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Chris Evans | 15:26 UK time, Thursday, 4 September 2008

I was in the changing room in the gym today when it suddenly dawned on me how lucky...

...the gay boys are. I mean obviously not where I'm concerned but generally, you see.

Is being a gay man in the male changing rooms the homosexual equivalent of a hetro being granted daily access to the ladies ladies ladies? What a hoot!

Go boyfriends.





All request tomorrow. Bring on a belter will you?


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  • Comment number 1.

    Well, hallo!! Where you been?

    Think you might be right there Chris, but really don't want to go there.


  • Comment number 2.

    LOL CLP .... your mind is almost as dark as mine!!

    ARF .... either

    Whole Lotta Rosie - AC/DC or

    Highway To Hell - AC/DC

    Thank you very kindly. Glad you're here at last!

    Cheryl The Diva xxx

  • Comment number 3.

    For ARF: Thunder on the Mountain, Bob Dylan, from 'Modern Times' album if you please Chris.


  • Comment number 4.


    For ARF

    Tin Soldiers - Stiff Little Fingers

    Suspect Device - Stiff Little Fingers


    Bet i'm a long time waiting :(

  • Comment number 5.

    SJF: Join the club.


  • Comment number 6.

    Hey guys

    ARF how about Dont worry, be happy by Bobby Mcferrin (spelling?)

    Sara xx

  • Comment number 7.


    Just read your post on the other blog. I'm no expert on parenting but how abour putting a positive spin on it? Rather than saying his big bro's mum left him, how about spinning it to say that his daddy loved him so much that he got the 1st prize, and has successfully raised big bro in a house of love and closeness.

    Hope that helps hun!

    Elsewhere ... Errol / Matt: any updates on new beginnings guys?

    Right, PC now being switched off in favour of Dexter and an earlyish night with the wonderfully lovely Mr Diva.

    Sleep well gang - even you AnnieG!

    Til tomorrow - Friday - hurrah, yay and double yay!!

    Cheryl The Diva xxxxxx

  • Comment number 8.

    Just noticed new blog has appeared! Wahoo! So I've had to cut and paste my post.

    Haven't had a chance to catch up will do so after dinner.

    Guys this may be a bit deep but I think some opinions would be helpful. Hope that you don't mind.

    LM asked me whose tummy his brother came from last night. It's got me thinking. I simply said 'his mummy's' so that I wouldn't be lying to him.

    I think he may be ready for me to tell him a little about his brother and how he came from a different tummy etc. But I'm not sure. I know that it's something I want him to grow up knowing and not be told when he is too much older.

    But how do I explain the fact that his brother's mum left him behind when he was 3? Will it start him worrying that I may do the same to him? I don't want to cause him any problems or scare him.

    Thank you for reading.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 9.

    Cheryl: Thank you. Have plenty of books to keep me company. Wish Errol and MfR would update us - the suspenders are killing!

    Good advice for Debs.


  • Comment number 10.

    Evening all,

    ARF - Walking on Sunshine - Katrina and the Waves.

    busy busy today, will have to play catch up in a bit!


  • Comment number 11.

    Just a quickie .... cheers Annie - good to see that all that time in the Communications Team at the council didn't go to waste! They spin bad stuff so well - I have a flippin' good teacher when it comes to spin!

    Really truly off now ... Mr Diva just made his pack-up for tomorrow so I don't have to get up at 5 with him!

    Nite Nite

    CtD xxxxx

  • Comment number 12.

    Thanks Cheryl, that's lovely and something I will think about over the coming days.

    Hmm the changing room thing, never really thought about that but you have a point CLP.

    Must think of a belter for tomorrow night now.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 13.

    Debs: 'The talk' is difficult at the best of times, but yours sounds like it will take some thinking about. Praps Mr. Debs should do it?


  • Comment number 14.

    ARF: Paradise City, Guns'n'Roses please Lambie Pie.

    Nah best coming from me, he's rubbish at things like that. Thanks though Anne x

  • Comment number 15.

    Not quite there yet chaps.

    The Berbatov transfer has nothing on this.

    Maybe tomorrow.......

    ARF? Waterfall by The Stone Roses.

    Have a good one.



    PS Darby Crash

    PPS Ian Curtis

    PPPS You're too old to lose it, too young to choose it

  • Comment number 16.

    Ahh Matt, bums, eh?


  • Comment number 17.

