Title: Screenskills - Joe Reed - Tulips
Audio by Joe from Somerset | in music & audio, genre, country & folk
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So I sauntered across to London- on a train- to meet with my mentor a few weeks back and he set Tim and I the task of scoring two Â鶹Éç idents each. Somewhere on this page you should be able to find the audio I've drafted to the first. Hopefully you enjoy all <30 seconds of it! Just imagine chilled-out-and-summery fields with people running and laughing... That should make up for the lack of visuals! Whilst in London we were also taken through the basic workings of the home studio set up and speculated the best ways to invest our bursary to suit our needs. One thing we decided on for sure would be to go on a two day course at LFA over summer, which sounds really exciting. Rather more pressing, however, is the small issue of the British Academy Television Craft Awards in less than two weeks. Just those ol' things. For which I officially cannot wait. In fact, I'm just gonna leave now and wait outside the Hilton on Park Lane- come by and say hi! Oh, and, because you all want to know about my workload, it's decreased.. slightly.. Well.. metaphysically... I've thought about it. Have a great day.