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Darren Hayes Questions Answered...

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Fraser McAlpine | 18:08 UK time, Friday, 7 September 2007

darren_hayes_150.jpgRemember how we reviewed Darren Hayes's song 'On The Verge Of Something Wonderful' and then loads of his fans got excited because it was a friendly review, so I asked them to send in questions I could put to Darren as part of the question-and-answer conversation that we media-types like to call 'an interview'? Remember this? Do you? Hmm?

Well, the good news is that I've had the answers back, and they are ready for perusal. Wanna see?

The bad news is that some of Darren's fans will be disappointed that their questions weren't asked. All I can say if this is the case is that I'm truly sorry, and I'd appreciate it if you could avoid, say, tracking me down and suffocating me in my sleep.

For everyone else, *drumroll*.....it's....DARREN!

(ooh! Before I forget. One of the answers here has a little kiss on the bottom of it. It was put there by the man himself. See if you can spot it, it'll be like a treasure hunt!)


Ashwin: If you had to play 3 of your own songs over your whole career, to someone who had never heard you before, to show off your VOCAL ABILITIES (rather than songwriting or producing), what would those 3 songs be?
Darren: Hmmm good question. Vocal abilities? Sheesh. Um perhaps 'Words' and 'I just want you to love me' from the new album. And perhaps 'Insatiable'. Did I pass?

Clare: We all know about your love for Hummingbird Cupcakes, so how many have you eaten in one sitting?
Darren: Oh dear. On our wedding day I probably had about five. Does that count as excessive?

Maggz: I read an article recently that a lot of people now find new music through MySpace. You have a MySpace page that you run yourself. How have you found the experience of having such direct contact with your fans?
Darren: Well I think it's no accident that I had a top 20 single and album this year without much airplay. That's totally down to MySpace and me letting people know about my stuff. People hearing it online and connecting that way. So SPANK YOU MySpace.

Samantha Davies: Hi Darren. I wondered if you knew that there are plans for a Dickens world soemwhere in the middle of England...forget where exactly but would you like to visit it when it opens? You could even go dressed up in Victorian clothing!
Darren: Sadly I know all about this. I think it exists already doesn't it? Of course I'd go. But I hope people don't take it too literally and start pooing in the street and not brushing their teeth. That would be gross.

Musiquefan: You were recently favourably blogged about by notoriously bitchy Perez Hilton how did that feel?
Darren: Honestly, I don't read those sites and I don't read the gossip magazines. I am aware that it was a positive piece and that's all I'm grateful for lol!

Goldberg: Hello Darren, are you going to do in the future a gay-pride (kind of) tour?
Darren: Um, no. I have performed at various Pride events all my career and I do them when I can. If it's special and if I can make it something incredible, sure.

Maaike: Hey Darren, if you could travel back in time, like you sing in How To Build A Time Machine, and you could meet a musician from the past, who would it be and why?
Darren: Well the whole point of the album is that you can't change the past. You can only make peace with it. So if I were to go back in time perhaps
I'd meet Olivia Newton John and beg her to cast me as Danny in Xanadu. Things would have turned out differently for that movie I'm sure.

Maria Ball: Hi Darren,
This is a really naff question, so I'll apologise in advance. It's just something that I've always wondered about, and never known the answer to. When you shoot a video, do you actually sing along to the track, or just move your lips and pretend to sing?
Darren: I sing. Full on, full blast and just about can't speak at the end of an 18 (hour) shoot. Obviously it's the record that you hear when you watch telly. But it looks fake if I don't actually sing. So I do.

Josephine: How hard and how different has it been to produce and promote the new album without the backing of a major record company?
Darren: Honestly? Apart from the huge advertising budgets, everything is much better this way. I make all my own decisions and my records actually get released and end up in record stores. That's a huge difference to last time! Hehe. I love having creative freedom and seeing my dreams come into reality.

Maria: I met you once with another fan outside a film premier and you were keen to hold the So Beautiful single as you hadn't seen it "in the flesh" as yet then. My question is was it as exciting to hold your first indie masterpiece in your hand as your first ever album?
Darren: I was DYING to see my new album in person, yes. It was 3 years in the making and many many months of graphic design and decisions to make and so it was like a dream come true to finally see it as a physical reality.

Elaine: I have just failed my first driving test (gutted! :( ) I was just wondering how many attempts it took you before you passed and how old you were.
Elaine x
Darren: I failed twice. I'm a shoddy driver. Well in the UK. I was awesome in America ;)

Stephanie E: Hello Darren, is there a right or wrong way to write songs, or do you go on emotion?
Darren: The wrong way would be if the song sucks and you wrote it just to make money or to do a duet with Shakira. Er, just off the top of my head. The right way would be from the heart, of course.

Lirine: Hello Darren. Most of your songs in this new album have quite lengthy titles. May I know why?
Darren: They are long because I wanted them to evoke the feeling of reading the titles of Victorian books for boys and girls.

Marvin T: What are your methods in controlling your temper?
Darren: Wisdom. Controlling your reaction. Counting to ten. Drug therapy. Lol.

