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Chris Evans | 15:01 UK time, Monday, 16 June 2008

Enzo has made the Mail !

So the Great Enzo is now "mutt in residence" at the doggie hospital as we all try for one last time to ensure his greatness remains here on earth for a few years longer as opposed to hound dog heaven.

The current state of play is, and please don't be alarmed here, it's something that we have thought about very considerably over the last few weeks, he may have to have a hind leg removed in order to regain his mobility.

His spine was basically shot to pieces, so extraordinary surgery had to be undertaken in order to give him any chance at all of ever walking again. The odds of this surgery being even semi successful were not great but it incredibly has worked because his right leg is now moving voluntarily and has regained almost all of its muscle tone, nothing short of a minor miracle. However his left leg is as interested in recovering as Bernie Eccleston is in being invited to Max Mosely's next afternoon drinks party. In short, the left leg is now becoming the villain of the piece and literally dragging Enzo's chances of survival down with it. The theory is that if it is removed, he will forget it was ever there and quickly adapt to life as a three legged wonder. Drastic I know but it is not uncommon and I'd rather have him hopping around on three legs, as long as he's happy of course, than unable to move at all without being lifted or dragging himself painfully and tragically around.

The next seven days are crucial but you know I think he's going to make it. I went to see him this morning and he's never looked happier, honest.




P.S. This got me to thinking, why don't they have disabled categories at Crufts, like the paralympics ? Or maybe they do. I don't know do I ?


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  • Comment number 1.

    Hey CLP, my cat had to have a leg amputated. I brought him home to recouperate and he jumped out of the window!!! Obviously wasn't bothering him that much!!! If Enzo does have to have that done I'm sure he'll adjust really quickly.

    Right, I've had a mare of a day, I'm off.


  • Comment number 2.

    Hey CLP,
    the other half (final year vet student) has a 3-legged alpaca at their hospital doesn't seem an uncommon thing these days. Definitely a case for a "paralympic crufts". Good luck to Enzo.

    Off to see Twelfth Night tonight, should be good and the weather is holding as well (we're going to the Regents park openair theatre you see)....really quite looking forward to it all.

  • Comment number 3.

    Hi Chris

    It all sounds a bit much for poor old Enzo! I know three legs are better than no legs but he could never be the same old dog, could he? He is a credit to you, your wallet and the ability of the vet. I do hope he gets his many more years lets face it that every dog deserves and he is able to grow older wit grace. ;-)

    Bless him.

    Keith the (NotSo) BigUn

  • Comment number 4.

    Hi Chris,

    Its great Enzo is doing well and I'm sure that without one of his loegs he will continue on his road to recovery.

    One of my neighbours has a three legged alsation and he is just grand. He keeps pace with a springer collie cross and the missing back leg doesn't hold him back at all.

    Have a great shoe tonight.


  • Comment number 5.


    It was really heart worming to read the story in the Mail about Enzo and yourself and its good that you are trying everything possible to make his years as comfortable as possible you are a real credit to dog owners and i know people wil say well its easy for him with all the money youve got but they cant take away the fact that you are trying your best for Enzo and it would be easy to give up but no not you well give Enzo a hug from us all and fingers crossed for the week ahead

  • Comment number 6.


    I opened my Daily Mail (yes I know it's a horrific newspaper!) at lunchtime today and was thrilled to read about Enzo! It's really not the end of the world if he has to lose a leg - my boss's lovely doggie is a three legged wonder and he is loving life completely!

    Great story, great news, God bless Enzo and his lovely mummy and daddy!

    C xx

    P.S. The Blog is going from strength to strength and I do try to keep up, but it's difficult! Love to Mary, and to AS66 who hasn't forgotten us - she'll be back! Hazel, thinking of you always and of course Clodagh.

  • Comment number 7.

    Delighted for all of you - three legs is no handicap, well it sort of is, but you know what I mean!

    I'm equally delighted that he's cheerful and coping oh-so very well. The feelings of guilt and uselessness are dreadful in that situation if one's pet is looking unhappy and can't understand why you won't help.

