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Chris Evans | 15:11 UK time, Monday, 7 January 2008

So here's my news....

.... New Dog on the Blockl. Her name is Beth, she is seven weeks old and we get her the week after next. A German Shepherd little girlfriend for Enzo.

More doggy news, Enzo is to be a cover star, I think, well at least "heavily featured," in Dogs Today magasine, how about that ?

Christmas was ace, Bill's weddding was brilliant, Nat's birthday (the same day !) had to be postponed till the next day but then ended up in a three day magical mystery tour of gorgeous hotels, all chosen for their divine food. Von Essen hotels, all great, seriously treat yourself. By the way, the 1st of Jan - night time, the best day for hotel deals in the whole year. I love a bargain.

Back at the factory now where everyone seems to be surprisingly upbeat, almost moreso than before Crimbo..

I have my pilot's licence test scheduled for Friday, weather dependent, so early night's all week this week and then a wing (rotating) and a prayer come friday.

Hope you're all well. No, really.





  1. At 03:25 PM on 07 Jan 2008, Elm wrote:

    hello world

    those keeping up with the blog will notice some of us worked over Chrimbo and as much as we like to hear about those who ahve had nice long holidays, some of us have had no break at all - who puts year end (in a financial term) in dec anyway - those who don't have to work over Chrimbo, thats all!

    Anyway back to normal traffic this morning!

    Elm x

  2. At 03:31 PM on 07 Jan 2008, Angie Warby wrote:

    Hi Chris and team happy new year to all of you. glad your back missed you all. love Angie xx

  3. At 03:35 PM on 07 Jan 2008, Em M wrote:

    Hi Chris, glad all is well with you, didn't miss my lunchtime job at all today but missed the lovely lady I worked with. Great to be childminding again, and my gorgeous little eight year old got a headteacher's award for 100% spellings last term. so all is great in the Main household.

    Happy new year and good luck in your test,

    Em xx

  4. At 03:43 PM on 07 Jan 2008, Phoenix wrote:

    Welcome back Chris,

    You definitely have a spring in the step - typographically speaking.

    Good to hear that The Test is coming up - all the best for the day - weather wishes are for a clear day.

    Hello to all the bloggers and lurkers - I'm off for a game of badders this evening.

    Phoenix out

  5. At 03:57 PM on 07 Jan 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Hello guys

    Welcome back CLP, missed you! German Shepherd puppies are so cute with their floppy ears and over sized paws. How exciting.

    Missy - the pictures look fab. Much better than the pictures I took of George Michael at Wembley last year. I hope that you aren't suffering too much now though x

    Ok guys help. What do you do when your son's 17 year old girlfriend phones you to have a go at you for being too strict on your son? I know what I want to do but realistically not a good idea! Very worried about my boy at the moment.

    Apart from the blip with the phone call, 2008, so far so good.

    Love to all
    Debbie xx

    P.S Hi Candles x

  6. At 03:58 PM on 07 Jan 2008, Wickerman wrote:

    Great to have you back radio not the same with out you good to hear about new puppy for Enzo i am sure he will enjoy . Good luck with the pilots test sure you will pass regards to Nat hope you have a great 08

  7. At 04:03 PM on 07 Jan 2008, Sammie wrote:


    Ooooh, I've missed you and the gang!

    I've also missed the lovely people from here too.

    Come on chaps - back into it!!!

    S xx.

  8. At 04:04 PM on 07 Jan 2008, Wickerman wrote:

    Great to have you back,hope the puppy is good for Enzo best wishes to you and Nat hope 08 is good for you both

  9. At 04:07 PM on 07 Jan 2008, DawnieLass wrote:

    Happy New Year CLP!! I've decided in 2008 to dip my toe in to the pool of the Blog. Read it for most of last year and feel I know most of you reeally well. Roll on 5.00 - can't wait!!

  10. At 04:18 PM on 07 Jan 2008, wrote:

    I hope the blog isn't sick still I tried to blog so many times in the few days with no luck.

    Anyway I'm so glad you are back CLP

    C x

  11. At 04:28 PM on 07 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:

    A veritable jolly by the sounds of it!

    We had a good Christmas too...no weddings, but two birthdays, then my lovely mum's was last week and she was poorly sick, so we couldn't get to see her...

    Also...is it bad luck to open Christmas pressies after twelfth night? I only ask as we still have hers because she was staying chez ma tante...also a good hotel if you can get in...

    chocks away

    ps SOOOOOOOO good to have you back, but a BIG thank you to Uncle Bob...really soothing on the way home!