Sarah Wilcox: Why have we never read any 'kiss and tell' stories about you? Is it because you are such a nice guy or did you bribe your ex loves?
Darren: LMAO I like to think because there's nothing to tell.

Skyliner: This Delicate Thing is amazing, but why Delicate? It offers a powerful and ostentatious journey which doesnt to me feel at all delicate. Awe inspiringly fantabulous but not Delicate? hehe
Darren: You've missed the point then. A life, and a human heart is delicate. And complex. Delicate doesn't have to mean weak. It means complex and fragile. But not weak.

Elaine: Darren, Why does your album not have a song named after it?
'Affirmation' album - 'Affirmation' song
'Spin' album - 'Spin' song, etc...
Darren: I think that's a very outdated trend really. I title my albums as a name for the complete work. Not after one song.

Maria: in the booklet for the DVD version of 'On The Verge Of Something Wonderful', there is an image of a key, surrounded by binary code numbers. I think the numbers all around the key can be deciphered as DH, what do the other numbers inside the key mean, and what is the overall meaning of this image?
Darren: That's a mystery, isn't it? ;)


Thanks again for all the questions. You rule!


  1. At 09:33 PM on 16 Aug 2007, matt wrote:

    it's an unintentional pun I'M SURE that the first phrase of this post references 'a mo'.

    [I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. Mo is short for 'moment'. Are you thinking 'emo'? I don't get it. - Fraser]

  2. At 09:25 AM on 17 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Why do record companies keep throwing money at you when no-one's cared since that awful tune on that rubbish film, you know the one, it was a big ballad, there was a train in it. Speed 3? No, that wasn't it. Never mind.

    [Brilliant. Now I just need nine or ten more and I'm READY. - Fraser]

  3. At 09:31 AM on 17 Aug 2007, Modupe wrote:

    My name is mo...

  4. At 03:56 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Ashwin aka savage_ashwin wrote:

    Hey mate. My question for Mr Hayes would be: 'If you had to play 3 of your own songs over your whole career, to someone who had never heard you before, to show off your VOCAL ABILITIES (rather than songwriting or producing), what would those 3 songs be'?

    Thank you :)



  5. At 03:57 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Susan Orchard wrote:

    hey Darren, my question for you is, i was lucky enough to see your live show 3 times this year, in NYC, Chicago and San Fran, and i was amazed at how much chemistry you had with Justin Shave onstage, whats it been like working with him?
    Susan from Arkansas US

  6. At 04:01 PM on 17 Aug 2007, memphis1 wrote:

    we all know about your love for Hummingbird Cupcakes,
    so how many have you ate in one sitting??
    and did Frazier buy you any???lol x

    love clare :)x

    [FRAZIER? Huff! - Fraser]

  7. At 04:02 PM on 17 Aug 2007, ginger wrote:

    My question to Darren is 'Of all the songs on the new album, which one are you most looking forward to performing live, and which one do you think will be most challenging to perform?'

    Thank you! (and I prefer devoted to obsessive lol)

  8. At 04:02 PM on 17 Aug 2007, memphis1 wrote:

    we all know about your love for Hummingbird Cupcakes,
    so how many have you ate in one sitting??
    and did Fraser buy you any???lol x

    love clare :)x

    [That's better! ;-) - Fraser]

  9. At 04:03 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Joyce Brown wrote:

    Hi Darren. I enjoyed seeing you at the small club venue in London, the atmosphere was amazing and so were you. If you got the chance again could we expect more of the same. I loved every minute and would like to say thank you for putting them on

  10. At 04:04 PM on 17 Aug 2007, William wrote:

    Dear Darren i was just wondering if there was ANYTHING you can change in your career what would it be and why?

  11. At 04:07 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Brian Carlin wrote:

    Hi Darren

    This question isn't really for you (sorry!) - but I wanted to know how Richard is dealing with his new found fame.

    Hope ur OK

  12. At 04:07 PM on 17 Aug 2007, wrote:

    how did you come up with the song on the verge of something wonderful?

  13. At 04:09 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Savage Gal wrote:

    How many more albums are you going to make?

  14. At 04:14 PM on 17 Aug 2007, wrote:

    I read an article recently that a lot of people now find new music through myspace. You have a myspace page that you run yourself. How have you found the experience of having such direct contact with your fans?

  15. At 04:24 PM on 17 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hi Darren :)

    You have previously explained to us about the significance of the origami crane which you have adopted as the logo for this album in the artwork. That each fold represents a personal choice or scar in life. Were the lyrics in Verge the inspiration for you to use this logo as it represents peace in japanese culture (reference Harry Truman and the H bomb) or did you decide to use this emblem as the album was gradually evolving? Did you decide to use it as a metaphor for choosing happiness and peace despite everything that happens to you in life? I think it is a very insightful and thought provoking logo and it makes one want to delve deeper and deeper into your music on this album :)

  16. At 04:24 PM on 17 Aug 2007, rachel wrote:

    heres mine:
    hey darren!
    i have no idea what to ask you..cause ive never had such a great oppourtunity, but heres all i can think of :whats the weirdest gift a fan has ever given you? and whats your favourite movie?
    good luck for the new album and tour :]

  17. At 04:28 PM on 17 Aug 2007, wrote:

    You are touring the Uk in September, with such an extensive collectiion of recorded material including the 25 new tracks on your latest album 'This Delicate Thing We've Made' have you found it difficult choosing a setlist for the tour?