    CLP did you forget to hit enter at 3.26 today?




    cos it is and it's wet and just 'cos

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 18.

    Good luck Matt and Errol - hope all goes well for you.

    My niece has another new job - groom for a showjumping stables, much more to her liking than McDs*

    For ARF Blaze of Glory - Jon Bon Jovi please

    Swanage is looming and I am looking forward to having a whole weekend of dancing, song and fun. Hoping the weather ends up alright.

    Ewww Chris - your blog is a bit close to the edge today - now you have me wanting the curtains definitely closed when changing.

    *(other fast food places available)

  • Comment number 19.

    Mr B just pointed out a spider to doggy - up to now just puts nose on it - must know it's his birthday - he just ate it!!
    He's available for hire Diva but not sure sooty would approve! 'Spose could teach her how?

    Deb not knowing circumstances - presume original tummy never in touch in which case Diva's idea briliant. big bro first prize and little man the jackpot with both m and d. but he probably wont ask again for ages priority first day at school.

    Annie did you hear the aaargh! from there? and I don't mean my massive score on wordscraper!

    Beesmum xxx

    tomorrow now Matt left in suspenders again!

  • Comment number 20.

    Hello all,

    Dipping my toe in once again for ARF request:

    'I feel good' by James Brown

    to get everyone dancing into the weekend. I certainly will be as I'm off on holiday for 2 weeks! Can't wait!


  • Comment number 21.

    Bsmum: I'm not discussing your massive score on wordscraper. In huff.


  • Comment number 22.

    three hundred and how many was it Annie?

    BM xx

    gave me a shock when it went down!

  • Comment number 23.

    No, not talking about it.


  • Comment number 24.

    JenEwan, just tried to find out more about Hunter Spiders....they're horrible!

    We have fields and farms not too far so what you said makes sense. Even Mr Debbie doesn't like them.

    Have a great holiday fT, where are you going?

    Thanks Bsmum, original tummy not seen him since he was about 6. I don't understand how this can be how can I explain it to LM. May leave it for a while.

    x x x

  • Comment number 25.

    Forgot to say Happy Birthday to Biggles Bsmum! x

  • Comment number 26.

    Welcome to fancy tuesday pop in any time you are always welcome here.

    Conkers I did put a load of horse chestnut information on here last year. Some of the conkers are already falling but beware a disease has hit some of the trees and the conkers are mush. I used to put three loose in each corner of a room on the floor and didn't get bothered overmuch by spiders.

    I will try and look out the bit on horse chestnuts and repost it as there was other useful information on it as well.

    Scoring large again Beesmum I will tell your toyboy....

  • Comment number 27.

    Am off to sunny Spain for a much needed rest.

    MfR - have got to go and listen to Bowie now...! Haven't heard that glorious track in ages..


  • Comment number 28.

    Ohhh no missed your birthday beesmum - how come I didn't know about it - you been hiding the date again.

  • Comment number 29.

    Phoenix: We're not talking about Bsmums scoring - she's showing off!!


  • Comment number 30.

    I thought it was for her birthday - now put both feet right in it as usual.

  • Comment number 31.

    Phoenix: It was Biggles birthday. He, he, he


  • Comment number 32.

    Phoenix - naughty thoughts I think!

    BM xx

  • Comment number 33.

    on the other hand - overdue a birthday!!

    BM xx

  • Comment number 34.

    and a large score!
    BM xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Ignoring you!!!


  • Comment number 36.

    th he he

    BM xx

  • Comment number 37.

    Hey Chris as we are enjoying air guitar music please please play:

    Sabre Dance by Love Sculpture

    Many thanks

    Phoenix in deepest dorset

  • Comment number 38.

    Just had to replay it on last fm and oh wow Dave Edmunds is really brilliant - if you get a chance please search for it and enjoy.

    Beesmum - Biggles had a birthday - wasn't he in the book series and wears flight goggles or am I mixing things up as usual.

    As for naughty thoughts - hmmmmm probably well it is thirsty thursday and i have the weekend to look forward to - why not indeed.

  • Comment number 39.

    Yup phoenix doggy floppy ears hence the name and thirst thirsday so sup up!

    BM xx

  • Comment number 40.

    Off to the stars for a night of blissful heaven of sleep ready for work tomorrow and the start of a very very busy weekend - not much chance for blogging etc so will check back in Monday evening.

