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Chris Evans | 16:22 UK time, Thursday, 26 April 2007


...packets of chocolate digestives that have a thin film of caramel just between the choccie and the biccie. My goodness they're orgasmic.

Had Wrighty on, on the way in, he really is awfully good. Almost pleasing all the people all of the time.

Last night the Big Nick leaving do was a s good as it gets. The food was OUT OF THIS WORLD, Argentian steaks all round, unbelievable red wine along with tip top service, good converstion and a good time was had by all.

I gave a little speech, not much, just said what i thought. Juicy janine cried her eyes out most of the night. She's a little sopy and soft but in all the right places.

We enforced a food ban yesterday. No food for anyone coming to the meal after two p.m. You know it reallly worked, not only were we all absolutely starving by the time we reached the restaurant but we were equally as excited and then when the platters started to arrive, it was salivation city. Awesome, unbelievable, almost worth missing the football for.

Thought about starting to fast one day a week today. Nick's dad, a vicar, does it before he prays, says it helps focus the mind. i've heard lots of people do it just the once a week and says it has changed their life. At the moment it's only in the development stage in my head but whilst i'mthinking about it, I'll just have another, choccie biscuit caramel cracker.




  1. At 04:33 PM on 26 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Afternoon all!
    I'm getting all hungry again after reading todays latest on the shlog! As if being out for a big meal on Tuesday wasn't enough - chomp I say, chomp!!

    Be careful with the fasting for a day, some people tend to get bad headaches when they haven't eaten (or eaten much) for a while...so don't forget to know your limits!

    Well, the sunshine is back, the weekend is beckoning and my garden has added some weeds to its coat....does anyone know if organic weed killer is a good thing?

    Have a good thirsty Thursday.....

    Tickle :)

  2. At 04:38 PM on 26 Apr 2007, Elmlea wrote:

    Every morning I say to myself, just eat what you need to and then sat in the office the cakes apear or the coffee shop calls and before I need it i have consumed excess calories and not gone to the gym.

    Plan to do the race for life in a couple of weeks, it would be nice to be able to run it instead of the half amble I do most years. MUST go to the gym, past half past 20 now so I cannot assume my body is fit anymore.

    In reply to yesterdays bloggers, I love my IPOD, most expensive present I have bought myself for years (if you don't include the house) and well worth whatever it cost me. They are great fun and good technologht. bought the bf a tomtom for his birthday and i'm looking forward to playing with that! (don't worry, he doesn't know this blog exsists, let alone read it so i
    haven't spoiled the surprise)

    Day off tomorrow so really looking forward to it. :-) Have a good weekend one and all.

  3. At 04:39 PM on 26 Apr 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    Sounds like you had a grand night, CLP.

    Nic - take care - we'll miss you dearly!

    Enjoy the caramel crackers. Personally I favour a high quality all butter shortbread or a plain choc digestive.

    Ho Hum!

    CtD x x

  4. At 04:49 PM on 26 Apr 2007, Em 26 wrote:

    Hey All

    Not a great day today! The stupid bank have charged me 拢60 for going out of my overdraught, and i have tried fighting it to no avail. The problem is I dont have 拢60 i am broke with a capital B!!

    So this sent me on a spiral of being frudtrated at my life and almost everything about, untill a friend said the right words at the right time and the anger and self pity started to seep away abit!

    I heard Chris saying last night about reading obituraries (cannot spell) that it helps basically to kick himself up the arse and get on with life. I am thinking its better than staying the same and feeling sorry for myself!


  5. At 04:52 PM on 26 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Mmmm - sounds gorgeous. Glad you gave him a good send off.

    Fasting for one day of the week - well I almost did today - went to a workshop and they had planned lunch for 2 pm. I was voracious by then and quite tetchy - you know like a small child who's over tired and hungry. Not good and terrible planning, plus it was death by PowerPoint - yawn.