  18. At 04:33 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Jen aka Tigercat wrote:

    My question for Darren is, Off of all of your albums what is the hardest song for you to still sing and moves you emotionally?

  19. At 04:37 PM on 17 Aug 2007, katy wrote:

    hi i would like to no why there are only a handful of concerts from darren this year and only one at the nec?

  20. At 04:39 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Sarah Arnold wrote:

    Darren, You're songs are very romantic, Are you as romantic in your own life and what would your perfect date be.. who with.. where.. what would you do... come on darren feed our fantasies :-)

  21. At 04:42 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Samantha Davies wrote:

    Hi Darren. I wondered if you knew that there are plans for a Dickens world soemwhere in the middle of england...forget where exactly but would you like to visit it when it opens? You could even go dressed up in victorian clothing!

  22. At 04:57 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Musiquefan wrote:

    You were recently favourably blogged about by notoriously bitchy Perez Hilton how did that feel?

  23. At 04:58 PM on 17 Aug 2007, mike wrote:

    Hi, my name is Mike from the US and i would like to say first off congratulations on not only your 3rd album released, but for your marriage as well. I hope it is going well.

    Here is my question for you. On the new album that you are releasing, which song means the most to you and why?

  24. At 05:03 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Elaine wrote:

    oooh lets think....um...

    I Know you recently attended the Celebration Europe starwars convention. Would you ever consider attending a music convention as a celebrity guest?!
    (Id pay for your autograph ^_^)

    Elaine x

  25. At 05:12 PM on 17 Aug 2007, wrote:

    hello darren
    are you going to do in the future
    a gay-pride (kind of) tour?

    x goldberg

  26. At 05:16 PM on 17 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hey Darren,
    If you could travel back in time, like you sing in How To Build A Time Machine, and you could meet a musician from the past, who would it be and why?

    x Maaike x

  27. At 05:27 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Michael wrote:

    hello there

    would there be a option that this tour will be recorded onto dvd?

    are you going to sale merchandise by yourself on stage this next tour:P

  28. At 05:47 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Cathy Nordstrom wrote:

    My questions for Darren are as follows:

    1) How old were you when you first realized that you had such a gift with your voice and in writing lyrics/music?

    2) Have you had vocal lessons?

    3) Do you remember the first song you wrote; if so how old were you, and what was the title?

    4) Has there been a memorable gift that you've received from a fan, and if so what was that?

    5) If you weren't a musician what other work would you possibly find yourself doing?

    6) Do melodies or lyrics come first for you when writing?

    7) What music influenced you the most while
    growing up?

    8) If you had the opportunity of doing a duet with another performer, and the choice was yours who would that be?

    9) In the making of your new album 'This Delicate Thing We've Made' what inspiration did the title come from?

    10) Is there a song on the album that is a favorite of yours and perhaps you enjoyed recording more?

    11) When you were so ill during your small gigs promoting your music, what type of health tips did you follow in order to perform so well(as other musicians/bands have cancelled their shows when ill)?

    12) We know that you have an incredable voice, but are you able to play any instruments?

    13) Since you used 'sign language' in the past song 'Crash And Burn'(while with the band Savage Garden); do you think that you may do that with a song of your own in the future?

    14) How did you find your beautiful victorian home in London?

    15) Do you have a fear of something, and if so what is it?

  29. At 05:47 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Maria Ball wrote:

    Hi Darren,

    This is a really naff question, so I'll apologise in advance. It's just something that I've always wondered about, and never known the answer to.

    So, my question is, when you shoot a video, do you actually sing along to the track, or just move your lips and pretend to sing?

    I promise I'll have a think and come up with a more intelligent question later.

    And a HUGE thank you to you Frazer for doing this interview :D

    Maria (MiaB), Birmingham.

  30. At 05:53 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Cathy Nordstrom wrote:

    My questions for Darren are as follows:

    1) How old were you when you first realized that you had such a gift with your voice and in writing lyrics/music?

    2) Have you had vocal lessons?

    3) Do you remember the first song you wrote; if so how old were you, and what was the title?

    4) Has there been a memorable gift that you've received from a fan, and if so what was that?

    5) If you weren't a musician what other work would you possibly find yourself doing?

    6) Do melodies or lyrics come first for you when writing?

    7) What music influenced you the most while
    growing up?

    8) If you had the opportunity of doing a duet with another performer, and the choice was yours who would it be with?

    9) In the making of your new album 'This Delicate Thing We've Made' what inspiration did the title come from?

    10) Is there a song on the album that is a favorite of yours and perhaps you enjoyed recording more?

    11) When you were so ill during your small gigs while promoting your album, what type of health tips did you follow in order to perform so well(as other musicians/bands have cancelled their shows when ill)?