    To all bloggers and lurkers I wish you all a very good weekend and I hope the conversations on here keep you all entertained and amused.

  • Comment number 41.

    Phoenix: So jealous about the blissful heaven of sleep. Off with my book.


  • Comment number 42.

    Hi Chris

    Please, Please play a Saw Doctors song. Hay Wrap will be great! Ta!!

  • Comment number 43.

    First song on ARF

    Dexys Midnight Runners - Come on Eileen.

  • Comment number 44.


    Not really sure whether to post this or not .

    Does the question suggest that he has an inkling of the truth?

    This is way out of my experience, I thought that having a teenager was hard enough, but all I can suggest is just tell the truth, or at least don't tell any lies as these will surely come back and haunt you later.

    Kids these days are far more sophisticated than was the case in the past and, yours in not a unique situation so perhaps just telling it like it is, might be the best policy.

    The danger is that he may find out from somebody else and, I feel, this would be the worst case scenario.

    At the end of the day you know your child better than anyone and you must do whatever you feel is right.

    Good Luck


  • Comment number 45.

    Morning all, early visit b4 venturing into the apocolypse now outside!


    Spin Doctors 2 Princes

    DD out

  • Comment number 46.

    no wonder you've got a smile on your face (daily star thursday pg 13 :-) )

    atomic blondie pls

  • Comment number 47.

    ARF - 500 miles the proclaimers pretty please christoph lambie pie x x x

  • Comment number 48.

    Morning each, and Cathmel. Nice to see you.

    Why's it soooo cold - and I haven't had my holidays yet.

    Anne xx

  • Comment number 49.

    morning all

    Debbie - just tell him in conversation - don't make a big thing about it - and stress that you love both of them and that you are never leaving! I come from a muddled up family - and we all knew whose natural parents were whoses but we also knew who our family was and it was alright!

    My ARF for tonight - white wedding by billy idol - just coz I have weddings on the brain and for all those people getting married this weekend

    Super bpx

  • Comment number 50.

    What a morning one and all
    It's like being out at sea in a storm.

    Mens changing rooms .. well often thought that. Men do seem to wander around quite happily naked however the womens changing rooms are quite different. I tend to wrap up in a towel balance on one leg and hop around getting dressed.

    Debbie I think TTT's advice is good. I tend to be a bit chicken and would probably tell him Father Christmas left him one year.

    My choice for Arf would be It might as well rain until September by Helen Shapiro... because let's face it, it has.

    Hope Wareham goes well Phoenix.


  • Comment number 51.

    Morning all

    This blog has given me an idea... I wonder if I could get away with pretending to be a lad as well! Hmmmm......

    Debbie, to be able for LM to 'grow up knowing' this info as you'd like, he needs to know it as soon as possible when it will appear normal, natural and no biggie. Any avoidance on your part will set alarm bells ringing in his head and he will potentially be panicked by this. Whereas if you follow the advices (the very good advices!!) offered on here and make no big deal of it, I'm sure he'll just accept it and move on.

    I believe there are children's stories dealing with, or set in, these sorts of dynamics and maybe that would help too.

    Good luck - seize the bull by the horns and go girl!


  • Comment number 52.

    Greetings of the morning persuasion to you all.

    Firstly, my apologies for having gone all quiet on the blog and FB front but I have recently been promoted at work and this has brought a huge swathe of back log work that I needed to get done 鈥 with very little time to myself. Coupled with the fact that I have been overseas for the last three weeks and on Wednesday I head off again overseas until the end of the year! So really, genuinely, have not had time to do anything for myself.
    Well then, an update I suspect is in order鈥.I have been pretty active overseas and have appeared in a number of newspapers and have also been filmed for educational purposes鈥hich was fun. I have met the great and the good in Singapore, Brunei and Hong Kong, been stranded by Typhoon Nuri, been drunk in the swankiest bar in Hong Kong (on expenses..lol), taken some nice pics, oh..had one published in the Practical Photography magazine this month and have lost weight thanks to a bout of food poisoning鈥ery nice.
    I have missed you lot a great deal and will do so again in the coming months as I travel across the US and Canada, over to japan and generally around the SEA region until Christmas rears it鈥檚 ugly head. My brother is moving out to Canada in couple of weeks so will be seeing him out there for Christmas so may not actually be properly back in Blighty until Jan 鈥 but then of course I have the Spring trips to attend鈥aybe I will get some tax relief this year?

