
Watch: One more and one less within ten

Learn about one more and one less within ten.

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Example 1

Here are some doughnuts.

How many are there altogether?


There are 4 doughnuts.

4 doughnuts

One more doughnut has been added. How many doughnuts are there now?

5 doughnuts

5 is one more than 4.

4 + 1 = 5

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Using a number line

We can use a number line to help us count one more or on less.

One more than 4 is 5.

Numberline showing an arrow from 4 to 5

When you count on one from your number, the number gets bigger by one.

What happens if you count back from your number?

Look at 4 on the number line below.

What number is one less than 4?

Numberline with 4 highlighted

One less than 4 is 3.

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Watch: Counting from 1 to 10

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