    Good job, Bob...

  12. At 04:31 PM on 07 Jan 2008, ChrissieS wrote:

    Chris, happy 2008 to you and Natasha. I hope you both have a great year ahead.

    Did a quick Google on the hotels - I quite fancy the Royal Crescent in Bath!

    Happy New Year to everyone on Chris's blog - of course a "mixed bag" lies ahead for all of us, but whatever happens, at least we can help each other a little!

    Have now just about recovered from the dreaded flu which I have been battling since 20th December. I must confess I have been feeling quite sorry for myself!

    Hope everyone is recovering from the utter trauma of the alarm going off early this morning!

    C xx

  13. At 04:33 PM on 07 Jan 2008, Louise wrote:

    yipppeeeeeee....... you're back!
    glad to read you and will be glad to hear you at 5pm!

    bestest love for 2008

    Leb x

  14. At 05:08 PM on 07 Jan 2008, Di wrote:

    Debbie (5)

    For what it's worth, this is my advice.

    Son's girlfriend is out of order. Talk to your son but don't respond to her. Sounds like she's playing the power game.

  15. At 05:12 PM on 07 Jan 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Greetings Ter CLP & ALL Of.... The Blog,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Good ter ave you back CLP & i'd just like ter wish you & ALL of.... The Drivetime Mega Team, a most operationally beautiful 2008!!!!!!

    CLP - 'ow interesting ter 'ear Tash is a capricorn. Aye CLP yuv landed a good catch there man.
    Capricorns are said ter be the most level 'eaded of all the astro signs (bit of every other sign in theres) & the most passionate - know what am sayin'!!!!!!

    Imagine aving yer birthdee on New Years eve too, nearly as crayzee as Christmas day like Annie Lennox!!!!!

    All I can say CLP is aries & capricorn are a pretty good match astro wise but there is an element were you both might clash abit is yer both wanter be the boss.
    If you both can overcome this possible clash i'm sure you both are made for each other - know what am sayin' ere CLP!!!

    Aries are natual leaders but capricorns want their own way too, apart from that if you are both typical of your signs you should be a good match... and very passionate, plus both very ebergetic/ 'ardworking!!!!

    I wish you, CLP & Tash all the best & 'ope you finally both ave met the one!!!!!!

    My fav person ever was an aries - me grandmother - I remember we got on very well except for the time when I was 4 and the gas board were digging up the road in front of 'er 'ouse.
    I decided ter copy them and took up aload of the paving tiles in me grandparents driveway & dug a 18" deep 'ole/ trench.
    I was only tryin' ter bang in a new gas pipe for me nan!!!!!!!
    (Sometimes yer get no damn thanks for yer DIY skills - am tellin' yer!!!!!)

    Apart from that we were like that - like that meaning we got on well!!!

    Tinsel - Thanks for remembering about me birthday - a weel terdee, the 14th.
    I'll be errrr....... 'old on just work it out on me fingers........ ........... ................... errrrrrrrrrrr..... ........ on the 14th i'll be 82!!!!

    Well feel 82 anyway - know what am sayin'!!!!!!!

    While were still on this astro stuff - it's the birthday termoz (8th) of one of our greatest singers ever.... not talkin' about the Shirley Bassey, although it iz 'ers termoz.
    Not talkin' about David Bowie, although it iz 'is termoz too.
    It would ave been the Kings, aka Elvis's birthdee termoz!!!!!!!!

    CLP - Any chance of some Elvis on the Drivetime gig - great if yer could CLP man!!!!!


  16. At 05:55 PM on 07 Jan 2008, Tinsel wrote:

    Trying again - apologies if this comes up 3 times!!!!

    WOO HOO you're back!!! I have a new dog on the block too, a gorgeous rescue greyhound called Lucy! I've tried to weigh her but she won't get on the scales with me!!

    Debbie - I have a 17yr old daughter and both she and her bf think I'm too strict too, after laying down the law over xmas. I,d tried being all tolerant and friendly and 'laid back mum' and they just took the mick!! So new rule is that I pay the bills and so things are done my way. When she is earning her own money and paying for her own food, accommodation, etc etc etc, then she can do what she likes, until then, she has to respect my wishes (which includes him NOT virtually living here which he had been doing!!). It was tough for a few days, but things seem to have calmed down now.

    Prob no help, but good luck with whatever you decide to do!

    Happy new year everyone!!!!!!


