his flairs!!

    He want to know if that's okay for you? :)


  • Comment number 69.

    Hi Tobes - you're so naughty - she needs no further encouragement!


  • Comment number 70.

    Dahlink, or in his g-string...does he play the violin?

    Or is that just cats???

    I wish I could do that...

    Well, if you ask him nicely, he might let you...

    I used to go to school with a Brian Bellam

    ...and you know those times when you put your finger on something sticky...and you don't know what it is, but you're hoping it's caramel from an earlier wafer, but you're not sure..?

    They total 1 today. Just now in akshull fact. Am going to wash hands.

  • Comment number 71.

    Hazel - yes I do know that feeling - marmite is the worst thing! Anyone else ever heard that Billy Connolly sketch on the subject? Make me laugh every time.


  • Comment number 72.

    Makes me laugh, even..........

    Hi Bondy. Still freezing?


  • Comment number 73.


    You is very very bad encouraging my nortiness!!! Let's just pray he doesn't decide to dress in head to toe leather tonight, or else the Paramedics in Ipswich will have a very busy night ... right about Row C ....

    Heart pounding now guys ....... and it's not the excitement of Countdown eever!

    T minus 4 hours ....


  • Comment number 74.

    ..........oh, and Cheryl, he said that this time when you stuff his boots with £5 notes, can you make them real, as when he went to deposit the last load you gave him, he was almost arrested for counterfeiting and currency fraud.

    He said to give you a tip: Wait until they are dry woman!!!



  • Comment number 75.

    Hi derbyfi, hope you had a good weekend. The temps have warmed up to a barmy 20 degrees fahrenheit.... better than the single digit temps of last week......

    Will have to look for the Billy Connolly sketch about marmite......LOL

  • Comment number 76.

    That Billy Connolly sketch is superb!!


  • Comment number 77.

    Will look on utube tonight........

  • Comment number 78.

    Right reprobates

    Thanks for keeping me grounded for the last hour or so. Now going to make myself even more bloomin' wonderful than I already am!! Hope he likes Gaultier Pour Femme as he'll be able to smell it from the stage!!

    Now ... bustier or holey mohair? A gal's gotta be comfy as well as hot!

    Tobes - next time he rings, can you ask him if he'll take Clubcard vouchers he can redeem against days out across the UK!!?!

    And not sure if you saw my comment earlier Tobes - yes please to the email re #52 yellow and blue!

    Wish me luck ....

    Cheryl x x x

  • Comment number 79.

    I think we need to wish Russell luck.......LOL

    Hope you have a great evening CtD......

  • Comment number 80.

    I'll sit and write you first thing in the morning about #52, yes indeed.

    You go have fun girl!!


  • Comment number 81.

    Oh Diva dahlink! It has to be up and at 'em surely!!!

    Bustier no doubt!

    WEATHER ALERT: Excessive unexpected moisture alert for darkest suffolk later this evening!

    DD out

    PS Tena-cious D

  • Comment number 82.


  • Comment number 83.

    See! Knew you'd find me eventually!!!!!! The picture is of Rascal (orphaned kitten) taken last time he was here in the office. He is now coming up for 5 months and is due to "get done" shortly (hopefully it might make him a tad less aggressive!)

    Re: Pigs - Yep they are for the oven. well except the mummies and daddy!

    Sheep - Snap!

    Cattle - Snap!

    Hens, ducks, - eggs

    Geese - eggs & meat

    Dogs - rounding up aforementioned animals

    Cat - my sanity!!!


  • Comment number 84.

    I love that word, moisture!!

    It's great.

    I also like discombobulate and provarication, and on every second tuesday of the month, I like gesticulate.

    I'm weird :)


  • Comment number 85.

    Just catching up - you lot are so norty!!!
    Was just wondering what was in Diva's shopping that made the check-out lady tut so much, thank you Hazel for clearing that up!!

    AliB and anyone else who wants to come and live with me in my idyllic River Cottage-style existence at some point in the future, please feel free to sign up here. We do, however, have to have dogs. I'm not fussed about ducks, but I'll compromise if you will :-)

    Right, home time I think. It's very very dark here, we just had a massive hail storm too - it's great being on 7th floor when the weather is so wild!!!

    Looking forward to seeing the headlines tomorrow -

    "Brand chased off stage by woman wearing a holey mohair bustier ..."

    T xxx

  • Comment number 86.

    LOL Sparkle......

  • Comment number 87.

    Afternoon each...

    0 - the numbers of times i am getting on here in a day..

    25 - the number of times i need to get on here in a day to keep up!