    ARF 鈥 Well would love to hear 鈥渓ay your hands鈥 by Reef but I recall that being done a few months ago so lets go for鈥..

    鈥 Hey Joe鈥 by Jimi Hendrix

    What have you all been up to?

  • Comment number 53.

    ARF: What about a Saw Doctors mix!!!

  • Comment number 54.

    Or seeing as I'm in a particularly Irish mood this morning... The Irish Rover by The Pogues!

  • Comment number 55.

    Morning EJR, nice to hear from you. Photies on FB looking good.

    Need a bag carrier? Thought I might just get that one in before Cheryl.


  • Comment number 56.

    Morning all

    easyjob ... congrats on the promotion, you busy auld thing. And what's with all the ? ? ? hmmm? Glad to hear you'll be back in time for the Santa job at Harvey Nix too ;-)

    I'm soooooooooooo tired today. Himself's alarm went off at 5am and I've pretty much been awake since. No such thing as "go back to sleep darling" where I'm concerned! Still, at least it's Friday and I'm off out with the gals tonight for a cheap and cheerful pub meal and a pint or six .....

    I was thinking about CLP's "gay" post earlier and wondered as follows ....

    Why do "straight" men generally tend to think that every "gay" man they encounter wants to errr ... hmmm ..... how to put this ..... jump 'em? The majority of straight guys I know have problems with openly gay entertainers (refusing to watch certain tv shows etc). And when I was 18, my then boyfriends mum had a gay best mate. My BF wouldn't even enter the room when the other fella was about - untl the day I shall never ever forget when the gay man said to my then BF "I don't know what you're afraid of - you're not even my type". Cue one very embarrassed BF and highly amused room of people!

    I've noticed that ladies changing rooms are getting more open-plan - especially in spa's and the more upmarket gyms and health clubs. I hated this at first, but now just go with the flow. Having said that, if a shop has got communal changing rooms I refuse point blank to try any of their garments on, even if it means a return trip to the shop in question to exchange or refund what I originslly purchased.

    Right, work ....... now ....

    Laters luvlies!

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 57.

    AnnieG ... who are you calling a bag??

    hehehehehehe xxx

  • Comment number 58.

    Morning each

    great blog Chris but honestly something that had never crossed my mind!

    Debs - have no advice to offer but i think there some great has been offered. Good luck when u go with it x

    EJR - welcome home - albeit temporarily!

    And the usual mornings, hi`s and salutations to everyone else!

    Friday - yay..and i`m day off so even better! Just off to hair place to get rid of the grey in preparation for the hols - then a generally chill out day i think - not venturing outside in the monsoon anymore than i have to!

    Have a great day everyone...

    mSc x

    PS - going with DD on 2 princes for ARF please - saw them live at the Carling Festival many moons ago -can never remember being as cold but brings back great memories!

  • Comment number 59.

    Hello all.

    Rob, does this mean you should be changing your nickname now? Your job doesn't sound that easy any more!!!

    Debbie, I'd tell him a cushioned truth. Maybe that his brother's mummy wasn't able to look after him but that you were really lucky that you could be a mummy to him? and that you and his Daddy have always loved him and will always love and take care of both of them??

    Had a really pants meeting yesterday - sometimes I wonder why I bother :-(

    Only staying for a couple of hours today - I deserve a long weekend.

    T xxx

  • Comment number 60.

    Boss away for the weekend. So can have the radio on.

    A customer just walked in with what looked white paint/chalk on his boots.

    Just spent the last half hour trying to get it all off the carpert as the boss is fanatic over cleaing and he is a man!!!

    Anyways my ARF: Flowers in the rain by The Move Please


  • Comment number 61.

    Hey everyone,
    Been busy at work too, making sure everything is audited properly and risk minimised....blah blah blah.
    Arrgh I start college tomorrow, one of the reasons why I started this new job, it's been 13years since I last sat an exam, should be interesting.....wish me luck.
    EJR, sounds like a good trip there.

    ARF, hmmm "She sells sanctuary" The Cult.

    Thanks :-)

  • Comment number 62.

    Hi Rusty

    FAB choice for ARF hun!! The song that always makes me get up and strut my stuff, without fail!

    Good luck with college ... but on a Saturday? Rather you than me!


    CtD xx

  • Comment number 63.


