Title: Microsoft Office Note Book
by Jenny | in writing, how tos
This is a print screen of a Microsoft Office OneNote notebook. Typical picture, has page with notes, tabs at the tops that act as file dividers, and the squares down the left hand side are different notebooks you can keep.
Here you can see that it is divided into various sections. This is the notebook I use for school and revision notes. On the right hand side there are the different pages that are within this file.
On this side of the screen you can divide the software into many separate notebooks. I have one that works like a diary with important dates and things to remember, one for my trilogy and one for my other writing projects.
You can cut images or parts of webpages and put them in your notebook, for things you don’t want to forget. Like my conversation with Stephen Fry!!#
You can also lock pages and make them pass word secure.
I don't think the pictures have loaded, but if you type Microsoft Office OneNote 2007 into google you'll be able to find out about it.
I was asked to give an explanation of this software that I use to organise my writing ideas. I suppose it could work with any other creative process. It is on a word document with print screens of the one note software. I use it all the time and it is brilliant.