    He's a bonzer of a dog and, I believe, deserves every chance at continuing to grace this gorgeous earth with his wonderful presence.

    Big hug to Enzo,


  • Comment number 8.

    All fingers and paws crossed here for Enzo. You know he's in the best possible place - we spent six months back and forth to Noel's whilst he rebuilt Beau's knee and back. I've seen many three-legged dogs who cope admirably. I hope Enzo is happy "in residence" - we were told Beau would be in for up to three days after his back op, but they were on the phone just 12 hours after the op begging me to collect our noisy dog! x

  • Comment number 9.

    Aw .... good ole Enzo. What a star! Good luck with his speedy recovery, be it with 4 or 3 legs.

    Rusty - how fantastic!! We went to The Globe the other week and had a ball - I'll be thinking of you enviously as I settle down in front of Corrie or the footie tonight.

    Tinsel - mare of a day: Dr Diva says go open a nice bottle of grown-ups grape juice!

    Keith - laughing at the reference to "wallet" in your post!!! Good one!

    Laters gang.

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 10.

    Aww poor Enzo!!!

    Must be an awful decision to have to make, but you seem to have the right attitude when you say 'as long as he's happy'. Sometimes the right thing for your pet might not be what you want, but its their quality of life that you have to think of - it's good to know there are still responsible pet owners out there!!!

    My friend's hamster lost 2 legs in a horrific accident due to a faulty cage - front left and back right leg gone - poor mite's like a weeble now!!! (showing my age there!)

    However, after a few days Anastasia the hamster was up and about, hobbling along happily, she can even use her ball (just for short periods of time).

    Animals are so resilient, you just gotta have faith :)

  • Comment number 11.

    At the Milky Way farm park in North Devon there has been a sheepdog there for years and years who only has three legs. He's getting on a bit now, but he became one of the biggest attractions. I'm afraid his nickname was tripod - you'll have to do better than that!

    Don't get the Mail but there was a lovely picture of Chris and his wife in the Times yesterday alongside an article about stealing people's names for websites or something. He looks like the cat who stole the cream!

  • Comment number 12.


    It is really weird tho - animals always seem to adjust better to missing a limb than humans, maybe because they don't judge each other the way humans do.

    How many times do you see people SHOUTING LOUDLY AND s l o w l y at other people who are exactly like them, except for maybe they are in a wheel chair, or have some similar disability. Dogs and Cats are different. They meet another one, with a limb missing, and they still sniff their butts quite happily. No Judging.

    Enzo was probably looking happy, because he seen you.

    I Look happy when I see who I love.


  • Comment number 13.


    back from sunny devon/cornwall and had a great time - did i miss much?

    I think enzo will be fine - from the pics he is a very happy dog and his will too live is too strong!

    just typed this one handed as i have a icecream in the other (still on hoilday in my head) and not so slow so well done me

    super bpx

    ps - saw some baby shetland ponies at the weekend - how cute are they :-)

  • Comment number 14.

    Hi Chris

    I just looked at the aticle at the Mail on-line - how unfair was that -
    third line "his 42-year-old-owner" - what the heck has your age got to do with it . . ?

    I feel for you both Chris, I really do . . .

    aged 34

  • Comment number 15.

    ps - what happened to post no 11?

  • Comment number 16.

    I'd love to be referred to as 42, having hit 43 this year!

  • Comment number 17.

    CLP is 42? Same age as Johnny Depp - that explains a lot ;-)

  • Comment number 18.

    DtM - 40 is the new 30 y'know!

    34 .... ah yes, I remember it well ...

    CtD xxx

  • Comment number 19.

    Ah yes, Johnny Depp...cue slushy music and cornfields...

  • Comment number 20.

    Aaah that's made me cry - it's so lovely how you or Enzo will not be beaten.

    Hopes, prayers, the lot, going out to Enzo - you can do it boy

    Liz xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Comment number 21.