    12) We know that you have an incredable voice, but are you able to play any instruments?

    13) Since you used 'sign language' in the past song 'Crash And Burn'(while with the band Savage Garden); do you think that you may do that with a song of your own in the future?

    14) How did you find your beautiful victorian home in London?


    Posted By: Cathy from Oregon(Toledo)OH/USA

  31. At 06:02 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Veronique wrote:

    You say in Me myself and I, you don't know what the future will bring and I understand that's meaning you enjoy your life only for today. I think signify this, but to what extent is convenient use this philosophy, to forget everything and only live for today?

  32. At 06:09 PM on 17 Aug 2007, JoseRajwa wrote:

    What a great idea and thanks for the opportunity Fraser! lol! (Are we really that scary?).

    My question to Darren is.... How hard and how different has it been to produce and promote the new album without the backing of a major record company?


  33. At 06:20 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Selena Z wrote:

    Hey Fraser,

    We're not scary I promise! Have a great interview.

    My question to Darren is:

    How does it feel to have complete creative control over your music/promo/direction?

    Can't wait for the album/tour!


    Selena Z

  34. At 06:26 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Ivana wrote:

    Hi Darren, the experience of seeing your performance live compares to nothing else! So much joy, happiness and love concentrated at the same place, same time and so many people can feel it. How do you perceive the connection with your audience when you’re on stage?

    Lots of love
    Ivana xx

  35. At 06:31 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Ivana wrote:

    Hi Darren, one of things I love about your songs is this special feeling of emotional connection everytime l’m listening to them. I’ve been listening to you for nearly 10 years but esp. The TTATS and TDTWM are the albums which I think are the most comlicated and also the most beautiful albums ever done! Your songs are so hard to perform emotionally and I would like to ask you what are your feelings just after the performances. How long do the feelings you feel when singing certain songs resonate in you after the show? Do you ever get a feeling of exhaustion, not physical but I mean emotional, such as melancholy after singing some sad songs like Unlovable or how does the joy and delight manifest after you sing the happier songs??

    Ivana xxx

  36. At 06:49 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Maria wrote:

    I met you once with another fan outside a film premier and you were keen to hold the So Beautiful single as you hadn't seen it "in the flesh" as yet then. My question is was it as exciting to hold your first indie masterpiece in your hand as your first ever album?

    I hope you don't tire of the feeling any time soon as I love to have in my hand for the first time a brand new Darren Hayes album too.

    PS Fraser Darren refers affectionately (I think) to his keenest fans as repeat offenders as opposed to obsessive fans.

  37. At 06:57 PM on 17 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hi there!

    My question would be, "How do you respond to criticism? Are you the kind of person that gives constructive criticism a fair listen? Or do you dismiss it or get offended?"

  38. At 06:59 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Nayira wrote:

    hey there Mr. Hayes
    about your time machie tour...
    do you have plans to tour latinamerica, or do you want to visit us??
    love from Chile!!


  39. At 07:02 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Kellie wrote:

    Hi D! With all the traveling you do, do you ever get to drive...and if you don't already own it, what would your dream car/vehicle be?

  40. At 07:27 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Elaine wrote:

    One more question from me.

    I have just failed my first driving test (gutted! :( ) I was just wondering how many attempts it took you before you passed and how old you were.

    Elaine x

  41. At 07:50 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Dfan wrote:

    Hey, here's my question:

    Darren, if you could use another artist's song for a video of yours what song would it be?

    thank you

  42. At 08:38 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Pauline Graham wrote:

    Hi Darren, After reading lots of your interviews i just wondered if you had not found the fairlight synthesizer would you have still made the record you have or would you have taken a different approach and would the end result still be the same? Hope that makes sense. By the way your the best thing thats ever happened to music!!
    Thanks & Take Care
    Lots of Love
    Pauline xxx

  43. At 08:41 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Kellie Evans wrote:

    Hi, again!

    Are there any cities/countries you would like to see/visit for personal reasons, without professional obligations or commitments? (Even places you've toured, yet didn't have time to explore or see things of interest!!)

    (and TY Fraser for accepting Q's from us 'Darrenites' lmao)

  44. At 09:48 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Stella C wrote:

    Hey Darren,
    Love and adore your music, your enthusiasm and the whirlwind of emotions you bring to peoples lives.

    My question is....

    Where do you see yourself in 10 years time both musically and personally?

    Stella x

  45. At 10:11 PM on 17 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Thanks so much for this oppotunity mate ;)

    my question(s) for Darren is:

    Who would had thought, the animation to it was uttally amazing and i'm not ashamed it made me cry, So i was wondering would you ever have an animated music video (Pure 100% graphics) for one of your songs in the future?


    We all know your dedication to your obsession Star Wars (it so rocks and way better than Star treck) i was wondering if you ever met Geroge Lucas what would you ask him? & also what did u say to Luke Skywalker when u met him this year.