    I couldn't have those choco - caramel things in the house - I would eat them!

    choux fleur xxx

  6. At 04:54 PM on 26 Apr 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Good afternoon to all,
    Mr E. are there any pics available of either last nights banquet or this packet of chocolate caramel digestives? They're brilliant for dunking too - I know it's a mucky habit, a bit like a rugby playing Nun - but the caramel seems to hold the biscuit. They're not as butch a yer 'ob nobs but a lot tougher than the wimpish Rich Tea. Just had a cup of tea meself and put a caramel Rocky bar away with it, too akward to dunk sadly!
    Have a good evening.
    P.S. The name of the barman in Fools and Horses wasn't Dave it was Mike. Dave's, Rodney isn't he Trig?
    PPS Hope the Dentist was gentle HL

  7. At 06:09 PM on 26 Apr 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Christophe Lambie Pie. Now listen.

    Watch yourself with the fastin'. Nobody wants a Super Hunk with less meat on 'im than a dirty fork.

    I recently did it for 5 days (well, I actually did it for 2 years at one time but that's another story), and for the first few days you're lookin' at people and seein' big ice creams and doughnuts, you know, like in Father Ted when he gives up smoking and is hallucinating about huge fags. Cigarettes that is, not my big tall gay friend Damian.

    The fact is that the body goes into self-preserving starvation mode and stores everything it can, then when you start to eat again, Shloop. It sucks it all back up, and mainly on the outboard motor area.

    And the funny thing is, the les you eat, the less you feel you need. Not like when you've bin out on the lash, had 15 vodka tonics, 2 pints of Guinness, a carafe of House Shite and a whisky sour, then off for an ostrich bhuna with pillock rice and 5 nan breads before retiring, and then wake up four hours later feeling like you could eat a scabby horse.

    And then go back for the jockey.

    Funny that.

    And that lady banker I just heard on the show. What a delicious treacly voice she had, I'm mad jealous. Me, I sound like a high pitched Peter Kay with a head cold. A very dear friend of mine who shall be nameless but you know who you are, sunshine, famously once said that upon his first sight of me as a 19 year-old art student he was tutoring, he was intrigued and dying to talk to me. When I opened me mouth he said it sounded like it was comin' through a cheese grater.

    Cheers. I still love you though you big soft southern jessie.


  8. At 06:13 PM on 26 Apr 2007, De Sm wrote:

    you right...!

    that ring tone....bl**dy horrible,

  9. At 06:14 PM on 26 Apr 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Mmmm, choc/caramel biscuits dunked in a hot cuppa, what a lovely image.

    Just to add my tuppence on Steve Wright, I rememeber in the late 80's his afternoon show on R1 and how brilliant it was - Mr Mad and the such like.... used to get me through the hardest of afternoons at work. Haven't really listened recently but back then he was great.

    Love the idea of a food ban in the lead up to a night out - might try it myself. Not sure about going a whole day tho'...... sounds hard.

    Just a quickie today, MrsW wants to get online and book us a holiday - who am I to stop that? I've just read that you can fly to Mauritius from Norwich via Paris, perhaps I'll slip it in the conversation as I hand over? - anyone know a good babysitter.................


  10. At 06:50 PM on 26 Apr 2007, De Sm wrote:

    You correct CLP
    That ring tone is horrible.......

    De Smith x

  11. At 07:03 PM on 26 Apr 2007, Amanda wrote:

    Fasting?! Oh my, this is so confusing! I have been working with a fitness trainer/dietician who insisted that we need to eat more often than we do (but smaller/healthier quantities). In fact, she chides me for not eating something every 3 hours...which reminds me, I need to find an apple asap. "Food is fuel" she tells me. But to fast...is there really any science behind it?


  12. At 07:33 PM on 26 Apr 2007, vanessa toynbee wrote:

    Hi Chris, yeah, I know what you mean...
    those choccywoccycaramel doodahs are biscuit perfection AND ideal for dunkin coz the caramel stops them falling apart in your tea...!

  13. At 08:30 PM on 26 Apr 2007, Danny Dayglow wrote:

    Anna R, what`s happening love?

  14. At 08:42 PM on 26 Apr 2007, clodagh wrote:


    Galway Race Week. The price of the hotels. Enough to make your hair bleed.