    I'm sure Enzo will be great on three legs. I remember now the story of the nieghbours cat that we looked after when they went away on Holiday and my eldest daughter was asked to feed her (she was called Woozle), and one day she came running in and said that the cats leg is hanging off so we all ran over there and yes it was just hanging on by a tendon, it had chewed most of it off, we think it must have got trapped somewhere and the only way to free itself was to try and chew her leg off! so we took her to the vets and they amputated it, so when her owners came home it was a bit of a shock! but she managed really well afterwards and became really well known and loved even more. Animals really are really good at recovery, not like us wet humans!!

    Jenn x

  • Comment number 22.

    boleyngirl .... slushy music and cornfields? Chocolate body paint more like!


    CtD xxx

  • Comment number 23.

    sorry girls - what have I started? :-)

  • Comment number 24.

    Don't be sorry Super BP - whilst the cat's away (or EJR and Gingembre) the mice will play!!


  • Comment number 25.

    cool - if you will file an orderly cue behind me :-)

  • Comment number 26.

    Just returned from a quick stint for Mum's Taxi Services for Teenagers - it's unpaid voluntary work you know, I do it for all the happy chat I get in the car and the effusive thanks when we reach our destination.

    Anyway, I bet Johnny (I've got his film about Jack the Ripper to watch on DVD soon) isn't nearly as much of a laugh as our Chris - or as fond of his dog!

  • Comment number 27.

    Goodluck to Enzo, so lovely that you are giving him every chance possible CLP!

    By the way boleyngirl, sounds a bit like Mum's Laundry Services for Teenagers. I do it for the pleasure of remembering what his bedroom carpet looks like.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 28.

    Wow! Reading all the teen taxi service / laundry service comments makes me really, really glad I didn't have any children!!

    We've got a friend with 3 teenagers - most of his non-work time is spent being an uber-dad. I take my hat off to him but I really don't think I could do it.

    Viva La Diva!

    Cheryl xxxxx

  • Comment number 29.

    Well done CLP
    Enzo looks fine - wonder why right leg OK and left still not working. Did they try all that electro muscle stimulation stuff or just hydro etc therapy?

    However, I agree with DWNB pets just seem to adapt and if it is causing pain he will probably be relieved!

    Loads of hugs

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 30.

    Aye Debbie, am in that too.

    By the way, as a very recent new blogger I have just realised that I may be committing a huge faux pas by referring to Chris as Chris; can I ask what CLP stands for so I don't make such a spectacle of myself again?

  • Comment number 31.

    boleyngirl: Christophe Lambie Pie! x

  • Comment number 32.

    Oh sillly me, I should have realised.

  • Comment number 33.

    Ah but boleyngirl, do you find the clean, neatly folded clothes back in the washing basket? It is closer to his bed than the wardrobe you see!

    Bless him
    Debbie x

  • Comment number 34.

    Three legs need be no handicap, a couple of years ago I was organising a fun dog show and joked that at our event we didn't care about length of stifle or two testicles descended into the scrotum and all that Cruftsy stuff. In fact we didn't even mind how many legs the dogs had.
    Several three-legged dog owners responded and formed a three-legged dog agility team - they were great! All three had loved agility before they became amputees and their owners found that when their stitches healed the doggies still loved to jump.
    Back leg rather than front leg seems the easiest. There is a famous two legged dog in America - and that still manages to get around - I've seen the footage. Even manages the stairs!
    We're putting on the the Cold Wet Nose Show this year in Guildford and if anyone has a three legged dog that like to do agility we'd love to form another display team to give Enzo and Chris a bit of moral support.
    Tripods unite! Contact me via the blog on the cold wet nose website if you want to show off your three legged dog! (www.thecoldwetnoseshow.co.uk)
    Cheers and love to Enzo

  • Comment number 35.


    I was parked up near some woods the other day as I was early for a meeting so had some spare time, and this couple pulled up and they and their three-legged dog got out of the car and wandered off, very happily, into the woods. The dog was coping brilliantly and looked as happy as a sand boy/dog : )
    Good luck to Enzo xx



    ps 44 is the new 34

  • Comment number 36.

    Well, Debbie, you need to rearrange the room quickly. That is a bridge too far.

    Off to Mum's kitchen now to lovingly prepare some healthy, tasty and generally heartwarming food.

