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Chris Evans | 14:05 UK time, Wednesday, 10 December 2008

You know my wife and I have this game, actually we have several games...

... but the one in particular i want to talk about is :

When one of us says to the other,


It's a secrets game and it's really good... the secret has to be substantial and 100 % for the other person.

The deal is you can reveal all at any time but obviously the longer you can bare to leave the "reveal" the better.

Past reveals have included:- pregnancy, flying lessons and my last one, which was the fact that I had an extra week off work that I hadn't told my wife about. I managed to leave this last one until just the day before.

The current state of play, however, is that my wife has two "I KNOW SOMETHING YOU DON'TS," whereas I have none for her. An, as of yet, unique state of play.


I do have one for you ...






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  • Comment number 1.

    I'm sure you do and I know something you don't .... it's just I have forgotten.

    Let me guess - you know what or who is on tonight's show.

    As for Tash has she sold the odd Ferrari to fund the credit card bill .......... just a thought?


  • Comment number 2.

    Lamby Pie ....... you can't do that to us!!

    Do you know the winners of the Bloggers Of The Year Awards????

    Is it the location of Friday's show?

    Ooooooh I love a good secret ..... and what a great game! Thankful that you didn't mention the other games tho ....


    Cheryl the Diva x x x x

  • Comment number 3.

    Arthur Noon :o)

    I know something you don't CLP...In fact, I know many things you don't, however, whether you'd be intereted in the things I know is debateable! Now, what could Tash know that you don't?? Is it baby related...(am a little obsessed with babies myself and thinking that as my nights are still unbroken I might as well get all the sleeplessness out of the way in one go!), could it be your Christmas Gift??

    As for what you know that we don't, I LOVE surprises, so hold out for ages please!

    :o) Jo

    PS. Any news on the Sally Army Band???

  • Comment number 4.

    I'm rubbish at keeping secrets from Mr M, I'm a bit like that woman on Catherine Tate, you know the one who can't wait to tell her husband what's happened to her that day! He however is very good at secrets and surprises, I'm going on a mystery birthday trip on Friday (it can't be too far away as we can't leave until 9 and have to be back for 3.15!) I can honestly say there is nothing I know that he doesn't (apart from what he's getting in his Christmas stocking!)

    Em xx

    PS Am I the only Jason Orange fan on here?! He looks lovely on the advert for a certain shop xxx

  • Comment number 5.

    emma-m - yes you are - jason ornage indeed!! :-)

    I like secrets but have trouble keeping the really good ones - but love the expression on someones face when they come to pass. Mr bp is great at secrets for birthdays etc and he loves to surprise me

    super bp x

    CLP - I know lots of things you don't know - but you probably don't want to know either

  • Comment number 6.


    Howard Donald all the way for me!!!

    Yum Yum Yum!!

    Maybe that's CLP's secret - he's read about my Howard Donald obsession and he's arranged for Mr Donald to arrive at my workplace (like Simon Le Bon on Jim'll Fix It many moons ago) and sweep me off for an afternoon of debauchery .....

    No? Oh well, never mind!

    CtD xxx

  • Comment number 7.


    I think you're an evil and wicked bloke. It could be just about anything. I'm assuming it's something that us bloggers would be interested in and not something like the colour of ya kettle in the kitchen, type thingymabob.

    Oh well i shall await your news as and when you tell us :-D

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 8.

    Ctd - after yesterdays postings I had happy thoughts of 10 inch and damon appearig together to take me out for my birthday :-)

    I do feel sorry for people who bought hamlet tickets and will not see the man himself - those people who said they are going for shakespeare are going to have to enjoy it now

    super bp x

    (Ps - its not to late to arrange either opf the above men for my birthday - will be at home so send them over)

  • Comment number 9.

    Always been a Mark Owen girl myself...YUM!

    re: secrets...About 4 years ago I was taken to Paris and proposed to. It was supposed to be a secret but there were a few things that stopped it being so

    a) I was due to go out with my friends but was told to cancel it because he was planing on taking me somewhere

    b) He is a bit of a werretter (how on earth do you spell that? Do you know what I mean???) so the night before I had to check all the tickets and passports were correct....

    Never mind, It was lovely all the same :o)

  • Comment number 10.

    my fella proposed in paris to me this year - I knew we were going (I had booked it) but didn't know he would propose but

    1) - he has said if he was going to propose it would be something romantic - like Paris

    2) - he had gone for a walk with my Dad the week before to tlak in private

    3) - he was looking really shifty and he was either going to ask or dump me!