    Luv Geo Toni from Cov xxx

  46. At 10:28 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Heather wrote:

    Hi Darren,
    Thankyou for creating such wonderful music that has been a part of my life for the last 10 years.
    How do you unwind after concerts and how do you choose which songs make it onto your albums?
    Good luck with your new album :)

    Love Heather xxx

  47. At 11:48 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Stephanie E. wrote:

    Hello Darren and Fraser, Thank You So Much for this!

    My questions for Darren would be, How do you get the inspiration to write and perform these songs, and how do you prepare for writing a next album (as in theme?)and is there a right or wrong way to write songs, or do you go on emotion?

  48. At 11:50 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Tony Craig wrote:

    Hi Darren,

    You have decided to go indie which of course has many advantages, however do you feel under pressure to compete with those big record companies who throw money at artists and are able to promote a record more easily?



  49. At 11:57 PM on 17 Aug 2007, Donna wrote:

    I saw the pictures on your 'myspace' of you holding the new cd, in your left hand.. can you tell me why you weren't wearing your wedding ring??

  50. At 12:15 AM on 18 Aug 2007, Donna wrote:

    You recently did a live cover of Prince's 'Star'....Im a huge fan of both yours and Prince, so Im wondering if you will do any more of his songs...and if so, which ones?

  51. At 01:34 AM on 18 Aug 2007, Savage Ashwin wrote:

    Mr Hayes...just thought I'd add another question in case it would be used! As a med-student, I will be training to eventually become a doctor, and hopefully save, but more frequently, improve people's lives. My question is: How do it feel to be able to do the same, but through your own music?

    Good luck for the new album release. Catch up again soon :)


  52. At 04:49 AM on 18 Aug 2007, rinda wrote:

    Hi Darren!!! ok if you weren't or able to be singer/ song writer what other career path would you have taken?

  53. At 05:22 AM on 18 Aug 2007, cat wrote:

    This is a self-indulgent question, and it involves another artist whose music I love.

    I'm listening to Brian Wilson's "Smile" album right now, and once again I'm floored by the courage it takes to deconstruct a successful sound, re-invent it, be reviled for it, and come back 38 years later to finish it. There are parallels between his experience and your own, I think. Do you know his work, and if so, is there a particular song of his you've felt a connection with?

  54. At 01:06 PM on 18 Aug 2007, cc wrote:

    any plan to visit southeast asia on tour? please do so....we really need it
    =) stay fun.....

  55. At 01:26 PM on 18 Aug 2007, Cathy Nordstrom wrote:

    My questions for Darren Hayes are as follows:

    1) In what hospital were you born?

    2) Do you have a middle name, and if so what is it?

    3) Have you performed in a local band before your success with Savage Garden, and if so what was the name of the band?

    4) Have you ever had an interest in the acting industry?

    5) Do you think that you'd ever consider writing a book about your life..career etc?

    6) Knowing that you are a lyric writer; have you ever written just poetry...say to a loved one over the years?

    7) What is your favorite season of the year?

    8) If you could give one good piece of advice to an individual who wants a career in the music industry, what would it be?

    9) Do you have the talent of drawing or painting?

    10) What is the first thing that you notice in an individual when you first meet them?

    11) What do you feel is the greatest trait of your personality?

    12) What is a pet peeve of yours?

    13) How did you find your dog 'Wally'?

    14) Where did you and your husband Richard meet?

    15) When did you know that Richard was the one for you?

    16) Do you believe that things happen to us in life for a reason?

    17) What are your views on the war in Iraq?

    18) What is your fondest memory of your childhood?

    19) What would you say is the greatest lesson that you've learned from life so far?

    20) What are your views on the media with their obbession of outter beauty?


    Posted By: Cathy from Oregon, OH(USA)

  56. At 06:52 PM on 18 Aug 2007, wrote:

    *question to Darren*

    Hey Daren,

    We all know that you're a fierce Star Wars fan, but I'm wondering how has your fascination with this renowned saga begun? May the Force be with you!

    Lots of love,

  57. At 07:54 PM on 18 Aug 2007, goldberg wrote:

    hey there darren

    1: name a band/artist that you like to play for as a support act

    2: do you ever have eat a haring with unions raw (in dutch haring with uitjes rauw)?

    3: or a frikandel speciaal?

    cheers goldberg

  58. At 11:16 PM on 18 Aug 2007, JoseRajwa wrote:

    Who was the last person you went to see in Concert?

    What was the last CD you brought?

    What was the first album you ever brought?

    What was the best advice you were ever given career wise?

  59. At 07:48 AM on 19 Aug 2007, rich wrote:

    hello darren, how are ya?

    With your new record coming out do ever wish you would have started out with the more electronic vibe earlier in your career when you first started in the music biz>?

    thank you and I hope for the continued success you deserve it...

    - rich

  60. At 12:37 PM on 19 Aug 2007, nadia_dh wrote:

    Hi:)) Thanks for the opportunity!
    Now..my questions are:
    *Have you heard of Bulgaria and if so,do you know where it is,something interesting about the country?
    *Would you come here someday?
    xxx Nadia from Bulgaria :)

  61. At 03:58 PM on 19 Aug 2007, Lirine wrote:

    Hello Darren,

    My name is Lirine and I am your loyal fan since you made the first album when you were still in Savage Garden. I'm also your avid blog reader and quite often post comments in your blogs. I'm so happy and excited for having this chance to post my questions. My generous thanks to whom this may concern, GoD Bless You!

