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Chris Evans | 15:04 UK time, Wednesday, 29 October 2008

There's so much...

... I want to say about a subject but feel it may serve the situation better not to say anything at all.

How about we carry out a karmic experiment ? See if you can focus and feel what I'm thinking.

God bless one and all.





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  • Comment number 1.

    CLP - I agree with you - got your thoughts loud and clear (but you can keep the ones about tash to yourself) nudge nudge wink wink

    super bp x

  • Comment number 2.

    I sincerely hope I do know what you are thinking - can you poke any of them up there into sensible thoughts? The world's going crazy...

    Did you buy any of them?


  • Comment number 3.


    Name Introduction : BERTWYND HURRICANE on THIS blog!

    Now I AM HERE today on the Chris Evans British Broadcasting Corporation BLOG!!!!!!!! (8) (Bingo Star said put lots of explanation marks - regularly, maybe at... once EIGHT!!!!!!!! - (8))

    You might ASSSSK why? IIIII, eyeeee, I will ttttell, tell you why I, eyeeee, I am covering for Bingo Star's posts temporarily as the man's been TAKENNNN into rehabiltiation by the police.
    (That Star nutter is a complete idiot. But DOOO NOT let him hear me sssssay, say that!!!!!!!!) (8)
    But as I feel pity for TTTTHHHHE NUTTER I am going to pass his ccccomments onto YOUU from the copy police statement HE GAVE me!!!!!!!!! (8)

    Sorry I have got the terrible hiccups today. IT MUST be the medication ffffor, for my ITCHY hammeriods (That's me Bertwynd not Bingo).

    I, eyeeee, I have just got back from rehabilitation (visiting - I Bertwynd am not LOCKED in there like the Bingo nutter) and Bingo asks MEEE, to tttell, tell you that he is going to be ok. He says do not WORRY about him. He hopes either the doctors or the MAGISTRATES will LET him out soon!!!!!!!! (8)
    Last NIGHT, he was involved in an incident that he is totally ASHAMED... OF!!!!!!!! (8)
    Due to severe stress due to international relationship problems. Bingo STOLE a pink/ beige (Neapolitan) ice cream van and was INVLOVED in a police iiiiinn..... INCIDENT!!!!!!!! (8)
    He was PARKED outside the Ukrainian embassey, London, at 2.14am ringing his BELLS as if about to serve ICE cream without a TRADING licence. And singing oooover, over the loud SPEAKER/ tannoy Shady Lady by the beautiful Ukrainian Eurovision Song Contest SINGER..... Ani L.... LLLL..... LORAK!!!!!!!! (8) Ani Lorak!
    Bingo asks me to sssss, sing for YOU some of THE lyrics he sang from the song......

    Yyyyou've been my superstar
    But it's not what you arrrrre,
    Yyyyou've been my SUPERHEROOOO,
    Since I've lived in your shhhhhade,
    Eeeeeevery step that I made,
    You brought me nothing but zero !!!!!!!! (8) DAMN IT !!!!!!!! (8)

    It's when the fool Bingo got to THE chorus that the pppppp, police arrived.....

    SHADY LADY, I'm gonna strike thunder,
    SHADY LADY, are you ready I wanna make you wonder,
    ROLLIN' steady i'm gonna make you shiver.
    My heart is burning NOW !!!!!!!! (8) DAMN IT !!!!!!!! (8)

    On being CHALLENGED by the police Bingo ssssped, sped off with the police in persuit of the pink/ beige ice CREAM vvvvan, van !!!!!!!! (8) Still with the bell ringing.
    Only after taking a wrong turn, as Bingo is from Liverpool (He asks me to state this so he won't look sssstupid, stupid), did he END uuup, up trying to hide in Hyde Park FROM the police.
    The chase came to an eeeend, end after the Liverpool NUTTER crashed into the boating lake !!!!!!!! (8)
    He was surrounded by 9 police CARS and aaaaaproxiamately 99 floating 99 FLAKES !!!!!!!! (8) Still with bell ringing aaaaloud, aloud !!!!!!!! (8)
    Bingo Star asks me to condom, (sorry that must mean condemn - Bingo's spelling is terrible) all of his ACTIONS. And sssssay, say it is wrong tttto, to steal an ice cream VAN, impersonate selling ICE CREAM without a valid trading licence, play loud bells LATE at nnnnnight, night, sing Shady Lady late at night and ignore police instructions TO TURN off your bells and come ooooout, out of your ice cream van !!!!!!!! (8)
    He adds that during the POLICE persuit he never ONCE BROKE the sssspeed, speed limit and always USED his indicators correctly - Even in THE bbbboating LAKE !!!!!!!! (8)


  • Comment number 4.

