Title: Spotlight on Natasha Betteridge
Video by Blast | in writing, how tos, by blast
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Natasha is the Creative Director of 100 Words Inc. Over the last ten years she has been directing in the theatre and in the film industry. She is the Creative Director of 100 Words Inc, a project that creates global connections between young people, by providing them with creative opportunities to connect with their peers in other countries. The project aims to capture the essence of a language and culture in thousands of short plays, films or operas using just a hundred words.The 100 Words Inc project, which provided the inspiration for the Blast script writing competition with the National Youth Theatre, was set up by Natasha and co-director Rachel Parslew following their experiences of working in China.Natasha was inspired by the changes taking place in Beijing as it prepared to host the Olympics in 2008. In particular the key workers in the service industries were being encouraged to learn 100 sentences for daily use in a foreign language.