    So here are my questions:

    1. Most of your songs in this new album have quite lengthy titles. May i know why? Is there any significance meaning behind them or is it because you wanted to make a few changes compared to your previous albums?

    2. I love your album cover design. Where did you get the idea or inspiration to make the stylish 'D' word and the origami crane? Is there any symbolic meaning of them both?

    3. Do you reply to fans' private messages in Myspace? I sent you quite a lot but didn't get replies yet.

    4. Do you have any plans to move back to Australia?

    5. May I know how did you come up with 'Powdered Sugar' as your record label?

  62. At 04:31 PM on 19 Aug 2007, Gordon B wrote:

    Its great to see you back in the UK since Tension and The Spark. Its a shame a few people didnt understand the music, as I thought it was a great style to bring into the future trends.
    My question is....
    Would you be able to give any advice on singers wanting to get far in the music business? Are there any certain things that you need to look out for?
    Also a quick second question...
    Have you ever thought of performing a duet with any of your fans?


  63. At 04:57 PM on 19 Aug 2007, AngelaTidman wrote:

    My question to Darren is..... "Was there a particular deciding factor to do 'Delicacy' shows for 'This delicate thing we've made' rather than listening parties as you did for 'The Tension and the spark"?.

  64. At 06:14 PM on 19 Aug 2007, jason farrow wrote:

    considering how personal the wonderful "tension" was and with the public declaration of your marrage (how very UN-Darren!) Is there any process you use to keep the private stuff safe but still retain the core of truth of your life/love? How do you decide what's too revealing?

  65. At 07:50 PM on 19 Aug 2007, JT wrote:

    My only questions would be WHO ON EARTH ARE YOU? and HOW COME I haven't heard of you?

  66. At 09:18 PM on 19 Aug 2007, wrote:

    my question is:
    Your life has been quite difficult and I was wondering if you could go back and change something from your past,would you do???
    Altough it would affect your career???
    Because many of your songs has been inspired by those expiriences and if you change something your carrer would have been different...and meaby you wouldn't be at this point...
    Cheers from Mexico!!!

  67. At 09:25 PM on 19 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hi Darren, I've been listening and watching you through all these years and i´ve seen big changes in your life and of course in your music, I find you more happy now, please tell me ¿ How happines feels to u?

  68. At 09:57 PM on 19 Aug 2007, Atanas Stoylov wrote:

    With your last album you give a lot of people a hope to keep going on and to believe that if two souls were meant to be , God would never let that love perish. Even if they separate the love between them will unite them once again.
    Your truly fan - Nasko

  69. At 07:46 AM on 20 Aug 2007, Nadia Gosheva wrote:

    Well,my questions are:
    *Do you know any foreign languages?
    *Have you ever been fed up of your fans?or just one who follows you everywhere...
    *Do you know people who want to be like you,I mean fans that imitate your appearance for example?
    just one huge fan of Darren-Nadia

  70. At 08:05 AM on 20 Aug 2007, Rachel wrote:

    haye ...

    thanks for the opportuntity to ask these questions. im sorry if this seems impersonal and may even seem a little rude but i was watching an old savage garden concert i had taped from the T.V and i was wondering if he had ever been in a relationship with with the other savage garden member Daniel Jones before or after the band broke up?

  71. At 08:54 AM on 20 Aug 2007, wrote:

    1.) Are you still optimistic on what's going on the music industry? that people will still buy records rather than cherry picking your songs or download it illegally?

    2.) Most of the tracks are yearning for forgiveness. what song(s)in the album that made you cry while singing or writing and made you learn to forgive?

    3.) What are your methods in controlling your temper?

    I love your new single " On The Verge of Something Wonderful"

    its nice that you have your MOJO back.

  72. At 09:32 AM on 20 Aug 2007, Gaz Davies wrote:

    Hope this isn't too personal, but here goes...

    Given that yourself and Daniel Jones are no longer in touch as you've mentioned on your website, would you class that fact as one of your regrets from the past that you've previously mentioned, or did you make your peace/ wish each other well before you lost touch??

    Listening to the album now btw, it's V Impressive ;-)

    Cheers, Gaz

  73. At 12:16 PM on 20 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hey Fraser,

    Thanks so much for this wonderful chance! :)

    Question to Darren:

    Hey Darren,

    When you're writing lyrics, does the first version of the song go to an album or do you write lyrics, wait some time and correct your work?


  74. At 12:48 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Addicted wrote:

    Are you as tired of people asking you if Savage Garden will reform as I am?

  75. At 02:25 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Joseph wrote:

    My question to Darren would be - how come the darren hayes official web site isnt uptodate i look every mornin and there's never ault new on it? Also what is the song I Just Want You To Love me about in ur own words?