    Very curious about your job. You certainly are a World Traveller. Are you sure you are not a Steward with Cathay Pacific, recently promoted to Haed of Cabin services... no just my imagination.... although I met a Pilot once and it turned out that he only worked in the Duty Free Shop.


  • Comment number 64.

    Morning everyone, do you all have rain today? Blooming weather. School starts Monday bet the suns out next week.

    Hi EJR, I agree doesn't sound like an easy job now. Hope that you totally enjoy yourself though.

    Thank you for the advice here guys, I really appreciate it.

    I have decided that me and the eldest will tell LM together. I have always wanted him to know the truth, it's not a secret to anyone else so he must know. It was just trying to explain how she left that bothered me. I will say that she couldn't look after him so I became mummy to him.

    I must admit the question completely shocked me in the first place and I don't know why he asked.

    Thanks again.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 65.


    May I have

    Mouldy Old Dough


    Lieutenant Pidgeon

    Thank you very much....

    Failing that - any ole saw doctor!


  • Comment number 66.

    OneWeek since ISpoke with Christof. Coolness.

    Tonight, Friday I'm In Lurve. The Cure.


    My Perfect Cousin, Undertones.




    lovely weekendtoall.

    ps - new keyboard, spacebar abitdodgey

  • Comment number 67.

    Since this blog appeared last night, I've had the similarly titled Robert Palmer song swishing around my heeeeeed.

    Cheers CLP!

    Cheryl the Diva xxx

  • Comment number 68.

    is that the one that goes some guys have all the louck dum du dum dum?

    I have that song too - its really getting my goat! (if I had a goat to get!)

    super bp x

  • Comment number 69.

    that's the one SBP. then it goes really high pitched and oooo ooooo oooo oooooo!

    Nowt against Mr Palmer tho - he was fantastic with The Power Station (even if it did equate to the demise of Duran Duran!)

  • Comment number 70.

    Afternoon one and all
    very very wet Beesmum here - took doggy to vet to collect worming tablet and get ears checked over - 63 squid down and two drowned rats later! Ah well at least its Friday.

    Michelle that's a good one for arf bearing in mind what I look like at the mo!

    Still sticking to my ARF --- SEPTEMBER Earth wind and Fire though!

    Hi hard job rob back for a wee while I see.

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 71.

    Thanks for email Diva - forwarded it to my work one so I can print it off. Toms were rescued and put in greenhouse so we will see what happens over the week-end! Cook shop here I come - Jars - what are those??!!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 72.

    BM - also have the courgette cake book with me today ..... will scan it and email it at lunchtime. If you want to me use a different email just msg me on FB, otherwise I'll send it to the same one I sen tthe chutney one too. Phew.

    Do you have a L@kel@nd near you? We get all our jars from them - they're about 4.99 for 12 jars. Lids, as they say, extra!

    Laters xxxxxx

  • Comment number 73.

    PS: How to ripen toms ..... put in brown paper bag or a drawer with a banana.


  • Comment number 74.

    One of those stores nearby but a town I avoid like the plague! will have a go at the brown paper bag and a nana though! In which case, red tomato chutney!!?

    Mr B going out after lunch so will put own email on fb (have to shut the work system down while he's out!!!!)

    And lets have a really good laugh and see if I can make a cake - be in a courgette one!!!

    Beesmum xxx

  • Comment number 75.

    That means I have to buy cake tins too - this is getting expensive!!!

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 76.

    Annie sweeeetie are you talking to me yet?

    BM xx

  • Comment number 77.

    Might be

  • Comment number 78.


    BM xxx

  • Comment number 79.

    Cripes laydeeez .. if I blanked everyone who's whoooped me at scabs or scraper on FB, I'd have nobody to talk to ...!!!

  • Comment number 80.

    Errol ... if yo're lurking (or MW,a!) - any news yet? How'd it go yesterday? Can I uncross everything yet - I'm getting cramp here! xx

  • Comment number 81.

    Hue and Cry - Labour of Love

    Went to see an intimate gig of theirs last night, WOW.

  • Comment number 82.

    Finishing early this afternoon, then off to see gorgeous little boys, followed by a visit to man in cupboard.

    See you all later, glass of red in hand.

    And I'll beat you on Scrabs/ Scraper yet Bsmum.


  • Comment number 83.