  17. At 05:57 PM on 07 Jan 2008, martin james wrote:

    Rotating wing? I was completely thinking fixed wing, R22? Caught man-flue a few days ago... Laura...Laura...!

    m xxx

  18. At 06:05 PM on 07 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Hi chris.....its me again john and helen...

    Happy new year...

    I thought i would make contact via here your blog.....I have sent you an email today as well....and wondered if you have passed your bike test, although its too cold for riding at the moment. What sort of bike will you be looking for? I think you know my brother you met him some time ago in Godalming he owns thye bike shop remember?

    anyway good luck for Friday...

  19. At 06:22 PM on 07 Jan 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Di thanks.

    Unfortunately just had words with him over the situation. I have asked him to get her to apologise but he appears too scared to. I told him that he shouldn't really have to ask her if she was a nice person anyway.

    I am so upset by the situation.

    Ho hum, must reach for the Kalms!

    Debbie xx

  20. At 07:23 PM on 07 Jan 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Oh dear, I am so sorry for coming back here like this so quickly but it has really hit the fan!

    Darling son texted darling girlfriend telling her that I wanted an apology. I then received a call saying 'I just wanted to know what you think I should be sorry for'. After trying to get a word in edgeways I inform her not to phone the house again. After ignoring a series of calls her mother calls me. Explaining to me that my house rules are very restrictive and I am too strict. Basically she is happy for boys to stay and sleep in her daughters room and I don't allow it here. She then told me that she knew that I wasn't much older than her eldest and that I am his step mother and he is fearful of me. I had to hang up.

    I am devastated. I have been his 'mum' since he was 3. He has called me mum since he was 4.

    Am I wrong here? I am questioning everything.

    So so sorry for going on. Off to pour a large glass of wine.

    Tinsel thanks too by the way.

    Debbie x

  21. At 08:24 PM on 07 Jan 2008, martin james wrote:

    I had a nice christmas, good company, good food - got a shiny new saucepan, thanks Jackie, to help start my new year off with good cooking resolutions. Brought a very posh soup/stew ladel in the sale, but gave it to my mum as I realised I couldn`t do justice to it.

    I see Billy had a good wedding spread in the Daily Telegraph, hope she didn`t mind.

    The man-cold/flu has really taken over - can you overdose on honey Lockets?

    Good luck Chris for Friday, if you get lost, do what I do on MS Flight Sim, hover and slowly spin round until you get your bearings! I`ve seen Neil Fox in his whirlybird, ex navy Gazelle, lucky boy.

    m xxx

  22. At 08:27 PM on 07 Jan 2008, clodagh wrote:

    Debbie. Sweetheart please don't doubt yourself.

    This is outrageous behaviour on the part of what sounds like a spoilt girl and her stupid, bullying mother.

    Look. Whatever your house rules are, you are entitled to enforce them and in the fullness of time your stepson will be grateful that you have cared enough to follow your instincts. He will respect you and that's all that matters here. Given the problems you've dealt with recently I'd say you're a lovely, caring person who maybe frets a little too much but who truly cares for her family, and it's to your credit that you refer to your stepson as your son when, yes, indeed, you're not such a lot older yourself.

    It's a shame you didn't just ignore this fledgling bully of a girl. It's scintillatingly audacious of her to confront you in this manner, and I'd lay bets that she is unhappy and insecure beneath her belligerent veneer, or she wouldn't have to try to be so controlling. And this chicken will come home to roost, trust me. However, it's opened up a Pandora's Box, and now I'd say you need your husband to step in to call a halt to it all; not just for your sake but especially for his son's. After all, he is his role model and if he shows weakness in the face of this, what sort of message is that sending to his boy?

    I'm so angry for you. But keep your dignity, stay true to your principles and keep communication with your son. Tell him you love him. That's enough. He has his life ahead of him to make his own decisions, and if he's secure in the knowledge that he's loved and cherished, they'll be good ones.

    I wish you well, sweetie.


  23. At 09:33 PM on 07 Jan 2008, jennifer gardner wrote:

    so good to have you back on the radio did'nt think I would miss you so much!! glad you had a great christmas me toooo love jenn x x

  24. At 09:45 PM on 07 Jan 2008, lazykev wrote:

    wing and a prayer sounds like your practicising for goverment or when you start running the country at least good to be back

  25. At 10:35 PM on 07 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Missed you sooooooo much driving home from work and evening times although I was out of the country for Christmas!

    You said today you needed somewhere for you and Natasha to go to this month - well Saturday is my birthday party. Of course you are both invited and any of the crew who are at a loose end on Saturday evening (12.1.08), party starts at 8 pm although people will be arriving for the weekend from Friday afternoon.