    It was still really romantic and the surprise was my anagagement ring is a ring i saw in an antique fair 2 years before that he had bought in secret and kept for such an occasion

    super bp x

  • Comment number 11.

    Any takers for Gary Barlow ..... ???

  • Comment number 12.

    bagpuss - the bit about your lovely fella talking to your dad is fantastic - it's made me go all shivery!! When I told my dad about Mr Diva's proposal he almost offered to gift-wrap me and put me in a box!!

  • Comment number 13.

    The former Jim.ll fix it is being resurrected on a saturday night.
    With you in the special chair Chris,ll Fix it,am I right or am I right.

    Oh well back to me appraisaling, next.


  • Comment number 14.

    How's my appraisal coming along JTT? Have you set me achievable targets for 2009?

  • Comment number 15.

    OMG that is super romantic... Mr Jo was going to ask my dad but never found the time before the trip, we called in on the way home instead. He did however get me a ring I love as I had tried on a variety in the shop, he snuck back one day and bought one for me.

    Gary Barlow...no thanks!

  • Comment number 16.

    But CTD do you think you really met those set for 2008?


  • Comment number 17.

    And as far as my appraisal is going......please bear in mind, when reviewing my annual performance, that I have only been in post since early autumn, and have been out of work for a year prior to that having taken delivery of The Boy.

    Many Thanks

  • Comment number 18.

    Hmmmm.....surprises and secrets..........I really don't like them - I never know how to react - don't want to disappoint but can't lie!!! Mr Egg is hopeless at surprises & secrets - you can just tell he's got one and can't wait to tell you, then blurts it all out in a one-er!

    Engagements - I wasn't bothered about the whole marriage thing - he came in with "that" silly look on his face, put his jacket over the back of the dining chairs, gave me a big hug (I was washing up and didn't really appreciate it!), and went out......little collie puppy (18mth old) sniffs at jacket - digs something out of pocket - batters it around the kitchen then legged off with it down the corridor - I followed to find her chewing on the ring box - aye REALLY chowing down on it - Hmmmmmmm! made sure the contents was still in one piece, put it back in his jacket and when he came in told him that the dog had done a better job of it than him!

    The "official" story was that he proposed at the Scotland England Rugby match at Murrayfield when Scotland gubbed England - Mum didn't know which I was more excited at the engagement or the score!!!!!!


  • Comment number 19.


    I always try 100%. In fact, all those who know and love me (and there are many, I can tell you) always say how trying I am!!

    Cheryl x x x x

  • Comment number 20.

    morning/afternoon all,

    I'm pretty rubbish at keeping secrets, and I hate surprises. But I did manage a surprise birthday party for Mr Dragon a few years ago with all his old uni mates he hadn't seen for years. He got his own back when he and my two lovely friends arranged for them to come and visit for a week for my 30th this year.

    When Mr Dragon proposed to me it was a huge surprise. we were on holiday, and he had talked to my dad on the phone before I left England. Turns out he had carried my ring around in his back pack all weekend without me knowing, and getting all paranoid at security in the airport when they wanted to search his bag!!!

    Gary was always my favourite TT when I was a teen - not so sure now though!


  • Comment number 21.

    Indeed ......... I am sure!

  • Comment number 22.

    Cheryl, #14,

    Diva Darl,as I have a weakness for Diva,s I will not be allowed to take your appraisal.


  • Comment number 23.


    It can't be all bad being Mrs Gary Barlow. She's one of the Take That dancers and during the Beautiful World tour last year she got to do a pole / lap dance for Howard!!

    Way to go!

  • Comment number 24.

    CtD #11, well I wouldn't kick him out of bed for spilling crumbs on the sheets...

    AF xx

    ps CLP, hope Tash can keep secrets well, bet you're dying to know!!! I'm forgetting that you're keeping a secret from us, otherwise the wondering would drive me (more) mad hehe.

  • Comment number 25.

    Awwwww JTT - and I was so looking forward to getting round you once that door was shut!


  • Comment number 26.

    I can safely say I fancy none of TT.

    Speaking of which ... well sort of .... am I the only one who is thinking that Peter Kay really has had a sex change - he's far too comfortable as Geraldine.


  • Comment number 27.


    I suppose we all have them.

    Oh...... my ........ as George would say.

    Are we still doing Blog awards by the way?