    Can't wait though. I'm off to dig out me hat with half an allotment and a nice stuffed parrot on it, brought me luck at York and came in handy when I needed camouflage in the flower beds whilst escaping the attention of gang of sprout farmers from Bridlington.

    Re. Steve Wright. Genius. Very witty man, makes me laugh. As I remember it, the concept of the Posse was his some years ago. Again, genius. Top bloke. I daresay he's good to his mother and helps old ladies, small children and animals.

    However. All this Keep Up The Good Work, Love The Show nonsense gets right up my nose.

    And if I were Dale Winton, covering whilst he's off, only to hear Steve reading out every letter upon his return punctuated with It's Not The Same Without You... I'd want to stuff his head down the bog and flush.

    Enough already. It's nauseating.


  15. At 08:54 PM on 26 Apr 2007, Crazy Horse wrote:

    Yes, what`s going on - so many years!

    I need answers...

  16. At 09:09 PM on 26 Apr 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    We are heading into some serious Road Trip planning this weekend.

    I plan to book some places along the way, but to leave some nights to chance.

    'cos that's half the fun.

    Just been for a pint with an old friend at your place. It was great to catch up with him. He spent years getting very stressed out in the city and now has a terrific job with a small firm, fifteen minutes from home.

    And an office overlooking the sea.

    How cool is that?

    Anyway, we're planning lunch at yours over the bank holiday weekend, so get the veggie specials on.


    Peace & love


    PS We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars

  17. At 11:00 PM on 26 Apr 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Evening one and all

    It's nice to check in now and again and read the blog, it's comforting to know some things remain the same.

    I am leaving my temporary accomodation here at the Golf course tommorrow. I must admit been fun watching the golf buggies wizzing by and how people seem to so enjoy the game of golf.
    Next stop a hotel.

    and I would say, never trust an estate agent.

    PS Chris what about chicken racing, we could all have a bet for Charity of course!!!
    Jenny Pitman for trainer.

    PPS Mozarts concerto for the clarinet lovely

  18. At 05:57 AM on 27 Apr 2007, gailhun75 wrote:

    I had to have a giggle at the picture of Sally with James Taylor. Sally looks extatic while James Taylor looks somewhat afraid......

  19. At 08:18 AM on 27 Apr 2007, harl wrote:


    The guy from Nokia last night, was he related to Stephen Hawking by any chance?

    Life is full of change of course, comings & goings, the trick is to make the most of what you have whilst you still have them. You can always remember your first time but often can鈥檛 remember your last time, because at that point you don鈥檛 realise that it will be your last time. I cant remember the last thing I said to my Mum before she died, I fear it was probably 鈥淧ull yourself together, you鈥檝e not really ill鈥 !

    Talking of leaving, it looks like Prince Harry will not be going on active service now. Some will say, why should he be treated any differently to the others just because he is a royal 鈥 quite right, he shouldn鈥檛, bring 鈥榚m all back! My granddad fought in Iraq (鈥淓ye-rack鈥 鈥 go find it for me on the map son鈥) in the Second World War. I thought it must be a place just south of Munich, but no! I could understand fighting to keep Jerry off the shores, but Iraq what was all that about? I find myself searching again for Iraq and Afghanistan with my lad & wondering the same all over again. 鈥淲hy are the soldiers out there dad?鈥 Emmm..?

    I suspect that if the politicians were just honest about the reasons it would be much easier for them. If they said 鈥渨e鈥檙e there to protect our oil supplies, so that we wont be held to ransom & have the economy plunged into recession when you will lose your job and your house and your kids鈥, most people would probably say, 鈥淔ine, look after yourselves out there. Bye!鈥

    One leaving do I will never forget was a few years back when the office went out for a meal to see someone off. Much to everyone鈥檚 horror the senior partner, a cantankerous old fool, decided that he would come along. As the cheese and biscuits came around I just could nt resist handing him the plate and saying 鈥淵ou鈥檙e crackers Mr X鈥 (The Two Ronnies 1974), the table erupted into laughter & applause. Just one of my many career limiting comments over the years!

