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Chris Evans | 15:13 UK time, Thursday, 6 December 2007

So, a friend of mine has found a love, a new love and...

...he has changed his phone, which means he is eschewing his seedy past for a much more substantial and fulfilling future.

I don't think it's so much that he's worried about something coming out of the closet to bite his ankles, it's just more a statement to his new sweetheart. But it is a big deal and I would put at least the sleeves and collar of my favorite shirt that wedding bells are only a faint breeze away.

You know when you know. Well when do you know ?

I had a few "you know you know" moments with the present Mrs. E. I remmeber a particular example was when I put a Smon and Garfunkel album on and she piped up,

"Oh, I love The Beach Boys."

From anyone else that would have been curtains - home time, however when my gut failed to wrench upon hearing such sacrilege I knew she was the one for me.

Sorry I missed yesterday it was unavoidable but I think eminently worth it, did you hear those live and much talented artists.





  1. At 03:40 PM on 06 Dec 2007, wrote:

    I totally changed my opinion of James Blunt - specially then seeing him on top Gear. Great Show Chris - one of the best. Well done. xx

  2. At 03:51 PM on 06 Dec 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Well helloooooo Christophe!

    Yes Penguin, James Blunt. What an all round nice blerke, and he made me laugh with his Lewis Hamilton 'matey' thing!

    Live Gobsmackers too!

    Evans above, we'll be expecting more and more!

    Now I have run out of my allocation of exclamation marks

    I know when I know...it's the 'look'...ohohoho YERSSSSSSSSSSSS! (I knew there was one left...)

  3. At 03:51 PM on 06 Dec 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Christophe, Fab show yesterday, at least the Battenburg "didn't forget the lyrics" did he eh eh?

    DD out

    PS Lyndyloo - Huggles

  4. At 04:07 PM on 06 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Oh my GOD! I did the exact same thing when I got serious with my current beau (4 years thank you very much!) and it was the biggest feeling of relief! No threat of some ex trying to 'get back in there'.

    Best thing you can do for the one you truly love.

    Oh, he did it too of course :)


  5. At 04:41 PM on 06 Dec 2007, Si wrote:

    live and talented artist applies to you (and the team) also. not really being a sycophant but yesterday's show although nothing like tfi or even on tv of course had a really nice totally live tfi feel (I know the artists where live and chris and the team are always live) to it. Especially the blunt interview and the sports locker, the performances, etc. it was great and came across really well imho. loved it.

  6. At 04:48 PM on 06 Dec 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Once bittennn, twiaaace shy, you still catch ma eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    (Sorry bit of Last Christmas by Whigfield/ Wham)

    Ello Ter ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.

    I think there's been a internet fault again rather than the BP, some of me posts keep disapearing too!!!

    CLP - Great shoe, sorry show last night. Loved the live performances.
    Thought James Blunt was great as always.... told yer e's good.
    Shame all the rubbish thats in the papers about these people, that's why I don'y buy papers but do buy the Blunts albums - know what am sayin'!!!!!

    Also the KT Tunstall, am very confused about 'er new tune she sings either "feel like a big old star" or "feel like a Bingo Star"!!!!!
    Can't be the first as she only looks 28 ter me & petite.
    If she is singing the latterit means she's feels not sane - KT Don't put yersen down, you look very sane terrrrrr me!!!!

    These are the confusing questions baffling the Bingo brain of....... confusion!!!!!!

    Tinsel - Don't worry me new crystal ball is on oreder due ter arrive very soon. Gemini will be 3rd from the next sign aka Aries (Doing it in zodiacial order).
    'ope this 'epls!!!!!

    Hazel Love - Soz ter 'ear about you got internet gremlined too!!!!!

    SusanS - Don't loose 'eart bloggin' I think sometimes it's not the BP but some tecnical error.
    Susan, must admit yer blogs 'ave been very impressive - don't know 'ow you manage ter reply ter everyone - you must 'ave a great memory or 5 computers all on the go at once - know what am sayin'!!!!!!

    Prof Plum - Nancy Lamb, never 'eard of 'er until yesterdee (your blog commentations). I've 'eard of Nancy Reagan - don't know if this 'elps?????