    My nominations would be.

    Humour_ Dr Joseph Mc Crumble

    Best Entertainer - Bingo

    Life time acheivement award _ CTD

  • Comment number 28.

    Last time I was here (about a year ago) Dr J. McRumble was in hiding, fearing for his life...What happened???

  • Comment number 29.

    Hi Chris,

    I think I know what you know, that you think I don't know.

    But I don't know for sure, so I'll keep it to myself for the time being!

    Re: Blog Nominations - I second Susan's suggestion - Outstanding Achievement Award for Mary - definitely!!

    C xx

  • Comment number 30.

    Oh My

    You might like to catch up on his Blog jospots.

  • Comment number 31.

    Cheers PP ... altho not quote sure what I've achieved!

    Mary all the way!!

  • Comment number 32.

    There you all are!!!! I was still over the page till Nev said you were partying here.

    Is it Gingembre's pressie Chris? Is it, eh?


  • Comment number 33.

    No CTD do your acceptance speech, no idea who Mary is anyway.

  • Comment number 34.

    It's twins!

    Nev, your post on the previous blog has made me giggle.

    I had to join Â鶹Éç Blogs again at work to post here and obviously had to pick another name. Given that I'm wearing a blue uniform whilst there and we all look like Smurfs, Smurfett seemed fitting. Unlike my blooming uniform!

    Out to their Christmas Party tomorrow night, better not get tipsy and call them all Smurfs, or even worse blue oompah loompahs.

    Back soon x x x

  • Comment number 35.

    Thanks Prof...I fear it'lll take a full day to catch up, but I'll endeavour to do so, perhaps something to do when I have zero work to do (although judging by my blog comments I suppose that today is a fine example of such a day!).

    :o) Jo

  • Comment number 36.

    PP I dread to think what award you might give me.....please don't!

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 37.

    oooh 1 to many l's there!

  • Comment number 38.

    Alwight CLP And ALL Blog Ops....

    Bingo Star ere.....

    CLP - A thought yer were dishing out choccies by yer title but.... it's noot though it's secrets!!!!!

    I bet the secret is that you know the sex of the littlen or is it littlens even.... or just Tash does!!!!!!
    Maybe am jumping ahead... a seem terrember yuv crossed that one before on the blog and you are just expecting one littlen!!!!!!

    CtD - You'd like The Barlow... capricorn!!!!

    Gotta problem all... spotted someone with a secret all of 'er own.... Inna up and running on another marriage website last nite.... why do I always go for the dishonest ones, the liers.... spppp..... perrrr..... peeeeer!!!!!!!!


    PS Am on the spare computer terdee!!!!

  • Comment number 39.

    The reason why am on me spare computer is cos me other one went outta the window last neet!!!!!!!

    It's the stress of life all!!!!!!

  • Comment number 40.

    bingo - hugs coming your way :-)

  • Comment number 41.

    PP: you know very well who Mary is.

    And with all due respect girls, I really don't think the adorable Gary Barlow would be remotely interested in any of us!

    C xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Bad day for the teen.

    Had his disciplinary hearing today and lost his job, although we really didn't expect anything else.

    And he failed his theory test (again) Hazard perception (again).

    Bless him, he's ok though. Even cracked a smile when I told him that it's obvious that his hazard perception is rubbish when he tries stealing a drill in front of a police car!

    Debbie Smurf.

    x x x

  • Comment number 43.

    Oh Chrissie......I was hoping!

  • Comment number 44.


    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 45.

    Hi beemum- hows your neck of the woods today?

  • Comment number 46.


    When will we know what you know that we don't know?

    Susan, Chrissie, CtD - thank you for your kind vote however I think the most deserving winner of the Longtime Achievement Award has to be the good man himself Mr. CLP, without him there would be no blog!

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 47.

    Ohh what a shame Debbie! Especially as his boss gave him a good report for the court :@( Good that his sense of humour hasn't left him and that you can have a laugh about the whole thing.

    I'm dreading my stepson having to take the theory test - he's too much like his grandad (on the other side I hasten to add!) sees a hazard and puts foot down to avoid it!!!! I have mooted in the past that he would inherit my old 4 x 4 if he passes - heavy duty, doesn't do great speed and is a diesel guzzler to boot.


  • Comment number 48.

    Hi Debbie
    Hi Mary
    Hi Beezer
    Hi ChrissieS
    And Howdie Bingo!