  • Comment number 37.

    PS Is it too early for a glass of wine?

  • Comment number 38.

    No course not....enjoy!

    Back later,
    Debbie x

  • Comment number 39.

    First off, fingers and everything else crossed for the lovely Enzo, he'll be a happy three legged hound 'cos he's got his family and lots of people sending good vibes.

    Whew, I go off-blog for less than three days and there's so much to catch up on, have resorted to a list, sorry if I miss anyone:

    Thanks to B-s Mum I joined fb on Friday - found lots of bloggers and some old pals too. And B-s Mum and meandjumpingbean - the chocolate cake picture is there because I like it (too much!)and can't find a picture of me... spend my time behind the camera, not in front!

    Susan - I asked for Don't Stop Me Now for CtD and EJR, but I think I frightened the young guy on the end of the phone, will be less excitable next time! Birthday plans, well, weather permitting some friends are coming over for a bbq, so look out for monsoons over the South East on Sunday!

    EJR - you're ok I'm a rubbish shot and you're an awful long way away! Happy Birthday for yesterday btw. Still singing DSMN or have you changed the CD?

    Tinsel - hope tomorrow's a better day, was off sick myself today.

    Gingembre - IM on FB, whilst listening to CLP - v funny!

    I'm loving the Humph snippets that Chris is playing, I used to laugh so much at I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue that I had to turn it off if I was driving, nearly ended up in a ditch once!

    Well, best pop off and find something to eat, Happy Monday/Tuesday to all.



  • Comment number 40.

    Ha-ha! I got bingoed for referring to the item that you use to take corks out of bottles! Better stick to wineboxes eh?!


  • Comment number 41.

    Hi Blogers and blogettes!

    Sorry I haven't been on here for what seems ages. I actually just think I needed a blog break, both on here and on my blog.

    So whats the gos?

    What has Super B said what has got everyone going?! Tell me tell me!

    Em- Wow so good to see you. Sorry I was in lala land when we met, to bust dusting and tidying!

    Right must go and lie down but I will be back later, Love to all, missy xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Yo CLP, Yo ALL Bloggers, Bingo Star ere.......

  • Comment number 43.

    The Enzo - Ave got me fingers crossed......

  • Comment number 44.

    That the old boy will be ok..........

  • Comment number 45.

    And am sure 'e will. Yer know animals adapt..........

  • Comment number 46.

    And a far tougher than us lame 'umans - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 47.

    'And are far tougher' a mean't..........

  • Comment number 48.

    Hello lovelies. CtD - I have taken the good doctor's advice. I went to the allotment and spent a happy hour talking to the other people there (everyone's so nice, like dog owners!!) and watering my plants, and I now have large glass of red and feeling much more relaxed.

    SuperBP - stop with the cute baby shetland ponies - I'll want one!!!!

    Missy, hope you're ok - lovely to see you.

    How funny was the show? When CLP asked that man about the cold tits - is it cos of the weather??? ha ha ha ha ha (or is it just me who thought that was hilarious???)

    Right, off to continue taking my medicine ;-)

    T xxx

  • Comment number 49.

    Aye Christoof man, ahhhhh yes The Mosley..........

  • Comment number 50.

    And The Bernie Ecc.... Bernie reminds me of a little dog......

  • Comment number 51.

    Maybe a Scottish Terrier!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 52.

    Wnoder if The Mosley likes studded dog collors???@?

  • Comment number 53.

    Chow............ for now all!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 54.

    Evening each

    Just can't keep up with you all these days. Welcome back Missy. Wonder where Clodagh is? Hope she's ok.

    Poor Enzo! Hope he'll keep well, I'm sure he knows he's loved a lot.

    Bingo: Off to good old Geordie land on Friday. Wheyayman!!!!

    Had a great weekend in Inverary, catching up with family at the latest wedding. Gorgeous weather - Loch Fyne was beautiful, family were outrageous, as usual. The younger ones in the family left the bar at 5am on Sunday m orning!!!!

    I am busy scratching the midgie bites on my head and neck. Yuck.