    PS Got another fastive, sorry festive message Sven style -

    Norwich town centre's Christmas lights, when the 'on' switch is turned too....... ON!!!!

    I LIKE IT....... I LIKE IT ALOT!!!!!!!

  7. At 04:54 PM on 06 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Methinks my sister has hit that 'you know' moment having just met her boyfriend just 2 weeks ago!!! I have warned them both that I don't do hats!

    I knew within a few weeks of dating my now hubby that we would wed. You do know, you know!

    However ... on saying that I thought that with hubby No1!! Hmmmmm .....

    I have a confession, Christoff .... the wee lass is still rather poorly so I fear I missed the best parts of yesterday's show!! Going by your photos (when are you going to update your Flickr?!) you had an absolute blast! But could they have found you a smaller mobile studio by any chance?!

    Right - I'm off to rifle through the bags in the car to find my wee radio and earphones!


    Susan, Highland lass

  8. At 05:23 PM on 06 Dec 2007, Emma wrote:

    Hello all Drivetime bloggers I have loved and read this site since the beginning.

    Chris thak-you your insightful words regularly make me stop and think.

    I'm sorry I don't have any words of wisdom to share with you all.

    I just have a question . . .

    Does anyone know where I can hire a power plate from in London?

    The Ginger one raved about it Madonna owes her body to it (allegedly) and I wanna have a go?


    If not does anyone else fancy starting a power plate hiring business with me. I'm a copper at the mo but the way our wages are going I could be looking for alternative careers.

    Keep up the good work Em xx

    PS My girlfriend constantly gets actors, directors and film trivia wrong and I love her to bits. 'Its love'

  9. At 05:38 PM on 06 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Just a quick one, one and all

    Off to a Christmas Boogie night at the home for the residents.

    Hope everyone is well

    Bingo, Nancy Lamb is the chinese chef! Bet she is on U tube somewhere.

    Good evening.

    God where is my phone???

  10. At 05:40 PM on 06 Dec 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Me Again,

    Errrr forogot ter say.........

    Trust Jono Saunders wife ter drop during the BIG GIG.........

    But BIG CONGRATS ter Kate & Jono on 'aving a little girl, aka a sagittarius....... yyyyyesssss!!!!!!


  11. At 05:56 PM on 06 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Oooo Bingo ... are you going to do a chart for baby Charlotte Saunders?! Can't wait for the photos!!! Congrats to the Saunders clan!


  12. At 06:07 PM on 06 Dec 2007, Dan the Man wrote:

    Dudes & Dudettes,
    Big Chief CLP et al,

    Sounds like I missed some quality live sounds yesterday . . ah well, back Sunday so will catch up then.

    Red - we're being pitched together by the sounds of it - ha!ha!, what a laugh, brilliant!!

    All good here, I'm up at Dockyard on the NW tip of Bermuda, about to take ferry and scooter back to Hamilton - we had squally showers over lunch and Rum Swizzles, but the sun is out again, about 22 degs - nice, - the island is very flat so weather changes come and go very quickly, no mountains to hang around in . .

    Dinner was nice on sat, Red, ta for asking - we're for a birthday meal tomorrow night and then the same birthdays' proper party on Saturday night before the homeward journey . .

    Blog you later chaps and chappesses . . .

    Don't go changing to try and please me . .

    DtM xx

  13. At 06:14 PM on 06 Dec 2007, ed.. wrote:

    your lovly, but please, dont call it 'drop' she gave birth to a beautiful little girl. xx you a star hope u not mind i said.

    Congratulations Jonny and family x

  14. At 06:32 PM on 06 Dec 2007, David Harper wrote:

    Why is Britney strangling a chicken at the start of this song. It doesn't add anything to the general timbre of the song?

  15. At 06:44 PM on 06 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Chris, loved last night's show, so much talent! Loved tonight's even more as you mentioned our office news! We're going to crack open another bottle of bubbly now to celebrate again, so not sure we can guarantee perfect spelling on the website any time soon!

    And then we might make some celeraic mash to sober up a bit!