    PS BERTWYND AGAIN - Bingo, the idiot, TOLD me tttto, to say he thinks Russell Brand AND Jonathon Ross wwwwwent, went to far but HE HOPES... they don't GET sacked!!!!!!!! (8)


  • Comment number 5.

    Karma coming through loud and clear - sympathize without saying the same thing which was taken off the blog the other day - loads of us knew why! You can be too nice/trusting you know!!
    Go have a Phoebe jog - going down well in this neck of the woods at the moment!! Really does make you feel better.

    See told you I would bumped on to the next blog!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 6.

    Doh! Bs-mum it was me that got bumped this time the return of the capital 7's delayed me posting!

    Funny CLP never thought of myself as psychic (?) but I have a strange image of Ross from Friend's being branded by a sack of phones forming in my head - Weird!!!!!


  • Comment number 7.


    No, damn and blast, I do not know what you are thinking! I think I may know .... but I'm probably wrong!

    However, I do think it's probably best to say nothing, so I certainly agree with you there.

    We are living in interesting, and CRAZY times!!

    C xx

  • Comment number 8.

    Big chief Clp.
    Yes, we all know, what's the point in speculating opinions yet..
    I'm writing this entry via an itouch - very interesting, by the way, easy peasey ...
    Abso rotten day over here- I'm awaiting new house keys this eve v exciting so am off work for a few days to get the whole move shipshape and settled in - then the craic will start ....
    Happy hump day one et all ....
    DtM x

  • Comment number 9.

    Bingo - why do you always wait until I am drinking me tea!!!!
    Screen wipes for christmas if you don't mind

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 10.

    hmmmm, look into my eyes, not around the eyes, just straight into my eyes ...

    Yep, know exactly what you're thinking!!

    Bingo - have you been picking those funny mushrooms again??

    T xx

  • Comment number 11.

    Oh my, that was close.

    Just reading through the previous blog and about to make a comment, then thought to myself - refresh and check, refresh and check, and lo there was another blog.

    Now can't remember what I was gonna write, but hey - at least I wasn't bumped.

    Chrissie - Thanks for your kind words. I did wonder why you had been moderated as I missed your post.

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 12.


    From the tone of your pen, I assume you're not thinking of peas in jars.

    Karma. Peace. Love.

    Cheryl the Diva xxxx

  • Comment number 13.

    Aah Chris I think I know what you are thinking..............

    I too share your concerns about the damage last nights frost may have done to the veg in the garden..........!


  • Comment number 14.

    Dan-t-M - the very best of luck with the move and in your new home. Lang may your lum reek!


  • Comment number 15.

    karma Peace love

    2 all.

    totally crazy. The world Is mad.

    Don't say what you are thinking CLP - We lost you once on the Beep..... we don't want to loose you again,

    But hey .... you could always offer to stand in for Wossy til he gets forgiven.

    Ta Da


  • Comment number 16.

    cheers Jen, mucho gracie!
    Yes, v excited!

  • Comment number 17.


  • Comment number 18.

    DD - Culture Club or Creedence Clearwater Revival?

    AF xx

    ps hello all!

  • Comment number 19.

    On the same subject!

    JR and RB leave 'em alone you numpties!

    Yes they were daft, stupid, insensitive, whatever else you want to call them, they made a mistake! But to sack them, please be realistic!

    All you complainants who have only heard about all the complaints and complained after the event and it had been reported, are just ***.

    As for the grand-daughter running off to Max Clifford, talk about lower than a snakes belly!

    By the way does anyone know if RB did???

    DD out

  • Comment number 20.

    DWNB That's a good idea - Friday night with Lambie Pie

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 21.