    Have a good day

  20. At 08:56 AM on 27 Apr 2007, Sammie wrote:

    CLP - I LOVE those biccies!!!

    Nick's leaving do - I am sorry he's leaving - Good Luck Nick!

    Elmlea - I love my iPod too - and I also bought mine for myself! I did once think I'd sang out loud on the Tube though..

    harl - so right - "bring them all back" - couldn't agree more. Just for those readers that may want to let loose with some ascerbic comments about not supporting our troops - I do, fully, they are doing the job they were trained for and are the best in the world - it's Bliar (not a typo...) I don't support - what happened to democracy - no such thing in this country anymore...

    Crikey - I'm ranting and it's Friday!!!

    Soap box away.... breathe and relax...

    S xx.

  21. At 09:30 AM on 27 Apr 2007, wrote:

    OOOH yes, caramel choccie biccies...nectar of the Gods, and I agree with previous penguins, vanessas and wilsmars...SUPERB dunking apparatus...and oooooh yes, BIG JUICY STEAK...I bought some delishus looking steaks just last evening...am anticipating a fabulous meal with the boy at some point over the weekend, because (at the time of writing) he won't be working hooray!

    Beach tomorrow, and I'm sure some wine will be imbibed too...

    The weekend is already looking good, and today don't seem too bad either!

    ARF est arrive

    wilsmar! Thank you. Yes he was, and I got a sticker for being a good girl. (This means that I only kicked him in the chest 1-3 times)

    ...and Christophe, don't the Aborigines fast before prayer too? Don't go too mad though, else we'll catch you doing walkabout!

  22. At 09:59 AM on 27 Apr 2007, Excellent Emma wrote:

    Morning everyone!

    Well amdram rehearsal didnt go brilliantly last night. How do you stop giggling when its a comedy your rehearsing - i think i would much prefer to do a bit of Shakespeare. Oh well this is my first play hopefully the nerves will die down and then I can relax into it. Starting to think i prefer the production side more.

    Anyway I was listening to your discussion regarding Asparagus last night mmmm, I have to say that i have definitely found English Asparagus to be the most tasty. A friend cooked it on the bbq after being marinated for a day in olive oil, coriander, black pepper and lime juice - YUMMY!!!!! Especially with a dip of homemade homous and lightly grilled tuna steak mmmmmmmm.

    Right hungry now so must do some work to take my mind off food.

    Have a great weekend everyone - im off to a spiritual church tonight not sure why just like to say yes to these things.

    Keep smiling xxxxxxxxxxx

  23. At 10:23 AM on 27 Apr 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    A good -but slightly overcast- morning all.
    On the subject of fasting............. years ago if you wanted to receive holy communion you had to fast from midnight the night before. This was ok if you were going to an early morning Mass but God help you if you weren't attending until much later in the day. I think it did focus my prayers but on cold days it was probably a prayer for a short sermon, before legging it three miles home for sustenance.
    PS When is the RN foraging weekend thingy?
    PPS How is the Fox and her Bambina - heard Mama Mia per Mr W this morning, first time since your played it to celebrate the new arrival.
    Questions??????????? questions???????????
    A splendid weekend to you all and good luck to the young Nic.

  24. At 10:27 AM on 27 Apr 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hello all,

    I'm afraid i missed the show last night, did i miss anything important?

    Thankyou whoever told me about the local honey for hayfever, am off to the local farm shop tomorrow to see what i can get.

    Gingembre - I should be receiving my registration certificate for childminding any day, so drop the kids round whenever you like and you can have your romantic trip to Mauritius!

    Think I've turned a bit soppy, everytime I hear Everything by Michael Buble I get tears in my eyes, what's happening to me? Is it normal to be like this? Is it my age?

    Love and hugs, Em xx

    PS What's happened to Susan S? xx

  25. At 10:35 AM on 27 Apr 2007, wrote:

    So, everything happens in threes.

    Earlier the same week, at home, I accidentally dropped the lid of my antiperspirant into the (fortunately just flushed) lavatory.

    Just now, at work, I have accidentally dropped the lid of the toilet duck into the (fortunately just flushed and toilet-ducked) lavatory.