  16. At 06:46 PM on 06 Dec 2007, wrote:

    My husband says, When I fell over a step on our first date, and I laughed hysterically at myself. He knew.

    He was even more certain, when on our second date, I tipped the whole plate of food onto my lap in the Indian, very delicately picked it up in the napkin and dumped it back on my plate again, Sniggering Hysterically!

    I knew, the minute I watched him walk back and forward in front of me for a full half an hour before he plucked up the courage to talk to me.

    And I still get those Know you Know moments, every time I see him.


  17. At 06:52 PM on 06 Dec 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    hello all from my sick-bed

    Been struck down with tonsilitis, maybe even glandular fever?
    - having tests nxt week.
    Loved reading the past 2 days blogs, very entertaining.


  18. At 07:18 PM on 06 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Loving the 'you just know' thread. Incredibly 27 years ago to this very day (6th December 1980) our eyes met for the first time and wow... I just knew. So six months later we walked down the aisle and 27 years to the very day we are inseperable, devoted with two strapping sons both at 6'3" towering over their Mum and Dad and happier now than ever. So I am a great believer in 'you just know'.
    A quiet but dedicated daily reader of this blog Chris. I don't think you quite realise what an effect you have on people. Thanks xx

  19. At 08:07 PM on 06 Dec 2007, wrote:


    Loving the website!

    You are so right - he sits there yapping away, making an impact on everyone who passes thru.


    You know, you know!


  20. At 08:47 PM on 06 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Top Thirsty Thursday to you all, bloggers and blogettes!

    Another terrific Thursday show!! I have taken to wearing a jogger’s radio round the house so I don’t miss a minute …. but the wee lass thinks that one of the earphones is for us and we end up fighting with each other!

    Britney Spears, imho, should sort out her own life and stop inflicting such rubbish on poor listeners like us! What possessed you to play it, Christoff!?!

    Lyndyloo - our thoughts and prayers are still with you darling.

    DaveS - I refuse to read any of those dreadful girly magazines … as you can probably tell from my appearance! But thank you for the thumbs up on curves!

    Bingo Star - when did CLP mention our lass Lyndyloo?! And you are nae bad at all at keeping up with everyone else’s blogs! I confess …. my memory is shocking … I have a word window open beside the blog! In the past I have been berated for mentioning just about everyone, which led to a long absence from blogging! I’m a huffy so-and-so at times! Great singing earlier, btw!!

    Clodagh, Nev and Prof Plum - I am so dim I only got the canoe jibes late last night watching the news!! I did wonder what you two were up to!!

    Em M - that was your real Dad’s loss honey - it takes far more than biology to make a real father.

    Debbie - I do hope Mr Debbie has suffered for that comment!! Did he get the ‘itchy bum’ vibes cos we were all sending them!!

    Prof Plum - I think we prefer older blokes as they are so immature that they have to be older to even have a chance of being at our level of maturity! Hope the Christmas Boogie goes well!

    Tinsel - all the best folk are Gemini! Both of me are!! Mwahahaha! And I loved the ‘itchy bum’ vibes!!! Can you send some to my hubby too?!? Watched Gok last night - all those women topless in the football pitch turned my wine!! But I did feel better!!

    Cheryl the Diva - oh honey - hope you are over the flu now!! And that you can keep off that hard earned weight loss! As for Marilyn Manson … hmmmm …. but Take That!?!?!??! Can I come in your pocket?!

    Hazel love - kept warm despite the storms - oh and we had a mega power cut on the West Coast last night! Poor wee lass was terrified!! How was your day? I hope you sang the anthem (to Oh Christmas Tree) out loud?! Standing by your side sister!!! Did you hear me banging on the pipes?!

    Me - family - can’t live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em!! And sometimes it is hard not to look back and think, ‘what if?’ isn’t it?

    Jonahwood - your hubby needs to remember he has people who love and rely on him to keep himself fit and healthy. Praying that he realises this and does something positive to make the changes needed!

    MwK - so …. what goodies did you get for your birthday, honey?! If I can get back to blogging, you can do it too!!

