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Chris Evans | 10:05 UK time, Wednesday, 7 February 2007

Friends, Romans, Bloggers. It is my honour to address you once again in the forum renowned for its decorum.

Last night the Once A Month Club took its toll once again…..

…..suffice to say, it feels like I’ve been hit by a mountain. My head is barely my own.

All my good intentions over the last six weeks deserted me simultaneously as I and the two other members lurched from one denim iniquity to the next.

The three of us, it transpires, are completely different. For years we pretended to be the same, but last night we threw all our cards on the table. This is what the Once A Month Club is all about; honesty, frankness and openness.

It has become a platform free of fear and agenda, liberation, a special night, zero duplicity, a rare bird nowadays.

Oh, and it always ends up in our favourite kebab shop.

Forever there will just be three, him and him and me.

One of the once a monthers is so asleep on the sofa, I fear he may never wake up.

To think I used to do this kind of thing every night is beyond me. For now surely it will only ever be once a month.

Adieux mes amis, adieux.


  1. At 10:18 AM on 07 Feb 2007, Carrie wrote:

    Hope you feel better for the show Chris.

  2. At 10:21 AM on 07 Feb 2007, joanie wrote:

    AAh, but how soon before the body only allows such hedonisitic behaviour once a year?!!!

    Fab show, always bothered if i can't get in to cook whilst listening to you. Blog lurker, i like it like that!! obviously not lurking now but posting if you know what i mean!!

  3. At 10:24 AM on 07 Feb 2007, Dan the man wrote:

    Good man yourself, LammiePie!
    Its nice to break free once in a while and then after all the good intentions re diet, health and lifestyle, we throw it all away in the space of 5 hours!!

    We are all the same...

    Loads of water, fresh lemon and a bacon sandwich should be the order of the day!!

    Enjoy your humpday!!

  4. At 10:27 AM on 07 Feb 2007, Em M wrote:

    Poor you Chris, don't you think hangovers seem to get worse and worse as you get older? I just don't feel the urge to party like I used to, but sometimes, when I'm with good friends and the time is right, I go for it, and I appreciate it so much more than i used to!

    Amazingly enough, my relationship with Paul McKenna is going from strength to strength. Somehow I seem to have lost about a stone in a month, and i don't really know how it's happened. I suppose it confirms the saying "a little bit of what you fancy does you good", and the biggest change in my life has been handing in my resignation to the Clean Plate Club - I hardly seem to think about food these days, its as if I've been set free from an edible prison. I don't know what it is about Mr McK but it works for me - be a love Chris, and get him on the show.

    Last night I watched the kiddie ballroom programme, anyone else see it? Some of the parents were so pushy its scary, I hope I never get like that!

    Love from Em (Not a Pushy Mum) xx

  5. At 10:33 AM on 07 Feb 2007, Gaby wrote:


    : ) you are so delightfully candid - and we love you for it.

    Keep up the fantastic work.



  6. At 10:36 AM on 07 Feb 2007, Gaby wrote:


    : ) you are so delightfully candid - and we love you for it.

    Keep up the fantastic work.



  7. At 10:38 AM on 07 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Morning Chris

    Have you gone back to bed yet? I hope you brushed your teeth before bed last night after your kebab session, nothing worse than waking up in the morning with chilli sauce mouth!

    Glad to see that the sofa is still getting regular use - you havn't mentioned sofa buddies for a while and I was worried it may have been feeling left out! (any sofa photo's today?).

    My car read -9 this morning and they've just sent out the severe weather policy at work - whatever's the world coming too. This global warming is something else n'est pas!

    I used to go out every night too Chris, in fact there was a point in my university days when I used to go out every day too. Now I'm lucky if I manage once a month! What I do find helpful thgouh is to take 2 artichoke tablets (from Holland & Barratt) before going out, it seems to lessen the hangover!

    :o) Jo

  8. At 10:51 AM on 07 Feb 2007, JF wrote:

    Bless you!! Nowt worse thatn a hangover head, though I prefer to view it as a sign of a great night out.
    And HELLO SCHLOGGERS!! I haven't posted for a while, but I have been reading. hope you're all well n happy

  9. At 10:55 AM on 07 Feb 2007, Carrie wrote:

    Hope you feel better for the show Chris. You need some fresh air, that always sorts me out.

  10. At 10:55 AM on 07 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Bonjour, mon ami, Christoff!

    You did well posting in such a timely fashion after a night like last night! It's old age, honey, sorry to break it to you! We just can't do the things we used to! Just as well it's once a month, eh?