    Well I suppose Max Clifford does have an empty space in his schedule now that kerry Catona has "split" from him!

    All i can say is - its a change from economics but still media hype all the same!

    The world keeps turning and the sun and moon still rise and fall - so what difference does it really make?


  • Comment number 22.

    I suppose we are entering the right time of year for a witch-hunt?

    DD out

  • Comment number 23.

    #19 DD - yes RB did. The lady in question haas apparently "come clean" in an interview today that the deed was in fact done.

    Lucky moo!!!

    btw I had the weirdest dream last night - Ian Wright was my dad and I was moving in with him in an apartment overlooking Regents Park!

    Explanations welcome!!

  • Comment number 24.

    just got permission to go home early as M40 is snarled and so is handycross roundabout!

    so sorry for all those stuck in traffic or affected in some way but every cloud has a silver lining - I have to go all back ways but different back ways then last night thanks to the rain so wish me luck - country roads here I come

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 25.

    Having taken 3 hours to get in this morning!

    Bon Chance hunny-bun!

    DD out

  • Comment number 26.

    Dahlings, I just hope it was all worth it...

    dookegg, am off to quack in a min...'tain't you isit?


  • Comment number 27.

    How about this Chris - there's a big difference between a live show and a recorded show. One of them's not live. So on one of them, the presenters can run with whatever's in their head, safe in the knowledge that there's some editorial control going on (usually). On the other, they and only they are responsible for what goes out. Different set of circumstances, only one of which justifies suspensions etc.

    Am I warm?


  • Comment number 28.

    Country roads take her home
    To the place she belongs
    South o the border
    that I don't know
    Country roads take her home

    (in response to #24 incase anyone posts before me)

  • Comment number 29.

    Sorry Hazel but EHHH?

    Me no understand

  • Comment number 30.

    dookegg - I am so touched - muct really go now - thanks for the Poem

  • Comment number 31.

    Crikey Moses!!!

    Foolish and a bit misguided THAT'S ALL

    Yet another time the Beeb is being 'controlled and dictated' by the media rather than standing their ground and being loyal to their employees........Grow a backbone please this is UTTER NONSENSE.

    Good grief it's getting more press than the 'proper news'

    What do we need in order to stop people wittering on about this NOTHINGNESS .......... another natural disaster ????? GET A LIFE YOU EEJITS AND START HAVING A BIT OF FUN.

    BollGirl x

  • Comment number 32.

    Well said Bollgirl!

    Diva, so how long b4 the "lady's" story hits the gutter press?

    DD out

    PS Jealous? toi?

  • Comment number 33.

    Well I think I'll head off now and start sorting out 1000+ eggs anything to get away from the media!!!!! now which CD to put on - or better still I'll tune into Gaelic Radio - still get music but can't understand a word of what they are saying. Now there's an Idea!!!


  • Comment number 34.

    DD - have you seen today's "Sun" ?

    The words World and Exclusive and My Side of The Story splashed all over the front page. and no - I didn't buy a copy.

  • Comment number 35.

    Ctd - I think this dream shows your Gooners obsession is out of control. Mind you Wrighty does have a few offspring (SWP not one of them ironically!).


  • Comment number 36.

    Course I know what you're thinking, I'd be surprised if you weren't.

    Some people just have too much time on their hands, that's all I can say.

    If you don't like it, switch it off!!!

    Nuff sed x

  • Comment number 37.

    Its even made the news here in the colonies.....

  • Comment number 38.

    Yes Chris i think i know what your thinking.

    They where both silly to do what they did and they have now apologised.

    Don't think they should lose their jobs though.

    Do what they do with footballers. Fine them both a weeks wages and donate it to the grandfather choice of charity.

    Rosie yes i know Barrow-Upon-Soar well. May have passed you by in the Hunting Lodge? Who knows!!


  • Comment number 39.

    Oooh nice blog! I liked the bit about spinning around for 30 seconds and not mentioning the war...

    Coincidence that the first two songs tonight have been called Hold On?

  • Comment number 40.