    Anne Kean - I think we just learn to strengthen that inner core to keep our tummys under control - Pilates has great techniques for that.

    X - I think naughty Mr Debbie will have got his come uppance by now, eh?!

    JF - I am firm believer in the ‘there is somebody out there for everyone’ …. it is just the finding of that someone that is the problem.

    Sandra - your hubby obviously knows he’s a lucky lad!

    Irish-Stu - I just love that word voluptuous!! What a lovely man you are to say such wonderful things!!

    Red - it is a wonderful blog because of the contributors! As for you and Danny … I don’t do hats!!! But I’ll take the photos!!

    Anna - you are certainly not fat my darling! Be proud of your figure!

    Dissing Dave - :o)

    Catty Watty - I just changed the number!!

    Si - I can see I’m going to have to listen again, eh?

    Emma - let us know if the power late works when you get it! And if you have to look for a new career, we are behind you honey!

    Dan the Man - were you on earlier via text?! Are you really in Bermuda?! Why were we not invited?!

    Ed .. - yeah - not too keen on that phrase either!!

    David Harper - perhaps that was someone strangling BS!!?

    Helen Tarver - how was the mash?!

    DWNB - that is so lovely! Thanks for sharing and letting us laugh with you!

    Gingembre - sending you lots of hugs!!! Try taking hot toddies to soothe it, but make sure it is a good whiskey.

    Sparkle - awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! That is so beautiful! I love to hear of marriages that work so wonderfully and couples who are so devoted to each other!

    Huggles, dear bloggers and blogettes

    Susan, Highland lass

  21. At 09:21 PM on 06 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Celeriac mash definitely to be recommend, even when slightly tipsy. Although its a bit of a so and so to peel. Or maybe that's because was a little tipsy!

    Just asking them to bring some more in the veg box this week as Nige's recipes sounded so scrummy. Although still not sure about tackling mayonnaise. I know CLP makes it sound superbly delicious but not sure.

    Maybe over Christmas. Anyone else tried it?

  22. At 09:53 PM on 06 Dec 2007, lazykev wrote:

    susan s thanks for yesterdays comment your my first person to reply to my post how was it for you ha ha ha ... yes chris that moment when we know the one has come along...as i said to my wife on our first date.you dont sweat much for a fat lass

  23. At 12:11 AM on 07 Dec 2007, wilsmar@home wrote:

    Good ARF people..... unable to log on for past couple of days so -
    Lyndyloo - thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
    Bingo - will be looking out for you later this morning on the M6 - will check out all the trucks on the hard shoulder. You don't frighten me ... am tellin yer!
    Susan S - a charabanc is an old coach/bus and it was this week twelve months ago when the Team were travelling around the Country doing their outside broadcast..... and Lyndyloo was a text message that was read out last Friday.
    Hazel - hope the back continues to improve.
    Night all.
    PS Gingembre .... are you sure it's not tinselitus - there's a lot of it about just now! Hope you're feeling better soon - though not with comments like this.
    Will be missing for a week as I'm off to Windermere for the week.

  24. At 12:38 AM on 07 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Penguin - meant to say congrats on being No1!!!

    Helen Tarver - must try the celeriac at the weekend! I'm tempted to give the mayo a go ... and would love to try making horseradish sauce too ... but don't think I can get that in Inverness!

    lazykev - it's always good for me!! This blogging lark I mean!!! Behave!

    Night all!

  25. At 12:57 AM on 07 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Just been on the listen again fast-forwarding to the nigey bit - it's rude to miss it.

    The marrow is pretty lush, though I never paid that much attention to it. Maybe I should. I made some pretty good potatoes to go with Osso Bucco last year. Saute new poatoes - skin on, more favour, till they're golden & crispy. Sprinkle on parsley & lemon zest - gremelata - and mix though so it coats the potatoes. A take on the gremelata garnish & so tasty.

    The Christina Aguilera song just after - was that a sample of one of the main songs from the french film 'La chorale' or The Chorus as we know it they used?

  26. At 08:57 AM on 07 Dec 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Morning all. Not around much today as having some computer training (BORING!!!!!!!!!!!)