    Anne xx

  • Comment number 55.


    Hope Enzo comes out of this ok :)

    Steve :)

  • Comment number 56.

    Why do dogs always break our hearts eh? Hope Enzo pulls on through Chris - you are a top chapo and no mistake.

    CtD - hope the acupuncture works but if not and you fancy me trying that spine walking business then my athlects shoes are on stand by ;)

    Annie - I have moved on to the INXS greatest hits but Don't Stop Me Now has become my official anthem when starting out in the morning!!!

    Speaking of which - off I go...Milford Sound today or TeAnu (depends how i feel when I get to Te Anu)...have a nice eve all!!!

    "Don't Stop Me Noooooooooow I'm having such a good time - I'm having a baaaaalll"

    xxx laters

    Easyjobrob (His name is rob and he thinks he has an easy job - but he can't remember what it is right now ;) )

  • Comment number 57.

    Rob, my dear: Just Don't stop now. Keep on having a wonderful time.

    Anne xx

  • Comment number 58.

    How gorgeous is Enzo. I'm not a dog person by any stretch of the imagination but he's really got me! I'm sure he'll do just fine if he ends up having to only have 3 legs. If it means more mobility for him, that can only be a good thing eh.

    Found myself sitting next to the hugest dog ever (or so it felt) on Sunday waiting for Mr Jumpingbean to cross the finish line, looked more like a huge wolf than a dog but was so well behaved and was loving the attention. His human told me that he (the dog) was a bit confused, he was so used to seeing his mummy on a bike with a cycle helmet on that he was thinking everybody walking past with a bike and helmet was mummy. Mummy was still an hour away though.....

    Have a great day Rob! Looking forward to the next installment :)



  • Comment number 59.

    Hey guys!

    I had Queen Greatest Hits on in the car this morn and had my very own "Wayne's World" moment to Bohemian .... then DSMN came on and well, a happy day was had!

    INXS - I love that line from Never Tear Us Apart ... "we all have wings, but some of us don't know why". Beautiful. A tragic waste of a life, but certainly a bizarre way to sign out. Nuff said.

    Rob - may take you up on that me dear - not sure about trainers tho. If you're a size 7 I have some divine pink kitten heels. Promise it'll be our secret hun!!

    Lovely pix by the way! That's pix. Not pecs.

    Sorted our chums birthday outing today - 28th June. Big smoke again. Can't wait. The offer still stands if you wanna join us!

    My boss goes on holiday on Wednesday - I can't wait to be honest - she's a bit on the tetchy side at the mo. I'll be able to have the radio on all day - hurrah!!!

    Right, off to check FB - break on through to the other side, as Jimbo once warbled.

    Love 'n' stuff

    CtD x x x

  • Comment number 60.

    Clodagh: Got a message on fb that you'd posted. Glad you're ok.

    Isn't this internet network fabbie??

    Anne xx

  • Comment number 61.

    Most of the time Anne, most of the time!

    I've never been bingoed but keep getting frozen out of FB tonight ... Grrrrr!!!

    I'm giving up - time to cheer on Austria in the footie, even tho they're a goal down.

    Sleep tight beautiful people.

    Cheryl x x x

    PS: EJR - don't you sleep tight as you're probably driving down some tumbleweed-ridden highway right now!!

  • Comment number 62.

    CtD - 28th June sounds good, tempted hehe!

    As for INXS, still haven't dug out that CD must do it tomorrow. Suicide Blonde, Mystify....yep bring it on.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 63.

    Me too, fb is a nightmare tonight! Thought it was my computer.


  • Comment number 64.

    And I always wanna be naughty (if you know what I mean) when I hear Need You Tonight.

    Oh yeh!!!

    LOL Debbie - I thought it was my PC too. P'raps FB's tired.

    See y'all tomorrow peeps.

    Cheryl x x x

  • Comment number 65.

    Oh Christoff! What a worry for you! But if losing the leg will elongate his life, it is a small price to pay, and he’ll soon get used to hobbling around! Will be sending up lots of prayers that the right decisions are made for him. Thanks for keeping us posted!