    Am i the ONLY eejit that doesn't know what Chris is thinking? I sure as heck aint got a blooming clue. fb me with the answer please someone :-D cheers


    you've finally lost the plot . . .takes a bit of time to read ya posts and the to reread it so i make sure i knwow hat it is ya typing . . .DON'T stop :-D

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 41.

    Does anyone else think that wee Gordie put the Daily Mail up to stirring this one up just to get his economic woes off the front page? After all what editor would not rather run the faces of Jonathan and Russell on the front page rather
    than Mr Gloomy!

  • Comment number 42.

    well thats cleared THAT up . . . RB for the USA now then. Hopefully they'll put someone decent into his spot . . . a proper DJ might an idea this time :-D

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 43.

    hmmm that's interesting. RB over here. I wonder where he will end up? If memory serves, he was over here earlier in the year hosting an awards show, MTV perhaps?

    I am sure we haven't seen the last of him. What's going to happen to JR do you think?

  • Comment number 44.

    Chris, I haven't got a clue what you are thinking but I'm hoping it made you laugh. Me, well I'm looking forward to another cracking show of fun and banter on my drive home. I've reached the grand old age of 40 today and have made a real effort not to let anything or anyone from work put me in a bad mood. I have even managed a whole day without swearing... a miracle in itself. Just the M25 to go so in 5 minutes I'll be in the car with you and the gang to keep me company. Looking forward to some quality time.

    Don't know if you'll take a request from the blog? ... even if it is my birthday? The Alarm - 68 Guns... cracking track, 68 - year I was born..... and from Sunny Rhyl.

    All the Best everyone.
    Uncle Beej

  • Comment number 45.

    Chris if your referring to the Ross and Brand affair i think justice has been done tonight.Russel Brand never belonged on radio 2.I also hope Jonathon Ross is suspended and has his salary reduced.Its a disgrace how much he gets paid.Its clear that too much money is corrupting.Rich men will never get to heaven after all...

  • Comment number 46.

    My very last thought on this subject.

    Do you think they will replace Friday Night with JR with a couple of episodes of Fawlty Towers?

    Just a ponder....

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 47.


    I could live with being rich and not going heaven :-D

  • Comment number 48.

    Here, here SJF.....

  • Comment number 49.

    this story made me laugh . . . esp the way the Porche were lending the Funds the shares only for them to buy them back at a cheaper rate :-D

    Steve :-D

  • Comment number 50.

    Chris, if you're referring to the recent treatment of Sooty, I concur.

    It is atrocious to treat a celebrity in such a demeaning manner – a 60 year old puppet being sold at auction and shoved behind glass in Blackpool for public viewing.

    What is the world coming to. And I used to think life was sweep for him.

    Ry Ter

  • Comment number 51.

    So RB resigns what a shame wish he was on the local radio station here and give it a shake up.

    As far as Friday Night with JR when is it to return? Whats on in the meantime instead of four puff's and a piano will it be one santantic slut and a bon tempi organ.

  • Comment number 52.

    Sorry Bingo great tales indeed

  • Comment number 53.

    If you were a girlie I could understand.
    , cos we girlies expect all you boys to mind read as to what we really mean ;-)

  • Comment number 54.

    oh god I forgot I'm dead

  • Comment number 55.

    Hi Chris I sure did know what you meant and Cheryl get the black arm band out but I am on the bandwagon of not liking Mr Brand's sense of humour even when he was doing Big m...th.

    So there's a spare slot in the timescehdule and who will be filling it then?

    Mariella I like your idea for Friday night tv schedule nice idea.

    PP why are you of the undead variety - I've missed something somewhere

    Bingo mate you are well and truly cracked mate - interesting reading though and unfortunately in the open office not good to be lurking and reading your posts - oh no not good at all.

    I have volleyball training soon so this is just a quiche.... (other flans available)

  • Comment number 56.

    Oh yes good luck Cheryl for Michelle in The Restaurant.

    Matt did you see the articles about Norton coming back into production?

  • Comment number 57.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 58.


    Yep, saw the thing about Norton. Not really me as I am involved in four wheeled things, not two, but fantastic news for the British motor industry - or what is left of it. I am all for keeping these iconic old names alive and if it is done in the true spirit of the marque, more's the better.