    I wanna go home ......

    Mary - good point!!

  • Comment number 49.

    Chrissie - I already turned him down dontcha know.....

    Well, not really, but I thought i'd start a rumour!

  • Comment number 50.

    Bagpuss - busy Bees today!!!
    Actually wrapped a pressie this morn but last day for posting to NZ so it had to be done!!!

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 51.

    The CLP knows something we don't has just got to be Gingembre's pressie hasn't it?

    Bees xxx

  • Comment number 52.

    Dook, the thought of him out behind a wheel is a scary one too.

    Don't you think animals have the right idea? Deliver them, feed them, wait for them to walk and off they go, big wide world. Now that's evolution for you.

    Mr Debbie told me off for what I said to the teen but tough. We both giggled and anyway, what's done is done.

    He has to learn the consequences of his actions and I believe that he has done so.

    Cheryl, not long to go now babe!

    x x x

  • Comment number 53.


    Been lurking today, but enjoying all your blogging.

    I don't like secrets and am pretty rubbish as keeping them, unless they are serious secrets, then I won't tell a soul!

    Brought my first Christmas presents today and might finally be getting into the Christmas spirit.

    My choice for the advent calendar today is a Christmas tree.


  • Comment number 54.

    Ello Super B, B's Mum, Chezza and everyone else on the blog....

    A spotted this very funny article on the internet about spotters aka train/ rail enthusiasts involved in a minor rail crash a couple of years ago......


    Thirty-one people were injured, two of them seriously, when a train full of rail enthusiasts crashed into the buffers at a station yesterday. (YES BLOG FRIENDS THESE ARE RAIL ENTHUSIASTS - PEOPLE WHO TRAVEL ON TRAINS FOR ENJOYMENT)
    One person suffered fractured ribs and another a suspected broken leg when the special tourist service crashed at Walton on the Naze, Essex, at about 2pm. (MAYBE THAT SHOULD BE DAZE.. noot NAZE)
    The other 29 passengers suffered minor injuries and were treated at the scene.
    A Railtrack spokesman said the train was travelling at less than 10mph when the accident happened.
    The special service, from Crewe to Clacton-on-Sea, was operated by a Gloucestershire rail tours firm Pathfinder (DIDN'T FIND THE CORRECT PATH ERE), as an opportunity to bid farewell to the Class 58 diesel-electric, which is being withdrawn from service. (BID FAREWELL DIDN'T AVE TER WRITE THE LOCO OFF AND 'ALF THE PASSENGERS)
    It was called the "Bone Breaker" tour because rail enthusiasts nickname the class 58 "Bone"!!!!!! (BONE BREAKER... CERTAINLY WAZ!!!)

    Struck me all as being very a funny article...all 100% true all!!!!!


  • Comment number 55.

    Oh well remembered AliB!

    Advent Calender - Robin

    reminds me - must open the choccie one mum got me - I know I'm in my 30's and mum's still buying me my calender - but hey ho! She has stopped buying one for Mr Egg and stepegg because they don't do it properly - and just eat them all at once - that will not do!


    ps. Real Tree for us - will be purchased on 22/23rd Dec then it only has to last 3 weeks!

  • Comment number 56.

    Am I still in time for an advent calendar guess:

    a drum

    and on the other an elephant on a high wire.


  • Comment number 57.


    I'm 40 and my Mum still buys me a chocolate advent calendar every year - you're never too old.


  • Comment number 58.

    Advent calendar: snowman

  • Comment number 59.

    ooh Advent Calendar... A Donkey

  • Comment number 60.

    Elephant. Hire Wire ...

    Nev, I'm starting to love the way your mind works my dear!

  • Comment number 61.

    Pssst. Christoff.

    I'm bloody brilliant at keepin' secrets. Go on, go on, here....

    And then you can kill me. You'll have to catch me first, mind.

    Any road.

    Can I nominate the Calamity Jane Award for Triumph Over Adversity to Debs please.

    Hahahaha bless you Debs and top bird for makin' light of the whole situation. It sounds like he's learned his lesson and you're moving on. Excellent.

    As regards this theory test...please enlighten me anybody out there who may know better than I do; but in my cynical mind it seems to me that repeatedly failing these youngsters is yet another way of squeezing revenue out of would-be motorists?

    Theory Schmeory. MANNERS, that's all.

    Forgive me if I'm wrong, like...


  • Comment number 62.