    I find it's best to drink water inbetween each glass of wine, and plenty when I get home, then my body doesn't suffer so much! Try and drink a few bottles of Purdeys (other multivitamin drinks are available) throughout the day, and if you can get some milk thistle it boosts your liver and helps your body get rid of toxins. See .... you're all prepared for next month now! (I hasten to add that I have only been out twice in the last 3 years, so I guess I don't do too much damage, myself!)

    Rest easy today and go for a nice long walk with Enzo! Looking forward to the BEST SHOW ON THE PLANET later! Hubby is enjoying getting his meals at a decent time these days, as I like to listen to you in the kitchen.


    Susan, Highland lass

    Signs you have a hangover:-

    You're convinced that chirping birds are Satan's pets.

    Trying to gain control of the situation, you continue to tell your room to "stay still."

    Looking at yourself in the mirror induces the same reaction as chugging a glass of fresh paint.

    You'd rather have a pencil jammed up your nose than be exposed to sunlight.

    You set aside an entire morning to spend some quality time with your toilet.

    You replace the traditional praying on your knees with the more feasible praying in a fetal position.

    The bathroom reminds you of a carnival barker shouting, "Step right up and give it whirl!"

    All day long your motto is, "Never again."

    You could purchase a new bike just by recycling the bottles around your bed.

    Your natural response to "Good morning," is "Shut up!"

  11. At 10:57 AM on 07 Feb 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Hail to the good ship Christophe, and all who sail in her!

    Why is there not a photo of the OAMCer asleep on your sofa please?

    ...and of course you're all different, it wouldn't be half as much fun if you were all the same now would it?

    ...and it really is as you get older, the number or nights one is able to go out depletes accordingly on a sliding scale...18-21,7, 22-25,6, 26-28,5, 29-30, 4 and so on per week, then per fortnight, then every now and then, and then once a month. You can kid yourself over Christmas, because Christmas is in December, and in practice, New Years Eve is half in January anyway!

    I had a kebab on Saturday night. I was so hungry I could have eaten a horse. So lets leave it there shall we.

    Garlic mayonnaise my man, and plenty of it!

    ps am allergic to chillies

  12. At 11:06 AM on 07 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Morning Chris

    Hope you had a nice chicken kebab and not one of those made from belly-button meat.......

    Jan x

  13. At 11:07 AM on 07 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Morning chaps and chappesses

    Sounds like a great night. Looking forward to tonight's show as I've missed the last two - away at a conference. How many emails is it possible to get in two days! Hqve a swell day all.

    Ciao xx

  14. At 11:15 AM on 07 Feb 2007, wrote:


    You are a heap.


    PS- You played the wrong song for Matt last night.

  15. At 11:31 AM on 07 Feb 2007, SammyM wrote:

    Hi to all you bloggers out there in Blogland,

    Have been AWOL for a while following SammyM jnr having a little hernia op on his bits and bobs, needless to say the sit astride Police car has been relagated to the shed for a couple of weeks. Other than that all is well in my bubble.

    I too like CLP have recently fallen off the wagon (I was convinced I had become allergic to alcohol, as had hangovers from HELL!!) but am pleased to announce that following some very scientific research, it turns out its just white wine I can't tollerate (Bye Bye Pinot Griglio!!!) and I have a new friend called Mr Mateus.

    There is something so comforting in stumbling into a kebab shop at some unearthly hour in the morning isn't there??

    Yum Yum extra Chilli Sauce for me

    Onwards and upwards....

    Roll on 5.00pm


  16. At 11:33 AM on 07 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Just wanted to say that over the last couple of days I have tried to 'reply' to my loverly fellow bloggers and blogettes but the Blog Police have snatched the comments! So a huge thank you for the birthday wishes and the hugs for a sicky Charis!

    For the Blog Police:

    Do I attract you?
    Do I repulse you with my queasy smile?
    Am I too dirty?
    Am I too flirty?
    Do I like what you like?

    I could be wholesome
    I could be loathsome
    I guess I'm a little bit shy
    Why dont you like me?
    Why dont you like me without making me try?

  17. At 11:33 AM on 07 Feb 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Fellow Bloggers,

    Wow Chris, sounds like your OAMC night out has reaffirmed your beliefs in your new regime! When I have a night like that, I feel it for days afterwards; Last Saturday night (my OAMC), I drank lots of soft drinks in between the not so soft and just felt a little tired the following day - nothing that a 3 mile walk and early night couldn't put right. Have lots of BAD food stuffs today and start again with your brighter, shinier, preferred lifestyle tomorrow.

    Saw A last night :-)))) Drove home very late/early depending on your point of view - had to scrape the car as it was -6! Am seeing him again tomorrow - hmmm - becoming something of a habit!!

    In the meantime, I'm not really sure what I should do about D, K and M! Haven't had any dates with them, but still want to, especially K and M..... As for Dirty Dicky, well, 'nuff said!