    Susan S - rounds of applause and gasps of amazement for your fab post, as usual.

    I hope I find "the one" before I'm too old to do anything with him ha ha!!


  27. At 09:01 AM on 07 Dec 2007, RosieRoo wrote:

    Hello all. Loving the thread today. I'm not married (yet) but hoping to get engaged soon as Mr P and I have talked seriously about it. Cannot wait. Anyone got any interesting / heart-warming engagement stories for a newby like me? Come, share and warm my cockles.

    DWNB and Sparkle - ahhhh! Both such sweet comments.

    Gingembre - get well soon.

    Susan S - I always appreciate your comments. I do try to copy your style but as you can see by the length of this, I'm a mere amateur. Keep it up.

    lazykev - what a charmer you are! ;) tee hee!

    Have a good weekend, one and all. Have had a relatively dry week so I'm dying for a touch of pub action tonight. Yay! x

  28. At 09:02 AM on 07 Dec 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Good ARF all!

    A little something first thing in the morning to make yer eyes water!

    What will they think of next eh?

    Anyhoo, the weather seems to be behaving itself, at least for the moment, so here's to a jolly Friday

    wilsmar, have a great week off x

  29. At 09:37 AM on 07 Dec 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hi, don't think i've ever felt like that, it irritates the hell out of me when people get their facts wrong or mispronounce things. Luckily for Mr M he's quite clever like that, but he always gets song words wrong, and that pees me off too. Mind you he's a far far better singer than me so I spose that's what counts! Off to wrap some pressies xx

    Em xx

    PS I love James blunt, think I've said on here i hate the way our lovely red tops kick someone when they do well - what is wrong with us in this country? Not that he seems like he gives a toss, and why would he? xx

  30. At 10:34 AM on 07 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Boogie Woogie one and all

    Oh what a night. An eat as much as you possibly can Buffet and a DJ stuck in the 80's. It was oh so nice to get home.

    Great to hear Cream on the show last night. I thought we were going to hear Jimmy's Purple Haze for a mo too. Then again maybe Tash thought it was Lional Richie!

    Hazel Thanks for the link. I am going to be wondering all day now how it got there in the first place.

    Toodle oo

  31. At 11:43 AM on 07 Dec 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Plum, I really don't think that is a good idea...but I think he was probably up a ladder clearing out the guttering when he slipped and fell on to a drain attachement...

    DWNB, funny isn't it...I fell flat on my a on some ice whilst rounding a corner with Ex#1, and while I was laughing, he was standing there, literally hissing at me to get up as everyone was looking...I guess I should have known then eh?

    ...and Susan...Tannenbaum! I have to say I didn't stand up though...

    Prof Plum, in the mix, with a vol-au-vent

    Tinsel, I hope you do too!

    Dan has found Red...after all...he he he heeee!

  32. At 11:49 AM on 07 Dec 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Hello there,

    Seriously in need of some virtual hugs today. Won't bore with details but that's how it is :-(

    Gingembre, wish you better soon mate x

    Hazel, interesting that there is no accompanying photo with that news story!

    Hope you are all having a good day xx

  33. At 12:23 PM on 07 Dec 2007, Nev wrote:

    Lovely spot Hazel.............can't see to type this as my eyes are watering too much at the thought of it...........!

    Prof - at a guess probably just a plumber who slipped whilst fixing the cental heating naked...easy mistake to make!!!


  34. At 01:14 PM on 07 Dec 2007, Bev wrote:

    If they take James "you're beautiful" to the top of a hill and give him a push - is that what rappers refer to as "rolling a blunt"?

  35. At 01:25 PM on 07 Dec 2007, Em M wrote:

    Is it me, or is James Blunt having a Terry Wogan Trouser Moment in one of those pictures? And is Newton Faulkner you in disguise Chris?

    Get well soon gingembre, hope you're Ok Debbie xx

  36. At 01:28 PM on 07 Dec 2007, wrote:

    Hazel and Nev

    How stupid of me. At first I thought he must have been fixing a leak..... Iv'e got it now.

    He threw his mobile phone away along with his glasses case in error. He then proposed naked to his girlfriend on one knee alas without his glasses he placed the ring on the wrong thing... I'm am sure this really happened.