    Now … I have a bone to pick (and also need to listen again as missed some of the show). I had to snooze after tea - long day, yada, yada …. there I was, enjoying my rest when Mr Highland appeared with a tape measure, saying he had to check out something he heard you say .. then he proceeded to check and said, ‘Yup, 11 inches right enough!’!!! What were you thinking, Christoff!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Honestly! How is a lass to get her rest when you suggest silly things like that!?

    Anyway, need to go - busy day the moro too!!



  • Comment number 66.

    fb working ok now - boy what a day/weekend.
    Anniemac - can't get used to annie oakley -slap -must try harder - put bbq sauce recipe on fb - watch your fingers! hot!sticky!

    DSMN?? mmmmmmmmmmm -get a grip woman!

    AF / Anne -don't know about beam me up to scotland - need to be much further away! hey - Ejr beam me down!

    doggy snoring so should I - nite all!

    Group hug - missy/me/hazel/mary and any one else who wants to join

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 67.

    Evening dear bloggers, blogettes and variants on the above!

    How was our manic Monday? Not here for long as fingers are not working and typos are horrendous and time consuming to fix!! Our wee lass decided not to sleep til way after midnight last night and I had to be up at 6.30am to start my new job at 7.30am! So mind very befuddled!!! New job is actually in an alcohol rehab I worked in 10 years ago, so it was very dejavu!!

    21 week scan in afternoon was awesome! Praise God all is well with baby, who was not at all obliging for the sonographer! But the placenta is low lying, which could cause same complications as before if it doesn't move. Hey-ho! Baby entertained us with much stretching, waving of limbs, kicking the scanner, and hiccuping. And when sonographer finished with me, wee lass thought it only right that her doll, Lucy, should be scanned, and promptly plonked her on the bed!

    Hope you are all hale and hearty! Catch up soon!



  • Comment number 68.

    You are joking Sus - did he really? cheeky!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 69.

    68 was for the booby thing -this is for 67 -weird - but sweet - hope person scanned dolly?

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 70.

    just spotted a tape measure - knew I was weird - 9 1/2 or 10 ins at a push! new bra too!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 71.

    LOL! Beesmum - yes, he did!!! I didn't know what was happening!! I'm going to have to listen again to hear what all the shennanigans were about!!

    Bizarrely, it was my sister's tape measure he borrowed ... and guess what she does?! She measures for bras at markies!!!! LOL!!!

    Still not understanding what on earth it was all about!!

  • Comment number 72.

    And. no, sonographer had cleaned scanner and wee lass got all embarrassed that we had noticed her putting Lucy on the bed, so she whipped it off!!!

  • Comment number 73.

    morning all...

    ...another fine day in Gotham City!

    Good luck to Enzo, hope all works out ok x

    Bought a new scanner yesterday, so spent last night going thro' loads of old pics and sticking them on the computer. (there's a few on fb, sorry laydees but I'm no EJR!!)

    Off to work later, late shift today.

    Have a great one

    Bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 74.

    Morning all

    First off Enzo...as long as hes happy money doesn't matter, I know I would sell my soul for Molly if it helped her so do whatever you think is best for him.

    Secondly sorry I havent been here since Thursday, Doctor decided I needed to go to hospital Friday evening, but I'm still no further forward as they have to do tests and they wont be for a few more weeks so I'm suffering (tho not so silently :P )

    Stay safe all

    Sara xxxx

  • Comment number 75.

    Morning all, quiet this morning - or am I just up early for once??

    Glad to hear scan went well Susan, can't wait til mine on Friday!

    Sara I must have missed something, but I'm glad that whatever is happening with you is at least being looked at - sounds like you must have had a long wait to be seen? Last I remember was thinking oh - warcraft - nope, that wasn't the one I was thinking of! My brother is into that but I never had time and now think that would be the end of any possibility of productivity here ;) doesn't take much to distract me as it is!

    Gingembre - don't do yourself down! ;) Enjoy your morning :) xx

    Right, off to make the most of the morning, see how much I can get done before the brain says enough and shuts down again.