    It's usually a very good 'do' I have one every year and they seem to get bigger and better (like my age). I think last year I had 74 people at home of all ages from teens upwards to grannies!!! We were hooting and roaring until the small hours.

    Should be a really good do again this year.

    Hope you can come?

    I have followed you from Radio 1 to Virgin to Radio 2 and everywhere in between including television, and I do miss your Friday night Channel 4 slots! I know it was a long time ago and will show my age (and yours!).

    Glad you are getting another dog to keep Enzo company. Will you be breeding from her?

    My love to Natasha - glad you went to Billy's wedding. I went home tonight and looked at my wedding photos to see if I had "the smile" on my wedding days!

    Lots of love and stuff


  26. At 12:48 AM on 08 Jan 2008, Viv wrote:

    Good luck for Beth. We had a German Shepherd - rescue - when 3 months old - a good boy - but unfortunately became epilectic at 3 years and we lost him before four years - it seems a trait in German Shepherds and Collies

  27. At 01:06 AM on 08 Jan 2008, Ma Broon wrote:

    Hi Chris and a Happy New Year.

    One thing which always impresses me when I read your blogs is your mature relationship with your ex wife Billie. Isn't it nice that you can still look out for each other and go to each others Weddings? Wish someone loved me that way sob sob...

  28. At 02:13 AM on 08 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, all! My new year resolution this year is to blog here more often!

    Almost dying because of the heat here in Oz at the moment- usually hovering around 40C- but at least I don't have to put up with the flu that seems to be making its way through all of you. Got that to look forward to in winter, I suppose!

    VaughnJess from Down Under

  29. At 02:20 AM on 08 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Hi Chris, yep 2008 here we go again, another year, so what tips do you have on developing business ideas for 2008, can you do something on your show to give some inspiration to us budding entrepreneurs.

    I have been trying many ideas latest being which is club to build one million memberships to provide members special services products events lifestyle change and more.

    Any thoughts on ideas like these from your expertise would be most welcome as you have achieved as a entrepreneur yourself .

    kind regards

  30. At 08:27 AM on 08 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Hello everyone - belated Happy New Year to you all.

    I did try to post over the crimmy break but kept getting 502'd. Ouch!

    My big news is that I lost my job yesterday so I'm now back on the jobmarket seeking gainful employment. Very sudden and I'm still in shock. I don't think there are any tears left - the resentment (and headache) are kicking in today, so hold tight as it may be a bumpy day or two ahead ......

    So anyone on here who emails me at work - please don't email me at work anymore coz I ain't there!

    Other than that, Christmas and New Year were fantastic!

    Debbie - how's things with you in job land? Hope all goes well for you in 2008. I think everyone who's commented on here about the son / son't girlfriend situ is spot on. It's your house so you make the rules. We've all been through the "kevin and perry" years and come out the other side, wiser and a tad more wrinkled and he'll probably look back on his current behaviour and cringe at the memory in year's to come.

    Right, I'm gonna hit the "post" button and see if this actually gets thru. I'll pop back later - it's not like I've got owt else to do now is it???

    Big hugs and love

    CtD xxxx

  31. At 08:42 AM on 08 Jan 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Ola one and all

    Great to hear the show again.

    Good luck for the test on Friday.

    Within a few years maybe we can all fly without the need for a Licence.
    It seems a car that drives itself is already on the cards. How fanstastic is that.
    A car that will take you anywhere anytime and park itself.

    Debbie- My advice to you would ban the girl from the house and put your son under house arrest until he learns some sense. Hope this helps.

    Toodle OO

  32. At 10:00 AM on 08 Jan 2008, RosieRoo wrote:

    Happy New Year Bloggers and of course to Chris and Natasha. Really enjoyed your first show back - cannot wait to find out if I get the 'wedding smile' - just need a ring now...
    Good luck on Friday BTW.

    Had a great Christmas and got absolutely spoilt rotton - Mr P even traeted me to Agent Provacateur undies, which I've been lusting after for ages - yay!

    Em M - what a clever little boy you have.

    Debbie - she sounds like a disrespectful, cheeky cow. Your house, your rules. End of.

    DawnieLass - welcome to the Blog!

    I'm going to Glasgow at the end of the month. Can anyone recommend venues / activities / pubs / restuarants?