    I'm afraid I side with those who have never 'got' RB and frankly, I see this entire episode as a huge publicity stunt to airlift himself out of the Beeb and onto another planet. Shame we can't actually deposit him on another planet and leave him there.

    I should be at Craven Cottage tonight, but our lame form, the cold and, as I brave the wrath of true football fans, the final of The Restaurant have kept me in Rudgwick Towers this evening.

    I'm still bewildered how the twits have managed to bumble their way to the final, but I wouldn't bet against them going all the way tonight. I'm just praying that if they do, they won't be anywhere near Le Manoir next March when I take Mrs MfR there for her birthday.

    Oh, by the way. I reckon Chris' thoughts are stacked pretty high with prancing horses. You know, the Italian ones.

    Much love etc


    PS James Marshall Hendrix, 27.

    PPS James Douglas Morrison, 27.

    PPPS Kurt Cobain, 27.

  • Comment number 59.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 60.

    thats spanish for television by the way and cheers CTD

  • Comment number 61.

    and before you go running off to sue me for bullying CTD.

    You and your comments from your Face Book friends reduced me to tears.
    You know what they were.

  • Comment number 62.

    I'm new to this blog thingy! How do I go about nominating the first song on the Friday show?

    I heard the new Saw Doctors single on tonight's show and wanted to nominate that. It's the best song I've heard for ages and the best juke box jury song by a country mile. Whack the volume up on the car stereo and pretend it's the post punk era of the late 70's.

    Wonderful stuff :-)

  • Comment number 63.

    Blimey PP

    You need help my friend.

    Let go. It is really not worth it.

    Have a nice day.


  • Comment number 64.

    Sorry yes you are right MFR not worth it at all
    What do I have in common nothing actually, but I have been hurt and I suppose one feels the need to react. I am not clever with blogging but I sense some goings on here.

  • Comment number 65.

    There is no such thing as clever blogging.

    Although there is less than clever blogging.

    PP. We've never really seen eye to eye (or mouse to mouse) on here, and I've made more than one stupid mistake here in the past, but all I would suggest is don't pursue a petty feud, no-one wants to read that every day, either leave it and move on to topics new or, do as you have threatened on many an occasion, and disappear for good.

    Frankly, despite finding you mildy irritating and mostly annoying, I quite like you being around and would be sad to see you go.

    Make the right choice friend.


  • Comment number 66.

    'Mildy' would read so much better as 'mildly'.

    Of course.

    MfR - Mildly happy because Fulham seem to be on course for 3 points.

  • Comment number 67.

    I just hope that there are as many posts supporting RB and JR as there have been slating them.
    Sometimes people say stupid things and sometimes people make mistakes.
    Sometimes things get blown out of all proportion.
    It now seems that the people most offended and unable to get over and move on from this circus are the media.
    Is it the greatest Irony that Peter Mandleson has probably benefitted most from this scandal.
    God help us all!
    I just hope that ol' Russ is snapped up and let to perform his magic on some other radio somewhere.

  • Comment number 68.

    No MFR my blogs all get moderated so what is the point.

  • Comment number 69.


    I find this most upsetting tonight. It's getting too personal and if you don't like how or how often someone post's, making unpleasant comments about the person doesn't help.

    x x x

  • Comment number 70.

    I think therefore I am.

    I think I get what you think.

    But there again, I think I may not get what you think.

    What am I thinking?

    Hello to friends out there. I think!

  • Comment number 71.

    hells bells .... now what have i done?

  • Comment number 72.

    Morning Cheryl
    Yay, Michele and Russell won it! Good on 'em!
    Time to get Gokked today, can you get out of East Angular quick enough to get down here?
    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 73.

    Morning all,

    Same old, same old.

    Farewell to the RB.

    I did like the post earlier about it being a plot to get Gordy Brown off the front page!

    Diva, no I hadn't seen the front page of the S*n (other chip wrappers are available).

    Still hopefully a sense of realism will hit the Beeb today when they sit in judgement of Wossy!

    Why do those that complain get more credence than those who support?