    PS no update from the land of the long white cloud this morning???

  • Comment number 76.

    Morning all,
    Well we had a fab evening at the openair theatre. Really enjoyed my first experience of Shakespeare (well first experience "live" outside of school, haha). The other half has seen many of the plays before and also enjoyed last night, so that was good.
    And a lovely morning for a cycle to work as well

  • Comment number 77.

    Ah Gingemembre, I had a quick scan of the pics and they are lovely! Dont do yourself down!

    Susan and Madjumpingbean, all this talk of babies and scans is making me all gooey, (but only for the slightest moment - back to debaucherous evenings with white wine and lie-ins for me!) its so lovely! Little bundles of joy, ahwww. x

    Have a great day one and all, I vote we all finish work early and head for the nearest garden loungers!

    KJR x

  • Comment number 78.

    ah sorry meandjumpingbean, bad typing shouldnt rush, I called you 'mad'jumping bean.... whoops sorry *blushes*

    KJR x

  • Comment number 79.

    madjumpingbean could quite easily be used to describe the thing inside me....!

  • Comment number 80.

    My colleague is due to have her new bean in 3 weeks and he (its a boy!) has taken to pushing his fist so far out you can actually see it. Its really weird, like something out of alien!

    KJR x

  • Comment number 81.

    thank you for the kind words...

    ...you obviously didn't look at my "Back in the day" album???

    Ironing calls, byeeeeee

  • Comment number 82.

    Morning everyone!

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE three-legged dogs and I've always wanted a no-tailed cat. Don't worry though, I won't be de-tailing my kittens when they're born.

    Tinsel - feel free to suggest kitten names (at the minute, it's October for the girl and Mani for the boy - if we're lucky to get one of each).

    CtD - Singapore Sling, eh? I'll google the recipe in your honor. How's the new Marian Keyes, by the way? Is she on form?

    Clodagh - great to hear from you on previous blog. Glad all's good with you and yours.

    Rusty - How was Twelth Night? I've been eyeballing Romeo and Juliet tickets in Stratford in December. Congrats on being the ARF chosen one!

    Susan S - how's the new job?

    Gingembre - I am SOOOOOOOOOO jealous of your fb photos - fabulous!

    Happy Booze-day everyone,

    Rosie x

  • Comment number 83.


    HLSusan - how was the first day at work? Do tell .....

    Sara - hope that whatever it is sorts itself out soon. Until such time, we're all here!

    I don't know what it is about pregnancy but it just freaks me out. Just the thought of a fist protruding from ones belly makes me feel all weird. Don't get me wrong, I'm a fantastic aunt/God Mother, but the mum thing just isn't for me.

    Changing the subject ... can I recommend to you all my fave new dessert .....

    Strawberries and chocolate spread!!

    Yes - strawbs and choc spread. You have to semi-melt the choc spread in the microwave and then pour the warm choccyness over the room temperature strawbs. Mr Diva popped out to see a friend last night so I indulged myself in strawbs and choc spread .... heavenly!!! Trust me!!!

    Quite a bit to do today, which is nice! Will nip in as and when time/boss out allows!

    Oh and Gingembre ..... don't be so critical dear. You can arrest me anytime!!

    Take care peeps.

    CtD xxx

  • Comment number 84.

    RosieRoo - the Marian Keyes book is fantastic! without giving too much away, she's really written this one from the heart but still has the skill to have you in tears of laughter one minute and despair the next.

    I'd gladly donate a kidney to have a fraction of that woman's writing talent.

    Much love.

    Cheryl x x x

  • Comment number 85.

    Hello lovelies. ((hopeseternal)) I wish you better. It's horrid having to wait for stuff like that.

    Susan, scan sounds lovely! hope the dolly did get scanned too!

    However, wasn't the 11 inches for men only??? Think Mr Susan was taking advantage of your sleepy state ha ha!!

    Gingembre, haven't seen your photo yet, but Im sure you look lovely (are you wearing the stab vest combo by any chance???)

    Well I'm feeling a bit calmer today - am vowing not to let annoying people get to me!! Deep breaths, in with anger, out with love and all that!!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 86.