    Btw folks - went to the old weigh in last night.... I have now lost more than 30% of my entire body weight!!! I now have only 7lbs to go to reach my goal weight. It's taken me 14 months to get here and well worth it - I am a different person - physically and mentally. For all you out there that are trying to make lifestyle changes - keep going, even when you feel as though you have just taken 3 steps back - you will get back on track and the end result is well worthwhile!

    Right, enough from my lecturn for today! Work's a calling - although Q for Dr McC... Do teenagers come with a parasite that makes them hungry all the time, or do they buy it in a shop?

    Have a happy hump day all!

    S xx.

    P.S. Chris - try drinking one of those sports drinks - they re-hydrate you really, really quickly!!!

  18. At 11:35 AM on 07 Feb 2007, Caroline wrote:

    hello everyone
    have posted already, it might turn up, anyway i was back to check..so now i'll say
    I'm not going to duplicate myself repeating last post - I just haven't got that copy and paste yet..I'm so eager to post, I forget to C&P

    Em M -I've bought P McK...when will I get time to listen?
    My BESTEST friend in the world is getting married on April 14th.......How much can I lose before then with P Mck help, i wonder...You know..I'm going to go for it..starting NOW..I really am.

    Busy, busy busy!
    Love caroline X

  19. At 11:42 AM on 07 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Hello Christoff

    Glad you had a good time! did you ever think though that Sal poss woke up better than you and she didn't go to bed till 5am? ;0)

  20. At 11:54 AM on 07 Feb 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone)

    Really sympathise with you Chris, but by the sound of it, your mate will be feeling even worse than you. It's awful when you wake up from one of those "I thought I was dead" drunken sleeps!

    The only good news I can offer you is that the older you get, the hangovers are not so bad! I can't explain it, I just don't get hangovers any more - though after a night on the tiles it does take me two days before I can move my fingers!

    Have a happy Wednesday. This is my late-shift week, so will miss the show - have fun without me!

    C xx

  21. At 11:58 AM on 07 Feb 2007, tobes wrote:

    Morning CLP, blogers alike...

    Heavy heavy nights... I feel your pain, it is becoming every now and then happening as I feel I am wasting the weekend by going out and get lorded and then Saturday is a complete right off... Nowadays I feel if it happens twice a month i can handle it...

    My girlfriend keeps ribbing me as of next June I will be 30... I am finding the closer I get to the date the happier and less worried I am about it... Is that normal?

    Everything great has happened to me last year, meeting my amazing girlfriend, just buying a house right now and moving in soon... Turning 30 can only be a good thing!

    Hope your all well and enjoying wednesday!

    Take it steady!

  22. At 11:59 AM on 07 Feb 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Why does it take so long to get over a hangover once you hit 40?! It takes me longer to recover than it does to get hammered in the first place these days! Ooh, it's just not worth the headache these days!

    Hope you feel better soon CLP xx

    Hazel Love - am feeling a bit better thanks xx

    jillygoat x

  23. At 12:13 PM on 07 Feb 2007, sandie wilson-greene wrote:

    Get well for the show, please.

    Aah 40 something, it gives the most horrific hang

    overs. I'm on a diet at mo, trying to loose 4lb, thats

    another grim thing to do when your 40 something, 3

    weeks on 2lb lost, it used to take a week in those

    younger years humph.

    cant wait for the show...

    Sandie x

  24. At 12:43 PM on 07 Feb 2007, wrote:

    hi everyone,

    Chris I hope you feel better soon. I've not had a hangover for over 10 years now, but thats all down to not drinking. I am alcohol intolerant - the closest I get to a drink is vinegar on my chips.

    I tried Paul McKenna too, and it does work. All that he is doing is passing on some good sense. My dads motto is waste not want not, my reply tends to be waste not, no waist! Although, is it cheating when your favourite meal is Beef Stroganoff, and I leave the mushrooms because I don't like them but pretend its because thats all I wanted??

    MW, a!

  25. At 12:50 PM on 07 Feb 2007, wrote:

    hi everyone,

    Chris I hope you feel better soon. I've not had a hangover for over 10 years now, but thats all down to not drinking. I am alcohol intolerant - the closest I get to a drink is vinegar on my chips.

    I tried Paul McKenna too, and it does work. All that he is doing is passing on some good sense. My dads motto is waste not want not, my reply tends to be waste not, no waist! Although, is it cheating when your favourite meal is Beef Stroganoff, and I leave the mushrooms because I don't like them but pretend its because thats all I wanted??

    MW, a!