  76. At 05:24 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Lydia (from Spain!) wrote:

    Here's my question for Darren Hayes...

    On the third track from the first CD, "Waking the monster"...Is Wally that dog barking at the begining? haha

    THANKS for this AMAZING Album you Have made, Darren!

    Kisses from your spanish fans!

    Lydia from Gran Canaria, Spain.

  77. At 10:22 PM on 20 Aug 2007, Lorna wrote:

    Dear Darren

    Thank you so much for This Delicate Thing We've Made, what a wonderful album.

    This album is a personal journey and has some powerful lyrics - I particularly found the line "tell my reflection it's not your fault" emotional. I would like to ask you whether there are any lyrics from another artist's song that you can relate to/empathise with?


    Lorna x

    Thank you Fraser for this opportunity and for your blog regarding the single. It is refreshing to see people changing their perceptions of Darren and being as enthusiastic as we are!! x

  78. At 03:46 AM on 21 Aug 2007, wrote:

    My question is this:

    Can I have tickets to your next concert please?

    Any answer in the form of "yes", "sure" and "of course!" would be greatly appreciated!

    I'm counting down the days to pay-day so I can pick up your album! Not long to go now!

  79. At 07:03 AM on 21 Aug 2007, Azucena Martinez wrote:

    What inspires you to sing at times love sons and at times songs which seem to reveal alot of anger. Are they all from your heart and do you feel any anger or love at the time of recording that gives that song a little more edge?

  80. At 07:12 AM on 21 Aug 2007, Azucena Martinez wrote:

    Question to Mr. Hayes: What inspires you to sing at times love songs and at times songs which seem to really reveal alot of anger. Are they all from the heart and do you feel any anger or love at the time of recording which gives that song a little more edge?

    Thank you very much,
    Azucena Martinez

  81. At 08:02 AM on 21 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hey Darren,

    Do you plan to release someday an album with live versions of your songs?


  82. At 10:20 AM on 21 Aug 2007, Selena Z wrote:

    Hey Fraser and Darren,

    Fantastic album! Can't wait for the tour!

    Two questions:

    1] How did you decide the running order for the double album?

    2] Now that you are independent and have artistic control over your direction is the experience as sweet as you thought it would be?

    Love ya

    Selena Z

  83. At 11:45 AM on 21 Aug 2007, Leanne wrote:

    Hi Darren,
    I was just listening to How To Build A Time Machine (amazing song) and I was wondering if you really would go back if you could.. or if you think that going back would change how things are now and going back would mean a completely different present?
    My friends and I were chatting yesterday about someone called Ronald Mallett who is convinced that time travel is possible but only allowing travelling as far back as when the machine was first turned on (hence why we do not encounter any time travellers), what do you think about this? Do you think it might be possible to build a time machine? And would it be a good idea to do so? Perhaps some things are better left undone..

    Thanks! And congratulations on a truly amazing album :)


  84. At 12:02 PM on 21 Aug 2007, Julie Davies wrote:

    Hi Darren, My question for you:

    Of all the places that you've visited, are any of them what you expect Heaven to look like?
    We visited one of the Cook Islands last year, Aitutaki, and I believe that is what heaven looks like!


  85. At 03:07 PM on 21 Aug 2007, George wrote:

    Hello Darren. What other plans for The Time Machine Tour do you have except the UK and Australia?

  86. At 03:16 PM on 21 Aug 2007, Laura Perry wrote:

    If you could be a character out of Star Wars who would you be and would you join the good or the dark side!

  87. At 05:02 PM on 21 Aug 2007, Nicola Dawson wrote:

    Can you sing 'sing to me' to me?
    I love it and am totally obsessed with it on the album.
    Is that your dog Wally at the start of track 3?
    Great piece of work. Your voice sounds amazing.
    Thank you!

  88. At 05:04 PM on 21 Aug 2007, Nicola Dawson wrote:

    Please can you send me your autograph? xxxx

  89. At 05:30 PM on 21 Aug 2007, sarah wilcox wrote:

    My question to Mr Hayes is.. Why have we never read any "kiss and tell" stories about you? Is it because you are such a nice guy or did you bribe your ex loves?LMAO

  90. At 06:06 PM on 21 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hey Darren, love your new album and wish you the best of success with it. I'm guessing your sister was thrilled that you worte a song about her for your album. What was her reaction like and would you write songs for other loved ones in the future?

  91. At 08:59 PM on 21 Aug 2007, Skyliner wrote:

    This Delicate Thing is amazing, but why Delicate? It offers a powerful and ostentatious journey which doesnt to me feel at all delicate. Awe inspiringly fantabulous but not Delicate? hehe

    So please tell me why you feel it is such a Delicate Thing YOU'VE Made?

    Thanks for your time

    a.k.a Sally H

  92. At 06:31 AM on 22 Aug 2007, Sonia wrote:

    Darren - Hiya !

    I just wanted to ask about the promotion 'technique' used re this album. I understand that there have been various live performances - however there does not seem to have been much tv / radio coverage this time round. Was this a conscious decision? (I do feel that if there was more coverage to the general public - then the singles / album would do better - ie if the general public heard the songs more, then they would be likely to love them as much as Darren fans do!)