    And deffo CtD for the Lifetime Achievement Award. Or the MBE.

    That's Marvellous Bloggin' Eejit.


  • Comment number 63.

    Ah thanks Clodagh, that's one way to put it I suppose :-)

    And it costs £30 per theory test and he has failed three!!!

    x x x

  • Comment number 64.

    I know, I know, I know!!!!!!

    You have decided to come to the Bloggers' Meet in Glasgow next Monday evening?????

    No? Oh well, best go pick Big Wee Lass up from nursery!!!!!

  • Comment number 65.




  • Comment number 66.

    Cheryl: thanks for saying hi! It's always nice to be nice - hi to you too!

    C xx

  • Comment number 67.

    Susan, sorry! Forgot to reply earlier! But I will soon honest. x x x

  • Comment number 68.

    Bingo, told you foreign romance never works. Bit like Holiday Romances.

    Chrisie S Sorry no idea who Mary is. Maybe my memory is fading.

    Debbie yes you have reminded us that life is not always perfect but you always come through.

    As for Take That I must be the only person in World that does not get Get Take That.

    So can I have the award for Can't stand Take That.

  • Comment number 69.


    I graciously accept the MBE Award, and shall pass it to your goodself in 12 months time!

    Now, advent calendar ......

    Surprised nobody got it today as it's a


    and the "other" one ...... is an ickle mouse precariously balancing a stack of prezzies.


    Cheryl x x x

  • Comment number 70.

    CTD don't know what you mean - elephants could have brill balance for all you know ....... have to be a strong wire and as for catching them on the swinging trapeze.................!


  • Comment number 71.

    Cheryl! Check your inbox please :O)

    x x x

  • Comment number 72.

    Oh and I thought of stocking as well .... oh no forget that that was something else altogether!


  • Comment number 73.

    Do you know PP you're right. Next time I have a crisis (about 5 minutes from the last one) I will remember what you just said. I do get through it don't I?


    x x x

  • Comment number 74.

    Deb. Inbox checked. Reply now with you! Lovely lady!

    Nev - there goes that dark mind again .....

  • Comment number 75.

    Remember that quiz that was posted on the blog a week or so ago? Did anyone ever post all the answers? Got most of them but didn't get
    4. CIFC
    7. DCMS
    27. MHABYL
    46. WSGSUTC
    49. WWITA
    Driving me nuts so would love to know them.

    (a blogger from way back when the blog first started. I know my blog name looks a little "suspicious"?! but Rosalinda had gone so had to add an extra rosa!

  • Comment number 76.

    Oh yep, ta. Oven's on hehe!

    Blimey, stockings eh? Last time I bought some hold ups I got a size too small. Ended up with red rings round my legs, lasted ages.

    x x x

  • Comment number 77.

    My mind is not dark .... or maybe it is which is why it seems to have stopped working.


  • Comment number 78.

    I have hold up knee high black and white socks - not quite the same as Debs but keeps me warm at night

  • Comment number 79.


    Not sure anyone ever got 7

    Mary had a baby yes lord
    is one but not sure on others.


  • Comment number 80.

    SBP - please don't tell me you wear them in bed?? Poor old Mr SBP!!

    I wore hold-ups when I was a bridesmaid at a friends wedding a few years ago and halfway thru the ceremony (church) I could feel them gently making their way towards my knees ....... luckily proceedings finished before I got the full Window Twankey look and I was able to hoike 'em up behind a grave stone before the pix were taken!

    Debbie - I want photos of your endeavours - y'hear woman!!! xxx

  • Comment number 81.

    Off shortly gang. Probably back later this eve when Heroes comes on - leave Mr Diva in peace to watch it so may just chat to you all from my lovely warm bed!


  • Comment number 82.

    Oh Cheryl no! They look so funny. You said seal two ends, they have more than two!

    I am so rubbish in the kitchen.

    x x x

  • Comment number 83.

    PP: Your memory is indeed failing. Have you forgotten just how many times you have left this blog?!

    I am sure you could be a really interesting person, but try as I may, and I have tried, I can't get anything back from you except dry disdain.

    I promised myself I would never rise to the bait again, aaaarrrghh!

  • Comment number 84.

    4. Christmas is for Children
    27. Mary had a baby yes Lord
    46 When Santa got Stuck up the Chimney
    49 We're Walking in the air

    No.7 is still an absolute mystery


  • Comment number 85.

    Nev and dookegg

    Thank you, thank you

  • Comment number 86.