    Apart from the hanging comment and a few expletives deleted left on an answer phone, it was actually quite funny! Whilst the boys were wrong to do it, who chose to broadcast it and lacked the judgement to sense that it could/would cause offence, certainly not either of the parties that have been subjected to the witch-hunt. Was it wrong for them to do it, yes but had it not been broadcast it would/should have remained a private matter between Andrew Sachs and RB/JR and the Beeb. Now the moral minority have got involved and it is news around the globe. Just plain daft!!!

    DD out

    just my ponderings

  • Comment number 74.

    You are thinking...... wouldn't it be good to replace the loud, foul-mouthed, overpaid presenter's show on a Friday night with some harmless fun like Don't Forget Your Toothbrush.

  • Comment number 75.

    Morning all!!!

    What happened at the emirates last night!?

    Rubbish night for my fantasy football team (not with the FB one i've seen you guys blog about as only just heard of it!)

    Wish i'd have seen the match now... gutted as i am my beloved arsenal lost ... think it would have a been a spectacular match to be in the pub watchin!!

    How is everyone (i refuse to allow myself to acknowledge Mr. Brands resignation... i've been a massive fan ever since Dance Floor Chart ... finding it difficult to cope.... although it really was only one night a week and there's always ponderland on t'other channel starting tonight... hmmmm)

    Hope everyones smiley...its cold...but not a bad day today!


  • Comment number 76.

    no wait... i didnt mean lost hahahaha i meant drew...but with spurs *spit* they may aswell have!!

  • Comment number 77.

    p.s - no offence to any spurs fans ... :o)

  • Comment number 78.


    please can we stop talking about RB/ JR debate - its soooooo boring!

    How was DT resigning a surprise? hes been hinting about it for months - what with his no-one has asked me past 2009 comments - I hope this means he can dio more stage acting (so I get a chance to see him) and quality documentaries - he really is so good at them - and whoever takes over Dr who (as long as its not that nesbitt fella) will be the doctor in their own right!

    took just over an hour to get home last night but all safe and sound

    super bp x

  • Comment number 79.


    R U Stalking again???

    (Yawn) to the ten inch.


    DD out

  • Comment number 80.

    What's the point:

    Witch-hunt continues
    RB no more on Saturday night radio
    The Ars result

    and now

    David Tennant leaving as the Doctor.

    I don't like today.


  • Comment number 81.

    DD - you were the one who told me about charely in MK on sat - if your an acomplice to my stalking your not allowed to moan about it :-)

    super bp x

  • Comment number 82.

    morning all

    Right kids it's time for a virtual banging together of a few heads. Please stop the bickering on here, it's actually boring now. You all know who you are so just let go and move on. I appreciate it's tough being picked on but let's just rise above it. I would like to request it on fb too, it wasn't the reason I started the page.

    Let's talk about The Library last night, 8 goals, 'keeper mistakes, fightbacks, good refereeing, brilliant....and I believe a virtual fiver coming my way Cheryl, I recall my post about a scroing draw! Feet on ground though boys, we were poor at the back, there's a long way to go.
    Good result for Matt's boys too

    Wrap up warm people

    bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 83.

    Right. Howdy doody.

    No Gingembre this morning? I thought he'd have been heere hours ago!! ;-)

    Yup. Pants day all round yesterday ... RB resigns, 10" quits, 4-4 at The Emirates, and then I get poked at on here too.

    PP - I have asked you before what your "beef" is with me (both on here and on FB) and as yet you have never afforded me the courtesy of a reply. To the best of my knowledge, I am never vindictive towards you. If you are referring to the comments on FB ref Blog Bullying, you will have seen that it wasn't me who started that thread, and that the majority of comments are only posted AFTER you have vented your spleen on here.

    The one thing that truly irks me tho, is turning my PC on in the morning to see that you have had a late night rant against me. A time of night that I am not about to have my right to reply, or to read your opinion before it is moderated (whether that is by the Â鶹Éç or other bloggers, I do not know and cannot comment).

    As so well said above by Matt - forget it. Move on. You have made mention of the bullier becoming the bullied. This, I feel, is something you have somewhat perfected.


  • Comment number 84.

    Kw - I blog and you blog at the same time.


    Must be almost hallowe'en!


  • Comment number 85.