  37. At 01:35 PM on 07 Dec 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Hello everyone!

    I hope to goodness this post makes it - the poxy server has been blocking me and what with being BP'd too - I'd lost heart!

    Happy to say awful project is now over and I am working on something rather large, which is also exciting, as I'm learning new skills too. (Old dogs, new tricks hey?)

    Speaking of knowing when you know - I don't think I've ever really had that feeling - sure I've had the thrilling burst of excitement, butterflies in the tummy, loss of appetite, blah, blah, but not really the 'know' thing - perhaps explains why I am well on my way to divorce no.2!

    Have now given up on dating, having been let down by Special Friend. So tonight I'm going out with a guy I used to date, purely on a platonic basis. We're celebrating being single!

    Tomorrow I will finish my Christmas shopping (and return Special Friend's gifts and buy myself something instead - can't tell you what my friend suggested I buy) and tomorrow night, I am out with one of the loveliest people I have ever met, to celebrate her birthday and pregnancy!

    Really looking forward to Christmas and anyway - I have great family and friends, so why do I need to 'validate' myself with a man??? Sorry - that was a bit moaney...

    Finally, Hazel, Susan S, Prof, Bingo, Em, Wilsmar, Penguin, DD, DWNB, Gingembre and everyone else - hope you're all well and thanks for keeping me amused, even when I can't post!

    Lots of lovely hugs,

    S xx.

  38. At 02:29 PM on 07 Dec 2007, Tinsel wrote:


    T xx

  39. At 02:36 PM on 07 Dec 2007, Nev wrote:

    Plum - of course why couldn't I see that. I do hope she said yes as imagine telling the grandkids about the proposal. Oh how they laughed...in fact they could celebrate each year in A&E or the fire station.

    On second thoughts are you sure someone else was there.....if there was surely they would have interevened and got it off with a quick tug.

    Hey ho


  40. At 02:39 PM on 07 Dec 2007, Anne G. wrote:

    Afternoon each

    Did anyone else hear the news yesterday that Chris was signing up to do a TFI-type show on Sky? (or did I dream it?)

    Tinsel: Re itchy bums: The Friendship Prayer:

    May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the crotch of the person who screws up your day and may their arms be too short to scratch. Amen

    Anne x

  41. At 02:42 PM on 07 Dec 2007, Anne G. wrote:

    Afternoon each

    Did anyone else hear the news yesterday that Chris was signing up to do a TFI-type show on Sky? (or did I dream it?)

    Tinsel: Re itchy bums: The Friendship Prayer:

    May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the crotch of the person who screws up your day and may their arms be too short to scratch. Amen

    Anne x

  42. At 03:06 PM on 07 Dec 2007, Debbie wrote:



    Not sure if I have cut and pasted the above link properly. But that's the story.

    And Amen, indeed xx

    P.S Nice to hear from you again Sammie x

  43. At 03:35 PM on 07 Dec 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Ok, at risk of appearing dim here, but how do you cut and paste links? I'm doing something wrong!

    What a long day. Counting down the minutes here. Had to call the lady that I sometimes see between appointments this morning, not had to do that for some time. Cheers Tinsel and Em by the way.

    I'm out at a christmas party with the company that I used to work for later. Better cheer up soon or they won't invite me again.

    Debbie xx

  44. At 07:31 PM on 07 Dec 2007, Red wrote:





  45. At 01:56 PM on 08 Dec 2007, Emma wrote:

    Wow two posts in one week now I guess I'm not a newbie.

    Anyhoo other than a good luck wish from Susan (thank-you very much appreciated) still no word on power plate hire???????? Please help

    Going skiing In Feb and my thighs are hurting already at the thought of it.


    PS I can never get thru on Friday someone choose Wig Wam Bam again last time It was played It went down a storm xxxx

    PPS Went to a fantastic Mexican restaurant last night have to share gorgeous food (not the norm) and very delicious margaritas. (Bit of a headache now tho)

    Red & Green Bar Cantina 54 Bethnal Green Road a brisk walk from Liverpool St

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