06ÌýPromoting Your Night If you've got no dough, you've got to really think about some fresh ideas when it comes to promoting your night.
"Make sure your flyers are everywhere they need to be - shops, outside clubs etc."
Richie 'Vibe' Vee
Pure Essence
Get heads to sign up for e-mail and get their mobile phone numbers.
Send them text and email vouchers they can print to get in cheaper and/or get free drinks.
Remember to send fliers to the DJs/artists to give to their supporters.
Make sure all the underground magazines know about your night well in advance (monthly publications often go to the printers a few weeks before they come out).
If your night is really popular, you might be able to get covered in the national music press. It's always worth trying.
When it comes to guest lists, don't over do it. You don't want to end up with a large list otherwise you'll have jack to pay the artists or anyone else.
Stick up posters a good week in advance of the night and ensure you have an up to date website that people can get more information from.