
What is the web?

The world wide web (www or web) is one of the most important uses of the internet.

The web is made up of lots of websites. Each website contains webpages.

The words and pictures you are looking at now are on the web!

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What can I find on the web?

A webpage can have videos, pictures, words and games on it.

You can find lots of different things on the web, for example information about your favourite sports team or singer.

You can use the web to help you learn by looking up facts and information or playing learning games.

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How do I find things on the web?

Computers have programs called browsers, which are used to access the web.

There are different way to find things on the web.

  • If you know the web address of the webpage you would like to visit, such as you can type this into the browser.
  • If you don't know the address of a website you can use a search engine.

A search engine will look for things on the web for you.

You just have to enter keywords for your search. Keywords describe what you are looking for.

For example, If you wanted to find out information about the fastest aeroplane, you would enter the keywords fastest aeroplane.

The search engine then shows you websites which may contain what you're looking for.

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What do you do if you click on a website which has pictures or words that upset you?

  • Press the minimise button to hide the website. You can tell a trusted adult that you have seen something that upsets you.

  • If you are using a tablet or phone, a website is hidden when you press the home button. Tell an adult you trust so that they can look at what has upset you.

  • You can close the website but it can be better to minimise it. That way, when you tell an adult about what has happened they can have a look.

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Here are the meanings of some important words.

World wide web (www or the web for short) - A library of websites.
Internet - A giant network of computers connected across the world.
Website - A collection of connected webpages.
Webpage - An online page of information with words, pictures, video and sound that we see on a screen.
Computer - A device that can follow instructions stored in its memory.
Program - A set of ordered commands that can be run by a computer to complete a task.
Browser - A program used to view, move around and interact with webpages.
Web address - The address of a file on the internet.
Minimise - To hide the window but not to close the program fully.
Trusted adult - An adult that you know and will keep you safe.

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