    Rosie x

  33. At 10:38 AM on 08 Jan 2008, Candles wrote:

    Debbie - firstly thank you for welcoming me to the fold! Think Clodagh's spot on with her words of support for you. If you continue to be under attack from the gf or her family, which hopefully you won't be, try to take long deep breaths and calmly respond, without compromising your values - in other words, don't add fuel to their fire, as they'll thrive on that and you'll end up exhausting yourself. We're all different and we all have different principles and ideas of what is acceptable and what's not. You can't change them, but by the same token they can't change you, so stick to your guns! And, through communication, keep your son aware of the love, warmth and respect you have for him.

    Just how good was it to have the show back yesterday!!!

    Had my car repaired yesterday after a nasty scraping against a little brick wall.... and, now that it's all bright and shiny again, somebody tried to carve me up on the M25 this fine morning and I ended up on the hard shoulder!! No damage and by the same token no apology....

    C xx

  34. At 10:38 AM on 08 Jan 2008, Debbie wrote:


    Clodagh, thank you. And with you just been through a horrible time yourself, thanks for taking the time.

    I feel that I have embarrased myself by letting this girl and her mother get to me. I wish I had of been able to ignore them. I didn't answer the phone for a little while and then had a message from the mother telling my that I was childish not to answer the phone. I just emotionally couldn't take the verbal onslaught and critism. Pathetic eh?

    The mother called my son and then lectured him, telling him that he was bullied at home and that even my husband is scared of me! I know that no one here knows him but that is so ridiculous that one day I shall find that comment funny. Not today though. Her previous occupation obviously gives her the right to analyse my son and do damage to our family.

    It is his choice and I have left it with him. The girl is not welcome to call my house or come withing 20ft of my front door.

    CtD, I am so sorry to hear that really. You seemed so happy there, it's awful for you. I wish you so much luck finding something else. Me, I was supposed to pop into the agency this afternoon but can't face it today, Thursday's the day now.

    Off to make a cup of tea now and have a cuddle with little man.

    Debbie xx

  35. At 10:39 AM on 08 Jan 2008, j wrote:

    Good luck for Friday, Mr CLP.

    Right, Debbie - for heaven's sake, girlie. Please find your backbone. You let your boss frighten you to death, you let some slip of a girl frighten you to death, and now her dreadful mother is frightening you... It's time to say no. It sounds like your young lad is being bullied into this situation too by his young girlie and her mother.

    Tough if they think you're too strict - they don't live with you, and it is absolutely nothing to do with them. You have your life, your house and your rules - I'm sure your son will feel inwardly very relieved when the line is drawn and you put your solid little foot down and say: NO MORE.

    Have you ever thought about doing something to try and raise your own self esteem, like counselling or a creative evening class or yoga or gosh anything really?

    Very best of luck to you and just remember that you are right. Damn it - who cares if you're not really!

    Cheryl - my huge intense sympathies out to you - you don't say why it's happened but however it came about I can only imagine how rough and angry you must feel at the moment. (Any chance you can send some of that anger over to Debbie to use!!!)

    I know this may sound trite but this will turn out to be the very best thing that could have happened in your life. Good luck to you too.


  36. At 10:45 AM on 08 Jan 2008, Em M wrote:

    Debbie, your house your rules, simple as that. This girl is 17, how dare she speak to you like that? Stay calm and get your husband to back you up, safety in numbers and all that. I am very surprised at this girl's mum, obviously she has her rules, but yours are your business. The fact that you are his stepmum is irrelevant, I'm sure you will be the same when your little one grows up.

    Good luck,

    Em xx

  37. At 10:53 AM on 08 Jan 2008, Gingembre wrote:

    morning all

    Another fine day in Gotham City looms

    Debbie - you run your house how YOU see fit, if someone else doesn't like it that's not your fault. Strict is good in the long run. Each to their own, no one is right or wrong, it's just about the standards you set and the morals you have I guess. Be strong and stand your ground. For what it's worth, I think you're right x

    Working tonight and tomorrow night but in the morning I have to see a new surgeon re the knee (ZZzzz...I know)
    Hope this 2nd opinion is a positive one and I can get rid of the pain and discomfort??? He is 'the man' when it comes to knee problems I'm told!!

    Love and xxx's to you all

    Bonnet de douche


  38. At 11:11 AM on 08 Jan 2008, ChrissieS wrote:


    Just a quick word to Cheryl - sorry to hear your news. You must be gutted. I think it is utterly the pits to fire someone the day they return to work after the Christmas break. At the very least, they could have told you that things "weren't working out" and given you some time, even a couple of weeks, to adjust to that. Cheryl, my lovely dad used to say, "there's no such thing as a fair boss" and while that is something of a sweeping statement, he wasn't far wrong! At the end of the day, the powers-that-be will do want they want and if the law is on their side, all the better for them, is their attitude.