  26. At 12:52 PM on 07 Feb 2007, Caroline wrote:

    hello everyone
    have posted already, it might turn up, anyway i was back to check..so now i'll say
    I'm not going to duplicate myself repeating last post - I just haven't got that copy and paste yet..I'm so eager to post, I forget to C&P

    Em M -I've bought P McK...when will I get time to listen?
    My BESTEST friend in the world is getting married on April 14th.......How much can I lose before then with P Mck help, i wonder...You know..I'm going to go for it..starting NOW..I really am.

    Busy, busy busy!
    Love caroline X

  27. At 12:55 PM on 07 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Bonjourno Christophe,

    It seems that you have spent your 41st year doing exactly what was required - settling down. I too was a late developer and really never gave a second thought to the rest of my life. Now, like your good self, I am in the second half and I'm really enjoying the view. My world opens up new wonders to me almost daily. It's a pleasure to be getting older. The Aries 'type' lives life much faster than most and many burn out but I am grateful that my slowing down has been from choice and not from necessity and I feel my tastes and opinions and circle of friends opening up like a flower. And to think that I spent most of my youth dreading being this age.....xxx
    If we didn't abuse our bodies in our youth how would we appreciate the joy that contentment of the cleansing process can bring?
    We wouldn't know the light without the darkness.

    PS: I miss your long, deep, meaty, philosophical blogs and I do hope that they will return. I remember your first so aptly titled SYMPOSIUM. The word that I have etched onto my dining table.

  28. At 01:01 PM on 07 Feb 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Sammie - well done you on the weight loss!!!!

    I've just got my first "half stone" star as I've lost 7 and a half pounds - I'm thrilled, as it's a step in the right direction at last, but have just realised that I haven't played my Paul McKenna CD yet - that could help even more!

    Everything seems to take longer to do once you hit the big 4-0, in particular recovering from a hangover and losing weight. Still, even half a stone makes a difference to how your clothes feel on you - just another few stones to go!

    Sandie # 24 - keep it up - you're nearly there!!!


  29. At 01:06 PM on 07 Feb 2007, sandie wilson-greene wrote:

    One great cure for a hang over is something hearty

    to eat. Last night was the second outing for my slow

    cooker, a curry was cooked and it was fab, a big

    plate of that would cure you, I've popped the extra

    portion into the freezer if you want to come eat it

    Chris. Other wise I'm looking for another recipe dont

    know what to cook next.....I've had my

    Hungarian goulash, and my curry, both beef.

    Help! bloggers, in need of a good recipe.

    Off out in the crisp sunshine now for a brisk walk

    I'm trying to shift another pound before I go off

    for the weekend to a lovely hotel in the Borders

    Hope the weather keeps up, speak soon. I await

    your recipes

    Sandie (Edinburgh) x

  30. At 01:09 PM on 07 Feb 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    I've lost count of the number of times I've tried to post today ... why aren't blog posts getting thru?

    Enzo made the pages of Heat magazine this week - the 'spotted' section. CLP looking good too!

    Dragons Den tonight and snow tomorrow - how good can life get?

    Hope this one gets thru.

    CtD x

  31. At 01:09 PM on 07 Feb 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Afternoon Christoph, afternoon bloggers


    The antidote to all hangovers.

    Obviously not getting hammered in the first place is pretty good, but I find that a few lengths of the pool on a Saturday morning sorts out the Friday night swede.

    Not much help during the week though if your office doesn’t contain a 25m long hole full of chlorinated water.

    Got a corking Saturday lined up, a OAMC of sorts.

    Best mate and I are heading up into the Surrey hills to then walk back in the general direction of home via the odd pub or two whilst trying to remember all of the navigation techniques we were taught on Dartmoor a couple of years ago. I would wager that the accuracy of navigation will be inversly proportional to the number of pubs visited, although in theory we will never be any more than 15 miles from home at any stage, so that shouldn’t become an issue.

    If I haven’t blogged by 3.00 Monday afternoon, it did become an issue.

    Happy hump day one and all.

    Peace and love


    PS Just give me what I want and no-one gets hurt

    PPS Love Missile F1-11

    PPPS Thank You

  32. At 01:09 PM on 07 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Sorry CLP but I'm hearing the, "ooh never again!" complete fibaroonie going on here. That it will only ever be once a month is just rubbish! Just because you have had a bit of time off from the high life (or at least burning the candle at both ends) it doesn't mean that you're "never" going to go back to it. "Never" is a very long time my friend.

    Maybe it's best just to say "ooh I'm not as young as I used to be and I can't do this every night of the week any more" and then just get on with life as usual.

    We all still love you with or without the hangover and personally I'm having the same sort of mornings more often these days than I used to.... so hey-ho!


  33. At 01:20 PM on 07 Feb 2007, Paula wrote:

    Hello One & all,

    Oh ow Chris, hope your head feels a little better now that the day is progressing. And what a good one it is (well here in West London anyway) the sun is out, shinning brightly and very warm.....well when sitting in the car or conservatory. tee hee.

