Title: MC TAKOOL - hardkore Trance
Audio by Takool from Lincolnshire | in music & audio, production, producing
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prod .Takool Takman Productions
Hi Takool!
I really like this!
It seems you're getting really productive recently - there's loads of tracks coming from you and you're getting more and more skilled. Which is great!
(Takool's other tracks are here: )
You've been producing tracks for a while now. What do you think the secret is to be a good producer?
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Thank you very much Richard for your support, I'm glad that you like some of my tracks.
I think thatone of the secreats to become a great producer is that 'dont stick to one type of music, listen to different types of music like grime, dubstep, rock, indie, rnb, not just to one type of music. If you do this you'll get inspired by elements of other genres, as well as being unique.' The other secreat i think, to be a great producer, is 'never quit, even if people discourage you, never quit, the more you practice, the better you become'
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Thanks Takool! Definitely agree with you there! And we look forward to hearing more of your tracks too!
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