    WELL SAID Ging, especially about FB, I was upset and shocked at some stuff on there. Bullying takes many forms. I will say no more on the subject - hopefully, ever.

    Re Football - congratulations to your boys. I was gutted to realise Harry's first game would be against us. And I think everyone's guessed at score was there at some point, except 2-2 and yet your guess was the closest. How wierd is that!


  • Comment number 86.

    Charley is also at our BRAND NEW store at White City on Tuesday, should be a good turnout!
    Tiggs xx

  • Comment number 87.

    what the point on a weekday? you ahve to be really dedicated to take time of eork to meet your fav star (or stalk) - i'm not that bad yet?

    sorry tiggs - no dig at you - it just makes me wonder who can take the time of work to meet someone semi famous? Ecen I have to fit stalking into a busy work and home life schedule

    super bp x

  • Comment number 88.

    yeah I know!
    I'm lucky, they come in here to see us!
    Tiggy xx

  • Comment number 89.


    Give Gok my lurve. And my phone number!!

    Cheryl x

  • Comment number 90.

    #83 - sorry to the rest of you.

  • Comment number 91.

    Hello all.

    Can I change the subject please? Cos I'm bored with RB/JR, bickering and football...

    Just saw this headline on my email provider's homepage: "NHS report: Poor areas lose out to the rich. The poorest parts of the country are 'systematically underfunded'". No, really?????

    Hope everyone's having sparkling mornings. Me, I've just been on the wrong end of an extremely patronising phonecall and want to take someone's head off now. It's not good, so some giggles would be nice if anyone's got the time/inclination.

    Love to all,

    AF xx

  • Comment number 92.

    Seems a lot of people are on a bit of a downer today!?

    On the up side..... My ketchup bottle outfit has arrived! I'm informed by her who picks up the post in a mornin that it's very funny!

    On t'other up side... today is thursday... so for those of us who do the mon - fri 9-5 thing (or for those who just like weekends) ... today is the start of the weekend... if weds = peak of the week... anything after that = week end in my book!

    I also have a mildy amusing story... i was very nearly 10 when my little brother was born...so have always considered him a baby, so when sometimes he comes out with close to the knuckle stories (at the cheeky age of 14) i am sometimes shocked... but he surpassed himself with his comedy last night by announcing that him and his friend has been making "cocktails using different flavoured pop" ...
    and promptly advised that instead of sex on the beach..they'd named their best one "Sex on a pull out futon" .... To which i replied "Oh my god you can't say things like that!!"

    he spun round with a cheeky look on his face and said "What??? Pull out Futon??"

    I laughed.


  • Comment number 93.

    Okay - topic for the day - seeing as we all seem to be in a bit of a mood - whats the worse thing you ever did to an ex?

    I threw at telly at a bloke once which was midly amusing as it was his telly - and i heard at story about someone who booked thier exes retsurant all out so on the night no-one turned up - thats certainly imanginative!

    Super bp x

    PS - best story gets the best ex story by a blogger of the day award

  • Comment number 94.

    AF - for you...

    A man in Scotland calls his son in London the day before Christmas Eve and says, I hate to ruin your day, but I have to tell you that your mother and I are divorcing; forty-five years of misery is enough.

    'Dad, what are you talking about?' the son screams.

    We can't stand the sight of each other any longer,' the father says. 'We're sick of each other, and I'm sick of talking about this, so you call your sister in Leeds and tell her.'

    Frantic, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone. 'Like hell they're getting divorced,' she shouts, 'I'll take care of this,'

    She calls Scotland immediately, and screams at her father, 'You are NOT getting divorced. Don't do a single thing until I get there. I'm calling my brother back, and we'll both be there tomorrow. Until then, don't do a thing, DO YOU HEAR ME?' and hangs up.

    The old man hangs up his phone and turns to his wife. 'Okay,' he says, 'they're coming for Christmas - and they're paying their own way.'


  • Comment number 95.

    Morning chaps and chaperelles,

    Beautiful morning again, and looking out the window I have this morning seen blue tits, great tits, green finches, gold finches, bull finches, chaffinches, nut hatches, kestrels, sparrows, linnets, dunnocks, yellow wagtails, pied wagtails, robins, swans, ducks, moorhens, squirrels and long tailed tits. Not to mention the headless bodies of several field mice, voles and shrews - thanks cats!