    Just been for a second interview and would really love the job -people nice, place nice, easy to travel to from home....but the people gave away nothing and now I'm having the whatif's???
    Whatif I'd said this or ahould I have asked more questions.
    Mind you they didn't offer me a water until after seeing the big bosses and I was sitting down to do a test. Hey people out there that interview......try to put a girl at ease.

    My conclusion after reading your blog today
    - like hangovers interviews don't get easier with age, although we think they should.

    Happy hump day everyone
    Pea x

  34. At 01:34 PM on 07 Feb 2007, PAUL BROWN wrote:

    new to the blogging thing, only started reading this week.very interesting.

    the once a month club intriges me,
    who are the the other two?

    how does the complete honesty thing work?
    surly there are always comebacks..

    also the desert island comment ,about its the best thing to listen to up a ladder, wrong!!!
    .sorry,your old sat pm show, was the only reason i put a new kitchen in our house, so i could listen uninteruped all afternoon, with her who must be obeyed out of the way..

  35. At 02:04 PM on 07 Feb 2007, Ros wrote:

    Hi Chris, have never blogged before,but a keen reader of an evening.
    As I'm usually hard at work during the daylight hours and only get to listen to you on the drive home there appears to be an advantage to being home on the sick all week!

    Hope your hangovers better before tonight, I find that these days if I do go over the red wine limit,currently 4 glasses, it takes me a whole 24 hours to recover.

    Well back to the sick bed to cough and splutter, take care mate as it would appear that as we all get older it takes longer to repair

  36. At 02:05 PM on 07 Feb 2007, SammyM wrote:

    PS - Had a shopping trip yesterday and spent a fortune in Lakeland.

    Following Foxy's lead on your Chrimble pressie Chris and have bought a Gravy Jug - YIPPEE!!

    Roast chicken and all the trimming tonight, just so I can use my jug.

    PPS - Also got a grout brush for cleaning the shower, am not quite so enthusiastic about christening this one!!

    Chin Chin


  37. At 02:56 PM on 07 Feb 2007, Parker wrote:

    A Boozer's Tale
    I never drink beer on a Monday,
    Cos Monday's the day fer mi health
    An' the wife's got me countin' them units,
    I've just got to take care o' miself
    So I merely have wine wi' mi supper,
    An' just the one litre OK?
    Then a rather large rum in mi coffee
    An' I calls that mi sensible day

    I never drink wine on a Tuesday,
    Cos Tuesday's mi weightwatchin' club
    It's the day when I eat nowt but cabbage,
    The day I don't go much fer grub
    Now a diet demands plenty fluid,
    Summat light an' completely fat-free
    So I've chosen that strong German lager
    An' I just have five pints wi' mi tea

    I never drink lager on Wednesday,
    Cos Wednesday's the day fer mi jog
    It's tracksuit an' trainers at mid-day
    Then I'm off up the road wi' the dog
    First stop's at the Globe fer some Guinness,
    Three swift ones'll get me to grips
    Then I carry on round to The Shepherds
    Fer three more an' a burger an' chips
    I make sure that I'm suitably rested,
    Then I sprint back to our garden wall
    In a time of under twelve minutes,
    An' it's four 'undred metres an' all

    I never drink Guinness on Thursday,
    Cos Thursday's mi day to relax
    I likes to sit out in t' back garden
    In mi brown zip-up cardie an slacks
    After lunch I might stroll by the river,
    Breeze in at the Fisherman's Drop
    Where I lounge on the terrace all lordly,
    Sippin' shandy, but beawt any pop
    Then cos I've been good through the day like,
    She'll allow me to waver a smidge
    So mi evenin's spent watchin' the footy
    Wi' a few packs o' Boddies from t' fridge

    I never drink Boddies on Friday,
    Cos Friday's mi night on the razz
    An' we meet in The Firkin at seven,
    Owd Nodger an' me an' Fat Baz
    Oh The Firkin's a beer-drinker's heaven,
    Wi' fifteen real ales from the jug
    An' we start wi' the ones in the tap-room
    An' we works our way round to the snug
    By midnight we're all talkin' gubbins
    An' we're off fer a curry up town
    But there's summat not reyt about curry
    Cos I never seem t' keep the stuff down
    We 'ave a good laugh wi' the waiters,
    An' Baz moons his bum fer a joke
    Then I'm home fer a nightful o' passion,
    Cos I'm known as a passionate bloke