    Hurrah Christoff that's excellent news about Enzo. That candle lit in his honour in St. Peter's in Drogheda musta done the business, marvellous.

    It's a funny old business with the pets isn't it. I'm sure non-pet owners think it's absolutely barmy to go to the extremes we do to care for them but the fact is that they pull on the heart strings with equal force to our kids and our grannies; we're responsible for them, see. And yes, our heads tell us we cannot give them the same priority but our hearts send the opposite message and we'll go to the ends of the earth to ensure their well-being.

    Well, if you're a decent person, that is. Don't get me started on the owners of fighting dogs for instance. It'd be them hoppin' around on one leg if I got within slappin' distance of 'em. And not because the leg wasn't workin'.

    Any road up. Just off to convene with the nightmare squirrel-chasin', bat-huntin' cousin Baz. His missus is just back from New Zealand so he's bin on his own for 3 weeks, reckons he's got scurvy and 3rd degree burns to his ear after I rang him up while he was tryin' to do the ironin'.

    See yers later. Tell yous all about Say No To Lisbon. Hurrah.


  • Comment number 87.

    Ooh Clodagh how lovely to see you. Hope Renee's doing ok???

    CtD - strawberries and warm chocolate, sounds divine. Or if you have no strawberries, just pour warm chocolate straight in mouth ;-)

    T xx

  • Comment number 88.

    Just charging through - imagine road runner!

    Morning each - cant wait to see pics when check fb tonight gingembre!

    CtD - agree - nice for others but like alien to me! up with god mothers and aunties! we can hand them back!!! bliss!

    Group hug getting bigger - now Sara and of course Enzo!

    Back later

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 89.

    Tinsel - a gal after my own heart!! Will remember that for when the strawbs have all gone! LOL!!

    C x x x

  • Comment number 90.

    beep beep

  • Comment number 91.

    Can I just come into the group hug for the fun of it? Feeling a bit more human now but can never have too many hugs in ones life!

    C x x x

  • Comment number 92.

    Brings a whole new meaning to hot chocolate drink.... We went to Riga for a couple of days last year, and went to a chocolate heaven place there. After eating (everything had chocolate in some form in it, including the broccoli and stilton and white chocolate soup) I asked for a chocolate - I'd seen some gorgeous looking ones in a display cabinet, I didn't mind what I was given just as long as there was only one of it (given that I'm diabetic, this was only sensible).

    They brought me a milk chocolate with hazelnut.


    Liquid chocolate.

    Crushed hazelnut on top.

    In a shot glass.




  • Comment number 93.

    CtD now in group hug xxxx

    beep beep

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 94.

    Budge up, can I have a hug too :-) x

  • Comment number 95.

    Of course Debs xx

    Beesmum xx

    beep beep

  • Comment number 96.

    Hi Guys

    Off from work with a sore back so will manage to be around more than normal............

    Hope I am not bingo'd too often!

  • Comment number 97.

    Aww cath - you have my sympathies. take it easy.

    Cheryl xxxx

  • Comment number 98.

    Hiya everyone,

    Can I join in the group hug please - no sign of work yet but I'm still working on it.

    Cathmel - take care
    Hopeseternal - hope the appointment goes well

    Sorry this won't be a HighlandS moment I canna do those.

    CtD - Strawberries - mmmmmm we always go pick your own and its great that they don't weigh us on the way in and out as we eat just as much as we pick. Yummy with cream, chocolate and oddly a tiny bit of salt also brings out different flavour. Now I know why I like using chocolate fountains with fruit.

    Gingembre you can join me in the photo department and just enjoy the photos we take. I'll find some more hot air balloon ones for everyone to enjoy.

  • Comment number 99.

    Can I squeeze in the group hug? Promise I won't squeeze those in pain!!!

    Got to do a road runner myself!! Got to get lunch organised for the troops then work again at 2.30pm.

    Have a tremendous Tuesday all!!!


    Susan S

  • Comment number 100.

    Ello, 'ighland Lass do yer getta free choco flake if yer #99!!!!!



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