    Try to stay positive and all you can do is get back into the fray as soon as possible. Give yourself a little time to heal, but then get back out there - your next opportunity is just around the corner!

    Debbie - this is so difficult for you. The last thing you want to do is alienate your son from you. What may work is to actually sit down and talk this through with your son. Your house rules are your house rules. When he has his own house, he can have his own rules. It is completely reasonable for you to say that his girlfriend can't sleep with him in your house. Also, your other son is watching very carefully - what you allow with No.1 you will have to allow No.2 the same. Good luck, and stick to your guns!!

    C xx

  39. At 11:27 AM on 08 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    I have just sent you a couple of pictures of Henry my great dane baby boy, I think you will love them, so please do look out for them.

    I have also sent some cool tips on achieving your 2008 goals, very NLP biased I know, but good all the same!

    Berni Albrighton - Mummy of Henry
    The Recruitment Coaching Expert

  40. At 11:42 AM on 08 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Apologies if you have this already! I have sent you a couple of photos of my baby boy Henry which you are going to love with a passion- oh, he is a Great Dane by the way! In one of them he is wearing his Christmas Hat and he looks so handsome. (sent to Radio 2 email address)

    Also, some cool tips on achieving your 2008 goals, a little NLP biased but good all the same.

    Great to read through your blogs and I love the energy of the show, it sounds like you guys are having an absolute blast....brilliant.

    Berni Albrighton
    The Recruitment Coaching Expert

  41. At 11:47 AM on 08 Jan 2008, Tinsel wrote:

    Well I've tried to post about 10 times but no joy - let's try again. first of all ((((CtD)))) what a horrible blow - their loss!!

    Debbie - everyone has now said what I've been trying to post all morning - your house, your rules. Tell your son you love him but you don't have to love his g/f or her family. How you bring up your children is nothing to do with anyone else, they obviously don't have much going on in their lives if they feel the need to interfere so much in yours - sounds a bit like jealousy to me actually.

    Stay strong and know we're all with you.

    And to CtD, Debbie and anyone else going through a time - get some Rescue Remedy spray! It's been my saviour on countless occasions!!!


  42. At 11:54 AM on 08 Jan 2008, Em M wrote:

    Sorry Cheryl. i meant to say really sorry to hear about your job, good luck finding something new.

    Thinking of you hon,

    Em xx

  43. At 11:58 AM on 08 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Morning all,

    Debbie - I was girding my loins to vent about your situation when I read Clodagh's blog and as she says all I was going to say - I will just say hear hear Clodagh. You also said a lot of sense on the togmeisters show this am!

    CtD - poor darling what total gits you work for x x x

    Have a great day everyone else

    C x x

  44. At 12:00 PM on 08 Jan 2008, clodagh wrote:

    Debbie. See. The sisterhood is with you!

    And j. is right, you have to find your power, sunshine. Nothing is worse than the fear of it, you know.

    I remember crying all the way to New York after being given 36 hours' notice of an opportunity that opened up my eyes and my life; thank God I slayed my dragons and went.

    I also remember very well having to make an agonising decision (or so it felt at the time) over my lovely daughter, contrary to what I can now see was some bullying advice from my own family. Bless them, they thought they were protecting me from myself, preventing me from nmaking a disastrous decision. But you know what? I was right. The decision I made was cathartic, not just for myself but mainly for said daughter and she has grown up to be a fantastic young lady, totally secure in the love of both her parents.

    Bloody hell I'm eulogising again. But I know how horrible it is to feel disempowered, and how terrifying it is to take back that power.

    I promise you it will be worth it.

    And Chrissie. Hear hear yes I forgot to mention the little one involved here. Spot on.

    Ok xx girls. Off to shops now. Listen to ME preaching like I have the secret of alchemy when in fact I'm feeling more depressed than I have for a long time and will probably buy loads of shite that I don't need in an effort to cheer meself up, what an eejit. But this, too, will pass.


  45. At 12:01 PM on 08 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Debbie, j and ChrissieS - thank you for your kind words. You hit the nail on the head Chrissie when you said there's no such thing as a kind boss (maybe CLP may have something to say about that tho?) Yes, I admit I possibly over-reacted to a situation before Christmas but in my heart of hearts I truly believe it was an escape route as far as the ultimate big boss was concerned. I can't say it was easy working for 2 directors who happened to be married to each other - at the end of the day the big boss's word was final, which meant tally-ho to little ole me.