    PS Fraser - Thanks for this interview, Darren fans are not THAT scary - we're just very dedicated and lovely people!

  93. At 09:24 AM on 22 Aug 2007, Penny Norman wrote:

    After your tour in the UK and Australia what will you be up to?

  94. At 11:20 AM on 22 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hey Darren,

    How did you feel when you gave your first concert?


  95. At 01:35 PM on 22 Aug 2007, Tim Byron wrote:

    Darren, you've had such an extensive music career and been incredibly successful. Your songwriting has gone from strength to strength and with the release of "This Delicate Thing We've Made" I would say is at it's highest point ever. My questiona for you are, over all the thousands of lyrics you've written in the past ten years which are your favourites and which do you wish you could go back and re-write or erase forever?

  96. At 05:14 PM on 22 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hey Darren,

    How have you discovered MySpace?


  97. At 06:32 PM on 22 Aug 2007, Sophie wrote:

    Wow, what an incredible opportunity this is. Thanks Fraser.

    I really love Darren’s new songs. Especially the lyrics are truly amazing. They make me think he would also be a great novelist. So therefore, my question to Darren is: have you ever considered writing a book? And where would that book be about?

    xxx Sophie

  98. At 08:42 AM on 23 Aug 2007, lynne hatt wrote:

    love love love this delicate thing we've made,
    please are there plans for a follow up album?

  99. At 09:15 AM on 23 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hey Darren,

    Did you act in Star Wars?


  100. At 10:27 AM on 23 Aug 2007, Elaine wrote:

    To make it 100! :p

    Why does your album not have a song named after it?
    Affirmation Album - Affirmation song
    Spin album - spin song

    E x

  101. At 10:53 AM on 23 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Hey Darren,

    Do you learn any foreign language?


  102. At 12:38 PM on 23 Aug 2007, Sheila wrote:

    Hi Darren, how do you decide which songs to sing at your concerts - as a member of the fan club i am going VIP at the Royal Albert Hall see ya there

  103. At 02:09 PM on 23 Aug 2007, Maria wrote:

    this is my question for Darren:
    in the booklet for the dvd version of On the Verge of Something Wonderful, there is an image of a key, surrounded by binary code numbers. I think the numbers all around the key can be deciphered as DH, what do the other numbers inside the key mean, and what is the overall meaning of this image?
    Thank you so much,

  104. At 03:12 PM on 23 Aug 2007, Pete A wrote:

    Thanks Fraser.

    Hey Darren

    Firstly can I say that this is one amazing record honestly it is.

    Here's my question When you write a song do you write the lyrics or the music first.

    I also hope see you doing some Northern Ireland dates soon !

  105. At 09:23 PM on 23 Aug 2007, rachel wrote:

    hey again darren :]
    sorry to hear you arent well!
    i have another question:
    How is Wally doing? hes the cutest dog ever.
    get well soon

    rachel x

    oh ps: i bought your album today..im in love with it =]

  106. At 09:32 PM on 23 Aug 2007, Joni wrote:

    The album is totally amazing. Grammy-ish.

    Ever sung at an airport?
    (bet you've flown around the globe 100 times)

    Was it hard to leave 'fallen angel' from the record?

    When's your book coming out?
    (love the lyrics)

  107. At 05:45 PM on 25 Aug 2007, EMILY DODD wrote:

    hey Darren
    i've noticed your new album is different style to the other albums that i have bought so my question is Why and When did you decide to change your music style?
    And also i would like to add that you have got even better with every album

  108. At 05:29 PM on 06 Sep 2007, Camilla Wennstig wrote:

    Hallo darren.
    i just want to know if you will come to Sweden and play for us soon?
    I'm a big fan of you and i would love to see you live.
    We love you here and youre new record is GREAT!

    My love to you / camilla

  109. At 09:41 PM on 07 Sep 2007, rach wrote:

    hey people
    i love andy
    so much

  110. At 08:04 AM on 09 Sep 2007, Izzy wrote:

    There are some old song you said have been changed to sort of fit in the new show.
    Is this something you chose to do to have smoother running of the songs throughtout the show or because you are actually tired of singing them that way?

  111. At 09:43 AM on 09 Sep 2007, Maria Ball wrote:

    Oh some fab questions there, and some great answers too ;)

    Huge thank you to Fraser for doing this in the first place. You're a star :D

    Maria x

  112. At 03:20 PM on 09 Sep 2007, Lou Davies wrote:

    Thank you for this! Nothing more certain to get me over here than something Darren related, and this was fun and informative! Get him back again please.. 5/5 stars ;)

  113. At 04:09 PM on 09 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Darren, what was your reaction and thoughts about how quickly the concerts dates in the states sold out since you had not been to the states in so long?

  114. At 01:58 PM on 03 Oct 2007, kate fernance wrote:

    your old english teacher, who is now my english teacher ask me to ask u if u would ever concider doin a interveiw for the mabel park high news paper?

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