    Both lids were retrieved at little cost to myself, but I wonder what is going to be next?

    J? Any thoughts?

  26. At 10:42 AM on 27 Apr 2007, Caroline wrote:

    hello everyone

    dunking biscuits..well, I wrote about using a penguin as a "straw" , biting off the opposing corners and then sucking up the hot beverage of your choice through the penguin..it is lovely... BUT the animal/bird welfare were after me!
    I meant a penguin biscuit...honestly :-)
    penguin..don't worry, there will not be shoulder biting from me today!
    That ring tone was D R E A D F U L
    I agree with Clodagh...the bank lady had a lucious voice....I'm more of a cross horse myself ( rather than cheese grater)
    Tickle - S N A P! I'll be gardening tomorrow (however, scotland not so sunny..but still)..pulling out is the only way to get rid of weeds.
    hazel - shiny teeth..all the better to eat with in the dark!
    Have a good weekend everyone

  27. At 10:44 AM on 27 Apr 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone)

    Re: fasting one day a week - when I was 20 until 22 I used to fast EVERY Monday. I drank water only and did not eat a single bite of food. I don't remember if I felt ill or anything - I was very determined - those were the days when I used to weigh peas and cornflakes and get into a panic if I ate one pea or one cornflake too many!

    Mind you, once I stopped panicking about peas, etc, the weight increased and here I am at the age of 50, still attending Weight Watchers!

    Anyway, I wouldn't dream of fasting now - I just couldn't do it.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend - I'll be clearing out the cupboard under the stairs! We only moved in in October but good grief, the junk we have accumulated!

    C xx

    P.S. Clodagh #7 - you are always very funny, but I actually did laugh out loud reading your comment on eating after being out on the "lash"!

    Harl #19 - I thought your post was brilliant. Loved every word!

  28. At 11:04 AM on 27 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Hoorah! Just to make today even better, I just got read out on Uncle Ken Bruce about my mum knitting...and now he's playing some Status Quo...



  29. At 11:27 AM on 27 Apr 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Em M - my son has BAD hayfever and two years ago, a Homeopathic GP (I know - really good!!) suggested Pollen 30. You can buy it over the counter at Pharmacies that sell such stuff. You have to fiddle with the dosage, for example for tree and grass pollen times, he takes 3 per day, whereas for other pollen days, he takes 2. He also takes one per day during the 'off' season, to ensure his immunity is maintained..

    You can take them at the same time as anti-histimines, until your resistance is raised/you work out whether or not they work for you.

    S xx.

  30. At 11:56 AM on 27 Apr 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Em M - thank you for the offer but she wasn't persuaded. Our daughter is only 12weeks old and she can't leave her for that long just yet - Maybe next year? Family hol to Europe this year!

    Hope the honey remedy works for you and yours, like I said in an earlier blog I know many Norlolk people who swear by it.


  31. At 11:59 AM on 27 Apr 2007, mjg wrote:

    hi all,

    in and out today, trying to get a deal done with virgin media to take some costs of my bill as they prevent me from watching the simpsons!!

    any hoo, responding to hazel love, I too listened to status quo and it prompted me to ring my brother, who i haven't spoke to for a while, and it was good to catch up!!

    well done Quo

  32. At 12:20 PM on 27 Apr 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Oooh - ARF and I'm STILL ranting!

    My kids have Bucks Fizz every Christmas. OK, so there's far more Buck than Fizz, but where's the harm? Me and my sister had wine with Sunday dinner when we were teenagers and we're NOT raging alcoholics.

    I think the advent of 'alcopops' and the relative inexpensiveness of such drinks has made alcohol so accessible and 'tasty' to a young palate, that the manufacturers should be taken to task, NOT parents that advocate responsible drinking, in a controlled environment.

    There - rant over - I'm sure Julian will inspire something else later...

    S xx.

  33. At 12:27 PM on 27 Apr 2007, FEE FEE LAMAR wrote:

    Hello Dears

    Is Ken Bruce leaving then? Taking up knitting in the Outer Hebrides.

  34. At 12:52 PM on 27 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Dear Prof Plum. (That's all)

    So, sucking up to penguins?