    15 - the number of pull up thingies i did at the gym yesterday before my groin went snap..ouch ouch ouch is all i can say!

    anyhoo... all good on the western front i se... as for the eastern front...well it remains to be seen if it is still standing after CtD outing tonight..me thinks pandemonium in the aisles! Enjoy!

    Me? off to see Cabaret in Sheffield tonight with work girlies.. got one of the girls from the lloyd webber tv show in and Wayne Sleep as EmCee... shoudl be fun considering the last time i heard/watched Cabaret was me murdering it as a violinist during our 6th form production... i feel tonight may be a tad more professional!

    and missed the F1 debate the other day...Lewis again this yr guys..mark my words!

    right.. have fun folks..promise to be around more...she says hopefully!

    mSc x

    PS - Bees and Chrissies? aquamarine and diamond rings..i am lucky enough to own a fab one..and love it..if u want to know how i got it FB me!

    PPS - hi to the newbies too...and Dook - been sending random messages to people who i thought were you..oh well, the madness prevails!

  • Comment number 88.

    Tins, am on the fourth floor, with a view of the sea. When I can't see the sea, it means it's either foggy, snowy or haily.

    When it's haily, I rock around the clock.

    And also, clearing up anything to do with Diva's shopping should only be done by someone fully qualified. But I don't know what in.

    dook, I'll have a crocodile samwich

  • Comment number 89.

    Tins - I'm signing up. Happy to compromise over the dog and duck issue xx

    CtD - Have a great time and try to behave, oh all right then don't bother. Can't really see the attraction of Mr Brand, but then I guess you could say that about some of the men I lust after - good job we are all unique and different, makes the world a better place.


  • Comment number 90.

    Back again briefly - had some work to do unfortunately!

    Tobes - glad you like that sketch too!

    Bondy - had a v. quick look on YT and couldn't see it - but it may be listed under a wider title. I think we have it on a DVD of a live show in NYC in the early/mid 2000's - but don't hold me to that!

    More work calling..........


  • Comment number 91.

    Hi Scoobs, would have to agree/hope that Hamilton wins it all again this year. Hopefully they can improve the reliability of his car. It seemed to wain a little in the latter stages of the season......

  • Comment number 92.

    Thanks derbyfi, I appreciate you looking.....

  • Comment number 93.

    Suddenly come over all dark here, seems like a good night for the wierd things to come out on top!

    Time to head home before the nightcrawlers come out to play!

    Scoobs give me an update on Cabaret tomorrow pls!

    Diva - Enjoy! nuff said!

    DD out

    PS - Does anybody else find that the Laura and the Tears song makes them think about the Rocky Horror song from Frank "Well you got a flat, well how about that" Just me then.


  • Comment number 94.

    sjf - poker?

  • Comment number 95.

    Bond - I certainly hope he wins the British GP in June as I'm going for the first time ever - it's a special birthday treat for mr df. Not something we could afford to do every year though!


  • Comment number 96.

    Scoob, the number of times I call my little cat 'scoob' and think of you...all of them! And also, Dook didn't list your groin as one of the things that goes 'snap!'. Were you enjoying a goose at the time?

    Tobes, it's prEvaricate...not that I want to mislead you in any way...

    Further to the mention of Cabaret (which I don't fancy, but don't let that stop you and I hope you have a great time!) does anyone wanna see Little Shop of Horrors in Feb at the Dome? This would be the Brighton one as opposed to any other.

    Tony Hart died. Am bereft. He used to live at the bottom of my friend's garden. Not a fairy, just the other side of the fence!
    So, Christophe, please can you play the Gallery music tonight sometime?

    doodoodoodoodooo, dobedoobedoobedoo...

    see you 2moz

    ps I thought of a new word a couple of weeks ago, but only remembered it yesterday. The definition is taking some work though, as it only sits in context at the moment...

  • Comment number 97.

    Scooby: you lucky girl! I am not on FB, so my imagination is running riot as to how you "got" the ring!

    And it's snowing in Glasgow - oh yes. A lovely journey home lies ahead. It's been a while since I fell on my jacksy, so I'm really looking forward to it!

    Have phoned MrS - he is meeting me at the train station with my wellies, so I hope I can keep upright until then!

    C xx

  • Comment number 98.

    EH? What's all this about things snapping and groins?



  • Comment number 99.

    Why would Mr S need to bring the wellies if he is meeting you at the station? Holes in the car or will he still make you walk?

    DD out

  • Comment number 100.

    Soz No car mentioned! My misinterpretation! possibly!

    DD out


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