    I never do much on a Sat'day,
    Cos Sat'day's mi time fer a think
    Cos me an' the wife are not speakin' today,
    I'm a drunken, fat pig an' I stink
    So I sit near the lavvie pretendin'
    That really I'm feelin' just great
    But I'm goin' right off that Indian food
    If it leaves me in this bloody state
    It's later I make the decision,
    On my forty-third trip to the bog
    There's only one thing cures an upset like this
    An' they call it the 'air o' the dog
    I ring Nodge an' Baz on mi mobile
    An' both of 'ems likewise in pain
    So we're back in The Firkin at quarter-past-six
    An' we do it all over again

    I never say Firkin on Sunday,
    Cos Sunday's mi day to repent
    I'm ashamed of all o' that boozin' I've done
    An' all o that money I've spent
    I begs the wife fer forgiveness
    An' I promise I'll alter mi ways
    An' she gives me a kiss an' a cuddle,
    Like she did in our newly-wed days
    We watch Songs of Praise on the telly,
    Then a nice pot o' tea an' some cakes
    An' I swear now I've climbed up the ladders,
    I'll never slide down any snakes
    But it's borin' on telly on Sunday,
    An' I can't say I'm ever impressed
    So I 'ave a walk out round the village
    An' stop off at the Collier's Rest
    Now the beer's a bit crap in The Collier's
    So I leave an' pop round to The Swan
    Where I flatten a shed-load o' Tetley's
    An' I'm bloody well back to square one
    So I never drink beer on a Monday,
    Cos Monday's the day fer mi health
    An' the wife's got me countin' them units
    I've just got to take care o' miself

  38. At 03:03 PM on 07 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Ah glad you had a brilliant time last night. Don't you find you appreciate nights out when you only have them about once a month. I think it's far more exciting than going out say twice a week.

    Do you know I really feel the urge to do some yoga! I think after you blog Chris I feel the need to be in the warrior position!

    love to all your bloggers,missy xx

  39. At 03:09 PM on 07 Feb 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    am most upset, where do all my blogs keep going????

  40. At 04:14 PM on 07 Feb 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Tinsel - best to ask Prof Plum.
    They've probably got a charity car boot sale at the home for the Retired Artistes this Sunday, and she'll be flogging them off for 40p each. Betcha.

    Anyway, what about those Tarrants eh? I've still got to wait until July before I can be free of my cheating thieving lying (other adjectives are available) ex (but not quite ex enough) husband. That, my friends, will be FIVE years. Those lucky Tarrants, just five months...my heart goes out to both of them...

    vive la difference

  41. At 04:39 PM on 07 Feb 2007, prof plum wrote:

    All and one hello

    Best cure for a hang over I find is lot's of tomato juice ... not if you happen to be sick though.

    Matt from Rugsland Hello Hello ... Vertigo.

  42. At 04:42 PM on 07 Feb 2007, Nunu wrote:


    I too am joining the Thirty club this year (Aug), now, maybe its me, but i am really not having the same reaction to it as yourself..... I'm dreading it, the mere thought of starting to say your age with a "TH..." I'm just not feeling it...... Please, tell me your secret????

  43. At 05:29 PM on 07 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Bon après-midi, mon ami, Christoff!

    Hope you have had a good day! It has been beautiful here in Inverness, hardly a cloud in the sky and the temperature hasn’t risen over 3.5 degrees C. No snow, but it is forecast for Saturday and Sunday. The temperature for tonight is forecast at -9 degrees! Brrrrrrrrr! Spent the afternoon taking photos from one of the hills overlooking the city - haven’t had a chance to download them yet. Can’t believe London is forecast for 7 inches of snow tomorrow!!!!

    Bon après-midi, mon camarade bloggers and blogettes! What have you all been up to today?

    Em M - well done for losing a stone! Yup - watched that programme last night - those parents should be reported to social work!!!! I’d love for Charis to get into ballet and Highland dancing, but would never do that to her!

    Gaby - you’re delightfully repeating!

    Jo - hope you had your thermals on defrosting the car this morning! No hangovers for you for a good few months now!

    JF - HELLO! Nice to know you’re still around, just lurking!

    Hazel Love - yup - I agree - another sofa photo is in order, Chris!

    SammyM - hugs for junior! Poor wee honey! Charis has an umbilical hernia, but we’re hoping it’ll close itself! I’m giggling at the thought of your new relationship with Mr Mateus!

    Sammie (all these Sam’s!!!) - Sounds like this is becoming serious?! J With regards to D, K and M (now you’re just showing off!!!), why don’t you get a bit of paper, draw 4 columns, put each name in a different column, then do a list of what you like and dislike for each one. Then list it for us to look at too!! Hee-hee! Re - teenagers …. worms?

    Tobes - wish I was worrying about being 30 on my next birthday!!! Sounds like all is going great, though!

    Jillygoat - cos we’re getting older, honey! Glad you’re on the mend!

    Paula - hope you get the job!