    I had a nice email this morning from the Mrs part of the directors and I really think that had she had her way, I'd still be there today.

    No worries tho. Their loss, I say!

    Been on t'internet jobby hunting since about 9am - it's quite exciting really. All I need now is for my phone to ring with offers of interviews!

    Debbie - try to stay strong. Deep breath, count to three and take charge!

    Let's make 2008 OUR YEAR Debbie

    Rusty Hugs all round

    CtD xxxxx

  46. At 12:05 PM on 08 Jan 2008, Elm wrote:


    okay - I wanted to share something with Debbie and then remembered this is an open forum and my life should remain orivate or I will have to kill the lot of you! muuhaw

    Debbie - are you the deborah on facebook that is my friend - just checking before I message you

    Elm x

    CTD - bad news about the job - however this is the best time of year to get a new job do reach for the stars and enjoy the time off

  47. At 12:38 PM on 08 Jan 2008, Rozzer wrote:

    Did Bill have the Fox the Fox music on as she walked down the aisle?! (I suddenly realised what her new married name is as I was driving home last night listening to Rebecca's slot. New Fox on the block.

  48. At 01:09 PM on 08 Jan 2008, Dit wrote:

    HNY to all. Read but usually don't comment as never sure what to write! As it's the NY full of resolutions I wanted to recommend to everyone, including CLP, an amazing book by an amazing man. The book is Golden Apples, the man is Bill Cullen who we saw speak for an hour last Saturday. Brought up in poverty in Ireland in 1 room (not 1 bedroom house, 1 room in a house) with about 12 siblings. He worked his **** off & became head of Renault Ireland is now self-made millionaire & 1 of his Florida neighbours is Tiger Woods. Total inspiration! Just shows what you can achieve if you go out & make it happen rather than moaning about what you've got. Anyway gotta dash & make things happen!

  49. At 01:30 PM on 08 Jan 2008, Dit wrote:

    HNY to all. Read but usually don't comment as never sure what to write! The blog seems to unfold a whole world of emotions, highs & lows, achievements & challenges. Thoughts are with Debbie 鈥 easy to give advice but sometimes difficult to work through it when you鈥檙e in the thick of it. CtD again easy to say but things like this usually turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Myself & hubby have been thru several redundancies & sth better has always come along so we were thankful for 鈥渢he push鈥. As always it鈥檚 not the challenge it鈥檚 how we react to it, how quickly we get thru it & bounce back. We鈥檙e going thru several different financial, business, emotional & family challenges at the moment & sometimes it鈥檚 difficult to see clearly. A good talk with someone who cares / cry / big glass of wine (preferably all 3) usually helps clear the mind ready for positive action. As it's the NY full of resolutions I wanted to recommend to everyone, including CLP, an amazing book by an amazing man. The book is Golden Apples, the man is Bill Cullen who we saw speak for an hour last Saturday. Brought up in poverty in Ireland in 1 room (not 1 bedroom house, 1 room in a house) with about 12 siblings. He worked his **** off & became head of Renault Ireland is now self-made millionaire friends with Richard Branson & 1 his Florida neighbours is Tiger Woods. Total inspiration! Just shows what you can achieve if you go out & make it happen rather than moaning about what you've got. Anyway gotta dash & make things happen! Dx

  50. At 01:40 PM on 08 Jan 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello 2 U!!!!!!!!!

    Bingo Star ere.

    So much ter say, so much ter write, so much ter do, so much wanter say, so much wanter write, so much wanter do...... but can only fit so much inter me blog comments... i'll try me best ere goes......

    Debbie - I often feel lonely & insecure about i've not met the special one or 'ad kids of my own but reading your present situation.... it's not easy bringing up kids - maybe i'm best without em!!!!
    All I can say ter try & elp abit, although I ain't got much experience of kids - just maybe if I think of me own experences as a....... yang man, yer damn right ter ave yer own rules.
    Your sons girlfriend & 'e family sound like they've got no manners - daughter probally gets it from 'er mother & sounds lke the type who ends up pregnant at 17 - know what am sayin'!!!!
    I think yerv gotta give yer kids some freedom ter do their own thing but the girlfriend sounds very rude & bad manered.
    Deb it's a difficult one but sadly your son might learn the 'ard way she's probally not the one for 'im.
    My advice Deb 'ave a very nice quite one ter one with your son - tel 'im the reason why yuv got rules, about the so much unwanted pregnancies that are around etc, damn etc, tel 'im you care about 'im/ want 'im ter ave 'is freedom but 'e 'as ter be careful - ope this 'elps Debbie.