    Its like my very own Autumn Watch, without the lovely Kate and the slightly bizarre Bill.

    Lots to do today, paying for holiday in Jan being the most important, and then a tad of packing for a long weekend in Estonia - my homeland. Can't wait!

    Til later,

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 96.

    Brilliant Jen, brilliant!!

    Bagpuss, I'm afraid I've always been too much of a wuss to do anything! Either that or I've just run far far away and pretended I don't exist any more!

    I did turn my ex-husband's emotional blackmail around on him, and managed to get an extra few grand out of the divorce though hee hee.

    AF xx

  • Comment number 97.


    NAME Introduction : Bertwynd Hurricane.

    Hello to all of the COMPUTER people.
    I, eeyyyyeee, I hope you are feeling very watered TODAY and all of your joints are in gggggood, good working order.
    This cold weather always tightens UP MY right knee.
    IIIIIIt, it makes THE KNEE click and crunch - CLICK!!!!!!!! (8)
    I have to go to the hospital eeeeeevery, every fortnight for some physiotherapy to loosen IT uuuuup, up!!!!!!! (8)
    And I take 6 cod liver OIL cccccapsules, capsules a day and eat oily fish for teatime!!!!!!!! (8)

    Now can I give Prof Plum SOME aaaaadvice, advice.
    Prof Plum I have only been reading THIS very interesting British Broadcasting Corporation Blog FOR one day and I have taken to you Prof Plum, yes I have.
    I want to SAY TO you Prof Plum that I think ddddeep, deep inside you are a very NICE person.
    Just A misunderstood woman. Prof Plum don't let things UPSET yyyyou, you. You remind me of a pisces, they are kkkkknown, known as VERY nice people but often misunderstood. I FEEL this may bbbbe, be the case here. Am I correct?
    I HOPE yyyyou, you carry on, on this Â鶹Éç blog.

    Also can I say TO Mr Matt From Rudgwick, I also have taken to you TOO in only a day hhhhhere, here.
    Matt don't get involved in Prof Plum's misunderstoodness. YOU GIVE some very ggggood, good advice on this Â鶹Éç blog but Prof Plum is a NICE person. You don't know WHAT she might have been through in tttthe, the past. She may ONCE have had a foreign rrrrromance, romance and stolen an ice CREAM van, like ttttthat, that idiot Bingo Star!!!!!!!! (8)

    Cheryl The Diva CAN I also sssssay, say the same to yyyyou, you.
    I HAVE taken ttttto, to YOU in only a dddday, day.
    Forgive Prof Plum SHE maybe under severe sssssstress, stress. The reverand Paul Pew at MY local church aaaalways, always SAYS "forgive those WHO tresspass against yyyyou, you"!!!!!!!! (8)
    I always HAVE except for an incident WITH a traffic wwwwarden, warden in 1987. But I won't GO into tttthat, that here NOW ttthough, though!!!!!!!! (8)

    I have to ggggo, go now. I AM going to visit the nutter Bingo Star in rehabilitation. I will bring any MESSAGES from hhhhim, him back to the blog lllllater, later.

    PS I listened to The Chris Evans Wireless Show yesterday EVENING for the very first ttttime, time. And what a marvellous SHOW it is.
    I CAN't believe I hhhhave, have not listened before. I definitely WILL again and tell WWWWWendy, Wendy Hurricane all about it tttttoo, too!!!!!!!! (8)


  • Comment number 98.


    And he SAYS iiiit, it to Jen the comment number 94.
    Very, very funny Jen. Thank YOU!!!!!!! (8).

    The problem though after laughing SO mmmmuch, much I have to go and CHANGE my underpants - I have had an ACCIDENT with my hammeroids!!!!!!!! (8)

    GOOD DAY JEN EWAN!!!!!!!! (8)

  • Comment number 99.

    Bertwynd, good words for all.

    Please pass on our best to Bingo and I hope the icecream van incident will pass in a whirl...


  • Comment number 100.

    And good day to you too, jx


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