    Paul Brown - WELCOME virgin blogger! Chris has a great blog, eh? Don’t forget to visit his fellow bloggers and blogettes! They are an interesting bunch!

    Ros - WELCOME to you too! You must fel that you kinda know everyone if you read every night! Get well soon!

    Parker - :0)

    Off to cook something so I can listen to the rest of the show in the kitchen!

    Group huggles,

    Susan, Highland lass

  44. At 05:40 PM on 07 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Hope you enjoyed the drink, food and fun.. you are still young(ish) afterall :P

    Thanks for doing an item on EXTRAS, no not the famous comedy.. but the marvelous work that many background actors / supporting artists.. do on TV and Films such as East Enders and Casualty!

    You rock team..

    from Sam in freezing Bristol... burrrrrr

  45. At 05:42 PM on 07 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Hope you enjoyed the drink, food and fun.. you are still young(ish) afterall :P

    Thanks for doing an item on EXTRAS, no not the famous comedy.. but the marvelous work that many background actors / supporting artists.. do on TV and Films such as East Enders and Casualty!

    You rock team..

    from Sam in freezing Bristol... burrrrrr

  46. At 06:04 PM on 07 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Bon après-midi, mon ami, Christoff!

    Hope you have had a good day! It has been beautiful here in Inverness, hardly a cloud in the sky and the temperature hasn’t risen over 3.5 degrees C. No snow, but it is forecast for Saturday and Sunday. The temperature for tonight is forecast at -9 degrees! Brrrrrrrrr! Spent the afternoon taking photos from one of the hills overlooking the city - haven’t had a chance to download them yet. Can’t believe London is forecast for 7 inches of snow tomorrow!!!!

    Bon après-midi, mon camarade bloggers and blogettes! What have you all been up to today?

    Em M - well done for losing a stone! Yup - watched that programme last night - those parents should be reported to social work!!!! I’d love for Charis to get into ballet and Highland dancing, but would never do that to her!

    Gaby - you’re delightfully repeating!

    Jo - hope you had your thermals on defrosting the car this morning! No hangovers for you for a good few months now!

    JF - HELLO! Nice to know you’re still around, just lurking!

    Hazel Love - yup - I agree - another sofa photo is in order, Chris!

    SammyM - hugs for junior! Poor wee honey! Charis has an umbilical hernia, but we’re hoping it’ll close itself! I’m giggling at the thought of your new relationship with Mr Mateus!

    Sammie (all these Sam’s!!!) - Sounds like this is becoming serious?! J With regards to D, K and M (now you’re just showing off!!!), why don’t you get a bit of paper, draw 4 columns, put each name in a different column, then do a list of what you like and dislike for each one. Then list it for us to look at too!! Hee-hee! Re - teenagers …. worms?

    Tobes - wish I was worrying about being 30 on my next birthday!!! Sounds like all is going great, though!

    Jillygoat - cos we’re getting older, honey! Glad you’re on the mend!

    Paula - hope you get the job!

    Paul Brown - WELCOME virgin blogger! Chris has a great blog, eh? Don’t forget to visit his fellow bloggers and blogettes! They are an interesting bunch!

    Ros - WELCOME to you too! You must fel that you kinda know everyone if you read every night! Get well soon!

    Parker - :0)

    Off to cook something so I can listen to the rest of the show in the kitchen!

    Group huggles,

    Susan, Highland lass

  47. At 08:37 PM on 07 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Have just had three unusual things happen, firstly someone from this site sent me a email asking me to write a NC-17 fan fic for spider man and then called me a Ae when I politely declined!

    Then someone else I know sent me a link to this online Christian video presentation called "The Vision" and frankly I found it rather scary, it was lots of flashing lights and pulsing drum beat and... well other things I find it hard to describe. I'm all for inspiring poems, presentations etc in fact, I find it hard to find enough - maybe I'm not looking in the right places, but that I just found, frankly, disturbing.

    Then finally I thought I would treat myself tonight and have a pizza from pizza hut (I am dairy free and a health nut so pizza does not crop up often in the ol diet) but when I got it home it was awful, safely the worst pizza I have ever had, YUCK, and............ It was buy one get one free so now I have another yucky pizza in the fridge which will now probably only see the inside of my bin. :0(

    Oh well! Missed most of the show today but thank you Mr Â鶹Éç controller for "listen again online" that will keep me occupied somewhat tomorrow :0)