    Remember what Chris Martin of Coldplay says & what am always tryin' ter get George W & armed with a dinner jacket, sorry Ahmadinejad, ter do..... TALK!!!!!! (Ter yer son for know that is not the rude GF & 'er mum).
    Sorry Deb only mean't ter write a short reply - got carried away!

    CtD - VERY sorry about your job situation - was it redundancy? As I feel were on the edge of a big recession.
    But at present there is still loads of jobs out there - 'ope you get a new job soon!

    Candle & ALL new blog friends - Welcome ter the blog - great ter see new faces.
    Well I can't see yer faces..... I mean new blog operatatives/ writers!


  51. At 01:46 PM on 08 Jan 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Well thank you for backing up what I already thought and that is exactly what I told the mother. My house my rules. I did get very emotional when I got off the phone but I was not going to let her or her daughter hear my get upset. Pride kicks in at some point.

    I so need a backbone I know. Did try hypnotherapy last year in connection with lack of self esteem (worse when pnd kicked in). Still see counsellor monthly.

    Me and my son had a cuddle last night so we are fine. He sent me a lovely text this morning too. I heard him defending his family on the phone to the mother and I told him how proud I was of him.

    Tinsel, I use that rescue spray and it comes in pastilles now as well.

    Love to all, I don't know what I would do without this blog at times like this thank you so much xx

  52. At 02:04 PM on 08 Jan 2008, ChrissieS wrote:

    RosieRoo #32: you are going to LOVE Glasgow! I know, I am a little biased! There is so much to do, I hardly know where to start. I take it you are staying in the city centre. For great pubs and nightlife, take the Underground to Hillhead Station, which is in the West End of the city. Fabulous pubs and restaurants - some pricey, some cheap and cheerful. Try Jinty McGinty's, the Grosvenor Cafe and the Wee Chip Bar. Also great restaurants in the West End - the Wee Curry Shop, Chow (Chinese) and The Bothy (Scottish traditional). Oran Mor is a converted church - fantastic restaurant and bars/music. Stunning. At Oran Mor, lunchtimes, they have what is called "A Play, A Pie and A Pint". For 拢10, you see some fantastic play performed, served with a Scottish Pie and a Pint (or other drink). In the city centre, you want to head to the Horse Shoe Bar (just off West Nile Street), Rogano for cocktails (Exchange Place), Urban Grill for hamburgers (St Vincent Place) and Caprese (Italian) which is my favourite restaurant ever, is on Buchanan Street. Buchanan Street is prime retailing also, every shop you could want, between there and Argyle Street, just around the corner.

    Bus Tour (cold, but terrific) will show you the city - it is beautiful. Yes, there are the bad parts (true of any city) but contrary to popular belief, I have NEVER met anyone who has actually eaten a deep fried Mars Bar! Just one of those myths! Museums and places of interest by the dozen. Really, you will need a month!

    I am available for a Barcardi Breezer should you wish! Have a wonderful trip!

    C xx

  53. At 02:19 PM on 08 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Hi Chris, yep 2008 here we go again, another year, so what tips do you have on developing business ideas for 2008, can you do something on your show to give some inspiration to us budding entrepreneurs.

    I have been trying many ideas latest being which is club to build one million memberships to provide members special services products events lifestyle change and more.

    Any thoughts on ideas like these from your expertise would be most welcome as you have achieved as a entrepreneur yourself .

    kind regards

  54. At 02:42 PM on 08 Jan 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Also tryed ter say 'APPY BIRTHDEE TER ELVIS FOR TERDEE & TASH FOR 31st Dec........

    just can't take this stress......

    it's 'appened i've gone over the edge.......

    502..... 502 error.......

    PS Chow again!

  55. At 03:07 PM on 08 Jan 2008, Tinsel wrote:

    Debbie, glad you're feeling a bit better and big brownie points to your son for defending his family!! I hope the counselling helps - if you're not getting enough out of it perhaps change counsellor? I started with one who I just didn't get on with, and then changed and went to another who was just AMAZING. I stopped seeing her last year but the stuff she showed me about myself, about how strong I am and about how to deal with various situations (including mother/child relationships!!) has stayed with me and is still incredibly useful, and I am a much better person for it (in my humble opinion!!).

    ((((Clodagh)))) I hope you feel better soon sweetheart. Nothing like a bit of retail therapy - going home with loads of bags is heaven - and even better if you take it all back afterwards so you're not out of pocket!!

    T xxx

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