    Maybe that's hardly an incentive to pass ya test is it .. . a beaten up old derv 4x4 he wants a racy little 2.0 sporty number instead :)



    Top post . . yet again . . . the trainspotters are a breed apart methinks.

    The rest of you :)

    Lovely posts . . been busy this afternoon haven't you . . . .


    I assume the invoicing wasn't much this week as you appear to have had lots of time on ya hands (what with chasing JTT round the meeting room)


    Meetings today?

    Have fun and enjoy ya tea :-D

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 87.

    Steve - the last thing I want him to have is a 2ltr sporty number! 2.8td japanese 4x4 will suffice until he can afford his own 2ltr sporty number AND the insurance!!!!!

    If young lad's insurance isn't a disincentive then goodness only knows what is!


  • Comment number 88.

    Hiya all,
    Hello Beezy Baby and welcome home Lyndyloo.
    Just slipping into something more comfortable whilst me spaggy bols bubblin.


  • Comment number 89.

    jovial - you didn't stand on the doggy spew and land on the sofa did you?

    Phew! is Lyndyloo back in blighty already? Ahhh! little boo boo will be wiggling her/his little bum with excitement


  • Comment number 90.


    So, cross your heart and hope to die if you tell a lie.

    How many people have bought the Wogan/Jones song on it's artistic merits and how many because Chris Evans et al have told them it is what they should do?

    And no copping out with "I only bought it for charity". If that were the case you could have given the money directly to CiN.

  • Comment number 91.

    Evening all!!! Trying to listen to Drivetime, but Wow Wow Wubbzy is blaring!!!!

    PP - have you spoken to Dr McC recently? I miss chatting with him!

    Annie - thanks for posting my belated birthday wishes for Gaby! You must get sick of my texts!!!

    Super bp - thanks for the card!! Hubby says, 'Is that all I'm known as?' I said, 'Aye, that and Mr HLS!' Didn't tell him the other things I call him here!!!!

    When is the last post!!??

  • Comment number 92.

    Kirabo has spoken re the above mentioned single!

    Right I'm off now - have 2 pigs (now pork!) to deliver before I get home.

    Happy blogging


  • Comment number 93.

    p.s Re #92 Names have been changed to protect the identity and location of the innocent!


  • Comment number 94.

    Aunty_Karen - I bought it because my Big Wee Lass likes it and it tugs at me heart strings! Are you suggesting that we are all sheep, incapable of making a decision unless the Blogmeister tells us too?

    ~looks at calender~

    Yup ... tis def the festive season in Highlands!

  • Comment number 95.

    Debs C and Diva,
    I feel I must register my disapointment Ladeez.
    Hold ups Hold up !!!.
    Whatever happened to the suspender belt.
    Bs,Mum have a word please.


  • Comment number 96.

    Why did noone tell me Merlin star Colin Morgan was filming for The Sea Change on the Isle of Mull??

  • Comment number 97.

    Hello all

    Goodness me and what can I say except that I am humbled that my straightforward attempts to describe the misadventures that befall my family on a regular basis are worthy of any award. Particularly one with HUMOUR as the label. I personally find very little fun in other people's disasters. Look at Ravel, for example, stuck in China with a bunch of waspish Chino-Bulgarian lawyers seemingly able, through their incompetence, to secure a conviction against someone they are defending in order to satisfy Ravel's desire for revenge. Wholly distasteful, in my opinion.

    I am around, if anyone wants a chat, by the way. I sit on facebook sometimes, just hoping someone will say hello. Shame is, I just don't get much time to go online these days, on account of having to ration our electricity so that we can pay for the twins to go to scuba diving lessons (it was the only thing they showed interest in, and it keeps them out of the barn for a few hours each week).



  • Comment number 98.


    Chrissie S I suppose I see myself as a bit of a joker....

    Nothing more. I have left the blog as many times as Elvis has Left the building.

    And don't mention Little Drummer Boy!!!!

  • Comment number 99.

    Hiy'all Bloggers and CLP!!!! Back from the Big Apple and have had the fabbest of times! Thanks for all the lovely Happy Birthday wishes from everyone I had a wonderful day....

    ps I have a secret!

  • Comment number 100.

    A few questions ....

    My Christmas wish would be ....

    My New Year's resolution is ....

    The preesent I always wanted was ....

    If I was Prime Minister I would ....

    Dr McC - long time no speak!


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