    Ta Ta xx

  48. At 09:19 PM on 07 Feb 2007, Jake wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    I've been wondering what this 'Blogging' was all about so I thought I'd have a quick look into it. I'm a bit slow on the old techno' stuff, but always get there eventually!
    I know exactly what you mean, one night out a month does me in too; post 40 your bod' simply doesn't take kindly to abuse of any kind, especially when it's become a Temple like ours!
    Milk thistle is a good remedy, best taken before bedtime (if you can remember!) with bucket-loads of H20.
    So jealous you're going to the rugby next weekend, I've been to Twickers a few times, but not for a while. I also went to Dublin for a Hen weekend when Ireland played France a few years ago, had a great night consoling the French team in 'Zanzibar' !
    Love the programme, especially the food and health bits, I'm a Nutritionist in training and would be happy to compare salad recipes with you anytime.
    Enjoy a good night's sleep, I'm sure you will!
    Lots of Love,

  49. At 09:24 PM on 07 Feb 2007, Skye wrote:

    Hey Chris, you should use au revoir instead of adieu because adieu literally means until God (i.e. when we see each other again in heaven, but not before that) whereas au revoir literally means until I see you again (i.e. in this life).

    I hope to hear you again well before we meet in heaven!

    Sorry to be a picky linguist but, doing German and French for A level and Spanish GCSE, languages have kind of taken over my life!!


  50. At 09:38 PM on 07 Feb 2007, Mary wrote:


    Hi Chris. Got ya with the first Snowball of the day. Hope you like snow!

  51. At 09:49 PM on 07 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Never really watched Dragons Den before, but based on your recommendation I watched it tonight. Excellent ... I love Levi ... and I want some "Reggae reggae sauce".

    You have to get him on ASAP, and get him singing his "Reggae reggae sauce" song.



    Ps. That sauce sounds so good and I'm sure he'd bring some in for you to try!

  52. At 09:51 PM on 07 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Sorry forgot to say ..

    is his website.

    Yeah ... reggae reggae sauce ... it tastes so nice that I had to name it twice ... it's my reggae reggae sauce!

    Sorry think I must be obsessed with this.

    Cheers again


  53. At 11:11 PM on 07 Feb 2007, Mosquito wrote:


    I don't suffer with hang overs as I usually take two paracetol before embarking on a boozy night'
    Hen parties eh whats that all about a group of women running about like chickens with no heads.
    The bride to be wearing an L plate hanging out of a streched limo shouting obscenties.
    Hen people genrally go forth to have Old boiler sexy underwear or tupperware parties.

    I'm out

  54. At 04:32 AM on 08 Feb 2007, Tabitha wrote:

    Afternoon all..but hopefully you are all asleep.

    Whilst Chris was on his hols, we moved to Australia for a year and I have been off line until now.

    Read up on all the blog whilst kids are asleep (but so much noise coming from the room, I don't think there is much slumber), there is a distinct change in the flavour and length of it, but still enjoyable.

    Warm and humid Down Under and I am off to see Little Britain here in Sydney tonight (well I missed them when they were down the road in Brighton!)

    Hope all well.
    Good Morning when you wake up.


  55. At 09:08 AM on 08 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Its a beautiful morning (well that's if you love snow) and my bears (labrador variety) are sooooooo happy. Baby bear rushed out as soon as the door was open to push her nose as far into the snow as she could. My older more sensible bear Roo was a little more hesitant but once out in it she was bouncing around like a puppy again.

    Wherever you are I hope you're enjoying the snow and it's not making life too difficult.

    & the Bears

  56. At 09:38 AM on 08 Feb 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Good what an odd morning.

    All the snow, and NOT ONE BIT where I live, then about (quide liderally mate) 1500m up the road THICK as you like, so ended up driving to work sideways again.

    Sammie - Mr A sounds good, but are you being lulled into a false sense of security? Is it a familiarity thing? Mr K and Mr M certainly sound viable, but poor Mr D... Anyway good luck (not that it sounds like you need it!) and well done on your loss.

    Ridiculous weather isn't it. The Robin is in his elephant at the moment though, posing for Christmas card photos in the tree just outside my window.

    The sled dogs are kicking off again, so I'd better go and through them another seal...

    Whaddya call an eskimo chav?


  57. At 10:30 AM on 08 Feb 2007, kaz wrote:

    The more it snows
    The more it goes

    The more it goes on snowing

    And nobody knows
    How cold my toes

    How cold my toes are growing

  58. At 09:16 PM on 10 Feb 2007, Toby wrote:

    Now i'm rightly confused, not just the sort of confused you get when your sister in law tells you that Mat took seven minutes to make the tea today and you have no idea who Mat is, why it takes seven minutes to make a cuppa, and why your girlfriend's slightly mad sister thinks you know Mat and give a damn...

    I have for some years now frequently used the expression Den of ....... What am I doing? Who ever is reading this has probably read thousands of lines of questions on the same thing.

    Oh well off to bed, another day to talk to the dog tomorrow, why does she do that??

    Easy does it Chris..

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