    Watched - God on Trial - last night on the I player...what an amazing and thought provocing drama that is...if you have not seen it yet then i really recommend it ...what ever your tastes

    The ???? where all punctuation marks etc...which seem to have been changed o_O

    I also agree that i should change my name ...but then again I do still love what i do (no I am not a steward..lol...nor do i work in duty free but do spend a lot of time in there )



  • Comment number 84.

    Blimey I just found a recipe of Beetroot Cake on Nigella's website. I don't think even I can justify that one!

    Now attempting to scan the courgette cake recipe in - will email it later.

    B-sMum - tins: again try the L shop (they do fab mail order so you don't have to go into town centres) or Julian Gr@ves if you have one of those.

    0_0_拢拢拢-,,,,,,,!! - secret code!!

    It's STILL raining!

  • Comment number 85.

    Afternoon y'all

    Debbie - bit late now but I agree with TTT, honesty is the best policy and just emphasise how much you love him and wouldn't be without him and how he is as impiortant in your family as his brother. Also, keep it low key or he'll wonder why it's such a big deal.

    MV x

  • Comment number 86.

    Oh, and don't get upset if he builds his real Mum up into a heroine figure. What's important is that he doesn't feel rejected (by her). You'll just have to bite your tongue when you talk about her!!

    MV x

  • Comment number 87.

    Chris - ARF - please can we have You're My Best Friend by Queen for all the bloggers!!!

    MV x

  • Comment number 88.

    Hello hello

    First time on the blog - hi everyone!

    Would love to hear Love Cats by The Cure on ALF.


  • Comment number 89.

    Hello blue eyes

    MV x

  • Comment number 90.

    mv #87 - that's lovely!

    blue-eyes ..... welcome to the blog. the friendliest place on tinterweb!


  • Comment number 91.

    grrr, can't post

  • Comment number 92.


    Debs - not much to add other than we've always been straight with eldest regrding step-parents etc, you'll do what's best that's for sure.

    Changing rooms...well men do wander around 'in the buff', never been an issue for me as I din't realise there was another way from years of playing football 'n' stuff, have to say the communal bath was always an eye-opener!! Haven't a problem with the gay issue, flattered if anyone looks once at me let alone twice, but I do know people who would hate it and would voice their opinions.

  • Comment number 93.

    MrsW and kids are all ill, not nice....me next I guess (hope not)

    Have great weekend


    ARF - Happy Mondays, Step on

  • Comment number 94.

    KW - what's wrong with the rest of the family? Is it a post-holiday cold or worse? Stay healthy, auld friend!

    CtD xxx

    buff eh???? ;-)

  • Comment number 95.

    Sorry to hear the dreaded lurg has hit the W household - always happens when the kids go back to school!

    MV x

  • Comment number 96.

    Arf request - Talking Heads - Nothing But Flowers


    Talking Heads - And She Was


    Talking Heads - Psycho Killer


    Talking Heads - Lifetime Piling Up


    Anything by Talking Heads, except Road to nowhere - unless you really really have to!


    MW, a!

  • Comment number 97.

    slop slop slop - my shoes!!!

    Now that is just Not funny - I am Soaked to the skin again - phone going just as left house lunch time so had to sprint up garden just as the sky decided it wasn't chucking the rain down heavily enough - again! path two inches deep in water and the bird bath now a waterfall!

    Beesmum xxx

    Hi gingembre xxxx

    Diva email on fb

    See you later Annie xxx

  • Comment number 98.

    Hi Gingembre, sorry to hear that everyone's ill. Hope that you don't get 'it' whatever 'it' is. Thanks by the way.

    And thanks MV. He only ever says that he wants nothing to do with his 'real' mum after what happened all those years ago. I'm prepared for that to change one day though.

    She asked me to promise her once that I wouldn't stop him from getting in touch with her. I would never, never do that. He knows that too.

    Debbie x

    PS: Hello blue-eyes welcome aboard!

  • Comment number 99.

    Have sent recipe to AnnieG, boleyngirl and B-sMum.

    anyone else?

    I keep getting funny comments about carrying cookery books everywhere with me!

    Hey ho!

    CtD xxx

    PS: Sigh_Not_Simon .... hellloooooo if you're a'lurkin! xx

  • Comment number 100.

    Oooh don't say things like that. It bothers me greatly.

    P.s. This is my first witterings on here and it's a bit exciting

    P.p.s. I think you should most definitely open tonights show with Burning Love by Elvis... Possibly the greatest love song ever :)

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