    Pulling out is the new staying in?

    Sammie - ham with Bucks Fizz? No, no, no...

    mjg - That is a really cool story. Me, I could hardly speak at all afterwards! Good luck with the relationship x

    Gingembre - weren't the Norlolks the little guys in 'The Time Machine'?

    Just to bring me down a tad, my colleague gave me a piece of pickled gherkin, and just as I placed it upon my tongue, said, 'it's chilli'. He was not to know that I am allergic to chilli.

    Am fine.

    His arm is now hurting though.

  35. At 01:17 PM on 27 Apr 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    Sammie - I was listening to the recycling/fortnightly rubbish collections on the same show yesterday and I was fuming! Having just left the waste industry, I'm always amazed at the amount of fuss people make about having to wash out their recyclables, and only having their bins emptied every 2 weeks. If you only buy what you need. cook what you need, support local farmers markets etc, in theory your rubbish bin shouldn't fill up. As for the 'maggot' brigade - take responsibility and ownership for how you dispose of your household waste. Grrrr!!!!!

    I agree with you about alcohol too - I was raised in a pub and grew to respect the damage alcohol can do, so I tend to not go bonkers now as an adult. You're right about the alcopops etc - youngsters don't realise how strong some of them are so subsequently go loco after having one or two.

    IPod - I treated myself in February and adore my new toy. its only half full! I went for a bight pink model to match my mobile phone - I can be safe in the knowledge that Mr Diva won't nick it if its bright pink, whereas a nice silver one .....

    ARF and the sun is shining. Nearly at the end of my first week of my new job and I can honestly say I love it here!

    Will check back later amigos!

    CtD x x

  36. At 01:37 PM on 27 Apr 2007, Sammie wrote:

    CtD - not the best day to mention rubbish (we have fortnightly rubbish/recycling collections - all fine, as far as I'm concerned), as I have hurt my back bringing in the empty wheelie bin thingy.

    Hmmph - weekend plans will have to be adjusted for accessibility...

    S xx.

    P.S. My iPod is a very sexy black one. BUT I don't have to worry about it being nicked, as I bought mine for myself after me and hubby had split! My kids have one each, but they don't use theirs as much as I do mine - funny that!!!

    P.P.S - Where's Doc McC?

    P.P.P.S - Whyyyyyyyyy Emm Seee Eehh

  37. At 01:53 PM on 27 Apr 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    cheers hazel, I obviously meant Norfolk,

    - as for the time machine??? haven't a clue sorry


  38. At 02:31 PM on 27 Apr 2007, Gaby wrote:

    Five shillings each way on 4.20pm BST please


  39. At 02:41 PM on 27 Apr 2007, Annie wrote:

    Hi Chris

    You should try fasting, it's very good if you couple it with prayer and a purpose - otherwise you're just going hungry.

    In our church we fast for 24 hours every month and the money we save on food during that period we give to those in need. Let me know if you want to join in!

  40. At 02:46 PM on 27 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Are you sure Caroline #26? I've had the most horrendous sore neck today and now suspect where it is coming from. Do I get worried if my feet start to get hot?

  41. At 02:49 PM on 27 Apr 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Slightly less overcast Good afternoon to everyone.
    Hazel do you think the chilli episode could be the third 'thing' you were anticipating? Also did you see, sometime earlier this week that the next Quo Tour is called "In search of the Fourth Chord" - or something very similar!
    Now that the 'new' blog is later in the day, has the Friday sweepstake been ditched?
    PS If we're doing a roll call where's DWNB and Joannie too?
    PPS Alcopops! - get some dandelion and burdock down you.

  42. At 03:19 PM on 27 Apr 2007, Mary Whorne wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Love the show and especially your positivity and optimism and the way you have reinvented yourself. The Friday show with the weekend looming is great, particularly if we are lucky enough to have family and friends as you and I have. However, not to put a downer on it, but perhaps on one Friday show it might be dedicated to those for whom the weekend isn't quite so good, the lonely, elderly etc.
    Keep up the good work Mr Evans.

