
  • Germany

    • Weimar Germany overview - AQA

      The German Empire became the Weimar Republic after the disaster of World War One, as Germany embraced democracy. However, economic crisis led to Hitler’s dictatorship, and ultimately to World War Two.

    • Germany before World War One, 1890-1914 - AQA

      Germany was a newly formed and growing nation in the period before 1914. It pursued expansionist policies, led by Bismarck and Kaiser Wilhelm, which contributed to the causes of the First World War.

    • Weimar Germany, 1918-1924 - AQA

      Defeat in 1918 led to the Kaiser’s abdication, a republic and a new constitution. The new Germany faced huge problems up to 1924, not least those caused by its punishment in the Treaty of Versailles.

    • Germany and the growth of democracy quiz

      Revise and learn about the end of World War One in Weimar Germany from 1918 to 1924 with this quiz.

    • Weimar recovery and Stresemann, 1924-1929 - AQA

      Under Stresemann’s leadership, from 1924 onwards Weimar’s economy recovered, Germany regained international credibility and social change accelerated, until the disaster of 1929’s Wall Street Crash.

    • Hitler into power, 1929-1934 - AQA

      Hitler was appointed Chancellor in January 1933. His rise to power was the result of many factors: the impact of the Depression, the weaknesses of Weimar democracy and the strengths of the Nazi party.

    • Germany and the depression quiz

      Revise and learn about the impact of the depression on Germany during Hitler's rise to power from 1929 to 1934 with this quiz.

    • Life in Nazi Germany, 1933-1939 - AQA

      Nazi Germany was a totalitarian state, meaning all aspects of Germans’ lives were controlled by the government. It was also one in which those deemed ‘enemies of the state’ were ruthlessly persecuted.

    • Experience under the Nazis quiz

      Revise and learn about employment and living standards in Nazi Germany with this quiz.

    • World War Two and Germany, 1939-1945 - AQA

      War greatly affected Germans, who had to cope with rationing and bombing, leading to opposition to the war. Persecution of Jews ended in the Final Solution, before Germany was defeated and divided.

    • Weimar Germany - exam preparation - AQA

      In your History GCSE, it is important that you not only have good subject knowledge, but have the skills to apply this knowledge to exam questions.