  43. At 03:50 PM on 27 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Hello world! Today is my annual indulgence day. I call in sick for work and do whatever I feel like all day. For some reason, I felt like going to buy a hammock and I found one just 4.4 miles from home. And it's blue and turquoise and green and you can get two in it (possibly three) and it has a stand so no tying to trees involved. Just awoken from a lovely summer slumber in my hammock. If you've never slept in a hammock (I hadn't until today) I would recommend it as a summer must have. The gentle rocking whilst suspended mid air amongst my best sqishy pillows and duvet; being outdoors listening to bird chat and song; puss-cat jumping in too.......and then to the land of nod. 2 hours I've been asleep and now am very excited because I'll be able to stay up even later tonight. All this talk of restriction of alcohol I can feel a bit of a bender coming on!! That will of course be because my 'massively irresponsible' parents gave me nips of wine (all of which was home made from fruit and veg from the garden including potato wine - I KID YOU NOT - blackberry being my favourite) from the age of about 8 or 9. I had total access to literally gallons of wine all of my life and only once did I think it cool at 14 to have a friend over and sneakily help ourselves.........never underestimate the power of home made wine......not at all pretty...... :(
    After a bit of a lecture from my dad on respect for alcohol using the term I've used so often on my own son, "When you are mature....." there was no further need to warn me off. I am now very mature and have a healthy relationship with alcohol and really enjoy a bender 3-4 times a year. I suffer immensely the next day for the indulgence but just can't resist sometimes. :)xxx

    What a corker of a day. Still time to get to the pool, do 40 lengths, spend an hour in the jacuzzi and another 30 mins in and out of the sauna, immac the legs (and feet if I'm honest), scrape the crust off the bottom of the feet and cream the body all over - twice. I end up smelling of vanilla, chocolate and strawberries - all my favourite aromas. And minty feet. Foot cream only comes in mint flavour. Why is that? Anyway I end up being more attractive to flies than men but I'm ever the optimist! xx

    here's one for the Busby. The main ingredient of my 'cracked heel repair cream' is urea. I'd like to know who's urea is used for this very well known brand of cracked heel reapir cream. Is it an animal or human source? Is it aritificially created? How much would the company pay for urea? Can I sell mine? Can any of these questions be answered? xx
    A groovy, smoochy Friday to all. Bring on the summer!


    PS Go treat yourself to a hammock tomorrow. Well known DIY store. xx

  44. At 04:05 PM on 27 Apr 2007, wrote:

    wilsmar - thinking about it, yes it possibly could be...except it was MY lid (being ma heed) that was hastily thrust face-down into a (fortunately recently flushed) lavatory, in order to cool my mouth down!

    Such a relief!

    for want of a better expression...

    Two penguins sitting on the ice watching the seagulls flapping about in the sky.

    One says 'I wish I could fly'

    The other says 'Yeah...being up there, diving amongst the clouds, watching the seals, counting the silvery shoals of beautiful fish, swooping round ships, generally joining in with all the other birds in the great majesty of the aerial view.......aaaaaaaaaaah....

    The first one says 'No, I just wanna get my arse off this ice...'

    Good luck Moose

  45. At 04:23 PM on 27 Apr 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Hurrah Christophe.

    I have me Children In Need Christophe Lambie Pie Egg Cup.

    Marvellous. It's sat sittin' next to the Togmeister on the shelf in the downstairs toilet where I can look up over me Wigan Observer and give yous two a nice smile and a wave.

    Meanwhile I can't wait for me breakfast tomorrow when I can bang yous two baldy heeds together with me spoon and wipe your noses with me soldiers.


    Happy ARF everybody. in honour of said artefact I'm goin' to request White Weddin' by Eggy Pop.



  46. At 04:29 PM on 27 Apr 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    Late, late lambie pies 2day peeps!

    Have a good weekend, one and all.

    CtD x x

  47. At 05:33 PM on 27 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    Iam a Brit living in Sao Paulo Brazil.Iam off to the Iguacu Falls this weekend.The biggest falls in the world....thats quite big!!!!!
    Any Happy Mondays will do Thanks......

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